Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  Copyright 2013 the original author or authors.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License. 
package controllers;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import models.MBox;
import models.User;
import ninja.Context;
import ninja.FilterWith;
import ninja.Result;
import ninja.Results;
import ninja.i18n.Messages;
import ninja.params.Param;
import ninja.params.PathParam;
import ninja.validation.JSR303Validation;
import ninja.validation.Validation;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

import conf.XCMailrConf;
import etc.HelperUtils;
import etc.TypeRef;
import filters.JsonSecureFilter;
import filters.SecureFilter;

 * Handles all actions for the (virtual) Mailboxes like add, delete and edit box
 * @author Patrick Thum, Xceptance Software Technologies GmbH, Germany

public class BoxHandler {
    XCMailrConf xcmConfiguration;

    Messages messages;

    Logger log;

    ObjectMapper objectMapper;

     * Opens the empty delete-box-dialog (just rendering the template)<br/>
     * GET /mail/deleteBoxDialog.html
     * @return the Delete-Box-Dialog
    public Result deleteBoxDialog() {
        return Results.html();

     * Opens the empty add- and edit-box-dialog (just rendering the template) <br/>
     * GET /mail/editBoxDialog.html
     * @return the Add- and Edit-Box-Dialog
    public Result editBoxDialog() {
        // set a default entry for the validity-period
        // per default now+1h
        long nowPlusOneHour =;
        return Results.html().render("timeStamp", HelperUtils.parseStringTs(nowPlusOneHour)).render("tsMillis",

     * opens the empty new-Date-dialog (just rendering the template)<br/>
     * GET /mail/newDateDialog.html
     * @return the Add- and Edit-Box-Dialog
    public Result newDateDialog() {
        // get the new default-timestamp
        long tsNew =;
        // render it (as readable String and as millis)
        return Results.html().render("timeStampNew", HelperUtils.parseStringTs(tsNew)).render("tsMillis", tsNew);

     * Generates the 'Angularized' Mailbox-Overview-Page of a {@link User}. <br/>
     * GET /mail
     * @param context
     *            the Context of this Request
     * @return the Mailbox-Overview-Page
    public Result showAngularBoxOverview(Context context) {
        Result result = Results.html();
        // add a mboxes-object (boolean) for the header-menu
        return result.render("ts_now","mboxes", true);

     * Shows the "new Mail-Forward"-Page <br/>
     * GET /mail/addAddressData
     * @param context
     *            the Context of this Request
     * @return a prepopulated "Add-Box"-Form
    public Result addBoxJsonData(Context context) {
        MBox mailboxData = new MBox();
        // set the value of the random-name to 7
        // use the lowercase, we handle the address as case-insensitive
        String randomName = HelperUtils.getRandomString(7).toLowerCase();

        // check that the generated mailname-proposal does not exist
        String[] domains = xcmConfiguration.DOMAIN_LIST;
        if (domains.length > 0) {// prevent OutOfBoundException
            while (MBox.mailExists(randomName, domains[0])) {
                randomName = HelperUtils.getRandomString(7).toLowerCase();

        // set a default entry for the validity-period
        // per default now+1h
        long nowPlusOneHour =;

        return Results.json().render("currentBox", mailboxData);

     * Adds a Mailbox to the {@link User}-Account <br/>
     * POST /mail/addAddress
     * @param context
     *            the Context of this Request
     * @param addBoxDialogData
     *            the Data of the Mailbox-Add-Form
     * @param validation
     *            Form validation
     * @return the Add-Box-Form (on Error) or the Box-Overview
    public Result addBoxJsonProcess(Context context, @JSR303Validation MBox addBoxDialogData,
            Validation validation) {
        String errorMessage;
        Result result = Results.json();
        result.render("domain", xcmConfiguration.DOMAIN_LIST);

        if (validation.hasViolations() || addBoxDialogData == null) { // not all fields were filled (correctly)
            errorMessage = messages.get("flash_FormError", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
            result.render("currentBox", addBoxDialogData);
            return result.render("success", false).render("statusmsg", errorMessage);

