Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * QBiC Project Wizard enables users to create hierarchical experiments including different study * conditions using factorial design. Copyright (C) "2016" Andreas Friedrich * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If * not, see <>. *******************************************************************************/ package control; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import registration.OpenbisCreationController; import uicomponents.MissingInfoComponent; import uicomponents.ProjectInformationComponent; import uicomponents.Styles; import uicomponents.Styles.NotificationType; import views.StandaloneTSVImport; import logging.Log4j2Logger; import main.SamplePreparator; import main.SampleSummaryBean; import main.VocabularyValidator; import model.DesignType; import model.ExperimentType; import model.ISampleBean; import model.MHCTyping; import model.OpenbisExperiment; import model.PersonType; import model.ProjectInfo; import model.TSVSampleBean; import processes.RegisteredSamplesReadyRunnable; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusEvent; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusListener; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Upload; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.Upload.FinishedEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Upload.FinishedListener; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Experiment; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Project; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Sample; import io.DBManager; import io.DBVocabularies; import life.qbic.openbis.openbisclient.IOpenBisClient; public class ExperimentImportController implements IRegistrationController { private StandaloneTSVImport view; private final Uploader uploader = new Uploader(); private OpenbisCreationController openbisCreator; private SamplePreparator prep; private ProjectInfo projectInfo; private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> msProperties; private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> mhcProperties; private Map<String, MHCTyping> dnaSampleCodeToMHCType; private Map<String, Sample> extIDToSample; private List<OpenbisExperiment> complexExperiments; private Map<String, String> reverseTaxMap; private Map<String, String> taxMap; private Map<String, String> reverseTissueMap; private Map<String, String> tissueMap; private List<String> analytesVocabulary; private MissingInfoComponent questionaire; private IOpenBisClient openbis; private DBManager dbm; private DBVocabularies vocabs; private int firstFreeExperimentID; private int firstFreeEntityID; private String firstFreeBarcode; private String nextBarcode; Map<String, String> extCodeToBarcode; logging.Logger logger = new Log4j2Logger(ExperimentImportController.class); public ExperimentImportController(OpenbisCreationController creator, DBVocabularies vocabularies, IOpenBisClient openbis, DBManager dbm) { view = new StandaloneTSVImport(); this.dbm = dbm; this.questionaire = view.getMissingInfoComponent(); this.vocabs = vocabularies; this.openbis = openbis; this.taxMap = vocabularies.getTaxMap(); this.tissueMap = vocabularies.getTissueMap(); this.analytesVocabulary = vocabularies.getAnalyteTypes(); this.reverseTaxMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : taxMap.entrySet()) { this.reverseTaxMap.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } this.reverseTissueMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tissueMap.entrySet()) { this.reverseTissueMap.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } this.openbisCreator = creator; } public void init(final String user) { ExperimentImportController control = this; Upload upload = new Upload("Upload your file here", uploader); view.initView(upload); upload.setButtonCaption("Upload"); // Listen for events regarding the success of upload. upload.addFailedListener(uploader); upload.addSucceededListener(uploader); FinishedListener uploadFinListener = new FinishedListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -8413963075202260180L; public void uploadFinished(FinishedEvent event) { String uploadError = uploader.getError(); File file = uploader.getFile(); view.resetAfterUpload(); if (file.getPath().endsWith("up_")) { String msg = "No file selected."; logger.warn(msg); Styles.notification("Failed to read file.", msg, NotificationType.ERROR); if (!file.delete()) logger.error("uploaded tmp file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " could not be deleted!"); } else { if (uploadError == null || uploadError.isEmpty()) { String msg = "Upload successful!";; try { view.setRegEnabled(false); prep = new SamplePreparator(); Map<String, Set<String>> experimentTypeVocabularies = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); experimentTypeVocabularies.put("Q_ANTIBODY", vocabs.getAntibodiesMap().keySet()); experimentTypeVocabularies.put("Q_CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE", vocabs.getChromTypesMap().keySet()); experimentTypeVocabularies.put("Q_MS_DEVICE", new HashSet<String>(vocabs.getDeviceMap().values())); experimentTypeVocabularies.put("Q_MS_LCMS_METHOD", new HashSet<String>(vocabs.getLcmsMethods())); VocabularyValidator validator = new VocabularyValidator(experimentTypeVocabularies); boolean readSuccess = prep.processTSV(file, getImportType()); boolean vocabValid = false; if (readSuccess) { msProperties = prep.getSpecialExperimentsOfTypeOrNull("Q_MS_MEASUREMENT"); mhcProperties = prep.getSpecialExperimentsOfTypeOrNull("Q_MHC_LIGAND_EXTRACTION"); List<Map<String, Object>> metadataList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); if (msProperties != null) metadataList.addAll(msProperties.values()); if (mhcProperties != null) metadataList.addAll(mhcProperties.values()); vocabValid = validator.validateExperimentMetadata(metadataList); } if (readSuccess && vocabValid) { List<SampleSummaryBean> summaries = prep.getSummary(); for (SampleSummaryBean s : summaries) { String translation = reverseTaxMap.get(s.getFullSampleContent()); if (translation != null) s.setSampleContent(translation); } Styles.notification("Upload successful", "Experiment was successfully uploaded and read.", NotificationType.SUCCESS); switch (getImportType()) { // Standard hierarchic QBiC design case QBIC: view.setSummary(summaries); view.setProcessed(prep.getProcessed()); view.setRegEnabled(true); projectInfo = prep.getProjectInfo(); break; // Standard non-hierarchic design without QBiC specific keywords case Standard: Map<String, List<String>> catToVocabulary = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); catToVocabulary.put("Species", new ArrayList<String>(taxMap.keySet())); catToVocabulary.put("Tissues", new ArrayList<String>(tissueMap.keySet())); catToVocabulary.put("Analytes", new ArrayList<String>(analytesVocabulary)); Map<String, List<String>> missingCategoryToValues = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); missingCategoryToValues.put("Species", new ArrayList<String>(prep.getSpeciesSet())); missingCategoryToValues.put("Tissues", new ArrayList<String>(prep.getTissueSet())); missingCategoryToValues.put("Analytes", new ArrayList<String>(prep.getAnalyteSet())); initMissingInfoListener(prep, missingCategoryToValues, catToVocabulary); break; // MHC Ligands that have already been measured (Filenames exist) case MHC_Ligands_Finished: catToVocabulary = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); catToVocabulary.put("Species", new ArrayList<String>(taxMap.keySet())); catToVocabulary.put("Tissues", new ArrayList<String>(tissueMap.keySet())); catToVocabulary.put("Analytes", new ArrayList<String>(analytesVocabulary)); missingCategoryToValues = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); missingCategoryToValues.put("Species", new ArrayList<String>(prep.getSpeciesSet())); missingCategoryToValues.put("Tissues", new ArrayList<String>(prep.getTissueSet())); missingCategoryToValues.put("Analytes", new ArrayList<String>(prep.getAnalyteSet())); initMissingInfoListener(prep, missingCategoryToValues, catToVocabulary); break; default: logger.error("Error parsing tsv: " + prep.getError()); // view.showError(prep.getError()); Styles.notification("Failed to read file.", prep.getError(), NotificationType.ERROR); break; } } else { if (!readSuccess) { String error = prep.getError(); Styles.notification("Failed to read file.", error, NotificationType.ERROR); } else { String error = validator.getError(); Styles.notification("Failed to process file.", error, NotificationType.ERROR); } if (!file.delete()) logger.error("uploaded tmp file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " could not be deleted!"