Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package containerMath; import*; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage; import; import; import; import static java.lang.Math.abs; import static java.lang.Math.sqrt; import java.lang.Math.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.AbstractList; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException; import; import containerController.controller; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.CellReference; /* import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.DenseInstance; import weka.core.neighboursearch.LinearNNSearch; */ /** * * @author igorbashka */ public class containerMath { private List<Item> items; private List<Double> ratios; private int index; //index of a needed for sorting item private List<Item> sortedItems; private double sumWeight; //sum weight of all matched elements private double sumVolume;// sum volume of all matched elements private double weightLeft;// left weight in the container private double volumeLeft; // left volume in the container private double weightCapacity; // weight capacity of the container private double volumeCapacity; // volume capacity of the container private int numberOfItems; // number of items to sort private double allWeight; // weight of all items which we need to sort private double allVolume; // volume of all items which we need to sort private double numOfContainers; //number of containers to sort the items private int numOfFourties; private int numOfTwenties; private double capacityFourty; // capacity of 40ft container private int lastRow; private controller cont = controller.getController(); /*Method to get weight of all elements*/ private void allWeight() { allWeight = 0; for (Item item : items) { allWeight = allWeight + item.getSumWeight(); } } /*Get volume of all elements*/ private void allVolume() { allVolume = 0; for (Item item : items) { allVolume = allVolume + item.getSumVolume(); } } public void setFourty(double fourty) { this.capacityFourty = fourty; } public void findContainers() { if (allVolume / (numOfContainers * volumeCapacity) <= 1) { numOfTwenties = (int) numOfContainers; } else if (allVolume / (numOfContainers * capacityFourty) == 1) { numOfFourties = (int) numOfContainers; } else if (allVolume / (numOfContainers * capacityFourty) > 1) { System.out.println("You need a vagon, not enough space"); } else if (allVolume / (numOfContainers * volumeCapacity) > 1 && allVolume / (numOfContainers * capacityFourty) < 1) { numOfFourties = 1; while (allVolume / (numOfContainers * volumeCapacity) > 1) { allVolume = allVolume - numOfFourties * capacityFourty; numOfContainers--; numOfFourties++; } numOfTwenties = (int) numOfContainers; } numOfContainers = numOfFourties + numOfTwenties; } public void readFromExcel(String pathToFile, String name, String range, String numberOfItems, String inPack, String numberOfPacks, String netWeight, String sumNetWeight, String grossWeight, String sumGrossWeight, String volumeOfPack, String sumVolume) { //{ // cont.rowsRangeProcessing(range); int itemName = CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(name); int itemsQuantity = CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(numberOfItems); int inPackIndex = CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(inPack); int numOfPacksIndex = CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(numberOfPacks); int netWeightIndex = CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(netWeight); int sumNetWeightIndex = CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(sumNetWeight); int grossWeightIndex = CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(grossWeight); int sumGrossWeightIndex = CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(sumGrossWeight); int volumeOfPackIndex = CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(volumeOfPack); int sumVolumeIndex = CellReference.convertColStringToIndex(sumVolume); try { OPCPackage pkg; try { pkg = File(pathToFile)); // pkg = File("/home/igor/Documents/China/HDHardware/test.xlsx")); XSSFWorkbook book = new XSSFWorkbook(pkg); Sheet sheet1 = book.getSheetAt(0); //Sheet sheet2 = book.createSheet(); XSSFWorkbook book2 = new XSSFWorkbook(); Sheet bookSheet = book2.createSheet(); items = new ArrayList<Item>(); //itemsList = new Instances(); for (int n = cont.getFirstNumber(); n < cont.getSecondNumber(); n++) { Row row = sheet1.getRow(n); Item item = new