        // check for rfc 5321 compliant length of email (64 chars for local and 254 in total)
        String completeAddress = addBoxDialogData.getAddress() + "@" + addBoxDialogData.getDomain();
        if (addBoxDialogData.getAddress().length() > 64 || completeAddress.length() > 254) {
            errorMessage = messages.get("createEmail_Flash_MailTooLong", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
            result.render("currentBox", addBoxDialogData);
            return result.render("success", false).render("statusmsg", errorMessage);

        // checks whether the email address already exists
        if (MBox.mailExists(addBoxDialogData.getAddress(), addBoxDialogData.getDomain())) {// the mailbox already exists
            errorMessage = messages.get("flash_MailExists", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
            result.render("currentBox", addBoxDialogData);
            return result.render("success", false).render("statusmsg", errorMessage);

        // set the data of the box
        String[] domains = xcmConfiguration.DOMAIN_LIST;
        if (!Arrays.asList(domains).contains(addBoxDialogData.getDomain())) { // the new domain-name does not exist in the application.conf
                                                                              // stop the process and return to the mailbox-overview page
            errorMessage = messages.get("editEmailDialog_JSValidation_MailInvalid", context, Optional.of(result))
            result.render("currentBox", addBoxDialogData);
            return result.render("success", false).render("statusmsg", errorMessage);
        Long ts = addBoxDialogData.getTs_Active();
        if (ts == -1L) { // show an error-page if the timestamp is faulty
            errorMessage = messages.get("flash_FormError", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
            result.render("currentBox", addBoxDialogData);
            return result.render("success", false).render("statusmsg", errorMessage);
        if ((ts != 0) && (ts < { // the Timestamp lays in the past
            errorMessage = messages.get("createEmail_Past_Timestamp", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
            result.render("currentBox", addBoxDialogData);
            return result.render("success", false).render("statusmsg", errorMessage);
        // create the MBox
        User user = context.getAttribute("user", User.class);

        errorMessage = messages.get("flash_DataChangeSuccess", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
        result.render("currentBox", addBoxDialogData);
        return result.render("success", true).render("statusmsg", errorMessage);

     * Deletes the boxes with the given IDs, given as a JSON-Object in the form <br/>
     * {id : boolean, id : boolean, id : boolean, ...} <br/>
     * POST /mail/bulkDelete
     * @param boxIds
     *            the Box-IDs as JSON-Object, with a boolean-value which indicates whether it will be deleted or not
     * @param context
     *            the context of this request
     * @return a json-object with a "success" key and a boolean value
    public Result bulkDeleteBoxes(Map<String, Boolean> boxIdMap, Context context) {
        Result result = Results.json();
        if (boxIdMap == null || boxIdMap.isEmpty())
            return result.render("success", false);

        List<Long> boxIds = getIdListForMap(boxIdMap);
        User user = context.getAttribute("user", User.class);
        int nu = MBox.removeListOfBoxes(user.getId(), boxIds);
        return result.render("count", nu).render("success", nu >= 0);

     * Disables the boxes with the given IDs, given as a JSON-Object in the form: <br/>
     * {id : boolean, id : boolean, id : boolean, ...} <br/>
     * POST /mail/bulkDisable
     * @param boxIds
     *            the Box-IDs as JSON-Object, with a boolean-value which indicates whether it will be disabled or not
     * @param context
     *            the context of this request
     * @return A Json-object, containing the key "success" with a boolean value whether it was successful and if true
     *         the number of changed items
    public Result bulkDisableBoxes(Map<String, Boolean> boxIdMap, Context context) {
        Result result = Results.json();

        if (boxIdMap == null || boxIdMap.isEmpty())
            return result.render("success", false);

        List<Long> boxIds = getIdListForMap(boxIdMap);
        User user = context.getAttribute("user", User.class);
        int nu = MBox.disableListOfBoxes(user.getId(), boxIds);
        return result.render("count", nu).render("success", nu >= 0);

     * Enables the boxes with the given IDs, given as a JSON-Object in the form: <br/>
     * {id : boolean, id : boolean, id : boolean, ...} <br/>
     * POST /mail/bulkEnablePossible
     * @param boxIds
     *            the Box-IDs as JSON-Object, with a boolean-value which indicates whether it will be enabled or not
     * @param context
     *            the context of this request
     * @return A Json-object, containing the key "success" with a boolean value whether it was successful and if true
     *         the number of changed items
    public Result bulkEnablePossibleBoxes(Map<String, Boolean> boxIdMap, Context context) {
        Result result = Results.json();

        if (boxIdMap == null || boxIdMap.isEmpty())
            return result.render("success", false);