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // view.showError(error); Styles.notification("Failed to upload file.", uploadError, NotificationType.ERROR); if (!file.delete()) logger.error("uploaded tmp file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " could not be deleted!"); } } } }; upload.addFinishedListener(uploadFinListener); // view.initUpload(upload); Button.ClickListener cl = new Button.ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * */ @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { String src = event.getButton().getCaption(); if (src.equals("Register All")) { view.getRegisterButton().setEnabled(false); view.showRegistration(); // collect experiment information complexExperiments = new ArrayList<OpenbisExperiment>(); complexExperiments .addAll(collectComplexExperiments(msProperties, ExperimentType.Q_MS_MEASUREMENT)); complexExperiments.addAll( collectComplexExperiments(mhcProperties, ExperimentType.Q_MHC_LIGAND_EXTRACTION)); openbisCreator.registerProjectWithExperimentsAndSamplesBatchWise(view.getSamples(), projectInfo.getDescription(), complexExperiments, view.getProgressBar(), view.getProgressLabel(), new RegisteredSamplesReadyRunnable(view, control), user, projectInfo.isPilot()); List<String> tsv = prep.getOriginalTSV(); switch (getImportType()) { case Standard: case MHC_Ligands_Finished: String tsvContent = addBarcodesToTSV(tsv, view.getSamples(), getImportType()); view.setTSVWithBarcodes(tsvContent, uploader.getFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_with_barcodes"); break; default: break; } } } private Collection<? extends OpenbisExperiment> collectComplexExperiments( Map<String, Map<String, Object>> propsMap, ExperimentType type) { List<OpenbisExperiment> res = new ArrayList<OpenbisExperiment>(); if (propsMap != null) { for (String code : propsMap.keySet()) res.add(new OpenbisExperiment(code, type, propsMap.get(code))); } return res; } }; view.getRegisterButton().addClickListener(cl); } protected String addBarcodesToTSV(List<String> tsv, List<List<ISampleBean>> levels, DesignType designType) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(5000); switch (designType) { case Standard: int extIDPos = -1; for (String line : tsv) { String[] splt = line.split("\t"); if (extIDPos < 0) { extIDPos = Arrays.asList(splt).indexOf("Analyte ID");// TODO generalize? builder.append("QBiC Code\t" + line + "\n"); } else { String extID = splt[extIDPos]; String code = extCodeToBarcode.get(extID);// .getCode(); builder.append(code + "\t" + line + "\n"); } } break; case MHC_Ligands_Finished: Map<String, String> fileNameToBarcode = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (List<ISampleBean> samples : levels) { for (ISampleBean s : samples) { if (s.getType().equals("Q_MS_RUN")) { Map<String, Object> props = s.getMetadata(); fileNameToBarcode.put(props.get("File").toString(), s.getCode()); props.remove("File"); } } } int filePos = -1; for (String line : tsv) { String[] splt = line.split("\t"); if (filePos < 0) { filePos = Arrays.asList(splt).indexOf("Filename");// TODO generalize? builder.append("QBiC Code\t" + line + "\n"); } else { String file = splt[filePos]; String code = fileNameToBarcode.get(file); builder.append(code + "\t" + line + "\n"); } } default: break; } return builder.toString(); } protected void initMissingInfoListener(SamplePreparator prep, Map<String, List<String>> missingCategoryToValues, Map<String, List<String>> catToVocabulary) { extCodeToBarcode = new HashMap<String, String>(); // TODO where is this added? does it need to be added? ProjectInformationComponent projectInfoComponent = new ProjectInformationComponent(vocabs.getSpaces(), vocabs.getPeople().keySet()); ValueChangeListener missingInfoFilledListener = new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { boolean overflow = false; boolean infoComplete = questionaire.isValid(); boolean samplesToRegister = false; if (infoComplete) { List<SampleSummaryBean> summaries = prep.getSummary(); for (SampleSummaryBean b : summaries) { String cat = ""; if (b.getSampleType().contains("Source")) cat = "Species"; else if (b.getSampleType().contains("Sample Extract")) cat = "Tissues"; else if (b.getSampleType().contains("Preparations")) cat = "Analytes"; if (missingCategoryToValues.containsKey(cat)) { String val = b.getFullSampleContent(); List<String> newVal = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String v : val.split(", ")) { v = v.trim(); String translation = questionaire.getVocabularyLabelForValue(cat, v); if (translation == null) translation = reverseTissueMap.get(v); if (translation == null) translation = v; newVal.add(translation); } b.setSampleContent(StringUtils.join(newVal, ", ")); } } view.setSummary(summaries); projectInfo = projectInfoComponent.getProjectInfo(); String space = questionaire.getSpaceCode(); String project = questionaire.getProjectCode(); try { countExistingOpenbisEntities(space, project); } catch (TooManySamplesException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block overflow = true; } int entityNum = firstFreeEntityID; nextBarcode = null; List<List<ISampleBean>> processed = prep.getProcessed(); Set<String> msCodes = new HashSet<String>(); dnaSampleCodeToMHCType = new HashMap<String, MHCTyping>(); Map<String, String> specialExpToExpCode = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (List<ISampleBean> level : processed) { String type = level.get(0).getType(); String exp = ""; if (!type.equals("Q_MS_RUN") && !type.equals("Q_MHC_LIGAND_EXTRACT")) exp = getNextExperiment(project); // list of existing samples to be removed before registration List<ISampleBean> existing = new ArrayList<ISampleBean>(); for (ISampleBean b : level) { TSVSampleBean t = (TSVSampleBean) b; String extID = (String) t.getMetadata().get("Q_EXTERNALDB_ID"); if (extIDToSample.containsKey(extID)) { existing.add(t); extCodeToBarcode.put(extID, extIDToSample.get(extID).getCode()); } else { t.setProject(project); t.setSpace(space); String code = ""; Map<String, Object> props = t.getMetadata(); switch (t.getType()) { case "Q_BIOLOGICAL_ENTITY": code = project + "ENTITY-" + entityNum; String newVal = questionaire.getVocabularyLabelForValue("Species", props.get("Q_NCBI_ORGANISM")); props.put("Q_NCBI_ORGANISM", taxMap.get(newVal)); entityNum++; break; case "Q_BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE": try { incrementOrCreateBarcode(project); } catch (TooManySamplesException e) { overflow = true; } code = nextBarcode; newVal = questionaire.getVocabularyLabelForValue("Tissues", props.get("Q_PRIMARY_TISSUE")); props.put("Q_PRIMARY_TISSUE", tissueMap.get(newVal)); break; case "Q_TEST_SAMPLE": try { incrementOrCreateBarcode(project); } catch (TooManySamplesException e) { overflow = true; } code = nextBarcode; newVal = questionaire.getVocabularyLabelForValue("Analytes", props.get("Q_SAMPLE_TYPE")); props.put("Q_SAMPLE_TYPE", newVal); if (getImportType().equals(DesignType.MHC_Ligands_Finished)) { if ("DNA".equals(newVal)) { List<String> c1 = (List<String>) props.get("MHC_I"); List<String> c2 = (List<String>) props.get("MHC_II"); dnaSampleCodeToMHCType.put(code, new MHCTyping(c1, c2)); props.remove("MHC_I"); props.remove("MHC_II"); } } break; case "Q_MHC_LIGAND_EXTRACT": try { incrementOrCreateBarcode(project); } catch (TooManySamplesException e) { overflow = true; } code = nextBarcode; if (!specialExpToExpCode.containsKey(t.getExperiment())) { specialExpToExpCode.put(t.getExperiment(), getNextExperiment(project)); } exp = specialExpToExpCode.get(t.getExperiment()); break; case "Q_MS_RUN": // get ms experiment to connect it correctly if (!specialExpToExpCode.containsKey(t.getExperiment())) { specialExpToExpCode.put(t.getExperiment(), getNextExperiment(project)); } exp = specialExpToExpCode.get(t.getExperiment()); // get parent sample for code String parentExtID = t.fetchParentIDs().get(0); String parentCode = extCodeToBarcode.get(parentExtID);// .getCode(); int msRun = 1; code = ""; while (code.isEmpty() || msCodes.contains(code)) { code = "MS" + Integer.toString(msRun) + parentCode; msRun++; } msCodes.add(code); break; } t.setExperiment(exp); t.setCode(code); extCodeToBarcode.put((String) props.get("Q_EXTERNALDB_ID"), code);// t); List<String> parents = t.fetchParentIDs(); t.setParents(""); for (String parentExtID : parents) { if (extCodeToBarcode.containsKey(parentExtID)) t.addParent(extCodeToBarcode.get(parentExtID));// .getCode()); else logger.warn( "Parent could not be translated, because no ext id to code mapping was found for ext id " + parentExtID); } } } // remove existing samples from registration process level.removeAll(existing); samplesToRegister |= !level.isEmpty(); } fixSpecialExperiments(specialExpToExpCode); view.setProcessed(processed); } view.setRegEnabled(infoComplete && samplesToRegister && !overflow); if (infoComplete) { if (!samplesToRegister) { Styles.notification("Samples already exist.", "Every Analyte ID was already found in existing samples of this