Java tutorial
package controllers; import play.*; import play.i18n.Messages; import play.mvc.*; import token.NoCookieFilter; import token.RequestValidator; import utils.LocoUtils; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import models.BaseModel; import models.ResponseMeta; import models.ResponseModel; /*** * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 * - * Author: / twitter: @WareNinja * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //@With(NoCookieFilter.class) @With({ RequestValidator.class, NoCookieFilter.class }) public class ApplicationBaseController extends Controller { /*// just for testing @Finally static void logResponse() { //"Response contentType : " + response.contentType); //"Response contains : " + response.out); } */ // param names used for API calls public static final String PARAM_APPID = Play.configuration.getProperty("fsqdiscovery.apiparam.appid"); public static final String PARAM_LIMIT = Play.configuration.getProperty("fsqdiscovery.apiparam.limit"); public static final String PARAM_RADIUS = Play.configuration.getProperty("fsqdiscovery.apiparam.radius"); public static final String PARAM_HERENOW = Play.configuration.getProperty("fsqdiscovery.apiparam.herenow"); public static final String PARAM_IDS = Play.configuration.getProperty("fsqdiscovery.apiparam.ids"); public static final String PARAM_QUERY = Play.configuration.getProperty("fsqdiscovery.apiparam.query"); public static final String RECORDLIMIT_DEFAULT = Play.configuration .getProperty("fsqdiscovery.discovery.API_LOADITEMS_LIMIT_DEFAULT"); public static final String RECORDLIMIT_MAX = Play.configuration .getProperty("fsqdiscovery.discovery.API_LOADITEMS_LIMIT_MAX"); protected static String verifyRecordLimit(String limit) { try { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(limit) || !StringUtils.isNumeric(limit)) { limit = RECORDLIMIT_DEFAULT; } else { if (LocoUtils.stringToInteger(limit) > LocoUtils.stringToInteger(RECORDLIMIT_MAX)) limit = RECORDLIMIT_DEFAULT; } } catch (Exception ex) { limit = RECORDLIMIT_DEFAULT; } return limit; } public static final String RADIUS_DEFAULT = Play.configuration .getProperty("fsqdiscovery.discovery.API_LOADITEMS_RADIUS_DEFAULT", "1000"); public static final String RADIUS_MAX = Play.configuration .getProperty("fsqdiscovery.discovery.API_LOADITEMS_RADIUS_MAX", "5000"); protected static String verifyRadius(String radius) { try { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(radius) || !StringUtils.isNumeric(radius)) { radius = RADIUS_DEFAULT; } else { if (LocoUtils.stringToInteger(radius) > LocoUtils.stringToInteger(RADIUS_MAX)) radius = RADIUS_DEFAULT; } } catch (Exception ex) { radius = RADIUS_DEFAULT; } return radius; } protected static void gotError(ResponseMeta responseMeta, Exception e) { ResponseModel responseModel = new ResponseModel(); if (responseMeta.code == null) responseMeta.code = Http.StatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR; response.status = responseMeta.code; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(responseMeta.errorType)) responseMeta.errorType = Messages.get("http.statuscode." + response.status); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(responseMeta.errorDetail)) responseMeta.errorDetail = Messages.get("com.wareninja.loco.errortype.other", e.getMessage()); responseModel.meta = responseMeta; = null;//new LinkedList<BaseModel>(); //-renderJSON(responseModel); renderJSON(LocoUtils.getGson().toJson(responseModel)); } public static void invalidCall() { Logger.warn("request path: %s , args: %s , remoteAddress: %s", request.path, request.args, request.remoteAddress); Logger.warn("request headers: %s", request.headers); ResponseModel responseModel = new ResponseModel(); ResponseMeta responseMeta = new ResponseMeta(); response.status = Http.StatusCode.FORBIDDEN; responseMeta.code = response.status; responseMeta.errorType = Messages.get("http.statuscode." + response.status); responseMeta.errorDetail = Messages.get("com.wareninja.loco.errortype.endpoint_error"); responseModel.meta = responseMeta; = null; //-renderJSON(responseModel); renderJSON(LocoUtils.getGson().toJson(responseModel)); } }