Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package controller; import static; import; import; import; import static controller.BusControl.getApplications; import docs.InternshipCompanyModel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import model.Applications; import model.Internship; import model.Notification; import model.Utilisateur; import org.netbeans.xml.schema.elements.APPLICATION; import org.netbeans.xml.schema.elements.APPLICATIONTYPE; import org.netbeans.xml.schema.elements.COMPANYTYPE; import org.netbeans.xml.schema.elements.LISTIDTYPE; import org.netbeans.xml.schema.elements.NOTIF; import org.netbeans.xml.schema.elements.STUDENTTYPE; import org.netbeans.xml.schema.elements.NOTIFSTYPE; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; /** * * @author metbill */ @Controller public class InternshipController { /** * Search an internship * Function is used by the student to search an internship. * This function calls the web service of the company with several parameters. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/searchInternship", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String searchInternship(@ModelAttribute("SpringWeb") docs.InternshipInputModel internSearch, ModelMap model, HttpSession session) { // S'il n'y a pas de session en cours, c'est que l'utilisateur n'est pas connect. Sinon, on se connecte normalement. if (session.getAttribute("userID") != null) { int idUser = (int) session.getAttribute("userID"); //Association Company - list Internships //HashMap<Integer,ArrayList<Internship>> internsCompany = new HashMap<Integer,ArrayList<Internship>>(); HashMap<String, ArrayList<Internship>> internsCompany = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Internship>>(); //Id list of the companies List<Integer> listId = BusControl.getCompanies().getID(); //Getting the offers of each company for (Integer idCom : listId) { // La rponse est sous forme de liste de stage. On va ici les mettre au format voulu pour pouvoir les afficher. List<docs.InternshipCompanyModel> offers = BusControl.getOffers(internSearch); ArrayList<Internship> listOffer = new ArrayList<Internship>(); if (offers != null) { Iterator<docs.InternshipCompanyModel> ite = offers.iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { docs.InternshipCompanyModel offer =; Internship intern = new Internship(offer.getInternshipID(), offer.getTitle(), offer.getDescription(), offer.getDuration(), offer.getLocation(), offer.getStatus(), offer.getStudyDomain(), offer.getContact(), offer.getType(), offer.getStartDate(), offer.getSalary()); listOffer.add(intern); } } else { listOffer = null; } String nameCom = BusControl.getCompanybyId(idCom.intValue()).getNOM(); internsCompany.put(nameCom, listOffer); } model.addAttribute("listOffer", internsCompany); // La rponse est sous forme de liste de stage. On va ici les mettre au format voulu pour pouvoir les afficher. //Bonne version /* List<docs.InternshipCompanyModel> offers = BusControl.getOffers(internSearch); ArrayList<Internship> listOffer= new ArrayList<Internship>(); if (offers != null){ Iterator<docs.InternshipCompanyModel> ite = offers.iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()){ docs.InternshipCompanyModel offer =; Internship intern = new Internship(offer.getInternshipID(),offer.getTitle(),offer.getDescription(),offer.getDuration() ,offer.getLocation(), offer.getStatus(), offer.getStudyDomain(), offer.getContact(), offer.getType(), offer.getStartDate() ,offer.getSalary()); listOffer.add(intern); } } else { listOffer = null; } model.addAttribute("listOffer", listOffer);*/ // On prpare la mise en page. Utils.drawHomePage(session.getAttribute("userName").toString(), BusControl.getNotifications(idUser).getNOTIFS().size(), "searchStudent", "internships", model); return "home"; } else { model.addAttribute("errormessage", " You need to be authenticated. "); return "connection"; } } /** * View internship details * Function is used by the student to see all the internship details. * @param internSelected * @param model * @param session * @return */ //View the details of an internship (not completed) @RequestMapping(value = "/detailsInternship", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String detailsInternship(@ModelAttribute("SpringWeb") docs.InternshipCompanyModel internSelected, ModelMap model, HttpSession session) { // S'il n'y a pas de session en cours, c'est que l'utilisateur n'est pas connect. Sinon, on se connecte normalement. if (session.getAttribute("userID") != null) { int idUser = (int) session.getAttribute("userID"); model.addAttribute("detailOffer", internSelected); // On prpare la mise en page. Utils.drawHomePage(session.getAttribute("userName").toString(), BusControl.getNotifications(idUser).getNOTIFS().size(), "searchStudent", "internshipDetail", model); return "home"; } else { model.addAttribute("errormessage", " You need to be authenticated. "); return "connection"; } } /** * Application form * @param internSelected * @param model * @param session * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/formulApply", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String formulApply(@ModelAttribute("SpringWeb") docs.InternshipCompanyModel internSelected, ModelMap model, HttpSession session) { // S'il n'y a pas de session en cours, c'est que l'utilisateur n'est pas connect. Sinon, on se connecte normalement. if (session.getAttribute("userID") != null) { int idUser = (int) session.getAttribute("userID"); System.out.println("COUCOU DU DETAIL INTERNSHIP " + internSelected); model.addAttribute("detailOffer", internSelected); Utils.drawHomePage(session.getAttribute("userName").toString(), BusControl.getNotifications(idUser).getNOTIFS().size(), "searchStudent", "internshipApply", model); return "home"; } else { model.addAttribute("errormessage", " You need to be authenticated. "); return "connection"; } } /** * Apply for an offer * @param application * @param model * @param session * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/FileUpload", method = RequestMethod.POST) public static String applyInternship(@ModelAttribute("SpringWeb") docs.ApplicationModel application, ModelMap model, HttpSession session) { System.out.println("Dans le APPLY"); if (session.getAttribute("userID") != null) { int idUser = (int) session.getAttribute("userID"); STUDENTTYPE user = BusControl.getStudentbyId(idUser); application.setFirstName((String) user.getFIRSTNAME()); application.setLastName((String) user.getLASTNAME()); application.setMail((String) user.getMAIL()); System.out.println(application.getMail()); System.out.println("L'intenrshipID " + application.getInternshipID()); System.out.println("CV FIRST NAME : " + application.getCvPath()); System.out.println("CL FIRST NAME : " + application.getClPath()); System.out.println("APPLY FIRST NAME : " + application.getFirstName()); System.out.println("APPLY MAIL : " + application.getMail()); BusControl.addNewApplicant(application); Utils.drawHomePage(session.getAttribute("userName").toString(), BusControl.getNotifications(idUser).getNOTIFS().size(), "searchStudent", "internshipDetail", model); return "home"; } else { model.addAttribute("errormessage", " You need to be authenticated. "); return "connection"; } } @RequestMapping(value = "/uploadMultipleFile", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String uploadMultipleFileHandler(@ModelAttribute("SpringWeb") docs.ApplicationModel application, ModelMap model, HttpSession session, @RequestParam("file") MultipartFile[] files) { if (session.getAttribute("userID") != null) { int idUser = (int) session.getAttribute("userID"); STUDENTTYPE user = BusControl.getStudentbyId(idUser); application.setFirstName((String) user.getFIRSTNAME()); application.setLastName((String) user.getLASTNAME()); application.setMail((String) user.getMAIL()); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { MultipartFile file = files[i]; System.out.println("Taille : " + file.getSize()); try { byte[] bytes = file.getBytes(); file.getInputStream().read(bytes); System.out.println("URL retourne : " + BusControl.uploadCV(bytes)); if (i == 0) application.setCvPath(BusControl.uploadCV(bytes)); if (i == 1) application.setClPath(BusControl.uploadCV(bytes)); } catch (Exception e) { } } //Ajouter une application la BD Entreprise int applicationID = BusControl.addNewApplicant(application); //Ajouter une application la BD BusControl.createApplication(idUser, 3, applicationID, 0); //mise jour de la liste de candidature APPLICATIONTYPE listCand = getApplications(idUser); ArrayList<Applications> listCan = new ArrayList<>(); if (listCand != null) { Iterator<APPLICATION> ite = listCand.getAPPLICATIONS().iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { APPLICATION offer =; InternshipCompanyModel inte = BusControl .getOffersById(BusControl.getAppById(offer.getApplicationID()).getInternshipID()); int statusId = BusControl.getAppById(offer.getApplicationID()).getStatus(); String status = Utils.getStatus(statusId); COMPANYTYPE com = BusControl.getCompanybyId(offer.getCompanyID()); Applications can = new Applications(offer.getApplicationID(), null, inte, com.getNOM(), com.getMAIL(), com.getADDRESS(), status); if (statusId != 4) { listCan.add(can); } } } else { listCan = null; } model.addAttribute("listCan", listCan); Utils.drawHomePage(session.getAttribute("userName").toString(), BusControl.getNotifications(idUser).getNOTIFS().size(), "searchStudent", "candidatureStudent", model); return "home"; } else { model.addAttribute("errormessage", " You need to be authenticated. "); return "connection"; } } /** * The application is cancelled. * The status of the application is changed in the process from x to 4. * Cancelling