project.", NotificationType.DEFAULT); } if (overflow) { Styles.notification("Too many samples.", "This experiment exceeds the maximum number of samples for one project.", NotificationType.ERROR); } } } private void fixSpecialExperiments(Map<String, String> specialExpToExpCode) { Set<String> codes = new HashSet<String>(); if (mhcProperties != null) { codes.addAll(mhcProperties.keySet()); for (String code : codes) { mhcProperties.put(specialExpToExpCode.get(code), mhcProperties.get(code)); mhcProperties.remove(code); } } codes.clear(); if (msProperties != null) { codes.addAll(msProperties.keySet()); for (String code : codes) { msProperties.put(specialExpToExpCode.get(code), msProperties.get(code)); msProperties.remove(code); } } } }; questionaire = view.initMissingInfoComponent(projectInfoComponent, missingCategoryToValues, catToVocabulary, missingInfoFilledListener); // view.addComponent(questionaire); // add project code validators TextField f = projectInfoComponent.getProjectField(); CompositeValidator vd = new CompositeValidator(); RegexpValidator p = new RegexpValidator("Q[A-Xa-x0-9]{4}", "Project must have length of 5, start with Q and not contain Y or Z"); vd.addValidator(p); vd.addValidator(new ProjectNameValidator(openbis)); f.addValidator(vd); f.setImmediate(true); f.setValidationVisible(true); FocusListener fListener = new FocusListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8721337946386845992L; @Override public void focus(FocusEvent event) { TextField pr = projectInfoComponent.getProjectField(); if (!pr.isValid() || pr.isEmpty()) { // new project selected...keep generating codes until one is valid projectInfoComponent.tryEnableCustomProject(generateUnusedProjectCode()); } } }; projectInfoComponent.getProjectField().addFocusListener(fListener); Button.ClickListener projCL = new Button.ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -6646294420820222646L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { String existingProject = (String) projectInfoComponent.getProjectBox().getValue(); if (existingProject == null || existingProject.isEmpty()) { projectInfoComponent.tryEnableCustomProject(generateUnusedProjectCode()); } } }; projectInfoComponent.getProjectReloadButton().addClickListener(projCL); questionaire.getSpaceBox().addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { questionaire.resetProjects(); String space = questionaire.getSpaceCode(); if (space != null) { List<String> projects = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Project p : openbis.getProjectsOfSpace(space)) { String code = p.getCode(); // String name = dbm.getProjectName("/" + space + "/" + code); // if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { // if (name.length() >= 80) // name = name.substring(0, 80) + "..."; // code += " (" + name + ")"; // } projects.add(code); } questionaire.setProjectCodes(projects); } } }); } private String getNextExperiment(String project) { String res = project + "E" + firstFreeExperimentID; firstFreeExperimentID++; return res; } private String generateUnusedProjectCode() { Random r = new Random(); String res = ""; while (res.length() < 5 || openbis.getProjectByCode(res) != null) { res = "Q"; for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { char c = 'Y'; while (c == 'Y' || c == 'Z') c = (char) (r.nextInt(26) + 'A'); res += c; } } return res; } /** * Fetches context information like space and project and computes first unused IDs of samples and * context. Also fills a map of existing secondary names and samples used later not to re-register * * @throws TooManySamplesException */ private void countExistingOpenbisEntities(String space, String project) throws TooManySamplesException { extIDToSample = new HashMap<String, Sample>(); firstFreeExperimentID = 1; firstFreeEntityID = 1; firstFreeBarcode = "";// TODO cleanup where not needed List<Sample> samples = new ArrayList<Sample>(); if (openbis.projectExists(space, project)) { samples.addAll( openbis.getSamplesWithParentsAndChildrenOfProjectBySearchService("/" + space + "/" + project)); } for (Experiment e : openbis.getExperimentsOfProjectByCode(project)) { String code = e.getCode(); String[] split = code.split(project + "E"); if (code.startsWith(project + "E") && split.length > 1) { int num = 0; try { num = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); } catch (Exception e2) { } if (firstFreeExperimentID <= num) firstFreeExperimentID = num + 1; } } for (Sample