Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * QBiC Project Wizard enables users to create hierarchical experiments including different study * conditions using factorial design. Copyright (C) "2016" Andreas Friedrich * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If * not, see <>. *******************************************************************************/ package control; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import processes.PrintReadyRunnable; import processes.SheetBarcodesReadyRunnable; import processes.TubeBarcodesReadyRunnable; import logging.Log4j2Logger; import main.BarcodeCreator; import model.BarcodeConfig; import model.ExperimentBarcodeSummary; import model.IBarcodeBean; import model.NewModelBarcodeBean; import model.Printer; import model.SortBy; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Experiment; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Project; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Sample; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.plugin.query.shared.api.v1.dto.QueryTableModel; import; import; import com.vaadin.server.Extension; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.ProgressBar; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener; import io.DBManager; import life.qbic.openbis.openbisclient.IOpenBisClient; import life.qbic.openbis.openbisclient.OpenBisClient; import sorters.SampleCodeComparator; import sorters.SampleExtIDComparator; import sorters.SampleSecondaryNameComparator; import sorters.SampleTypeComparator; import uicomponents.BarcodePreviewComponent; import uicomponents.Styles; import uicomponents.Styles.NotificationType; import views.WizardBarcodeView; /** * Controls preparation and creation of barcode files * * @author Andreas Friedrich * */ public class BarcodeController implements Observer { private WizardBarcodeView view; private IOpenBisClient openbis; private DBManager dbManager; private BarcodeCreator creator; private Map<String, Experiment> experimentsMap; List<IBarcodeBean> barcodeBeans; logging.Logger logger = new Log4j2Logger(BarcodeController.class); private List<String> barcodeExperiments = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Q_SAMPLE_EXTRACTION", "Q_SAMPLE_PREPARATION", "Q_NGS_MEASUREMENT", "Q_MHC_LIGAND_EXTRACTION", "Q_MS_MEASUREMENT")); private List<String> barcodeSamples = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Q_BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE", "Q_TEST_SAMPLE", "Q_NGS_SINGLE_SAMPLE_RUN", "Q_MHC_LIGAND_EXTRACT", "Q_MS_RUN")); // mapping between sample type and interesting property of that sample type has to be added here private Map<String, String> sampleTypeToBioTypeField = new HashMap<String, String>() { { put("Q_BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE", "Q_PRIMARY_TISSUE"); put("Q_TEST_SAMPLE", "Q_SAMPLE_TYPE"); put("Q_NGS_SINGLE_SAMPLE_RUN", ""); put("Q_MHC_LIGAND_EXTRACT", "Q_MHC_CLASS"); put("Q_MS_RUN", ""); } }; /** * @param bw WizardBarcodeView instance * @param openbis OpenBisClient API * @param barcodeScripts Path to different barcode creation scripts * @param pathVar Path variable so python scripts can work when called from the JVM */ public BarcodeController(WizardBarcodeView bw, OpenBisClient openbis, BarcodeConfig bcConf) { // view = bw; this.openbis = openbis; creator = new BarcodeCreator(bcConf); } public BarcodeController(IOpenBisClient openbis, BarcodeConfig bcConf, DBManager dbm) { this.openbis = openbis; this.dbManager = dbm; creator = new BarcodeCreator(bcConf); } private void sortBeans(List<IBarcodeBean> barcodeBeans) { SortBy sorter = view.getSorter(); switch (sorter) { case BARCODE_ID: Collections.sort(barcodeBeans, SampleCodeComparator.getInstance()); break; case EXT_ID: Collections.sort(barcodeBeans, SampleExtIDComparator.getInstance()); break; case SAMPLE_TYPE: Collections.sort(barcodeBeans, SampleTypeComparator.getInstance()); break; case SECONDARY_NAME: Collections.sort(barcodeBeans, SampleSecondaryNameComparator.getInstance()); break; default: logger.warn("Unknown Barcode Bean sorter or no sorter selected. Barcodes will not be sorted."); break; } } /** * Initializes all listeners */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public void init(WizardBarcodeView bw) { view = bw; /** * Button listeners */ Button.ClickListener cl = new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { String src = event.getButton().getCaption(); if (src.startsWith("Print Barcodes")) { view.enablePrint(false); String project = view.getProjectCode();"Sending print command for project " + project + " barcodes"); Printer p = view.getPrinter(); creator.printBarcodeFolderForProject(project, p.getHostname(), p.getName(), new PrintReadyRunnable(view)); Styles.notification("Barcodes printing", "Barcodes have been sent to the