Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011 Arie Benichou
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program. If not, see <>.

package concretisations.checkers.pieces;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import abstractions.cell.ManagedCellInterface;
import abstractions.direction.Direction;
import abstractions.direction.DirectionInterface;
import abstractions.direction.DirectionManager.NamedDirection;
import abstractions.mutation.MutationInterface;
import abstractions.piece.AbstractPiece;
import abstractions.piece.PieceTypeInterface;
import abstractions.side.SideInterface;


import concretisations.checkers.mutations.CheckersMutationFactory;
import concretisations.checkers.mutations.CheckersMutations;

// TODO grer les jumps successifs
// TODO grer les promotions de pions.
public abstract class CheckerPiece extends AbstractPiece {

    private static final Set<? extends DirectionInterface> PATHS = ImmutableSet.of(NamedDirection.RIGHT,
    private final Set<DirectionInterface> legalDirections;

    private interface Predicate {

        boolean apply(ManagedCellInterface cell, SideInterface side, DirectionInterface direction);

    private static final Predicate CAN_WALK_THROUGH = new Predicate() {

        public boolean apply(final ManagedCellInterface cell, final SideInterface side,
                final DirectionInterface direction) {
            return side.equals(cell.getPiece().getSide()) && cell.getNeihgbour(direction).isEmpty();

    private static final Predicate CAN_JUMP_OVER = new Predicate() {

        public boolean apply(final ManagedCellInterface cell, final SideInterface side,
                final DirectionInterface direction) {
            return side.equals(cell.getPiece().getSide()) && !cell.getNeihgbour(direction).isNull() // TODO !  amliorer
                    && side.getNextSide().equals(cell.getNeihgbour(direction).getPiece().getSide())
                    && cell.getNeihgbour(direction).getNeihgbour(direction).isEmpty();

    private Set<DirectionInterface> compileLegalRelativePositions(
            final Set<? extends DirectionInterface> directions) {
        final Set<DirectionInterface> legalRelativePositions = Sets
                .newHashSetWithExpectedSize(CheckerPiece.PATHS.size() * directions.size());

        for (final List<? extends DirectionInterface> list : Sets.cartesianProduct(CheckerPiece.PATHS,
                directions)) {
            int rowDelta = 0;
            int columnDelta = 0;
            for (final DirectionInterface namedDirection : list) {
                rowDelta += namedDirection.getRowDelta();
                columnDelta += namedDirection.getColumnDelta();
            legalRelativePositions.add(new Direction(rowDelta, columnDelta)); // NOPMD

        return legalRelativePositions;

    public CheckerPiece(final SideInterface side, final PieceTypeInterface type,
            final Set<? extends DirectionInterface> directions) {
        super(side, type);
        this.legalDirections = this.compileLegalRelativePositions(directions);

    private Predicate getPredicate(final CheckersMutations mutationType) {
        switch (mutationType) { // NOPMD 
        case JUMP:
            return CheckerPiece.CAN_JUMP_OVER; // NOPMD 
        case WALK:
            return CheckerPiece.CAN_WALK_THROUGH;

    private Set<DirectionInterface> getMutations(final ManagedCellInterface cell, final SideInterface side,
            final CheckersMutations mutationType) {
        final Set<DirectionInterface> mutations = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(this.legalDirections.size());
        final Predicate predicate = this.getPredicate(mutationType);
        for (final DirectionInterface direction : this.legalDirections) {
            if (predicate.apply(cell, side, direction)) {
        return mutations;

    public final Set<? extends MutationInterface> computePotentialMutations(final ManagedCellInterface cell,
            final SideInterface side) {
        final Set<MutationInterface> potentialMutations = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(4);
        for (final DirectionInterface direction : this.getMutations(cell, side, CheckersMutations.JUMP)) {
            potentialMutations.add(CheckersMutationFactory.newJumpMutation(cell, direction));
        for (final DirectionInterface direction : this.getMutations(cell, side, CheckersMutations.WALK)) {
            potentialMutations.add(CheckersMutationFactory.newWalkMutation(cell, direction));
        return potentialMutations;