        List<Long> boxIds = getIdListForMap(boxIdMap);
        User user = context.getAttribute("user", User.class);
        int nu = MBox.enableListOfBoxesIfPossible(user.getId(), boxIds);
        return result.render("count", nu).render("success", nu >= 0);

     * Sets a new validity-period for the boxes with the given IDs, given as a JSON-Object in the form: <br/>
     * {"boxes":{ id: boolean, id:boolean,.. }, "newDateTime" : "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm"} <br/>
     * POST /mail/bulkNewDate
     * @param jsObject
     *            the Box-IDs as JSON-Object, with a boolean-value which indicates whether there will be set a new
     *            Timestamp or not
     * @param context
     *            the context of this request
     * @return A Json-object, containing the key "success" with a boolean value whether it was successful and if true
     *         the number of changed items
    public Result bulkNewDate(Map<String, Object> input, Context context) {
        Result result = Results.json();
        User user = context.getAttribute("user", User.class);

        if (input == null || input.isEmpty()) {
            return result.render("success", false);
        String newDate = (String) input.get("newDateTime");
        Map<String, Boolean> boxIds = objectMapper.convertValue(input.get("boxes"), TypeRef.MAP_STRING_BOOLEAN);
        long dateTime = HelperUtils.parseTimeString(newDate);
        if (dateTime == -1 || boxIds == null)
            return result.render("success", false);

        List<Long> boxIdList = getIdListForMap(boxIds);
        int numberOfItems = MBox.setNewDateForListOfBoxes(user.getId(), boxIdList, dateTime);
        return result.render("count", numberOfItems).render("success", true);

     * Resets the counters (suppressions and forwards) for the boxes with the given IDs, given as a JSON-Object in the
     * form: <br/>
     * {id : boolean, id : boolean, id : boolean, ...} <br/>
     * POST /mail/bulkReset
     * @param boxIds
     *            the Box-IDs as JSON-Object, with a boolean-value which indicates whether it will be reseted or not
     * @param context
     *            the context of this request
     * @return A Json-object, containing the key "success" with a boolean value whether it was successful and if true
     *         the number of changed items
    public Result bulkResetBoxes(Map<String, Boolean> boxIdMap, Context context) {
        Result result = Results.json();

        if (boxIdMap == null || boxIdMap.isEmpty())
            return result.render("success", false);

        List<Long> boxIds = getIdListForMap(boxIdMap);
        User user = context.getAttribute("user", User.class);
        int nu = MBox.resetListOfBoxes(user.getId(), boxIds);
        return result.render("count", nu).render("success", nu >= 0);

     * Deletes a Box from the DB <br/>
     * POST /mail/delete/{id}
     * @param boxId
     *            the ID of the Mailbox
     * @param context
     *            the Context of this Request
     * @return A Json-object, containing the key "success" with a boolean value whether it was successful
    public Result deleteBoxByJson(@PathParam("id") Long boxId, Context context) {
        Result result = Results.json();
        User user = context.getAttribute("user", User.class);
        if (MBox.boxToUser(boxId, user.getId())) { // deletes the box from DB
            return result.render("success", true);
        } else {
            String errorMessage = messages.get("flash_FormError", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
            return result.render("success", false).render("statusMsg", errorMessage);

     * Edits a Mailbox <br/>
     * POST /mail/edit/{id}
     * @param context
     *            the Context of this Request
     * @param boxId
     *            the ID of a Mailbox
     * @param mailboxFormData
     *            the Data of the Mailbox-Edit-Form
     * @param validation
     *            Form validation
     * @return Mailbox-Overview-Page or the Mailbox-Form with an Error- or Success-Message
    public Result editBoxJson(Context context, @PathParam("id") Long boxId, @JSR303Validation MBox mailboxFormData,
            Validation validation) {
        String errorMessage;
        Result result = Results.json();
        result.render("domains", xcmConfiguration.DOMAIN_LIST);

        if (validation.hasViolations() || mailboxFormData == null) { // not all fields were filled
            errorMessage = messages.get("flash_FormError", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
            result.render("success", false).render("currentBox", mailboxFormData);
            return result.render("error", errorMessage);

