Source code

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package controller.action.postactions.personal;

import controller.ConfigManager;
import controller.action.Validator;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import model.entity.Person;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;

 * Changes users' password
 * @author Sasha
public abstract class ChangePassword extends PersonalPostAction {

     * Perform password changing
     * @throws ServletException
     * @throws IOException 
    protected void doExecute() throws ServletException, IOException {
        Person person = getPersonFromSession();
        if (person == null) {
            sendRedirect(null, "login.errormessage.loginplease");
        String oldPassword = request.getParameter("oldPassword");
        String newPassword = request.getParameter("newPassword");
        String confirmPassword = request.getParameter("confirmPassword");
        if (!checkForNotNull(oldPassword, newPassword, confirmPassword)) {
            sendRedirect(null, "settings.errormessage.easypasword", "link.settings");
            //            setMessages(null, "settings.errormessage.easypasword");
            //            return ConfigManager.getProperty("");
        if (!isValid(newPassword)) {
            sendRedirect(null, "settings.errormessage.easypasword", "link.settings");
            //            setMessages(null, "settings.errormessage.easypasword");
            //            return ConfigManager.getProperty("");
        String hexOldPassword = DigestUtils.shaHex(oldPassword);
        String hexNewPassword = DigestUtils.shaHex(newPassword);
        String hexConfirmPassword = DigestUtils.shaHex(confirmPassword);
        if (!checkPasswords(person, hexOldPassword, hexNewPassword, hexConfirmPassword)
                || !changePassword(person, hexNewPassword)) {
        sendRedirect("settings.message.passwordchanged", null, "link.settings");
        //        setMessages("settings.message.passwordchanged", null);
        //        return ConfigManager.getProperty("");

     * Check are fields null or no
     * @param oldPassword old person password
     * @param newPassword new person password
     * @param confirmPassword password confirmation
     * @return true if all fields non null and false if at last one of them is 
     * null or empty text field
    private boolean checkForNotNull(String oldPassword, String newPassword, String confirmPassword) {
        if ((oldPassword == null || oldPassword.equals("")) || (newPassword == null || newPassword.equals(""))
                || (confirmPassword == null || confirmPassword.equals(""))) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * Check new password for validation
     * @param newPassword ne person password
     * @return true if password is valid and fale otherwise
    private boolean isValid(String newPassword) {
        Validator validator = new Validator();
        if (!validator.checkPassword(newPassword)) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * Check input password for correctness and for matching with existing one.
     * If it is successful, change password and set user with new password in 
     * current session
     * @param user user needs to change password
     * @param hexOldPassword existing password
     * @param hexNewPassword new password
     * @param hexConfirmPassword password confirmation
     * @return boolean true if all fields are correct and false otherwise (in 
     * this case redirection will be performed in this method)
    private boolean checkPasswords(Person person, String hexOldPassword, String hexNewPassword,
            String hexConfirmPassword) throws ServletException, IOException {
        if (!hexOldPassword.equals(person.getPassword())) {
            sendRedirect(null, "settings.errormessage.wrongpassword", "link.settings");
            return false;
        if (!hexNewPassword.equals(hexConfirmPassword)) {
            sendRedirect(null, "settings.errormessage.paswordnotmatched", "link.settings");
            return false;
        return true;

     * Change password. If it is successful, set user with new password to 
     * current session
     * @param person person needs to change password
     * @param hexNewPassword new password
     * @return true if password cganging was seccessful and false otherwise (in 
     * this case redirection will be performed in this method)
     * @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
     * @throws
    protected abstract boolean changePassword(Person person, String hexNewPassword)
            throws ServletException, IOException;
