Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2013 Fabian Steeg, hbz. Licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0 */ package controllers; import java.util.Map; import models.Index; import models.Parameter; import play.Logger; import play.core.j.JavaResultExtractor; import play.libs.Json; import play.mvc.Controller; import play.mvc.Result; import play.mvc.SimpleResult; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import; /** * API controller. * * @author Fabian Steeg (fsteeg) */ public final class Api extends Controller { private Api() { // NOPMD /* No instantiation */ } /** * @param id The resource ID * @param q A general query string * @param name The resource name * @param author The resource author * @param subject The resource subject * @param set The resource set * @param format The result format * @param from The start index of the result set * @param size The size of the result set * @return Matching resources */ public static Result resource(final String id, final String q, final String name, // NOPMD final String author, final String subject, final String set, final String format, final int from, final int size) { Logger.debug(String.format( "GET /resource; id: '%s', q: '%s', name: '%s', author: '%s', subject: '%s', format: '%s'", id, q, name, author, subject, format)); final Index index = Index.LOBID_RESOURCES; final Map.Entry<Parameter, String> parameter = Parameter .select(new ImmutableMap.Builder<Parameter, String>() /*@formatter:off*/ .put(Parameter.ID, id).put(Parameter.Q, q).put(Parameter.NAME, name) .put(Parameter.AUTHOR, author).put(Parameter.SUBJECT, subject).put(Parameter.SET, set) .build());/*@formatter:on*/ return, parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue(), format, from, size); } /** * @param id The item ID * @param q A general query string * @param name The item name * @param format The result format * @param from The start index of the result set * @param size The size of the result set * @return Matching items */ public static Result item(final String id, final String q, final String name, // NOPMD final String format, final int from, final int size) { Logger.debug(String.format("GET /item; id: '%s', q: '%s', name: '%s'", id, q, name)); return search(id, q, name, format, from, size, Index.LOBID_ITEMS); } /** * @param id The organisation ID * @param q A general query string * @param name The organisation name * @param format The result format * @param from The start index of the result set * @param size The size of the result set * @return Matching organisations */ public static Result organisation(final String id, final String q, final String name, // NOPMD final String format, final int from, final int size) { Logger.debug(String.format("GET /organisation; id: '%s', name: '%s', q: '%s'", id, name, q)); return search(id, q, name, format, from, size, Index.LOBID_ORGANISATIONS); } /** * @param id The person ID * @param q A general query string * @param name The person name * @param format The result format * @param from The start index of the result set * @param size The size of the result set * @return Matching persons */ public static Result person(final String id, final String q, final String name, // NOPMD final String format, final int from, final int size) { Logger.debug(String.format("GET /person; id: '%s', q: '%s', name: '%s'", id, q, name)); return search(id, q, name, format, from, size, Index.GND); } private static Result search(final String id, final String q, final String name, final String format, final int from, final int size, final Index index) { final Map.Entry<Parameter, String> parameter = /*@formatter:off*/ ImmutableMap.Builder<Parameter, String>().put(Parameter.ID, id) .put(Parameter.Q, q).put(Parameter.NAME, name).build());/*@formatter:on*/ return, parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue(), format, from, size); } /** * @param id Some ID * @param q A general query string * @param name Some name * @param format The result format * @param from The start index of the result set * @param size The size of the result set * @return Matching entities, combined in a JSON map */ public static Result search(final String id, final String q, final String name, // NOPMD final String format, final int from, final int size) { Logger.debug(String.format("GET /search; id: '%s', q: '%s', name: '%s'", id, q, name)); if (format.equals("page")) { // NOPMD final String message = "Result format 'page' not supported for /entity"; Logger.error(message); return badRequest(message); } final ObjectNode json = Json.newObject(); putIfOk(json, "resource", resource(id, q, name, "", "", "", format, from, size)); putIfOk(json, "organisation", organisation(id, q, name, format, from, size)); putIfOk(json, "person", person(id, q, name, format, from, size)); Logger.trace("JSON response: " + json); return ok(json); } private static void putIfOk(final ObjectNode json, final String key, final Result result) { /* TODO: there's got to be a better way, without casting */ if (((SimpleResult) result).getWrappedSimpleResult().header().status() == OK) { json.put(key, json(result)); } } private static JsonNode json(final Result resources) { return Json.parse(new String(JavaResultExtractor.getBody((SimpleResult) resources))); } }