Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package ConfirmModel; import connection.DbConnectionManager; import connection.UrlConnectionManager; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Time; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebParam; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; /** * * @author Asus X550ZE */ @WebService(serviceName = "ConfirmWS") public class ConfirmWS { @WebMethod(operationName = "getProductData") public String getProductData(@WebParam(name = "access_token") String access_token, @WebParam(name = "productid") String productid) throws IOException, ParseException { Connection conn = DbConnectionManager.getConnection(); String targetIS = "ValidateToken"; String urlParameters = "access_token=" + access_token; HttpURLConnection urlConn = UrlConnectionManager.doReqPost(targetIS, urlParameters); String resp = UrlConnectionManager.getResponse(urlConn); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) parser.parse(resp); String statusResp = (String) obj.get("status"); String answer = ""; switch (statusResp) { case "valid": { try { String fullname = (String) obj.get("fullname"); String fulladdress = (String) obj.get("fulladdress"); String postalcode = (String) obj.get("postalcode"); String phonenumber = (String) obj.get("phonenumber"); String query2 = "SELECT * FROM catalogue WHERE product_id = '" + productid + "'"; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rslt2 = stmt.executeQuery(query2);; String productname = rslt2.getString("productname"); int price = rslt2.getInt("price"); int total = price; answer = "<h1><span id='asking'>Please confirm your purchase </span></h1>" + "<hr></hr>" + "<br>" + "<form name='confirmform' id='confirmform' onsubmit='return validateConfirm()' action='confirm_db?product_id=" + productid + "' method='post'>" + "<label for='product'>Product<span style='margin-left: 30px;'>:</label>" + productname + "<br>" + "<label for='price'>Price<span style='margin-left: 46px;'>:</label>" + "IDR " + price + "<br>" + "<label for='quantity'>Quantity<span style='margin-left:26px;'>:</label>" + "<input id='quantity' onblur='return validateQuantity()' onkeydown='return countTotal(" + price + ")' onkeyup='return countTotal(" + price + ")' style='width:25px;' type='text' name='quantity' value='1' onkeypress='return validateNumber(event)'> pcs" + "<br>" + "<div id='cekquantity' style='margin-left:84px;'></div>" + "<label for='totalprice'>Total Price<span style='margin-left: 13px;'>:</label>" + "<label id='totalprice'>IDR " + total + "</label><br>" + "<label >Delivery to<span style='margin-left: 12.5px;'>:</label><br><br>" + "<label class='smallerlabel' for='consignee' >Consignee</label><br>" + "<input id='consignee' type='text' name='consignee' value='" + fullname + "' onblur='return validateConsignee()'><br>" + "<div id='cekconsignee'></div>" + "<label class='smallerlabel' for='address'>Full Address</label><br>" + "<textarea id='fulladdress' type='text' name='fulladdress' onblur='return validateAddress()'>" + fulladdress + "</textarea><br>" + "<div id='cekaddress'></div>" + "<label class='smallerlabel' for='postalcode'>Postal Code</label><br>" + "<input id='postalcode' type='text' name='postalcode' value='" + postalcode + "' onblur='return validatePostal()'><br>" + "<div id='cekpostal'></div>" + "<label class='smallerlabel' for='phonenumber'>Phone Number</label><br>" + "<input id='phonenumber' type='text' name='phonenumber' value='" + phonenumber + "' onblur='return validatePhone()'><br>" + "<div id='cekphone'></div>" + "<label class='smallerlabel' for='ccnumber'>12 Digits Credit Card Number</label><br>" + "<input id='ccnumber' type='text' name='creditcard' onkeypress='return validateCardNumber(event)' onblur='return validateCC()'><br>" + "<div id='cekcc'></div>" + "<label class='smallerlabel' for='verification'>3 Digits Card Verification Value</label><br>" + "<input id='ver' type='text' name='verification' onkeypress='return validateVerification(event)' onblur='return validateVer()'><br>" + "<div id='cekver'></div>" + "<input type='submit' onclick='return validateForm()' value='CONFIRM' style=' margin-left:376px;' href=''>" + "<input type='reset' value='CANCEL' style='margin-left:20px;'>" + "</form>"; } catch (SQLException ex) { answer = "<b>Insert to database failed: An Exception has occurred!<b> " + ex; } break; } case "non-valid": { answer = "2"; break; } default: { answer = "3"; break; } } return answer; } /** * Web service operation */ @WebMethod(operationName = "confirmPurchase") public int confirmPurchase(@WebParam(name = "access_token") String access_token, @WebParam(name = "product_id") String product_id, @WebParam(name = "quantity") String quantity, @WebParam(name = "consignee") String consignee, @WebParam(name = "fulladdress") String fulladdress, @WebParam(name = "postalcode") String postalcode, @WebParam(name = "phonenumber") String phonenumber, @WebParam(name = "creditcard") String creditcard, @WebParam(name = "verification") String verification) throws IOException, ParseException { int status = 0; Connection conn = DbConnectionManager.getConnection(); String targetIS = "ValidateToken"; String urlParameters = "access_token=" + access_token; HttpURLConnection urlConn = UrlConnectionManager.doReqPost(targetIS, urlParameters); String resp = UrlConnectionManager.getResponse(urlConn); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) parser.parse(resp); String statusResp = (String) obj.get("status"); String username = (String) obj.get("username"); int quantity2 = Integer.parseInt(quantity); System.out.println(statusResp); switch (statusResp) { case "valid": { try { String query = "SELECT * FROM catalogue WHERE product_id = '" + product_id + "'"; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rslt = stmt.executeQuery(query); int product_price = 0; String product_name = ""; String seller = ""; String image = ""; while ( { product_name = rslt.getString("productname"); product_price = rslt.getInt("price"); seller = rslt.getString("username"); image = rslt.getString("imagepath"); } int total = product_price * quantity2; String query2 = "INSERT INTO purchase (product_name, product_price, seller, buyer, image, quantity, consignee," + "fulladdressbuyer, postalcode, newphonenumber, creditcard, verification, datebought, timebought) VALUES (" + "'" + product_name + "', '" + product_price + "', '" + seller + "', '" + username + "', '" + image + "', '" + quantity + "', '" + consignee + "', '" + fulladdress + "', '" + postalcode + "'," + "'" + phonenumber + "', '" + creditcard + "', '" + verification + "', curdate(), curtime())"; System.out.println("Query : " + query2); PreparedStatement stmt2 = conn.prepareStatement(query2); int i = stmt2.executeUpdate(); status = 1; } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("Insert asdasd to database failed: An Exception has occurred! " + ex); } break; } case "non-valid": { status = 2; break; } default: { status = 3; break; } } return status; } }