printer.", NotificationType.DEFAULT); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } view.enablePrint(true); } if (src.equals("Prepare Barcodes")) { if (expSelected()) { view.creationPressed(); Iterator<Extension> it = view.getDownloadButton().getExtensions().iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) view.getDownloadButton().removeExtension(; barcodeBeans = getBarcodeInfoFromSelections(view.getSelectedExperiments(), view.getSelectedSamples()); // boolean overwrite = view.getOverwrite(); String project = view.getProjectCode(); ProgressBar bar = view.getProgressBar(); bar.setVisible(true); sortBeans(barcodeBeans); if (view.getTabs().getSelectedTab() instanceof BarcodePreviewComponent) {"Preparing barcodes (tubes) for project " + project); creator.findOrCreateTubeBarcodesWithProgress(barcodeBeans, bar, view.getProgressInfo(), new TubeBarcodesReadyRunnable(view, creator, barcodeBeans)); } else {"Preparing barcodes (sheet) for project " + project); String projectID = "/" + view.getSpaceCode() + "/" + project; String name = dbManager.getProjectName(projectID); creator.findOrCreateSheetBarcodesWithProgress(barcodeBeans, bar, view.getProgressInfo(), new SheetBarcodesReadyRunnable(project, name, dbManager.getPersonForProject(projectID, "PI"), dbManager.getPersonForProject(projectID, "Contact"), view, creator, barcodeBeans)); } } else Styles.notification("Can't create Barcodes", "Please select at least one group of Sampes from the table!", NotificationType.DEFAULT); } } }; for (Button b : view.getButtons()) b.addClickListener(cl); /** * Space selection listener */ ValueChangeListener spaceSelectListener = new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { view.resetProjects(); String space = view.getSpaceCode(); if (space != null) { List<String> projects = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Project p : openbis.getProjectsOfSpace(space)) { String code = p.getCode(); String name = dbManager.getProjectName("/" + space + "/" + code); if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { if (name.length() >= 80) name = name.substring(0, 80) + "..."; code += " (" + name + ")"; } projects.add(code); } view.setProjectCodes(projects); } } }; ComboBox space = view.getSpaceBox(); if (space != null) space.addValueChangeListener(spaceSelectListener); /** * Project selection listener */ ValueChangeListener projectSelectListener = new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { view.resetExperiments(); String project = view.getProjectCode(); view.setAvailableTubes(0); view.resetPrinters(); view.enablePrep(projSelected()); if (project != null) { if (project.contains(" ")) project = project.split(" ")[0]; reactToProjectSelection(project); } } }; ComboBox project = view.getProjectBox(); if (project != null) project.addValueChangeListener(projectSelectListener); /** * Experiment selection listener */ ValueChangeListener expSelectListener = new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { barcodeBeans = null; view.resetOptions(); view.resetSamples(); view.enablePrep(projSelected());// && optionSelected()); if (expSelected()) { List<Sample> sampleList = new ArrayList<Sample>(); Map<Sample, String> types = new HashMap<Sample, String>(); for (ExperimentBarcodeSummary exp : view.getSelectedExperiments()) { String type = exp.getBio_Type(); for (Sample s : exp.getSamples()) { sampleList.add(s); types.put(s, type); } } view.setSamples(sampleList, types); if (tubesSelected()) view.enableTubeLabelPreview(getUsefulSample()); } else view.disablePreview(); } }; view.getExperimentTable().addValueChangeListener(expSelectListener); ValueChangeListener sampSelectListener = new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { barcodeBeans = null; view.resetOptions(); view.enablePrep(expSelected()); if (expSelected() && tubesSelected()) view.enableTubeLabelPreview(getUsefulSample()); } }; view.getSampleTable().addValueChangeListener(sampSelectListener); SelectedTabChangeListener tabListener = new SelectedTabChangeListener() { @Override public void selectedTabChange(SelectedTabChangeEvent event) { view.resetOptions(); view.enablePrep(projSelected()); if (tubesSelected() && expSelected()) view.enableTubeLabelPreview(getUsefulSample()); else view.disablePreview(); } }; view.getTabs().addSelectedTabChangeListener(tabListener); } // table selection is sorted by sample registration date public void reactToProjectSelection(String project) { Map<Tuple, ExperimentBarcodeSummary> experiments = new HashMap<Tuple, ExperimentBarcodeSummary>(); view.setPrinters(dbManager.getPrintersForProject(project)); experimentsMap = new HashMap<String, Experiment>(); String projectID = "/" + view.getSpaceCode() + "/" + project; for (Experiment e : openbis.getExperimentsForProject(projectID)) { experimentsMap.put(e.getIdentifier(), e); } for (Sample