        // the form was filled correctly
        // check for rfc 5322 compliant length of email (64 chars for local and 254 in total)
        String completeAddress = mailboxFormData.getAddress() + "@" + mailboxFormData.getDomain();
        if (mailboxFormData.getAddress().length() > 64 || completeAddress.length() >= 255) {
            errorMessage = messages.get("editEmail_Flash_MailTooLong", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
            result.render("success", false).render("currentBox", mailboxFormData);
            return result.render("error", errorMessage);
        // we got the boxID with the POST-Request
        MBox mailBox = MBox.getById(boxId);
        User usr = context.getAttribute("user", User.class);
        if (mailBox == null || !mailBox.belongsTo(usr.getId())) { // box does not belong to this user or does not exist
            errorMessage = messages.get("flash_FormError", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
            result.render("success", false);
            return result.render("statusmsg", errorMessage);
        // the box with the given id exists and the current user is the owner of the mailbox
        boolean changes = false;
        String newLocalPartName = mailboxFormData.getAddress().toLowerCase();
        String newDomainPartName = mailboxFormData.getDomain().toLowerCase();

        if (!mailBox.getAddress().equals(newLocalPartName) || !mailBox.getDomain().equals(newDomainPartName)) { // email-address changed
            if (MBox.mailExists(newLocalPartName, newDomainPartName)) {// the email-address already exists -> error
                errorMessage = messages.get("flash_MailExists", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
                result.render("success", false).render("currentBox", mailboxFormData);
                return result.render("statusmsg", errorMessage);
            // the new address does not exist
            String[] domains = xcmConfiguration.DOMAIN_LIST;
            // assume that the POST-Request was modified and the domainname does not exist in our app
            if (!Arrays.asList(domains).contains(newDomainPartName)) {
                // the new domainname does not exist in the application.conf
                // stop the process and return to the mailbox-overview page
                errorMessage = "";
                result.render("success", false).render("currentBox", mailboxFormData);
                return result.render("error", errorMessage);
            changes = true;
        Long ts = mailboxFormData.getTs_Active();
        if (ts == -1) { // a faulty timestamp was given -> return an errorpage
            errorMessage = messages.get("flash_FormError", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
            result.render("success", false).render("currentBox", mailboxFormData);
            return result.render("statusmsg", errorMessage);
        if ((ts != 0) && (ts < { // the Timestamp lays in the past
            errorMessage = messages.get("editEmail_Past_Timestamp", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
            result.render("success", false).render("currentBox", mailboxFormData);
            return result.render("statusmsg", errorMessage);

        if (mailBox.getTs_Active() != ts) { // check if the MBox-TS is unequal to the given TS in the form
            changes = true;
        // Updates the Box if changes were made
        if (changes) {
            mailboxFormData = MBox.getById(mailBox.getId());
            errorMessage = messages.get("flash_DataChangeSuccess", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
            result.render("success", true).render("currentBox", mailboxFormData);
            return result.render("statusmsg", errorMessage);

        // no changes were made
        mailboxFormData = MBox.getById(mailBox.getId());

        return result.render("success", true).render("currentBox", mailboxFormData).render("statusmsg",
                "No changes made");

     * Sets the Box valid/invalid <br/>
     * POST /mail/expire/{id}
     * @param boxId
     *            the ID of the Mailbox
     * @param context
     *            the Context of this Request
     * @return the rendered Mailbox-Overview-Page
    public Result expireBoxJson(@PathParam("id") Long boxId, Context context) {
        MBox mailBox = MBox.getById(boxId);
        User user = context.getAttribute("user", User.class);
        Result result = Results.json();
        String errorMessage = "";
        if (!mailBox.belongsTo(user.getId())) { // box does not belong to this user -> error
            errorMessage = messages.get("flash_BoxToUser", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
            return result.render("success", false).render("statusmsg", errorMessage);
        // check, whether the mailbox belongs to the current user
        if ((mailBox.getTs_Active() != 0) && (mailBox.getTs_Active() < { // if the validity period is over, return the Edit page and give the user a response why he gets there
            errorMessage = messages.get("expireEmail_Flash_Expired", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
            return Results.json().render("success", false).render("statusmsg", errorMessage);
        } else { // otherwise just set the new status
            return result.render("success", true);