after asking the convention is not allowed. * The list is loaded again. * @param id * @param model * @param session * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/cancelApplication/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String cancelApplication(@PathVariable("id") int id, ModelMap model, HttpSession session) { // S'il n'y a pas de session en cours, c'est que l'utilisateur n'est pas connect. Sinon, on se connecte normalement. if (session.getAttribute("userID") != null) { int idUser = (int) session.getAttribute("userID"); //Boolean success = BusControl.updateApplicationStatus(4, id); APPLICATIONTYPE listCand = getApplications(idUser); ArrayList<Applications> listCan = new ArrayList<Applications>(); int oldStatus = 0; if (listCand != null) { Iterator<APPLICATION> ite = listCand.getAPPLICATIONS().iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { APPLICATION offer =; InternshipCompanyModel inte = BusControl .getOffersById(BusControl.getAppById(offer.getApplicationID()).getInternshipID()); //String status = Utils.getStatus(offer.getState()); String status = Utils.getStatus(BusControl.getAppById(offer.getApplicationID()).getStatus()); COMPANYTYPE com = BusControl.getCompanybyId(offer.getCompanyID()); Applications can = null; if (offer.getApplicationID() == id) { //oldStatus = offer.getState(); oldStatus = BusControl.getAppById(offer.getApplicationID()).getStatus(); if (oldStatus < 8) { BusControl.updateApplicationStatus(4, id); can = new Applications(offer.getApplicationID(), null, inte, com.getNOM(), com.getMAIL(), com.getADDRESS(), "4"); } else { model.addAttribute("errormessage", " You are engaged. You can not cancel your application. "); } } else { can = new Applications(offer.getApplicationID(), null, inte, com.getNOM(), com.getMAIL(), com.getADDRESS(), status); } int stat = BusControl.getAppById(can.getApplicationId()).getStatus(); //On n'affiche pas les stages refuse par l'etudiant if (stat != 4) { listCan.add(can); } } } else { listCan = null; } model.addAttribute("listCan", listCan); Utils.drawHomePage(session.getAttribute("userName").toString(), BusControl.getNotifications(idUser).getNOTIFS().size(), "searchStudent", "candidatureStudent", model); return "home"; } else { model.addAttribute("errormessage", " You need to be authenticated. "); return "connection"; } } /** * Ask the convention * The student can ask the convention. * The status of the process will be changed from 6 to 8. * The student can't ask two or more conventions. * @param id * @param model * @param session * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/askConvention/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String askConvention(@PathVariable("id") int id, ModelMap model, HttpSession session) { Boolean already = false; int index = id; int toto = id; int oldStatus = 0; if (session.getAttribute("userID") != null) { int idUser = (int) session.getAttribute("userID"); APPLICATIONTYPE listCand = getApplications(idUser); ArrayList<Applications> listCan = new ArrayList<Applications>(); if (listCand != null) { Iterator<APPLICATION> ite = listCand.getAPPLICATIONS().iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { APPLICATION offer =; InternshipCompanyModel inte = BusControl .getOffersById(BusControl.getAppById(offer.getApplicationID()).getInternshipID()); if (BusControl.getAppById(offer.getApplicationID()).getStatus() >= 8) { already = true; index = offer.getApplicationID(); } int statusId = BusControl.getAppById(offer.getApplicationID()).getStatus(); String status = Utils.getStatus(statusId); COMPANYTYPE com = BusControl.getCompanybyId(offer.getCompanyID()); Applications can = new Applications(offer.getApplicationID(), null, inte, com.getNOM(), com.getMAIL(), com.getADDRESS(), status); //int stat = BusControl.getAppById(can.getApplicationId()).getStatus(); //On n'affiche pas les stages refuse par l'etudiant if (statusId != 4) { listCan.add(can); } //listCan.add(can); if (offer.getApplicationID() == id) { //oldStatus = offer.getState(); oldStatus = statusId; System.out.println("status application : " + oldStatus); toto = listCan.size() - 1; System.out.println("id dans la liste :" + toto); } } } else { listCan = null; } if (already == false) { if (oldStatus == 6) { BusControl.updateApplicationStatus(8, id); listCan.get(toto).setStatus("Convention asked"); } else { model.addAttribute("errormessage", "You can't ask your convention yet."); } } else if (index != id) { model.addAttribute("errormessage", "You have already asked a convention."); } model.addAttribute("listCan", listCan); Utils.drawHomePage(session.getAttribute("userName").toString(), BusControl.getNotifications(idUser).getNOTIFS().size(), "searchStudent", "candidatureStudent", model); return "home"; } else { model.addAttribute("errormessage", " You need to be authenticated. "); return "connection"; } } }