Java tutorial
/** * ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED * Copyright 2009-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated * All Rights Reserved. * * NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute * this file in accordance with the terms of the MIT license, * a copy of which can be found in the LICENSE.txt file or at * */ package compile.type.visit; import; import compile.type.Type; import compile.type.TypeParam; import compile.type.TypeRef; import java.util.Set; /** * Collects all params referred to from a type term (local and * from enclosing type terms). * * @author Basil Hosmer */ public class TypeParamCollector extends TypeVisitorBase<Object> { private static final ThreadLocal<TypeParamCollector> LOCAL = new ThreadLocal<TypeParamCollector>() { protected TypeParamCollector initialValue() { return new TypeParamCollector(); } }; /** * Collect type params mentioned in given type */ public static Set<TypeParam> collect(final Type type) { return LOCAL.get().process(type); } // // instance // /** * set of collected params. * Note: must be an identity set. */ private Set<TypeParam> params; private Set<TypeParam> process(final Type type) { params = Sets.newIdentityHashSet(); visitType(type); return params; } /** * */ @Override public Object visit(final TypeRef ref) { if (ref.isParamRef()) params.add((TypeParam) ref.getBinding()); return null; } }