s : samples) { String code = s.getCode(); // collect existing samples by their secondary name String secondaryName = s.getProperties().get("Q_SECONDARY_NAME"); if (extIDToSample.containsKey(secondaryName)) logger.warn(secondaryName + " was found as a secondary name for multiple samples. This might" + " lead to inconsistencies if new samples are to be attached to this secondary name."); extIDToSample.put(secondaryName, s); if (Functions.isQbicBarcode(code)) { if (Functions.compareSampleCodes(firstFreeBarcode, code) <= 0) { firstFreeBarcode = Functions.incrementSampleCode(code); String firstBarcode = project + "001A" + Functions.checksum(project + "001A"); if (firstBarcode.equals(firstFreeBarcode)) throw new TooManySamplesException(); } } else if (s.getSampleTypeCode().equals(("Q_BIOLOGICAL_ENTITY"))) { int num = Integer.parseInt(s.getCode().split("-")[1]); if (num >= firstFreeEntityID) firstFreeEntityID = num + 1; } } } private void incrementOrCreateBarcode(String project) throws TooManySamplesException { String firstBarcode = project + "001A" + Functions.checksum(project + "001A"); if (nextBarcode == null) { if (firstFreeBarcode.isEmpty()) { String base = project + Functions.createCountString(1, 3) + "A"; firstFreeBarcode = base + Functions.checksum(base); } nextBarcode = firstFreeBarcode; } else { nextBarcode = Functions.incrementSampleCode(nextBarcode); if (nextBarcode.equals(firstBarcode)) throw new TooManySamplesException(); } } protected DesignType getImportType() { return view.getSelectedDesignOption(); } @Override public void performPostRegistrationTasks(boolean success) { if (success) { String space = null; String project = null; String projectName = null; if (getImportType().equals(DesignType.QBIC)) { projectName = projectInfo.getSecondaryName(); ISampleBean s = view.getSamples().get(0).get(0); project = s.getProject(); space = s.getSpace(); } else { space = questionaire.getSpaceCode(); project = questionaire.getProjectCode(); projectName = questionaire.getProjectSecondaryName(); addPeopleAndProjectToDB("/" + space + "/" + project, projectName); } // TODO // for (OpenbisExperiment e : exps) { // if (e.getType().equals(ExperimentType.Q_EXPERIMENTAL_DESIGN)) { // String id = projectIdentifier + "/" + e.getOpenbisName(); // for (Note n : notes) { // writeNoteToOpenbis(id, n); // } // } // }"Performing post registration tasks"); if (dnaSampleCodeToMHCType != null) registerHLATypings(space); // TODO // for (OpenbisExperiment e : exps) { // String identifier = projectIdentifier + "/" + e.getOpenbisName(); // int expID = dbm.addExperimentToDB(identifier); // if (e.getPersonID() > -1) { // int person = e.getPersonID(); // dbm.addPersonToExperiment(expID, person, "Contact"); // } // } } } private void addPeopleAndProjectToDB(String projectIdentifier, String projectName) { int projectID = dbm.addProjectToDB(projectIdentifier, projectName); int investigatorID = -1; int contactID = -1; int managerID = -1; Map<String, Integer> people = vocabs.getPeople(); if (!questionaire.getPerson(PersonType.Investigator).equals("")) investigatorID = people.get(questionaire.getPerson(PersonType.Investigator)); if (!questionaire.getPerson(PersonType.Manager).equals("")) managerID = people.get(questionaire.getPerson(PersonType.Manager)); if (!questionaire.getPerson(PersonType.Contact).equals("")) contactID = people.get(questionaire.getPerson(PersonType.Contact)); if (investigatorID != -1) dbm.addPersonToProject(projectID, investigatorID, "PI"); if (contactID != -1) dbm.addPersonToProject(projectID, contactID, "Contact"); if (managerID != -1) dbm.addPersonToProject(projectID, managerID, "Manager"); } private void registerHLATypings(String space) { Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); props.put("dropbox", "QBiC-register-hlatyping"); for (String code : dnaSampleCodeToMHCType.keySet()) { props.put("filename", space + "_" + code + "_1.alleles"); List<String> content = dnaSampleCodeToMHCType.get(code).getClassOne(); props.put("content", content); openbis.triggerIngestionService("create-register-textfile", props); props.put("filename", space + "_" + code + "_2.alleles"); content = dnaSampleCodeToMHCType.get(code).getClassTwo(); props.put("content", content); openbis.triggerIngestionService("create-register-textfile", props); } } public Component getView() { return view; } @Override public String getRegistrationError() { return openbisCreator.getErrors(); } }