s : openbis.getSamplesWithParentsAndChildrenOfProjectBySearchService(projectID)) { String type = s.getSampleTypeCode(); if (barcodeSamples.contains(type) && Functions.isQbicBarcode(s.getCode())) { Date date = s.getRegistrationDetails().getRegistrationDate(); SimpleDateFormat dt1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yy-MM-dd"); String dt = dt1.format(date); String expID = s.getExperimentIdentifierOrNull(); String expName = experimentsMap.get(expID).getProperties().get("Q_SECONDARY_NAME"); if (expName == null || expName.isEmpty()) expName = expID; Tuple tpl = new Tuple(dt, expID); if (experiments.containsKey(tpl)) { ExperimentBarcodeSummary exp = experiments.get(tpl); exp.increment(); exp.addSample(s); } else { String bioType = null; if (type.equals(barcodeSamples.get(0))) bioType = "Tissue Extracts"; else if (type.equals(barcodeSamples.get(1))) bioType = s.getProperties().get("Q_SAMPLE_TYPE"); else if (type.equals(barcodeSamples.get(2))) bioType = openbis.getExperimentById2(expID).get(0).getProperties().get("Q_SEQUENCING_TYPE") + "seq"; else if (type.equals(barcodeSamples.get(3))) bioType = "MHC Ligands"; // ms run else if (type.equals(barcodeSamples.get(4))) bioType = "Wash Runs"; ExperimentBarcodeSummary b = new ExperimentBarcodeSummary(bioType, "1", expName, dt); b.addSample(s); experiments.put(tpl, b); } } } view.setExperiments(experiments.values()); } private boolean isBlankOrWash(Sample s) { return Functions.isMeasurementOfBarcode(s.getCode(), s.getSampleTypeCode()) && s.getParents().isEmpty(); } @Override public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { view.enableTubeLabelPreview(getUsefulSample()); } private Sample getUsefulSample() { List<Sample> samples = view.getSelectedSamples(); if (samples.isEmpty()) samples = view.getSelectedExperiments().iterator().next().getSamples(); int i = 0; String code = samples.get(i).getCode(); while (!Functions.isQbicBarcode(code)) { code = samples.get(i).getCode(); i++; } return samples.get(i); } private boolean tubesSelected() { return view.getTabs().getSelectedTab() instanceof BarcodePreviewComponent; } private boolean projSelected() { return view.getProjectBox().getValue() != null; } private boolean expSelected() { return view.getSelectedExperiments().size() > 0; } protected List<IBarcodeBean> getBarcodeInfoFromSelections(Collection<ExperimentBarcodeSummary> experiments, List<Sample> samples) { List<IBarcodeBean> sampleBarcodes = new ArrayList<IBarcodeBean>(); List<Sample> openbisSamples = new ArrayList<Sample>(); for (ExperimentBarcodeSummary b : experiments) { openbisSamples.addAll(b.getSamples()); } // the subselection of samples is used instead of the whole experiments // if at least one of them and less than all of them are selected (no one wants to prepare 0 // samples) if (samples.size() < openbisSamples.size() && samples.size() != 0) openbisSamples = samples; // Map<Sample, List<String>> parentMap = getParentMap(openbisSamples); for (Sample s : openbisSamples) { String type = s.getSampleTypeCode(); String bioType = "unknown"; if (sampleTypeToBioTypeField.containsKey(type)) { if (sampleTypeToBioTypeField.get(type).isEmpty()) bioType = "NGS RUN"; else bioType = s.getProperties().get(sampleTypeToBioTypeField.get(type)); } List<String> parents = parentsToStringList(s.getParents()); String parentString = StringUtils.join(parents, " "); sampleBarcodes.add(new NewModelBarcodeBean(s.getCode(), view.getCodedString(s), view.getInfo1(s, parentString), view.getInfo2(s, parentString), bioType, parents, s.getProperties().get("Q_SECONDARY_NAME"), s.getProperties().get("Q_EXTERNALDB_ID"))); } return sampleBarcodes; } private List<String> parentsToStringList(List<Sample> samples) { List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Sample s : samples) { res.add(s.getCode()); } return res; } protected Map<Sample, List<String>> getParentMap(List<Sample> samples) { List<String> codes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Sample s : samples) { codes.add(s.getCode()); } Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("codes", codes); QueryTableModel resTable = openbis.getAggregationService("get-parentmap", params); Map<String, List<String>> parentMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (Serializable[] ss : resTable.getRows()) { String code = (String) ss[0]; String parent = (String) ss[1]; if (parentMap.containsKey(code)) { List<String> parents = parentMap.get(code); parents.add(parent); parentMap.put(code, parents); } else { parentMap.put(code, new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(parent))); } } Map<Sample, List<String>> res = new HashMap<Sample, List<String>>(); for (Sample s : samples) { List<String> prnts = parentMap.get(s.getCode()); if (prnts == null) prnts = new ArrayList<String>(); res.put(s, prnts); } return res; } }