     * Handles JSON-XHR-Requests for the mailbox-overview-page <br/>
     * GET /mail/getmails
     * @param context
     *            the Context of this Request
     * @return a JSON-Array with the boxes
    public Result jsonBox(Context context) {
        User user = context.getAttribute("user", User.class);

        Result result = Results.json();
        String searchString = context.getParameter("s", "");

        List<MBox> boxList = MBox.findBoxLike(searchString, user.getId());
        return result.json().render(boxList);

     * Handles JSON-Requests for the domainlist<br/>
     * GET /mail/domainlist
     * @param context
     *            the Context of this Request
     * @return a JSON-Array with the domainlist
    public Result jsonDomainList(Context context) {
        return Results.json().render(xcmConfiguration.DOMAIN_LIST);

     * Sets the Values of the Counters for the Box, given by their ID, to zero <br/>
     * POST /mail/reset/{id}
     * @param boxId
     *            the ID of the Mailbox
     * @param context
     *            the Context of this Request
     * @return the Mailbox-Overview-Page
    public Result resetBoxCounterProcessXhr(@PathParam("id") Long boxId, Context context) {
        Result result = Results.json();

        MBox mailBox = MBox.getById(boxId);
        User user = context.getAttribute("user", User.class);

        // check if the mailbox belongs to the current user
        if (!mailBox.belongsTo(user.getId()))
            return result.render("success", false);

        return result.render("success", true);

     * returns a text-page with all addresses of a user<br/>
     * GET /mail/mymaillist.txt
     * @param context
     *            the Context of this Request
     * @return a text page with all addresses of a user
    public Result showMailsAsTextList(Context context) {
        User user = context.getAttribute("user", User.class);
        return Results.contentType("text/plain").render(MBox.getMailsForTxt(user.getId()));

     * returns a text-page with all active addresses of a user<br/>
     * GET /mail/myactivemaillist.txt
     * @param context
     *            the Context of this Request
     * @return a text page with all active addresses of a user
    public Result showActiveMailsAsTextList(Context context) {
        User user = context.getAttribute("user", User.class);
        return Results.contentType("text/plain").render(MBox.getActiveMailsForTxt(user.getId()));

     * returns a text-page with all selected addresses of a user<br/>
     * GET /mail/myactivemaillist.txt
     * @param context
     *            the Context of this Request
     * @return a text page with all selected addresses of a user
    public Result showSelectedMailsAsTextList(@Param("jsonObj") String inputList, Context context) {
        Result result = Results.text();
        String errorMessage = messages.get("mailbox_Flash_NoBoxSelected", context, Optional.of(result)).get();
        if (inputList == null)
            return result.render(errorMessage);

        Map<String, Boolean> boxIdMap = getMapFoMaprStrings(inputList);
        if (boxIdMap == null || boxIdMap.isEmpty())
            return result.render(errorMessage);

        User user = context.getAttribute("user", User.class);
        List<Long> boxes = getIdListForMap(boxIdMap);

        return result.render(MBox.getSelectedMailsForTxt(user.getId(), boxes));

    public Map<String, Boolean> getMapFoMaprStrings(String input) {
        Map<String, Boolean> boxIdMap = null;
        try {
            boxIdMap = objectMapper.readValue(input, new TypeReference<HashMap<String, Boolean>>() {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.debug("trace:" + e);
        if (boxIdMap == null || boxIdMap.isEmpty())
            return null;

        return boxIdMap;

    public List<Long> getIdListForMap(Map<String, Boolean> boxIdMap) {
        List<Long> boxIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
        if (boxIdMap == null || boxIdMap.isEmpty())
            return boxIds;

        for (Entry<String, Boolean> entry : boxIdMap.entrySet()) {
  "key:" + entry.getKey() + " value:" + entry.getValue());
            if (entry.getValue()) {
                long boxId = Long.valueOf(entry.getKey());
        return boxIds;
