Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package controller; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import model.EInconsistencie; import model.ERequestState; import model.Group; import model.Request; import model.Student; import model.Person; import model.Resolution; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFDataFormat; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; /** * * @author Usuario */ public class DAORequest { FileInputStream FIS; XSSFWorkbook workbook; public DAORequest(FileInputStream FIS) throws IOException { this.FIS = FIS; this.workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(FIS); } public ArrayList<Object> readRequests() { ArrayList<Object> requests = new ArrayList(); ArrayList<Resolution> resolutions = readResolutions(); XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); for (Row row : sheet) { System.out.println("1"); Date date = null; Student affected; String carnet = null; String name = null; String email = null; String celStu = null; Group group; String period = null; String course = null; int numberGroup = 0; EInconsistencie einconsistencie; String inconsistencie = null; String description = null; Person requester; String idReq = null; String nameReq = null; ERequestState reqState; String sreqState = null; int numRes = 0; for (Cell cell : row) { if (row.getRowNum() != 0) { switch (cell.getColumnIndex()) { case 0: date = row.getCell(0).getDateCellValue(); break; case 1: if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) carnet = Integer.toString((int) cell.getNumericCellValue()); else if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) carnet = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 2: //es el nombre del estudiante name = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 3: email = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 4: if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) celStu = Integer.toString((int) cell.getNumericCellValue()); else if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) celStu = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 5: period = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 6: course = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 7: numberGroup = (int) cell.getNumericCellValue(); break; case 8: inconsistencie = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 9: description = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 10: if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) idReq = Integer.toString((int) cell.getNumericCellValue()); else if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) idReq = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 11: nameReq = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 12: sreqState = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 13: if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) numRes = (int) cell.getNumericCellValue(); else if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) numRes = Integer.parseInt(cell.getStringCellValue()); break; } } } if (carnet != null) { affected = new Student(carnet, name, email, celStu); requester = new Person(idReq, nameReq, null, null); group = School.getInstance().selectGroup(period, numberGroup, course); einconsistencie = identifyEInconsistencie(inconsistencie); if (sreqState == null) { sreqState = "PENDIENTE"; } reqState = identifyEReqState(sreqState); Request request = new Request(date, description, einconsistencie, reqState, affected, requester, group); request.setRequestState(reqState); requests.add(request); if (numRes != 0) { for (Resolution r : resolutions) { if (r.getId() == numRes) request.setResolution(r); System.out.println("linquea numRes: " + numRes + " con ReqId:" + request.getId()); } } } } return requests; } private EInconsistencie identifyEInconsistencie(String inconsistencie) { switch (inconsistencie) { case "ERROR_NOTA": return EInconsistencie.GradeError; case "EXCLUSION_ACTA": return EInconsistencie.RecordExclusion; case "INCLUSION_ACTA": return EInconsistencie.RecordInclusion; default: break; } return null; } private String transformInconsistencieToSpanish(EInconsistencie inc) { if (null != inc) switch (inc) { case GradeError: return "ERROR_NOTA"; case RecordExclusion: return "EXCLUSION_ACTA"; case RecordInclusion: return "INCLUSION_ACTA"; default: break; } return null; } private String transformReqStatetoSpanish(ERequestState stt) { if (null != stt) switch (stt) { case CANCELED: return "CANCELADO"; case PENDING: return "PENDIENTE"; case PROCESSED: return "PROCESADA"; default: break; } return null; } public void saveRequest() { XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); sheet.getRow(0).createCell(10).setCellValue("Id solicitante"); sheet.getRow(0).createCell(11).setCellValue("Nombre solicitante"); sheet.getRow(0).createCell(12).setCellValue("Estado de solicitud"); sheet.getRow(0).createCell(13).setCellValue("Num de Resolucion"); int rowI = 1; for (Object o : School.getInstance().selectAllRequests()) { Request r = (Request) o; Row row = sheet.createRow(rowI); // Cell cellDate = row.createCell(0); cellDate.setCellValue(r.getDate()); CellStyle styleCreationDate = workbook.createCellStyle(); XSSFDataFormat dfCreationDate = workbook.createDataFormat(); styleCreationDate.setDataFormat(dfCreationDate.getFormat("d/m/yy")); cellDate.setCellStyle(styleCreationDate); // Cell cellCarnet = row.createCell(1); cellCarnet.setCellValue(r.getAffected().getId()); CellStyle styleCreationInt = workbook.createCellStyle(); XSSFDataFormat dfCreationInt = workbook.createDataFormat(); Cell cellName = row.createCell(2); cellName.setCellValue(r.getAffected().getName()); Cell cellEmail = row.createCell(3); cellEmail.setCellValue(r.getAffected().getEmail()); Cell cellPhone = row.createCell(4); cellPhone.setCellValue(r.getAffected().getPhone()); Cell cellPeriod = row.createCell(5); cellPeriod.setCellValue(r.getGroup().getPeriod()); Cell cellCourse = row.createCell(6); cellCourse.setCellValue(r.getGroup().getCourse().getCode()); Cell cellNumGroup = row.createCell(7); cellNumGroup.setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC); cellNumGroup.setCellValue(r.getGroup().getNumber()); Cell cellInc = row.createCell(8); cellInc.setCellValue(transformInconsistencieToSpanish(r.getInconsistencie())); Cell cellDescription = row.createCell(9); cellDescription.setCellValue(r.getDescription()); Cell cellIdReq = row.createCell(10); cellIdReq.setCellValue(r.getRequester().getId()); Cell cellNameReq = row.createCell(11); cellNameReq.setCellValue(r.getRequester().getName()); Cell cellReqState = row.createCell(12); cellReqState.setCellValue(transformReqStatetoSpanish(r.getRequestState())); if (r.getRequestState() == ERequestState.PROCESSED) { Cell cellNumReso = row.createCell(13); cellNumReso.setCellValue(Integer.toString(r.getResolution().getId())); } rowI++; } // Save to excel file try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File("src//files//DatosFormulario.xlsx")); workbook.write(out); workbook.close(); out.close(); saveResolution(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DAORequest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DAORequest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } public void saveResolution() { XSSFWorkbook reqWB = new XSSFWorkbook(); XSSFSheet sheet = reqWB.createSheet(); Row rowZ = sheet.createRow(0); sheet.getRow(0).createCell(0).setCellValue("Id"); sheet.getRow(0).createCell(1).setCellValue("Attention"); sheet.getRow(0).createCell(2).setCellValue("Title"); sheet.getRow(0).createCell(3).setCellValue("Intro"); sheet.getRow(0).createCell(4).setCellValue("Result"); sheet.getRow(0).createCell(5).setCellValue("Resolve"); sheet.getRow(0).createCell(6).setCellValue("Notify"); sheet.getRow(0).createCell(7).setCellValue("Considerations"); ArrayList<Resolution> resolutions = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object o : School.getInstance().selectAllRequests()) { Request r = (Request) o; if (r.getResolution() != null) { resolutions.add(r.getResolution()); } } int rowI = 1; for (Resolution r : resolutions) { Row row = sheet.createRow(rowI); // Cell cellId = row.createCell(0); cellId.setCellValue(r.getId()); Cell cellAttention = row.createCell(1); cellAttention.setCellValue(r.getAttention()); Cell cellTitle = row.createCell(2); cellTitle.setCellValue(r.getTitle()); Cell cellIntro = row.createCell(3); cellIntro.setCellValue(r.getIntro()); Cell cellResult = row.createCell(4); cellResult.setCellValue(r.getResult()); Cell cellResolve = row.createCell(5); cellResolve.setCellValue(r.getResolve()); Cell cellNotify = row.createCell(6); cellNotify.setCellValue(r.getNotify()); Cell cellCons = row.createCell(7); cellCons.setCellValue(r.getConsider()); rowI++; } // Save to excel file try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File("src//files//DatosResolucion.xlsx")); reqWB.write(out); reqWB.close(); out.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DAORequest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DAORequest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } private ERequestState identifyEReqState(String sreqState) { if (null != sreqState) switch (sreqState) { case "PENDIENTE": return ERequestState.PENDING; case "CANCELADO": return ERequestState.CANCELED; case "PROCESADA": return ERequestState.PROCESSED; default: break; } return null; } private ArrayList<Resolution> readResolutions() { ArrayList<Resolution> resolutions = new ArrayList(); try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File("src//files//DatosResolucion.xlsx")); XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(fis); XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); for (Row row : sheet) { int id = 0; String attention = null; String title = null; String intro = null; String result = null; String resolve = null; String notify = null; String considerations = null; for (Cell cell : row) { if (row.getRowNum() != 0) { switch (cell.getColumnIndex()) { case 0: id = (int) cell.getNumericCellValue(); break; case 1: attention = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 2: title = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 3: intro = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 4: result = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 5: resolve = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 6: notify = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; case 7: considerations = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; } } } if (id != 0) { System.out.println("Resolution: [id: " + id + " attention: " + attention + "\ntitle: " + title + " \nintro: " + intro + " \nresult: " + result + " \nresolve: " + resolve + " \nnotify: " + notify + " \nconsiderations: " + considerations + "\n]"); resolutions.add( new Resolution(id, attention, title, intro, result, resolve, notify, considerations)); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("No hay archivo que cargar de Resolutions"); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DAORequest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return resolutions; } }