Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package controller; import entity.Depart; import java.util.List; import javax.transaction.Transactional; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult; import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; /** * * @author Do Tien Dung */ @Transactional @Controller @RequestMapping("/admin/depart") public class DepartController { @Autowired SessionFactory factory; @RequestMapping() public String indexdp(ModelMap model) { model.addAttribute("depart", new Depart()); model.addAttribute("departs", getDeparts()); return "admin/depart"; } @RequestMapping(params = "btnInsert") public String insertdp(ModelMap model, @Validated @ModelAttribute("depart") Depart depart, BindingResult errors) { if (errors.hasErrors()) { model.addAttribute("message", "Vui lng sa cc li sau y !"); } else { Session session = factory.openSession(); Transaction t = session.beginTransaction(); try {; t.commit(); model.addAttribute("message", "Thm mi thnh cng !"); } catch (Exception e) { t.rollback(); model.addAttribute("message", "Thm mi tht bi !"); } finally { session.close(); } } model.addAttribute("departs", getDeparts()); return "admin/depart"; } @RequestMapping(params = "btnUpdate") public String updatedp(ModelMap model, @Validated @ModelAttribute("depart") Depart depart, BindingResult errors) { if (errors.hasErrors()) { model.addAttribute("message", "Vui lng sa cc li sau y !"); } else { Session session = factory.openSession(); Transaction t = session.beginTransaction(); try { session.update(depart); t.commit(); model.addAttribute("message", "Cp nht thnh cng !"); } catch (Exception e) { t.rollback(); model.addAttribute("message", "Cp nht tht bi !"); } finally { session.close(); } } model.addAttribute("departs", getDeparts()); return "admin/depart"; } @RequestMapping(params = "btnDelete") public String deletedp(ModelMap model, @Validated Depart depart, BindingResult errors) { Session session = factory.openSession(); Transaction t = session.beginTransaction(); try { session.delete(depart); t.commit(); model.addAttribute("message", "Xa thnh cng !"); } catch (Exception e) { t.rollback(); model.addAttribute("message", "Xa tht bi !"); } finally { session.close(); } model.addAttribute("depart", new Depart()); model.addAttribute("departs", getDeparts()); return "admin/depart"; } @RequestMapping("edit/{id}") public String editdp(ModelMap model, @PathVariable("id") String id) { Session session = factory.getCurrentSession(); Depart depart = (Depart) session.get(Depart.class, id); model.addAttribute("depart", depart); model.addAttribute("departs", getDeparts()); return "admin/depart"; } // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Depart> getDeparts() { Session session = factory.getCurrentSession(); String hql = "FROM Depart"; Query query = session.createQuery(hql); List<Depart> list = query.list(); return list; } }