Item(row.getCell(itemName).toString(), row.getCell(itemsQuantity).getNumericCellValue(), row.getCell(inPackIndex).getNumericCellValue(), row.getCell(numOfPacksIndex).getNumericCellValue(), (int) row.getCell(grossWeightIndex).getNumericCellValue(), row.getCell(sumGrossWeightIndex).getNumericCellValue(), row.getCell(volumeOfPackIndex).getNumericCellValue(), row.getCell(sumVolumeIndex).getNumericCellValue()); items.add(item); } this.numberOfItems = items.size(); allWeight(); allVolume(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } catch (InvalidFormatException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void getNumberOfContainers() { if (allWeight % weightCapacity == 0) { numOfContainers = allWeight / weightCapacity; } else { numOfContainers = (int) allWeight / weightCapacity + 1; } } private void writeOutput(List<Item> rightItems, Sheet sheet, int lastRow) { sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 13000); this.lastRow = lastRow; int j = 0; Row row1 = sheet.createRow(0);//creating headings Cell name = row1.createCell(0); name.setCellValue("?"); Cell quantity = row1.createCell(1); quantity.setCellValue("?"); Cell inPacks = row1.createCell(2); inPacks.setCellValue("? "); Cell numOfPacks = row1.createCell(3); numOfPacks.setCellValue("? "); Cell weightOfPack = row1.createCell(4); weightOfPack.setCellValue("? "); Cell weightPacks = row1.createCell(5); weightPacks.setCellValue(" ?"); Cell volumeOfPack = row1.createCell(6); volumeOfPack.setCellValue(" "); Cell volumeOfPacks = row1.createCell(7); volumeOfPack.setCellValue(" "); for (int i = 0; i < rightItems.size(); i++) { Row rowN = sheet.createRow(lastRow + i); Cell nameN = rowN.createCell(0); nameN.setCellValue(rightItems.get(i).getName()); Cell quantityN = rowN.createCell(1); quantityN.setCellValue(rightItems.get(i).getNumOfItems()); Cell inPacksN = rowN.createCell(2); inPacksN.setCellValue(rightItems.get(i).getItemsInPack()); Cell numOfPacksN = rowN.createCell(3); numOfPacksN.setCellValue(rightItems.get(i).getNumOfPacks()); Cell weightOfPackN = rowN.createCell(4); weightOfPackN.setCellValue(rightItems.get(i).getWeightOfPack()); Cell weightPacksN = rowN.createCell(5); weightPacksN.setCellValue(rightItems.get(i).getSumWeight()); Cell volumeOfPackN = rowN.createCell(6); volumeOfPackN.setCellValue(rightItems.get(i).getVolumeOfPack()); Cell volumeOfPacksN = rowN.createCell(7); volumeOfPacksN.setCellValue(rightItems.get(i).getSumVolume()); j = lastRow + i; } Row secondHeadings = sheet.createRow(j + 2); //Headings Cell cellFinal = secondHeadings.createCell(0); cellFinal.setCellValue(""); Cell cellWeight = secondHeadings.createCell(5); cellWeight.setCellValue(" ?"); Cell cellVolume = secondHeadings.createCell(7); cellVolume.setCellValue(" "); Row sumData = sheet.createRow(j + 3); Cell cellFinalWeight = sumData.createCell(5); cellFinalWeight.setCellValue(sumWeight); Cell cellFinalVolume = sumData.createCell(7); cellFinalVolume.setCellValue(sumVolume); Row rest = sheet.createRow(j + 4); //row for rest space in the container Cell restFinal = rest.createCell(0); restFinal.setCellValue("?"); Cell restWeight = rest.createCell(5); restWeight.setCellValue("?, "); Cell restVolume = rest.createCell(7); restVolume.setCellValue("?, 3"); Row restNumbers = sheet.createRow(j + 5); Cell restWeightNumber = restNumbers.createCell(5); restWeightNumber.setCellValue(weightLeft); Cell restVolumeNumber = restNumbers.createCell(7); restVolumeNumber.setCellValue(volumeLeft); } /*Writing output to system.out to test the method*/ public void findClosest(double ideal) { double dif; double min = items.get(0).getRatio() - ideal; int n = 0; for (Item item : items) { dif = abs((item.getRatio() - ideal)); n++; //min = min(min, dif); if (dif < min) { min = dif; index = n; } } sumWeight = items.get(index).getSumWeight(); sumVolume = items.get(index).getSumVolume(); sortedItems.add(items.get(index)); System.out.println(items.get(index).getName() + " " + items.get(index).getSumWeight() + " " + items.get(index).getSumVolume() + "\n"); items.remove(index); numberOfItems--; } /*Initializing the right list*/ public void rightListInitialize() { sortedItems = new ArrayList<Item>(); } /*Adding item to the right list*/ public void addToRightList() { sortedItems.add(items.get(index)); } public void setWeightCapacity(double weightCapacity) { this.weightCapacity = weightCapacity; } public void setVolumeCapacity(double volumeCapacity) { this.volumeCapacity = volumeCapacity; } /*Method for getting left weight*/ private void setLeftWeight() { this.weightLeft = weightCapacity - sumWeight; } private double formula(Item item, double count) { return (item.getRatio() + sumWeight / sumVolume) / count; } private void setLeftVolume() { this.volumeLeft = volumeCapacity - sumVolume; } /*Method for sorting items to fit in the container*/ public void sortItems() { XSSFWorkbook output = new XSSFWorkbook(); Sheet s = output.createSheet(); lastRow = 1; while (numOfContainers != 0 && items.size() > 1) { if (numOfTwenties != 0) { numOfTwenties--; } else { this.volumeCapacity = capacityFourty; } rightListInitialize(); double diff; // ratio difference double idealRatio = weightCapacity / volumeCapacity; findClosest(idealRatio); double itemVolume; double itemWeight; setLeftVolume(); setLeftWeight(); int numOfSortItems = 2; // number of sorted items for calculation numberOfItems = items.size(); for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfItems; i++) { if (!items.isEmpty()) { itemVolume = items.get(0).getSumVolume(); itemWeight = items.get(0).getSumWeight(); double min = abs(idealRatio - formula(items.get(0), numOfSortItems)); index = 0; int count = 0; for (Item item : items) { // double b = item.getRatio(); diff = abs(idealRatio - formula(item, numOfSortItems)); if (diff < min && item.getSumWeight() < weightLeft && item.getSumVolume() < volumeLeft) { min = diff; index = count; itemWeight = item.getSumWeight(); itemVolume = item.getSumVolume(); } count++; } if (itemVolume < volumeLeft && itemWeight < weightLeft) { sortedItems.add(items.get(index)); sumWeight = sumWeight + itemWeight; sumVolume = sumVolume + itemVolume; setLeftVolume(); setLeftWeight(); System.out.println(items.get(index).getName() + " " + items.get(index).getSumWeight() + " " + items.get(index).getSumVolume() + "\n"); items.remove(index); } else if (items.get(index).getWeightOfPack() < weightLeft && items.get(index).getVolumeOfPack() < volumeLeft && items.get(index).getNumOfPacks() != 0 && !items.isEmpty()) { sortedItems.add(splitItem()); } } } System.out.println(volumeLeft + " " + weightLeft + " " + sumWeight + " " + sumVolume); numOfContainers--; writeOutput(sortedItems, s, lastRow); lastRow = lastRow + sortedItems.size() + 6; } try { FileOutputStream write = new FileOutputStream( "/home/igorbashka/Documents//testOutput.xlsx"); // FileOutputStream write = new FileOutputStream("/home/igor/Documents/China/testOutput.xlsx"); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void printUnsorted() { for (Item item : items) { System.out.println(item.getName() + " " + item.getSumWeight() + " " + item.getSumVolume() + "\n"); } } public double getSumVolume() { double sum = 0; for (Item item : sortedItems) { sum = sum + item.getSumVolume(); } return sum; } public double getSumWeight() { return sumWeight; } public double getNumOfContainers() { return numOfContainers; } public int getFourties() { return numOfFourties; } public int getTwenties() { return numOfTwenties; } public double getVolumeLeft() { return volumeLeft; } public double getWeightLeft() { return weightLeft; } /*Method so slipt item on packs to fit in the container*/ private Item splitItem() { double numberOfPacks = items.get(index).getNumOfPacks(); double weightOfSorted = items.get(index).getWeightOfPack(); double volumeOfSorted = items.get(index).getVolumeOfPack(); double numberOfItems = items.get(index).getNumOfItems(); while (numberOfPacks != 0 && (weightOfSorted + items.get(index).getWeightOfPack()) < weightLeft && (volumeOfSorted + items.get(index).getVolumeOfPack()) < volumeLeft) { weightOfSorted += items.get(index).getWeightOfPack(); volumeOfSorted += items.get(index).getVolumeOfPack(); numberOfPacks--; numberOfItems -= items.get(index).getItemsInPack(); } Item splitItem = new Item(items.get(index).getName(), //the quantity of items to fit in the container numberOfItems, items.get(index).getItemsInPack(), minus(items.get(index).getNumOfPacks(), numberOfPacks), (int) items.get(index).getWeightOfPack(), weightOfSorted, //added (int) items.get(index).getVolumeOfPack(), volumeOfSorted); Item splitItem2 = new Item(items.get(index).getName(), minus(items.get(index).getNumOfItems(), numberOfItems), items.get(index).getItemsInPack(), numberOfPacks, (int) items.get(index).getWeightOfPack(), minus(items.get(index).getSumWeight(), //added (int) weightOfSorted), items.get(index).getVolumeOfPack(), minus(items.get(index).getSumVolume(), volumeOfSorted)); Item checkItem = items.get(index); items.remove(index); items.add(splitItem2);//add splitted item back for further calculation sumWeight += splitItem.getSumWeight(); sumVolume += splitItem.getSumVolume(); setLeftWeight(); setLeftVolume(); return splitItem; } /*Method to compare quantities of splitted item and minus*/ private double minus(double var1, double var2) { return var1 - var2; } }