Java tutorial
/** * ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED * Copyright 2009-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated * All Rights Reserved. * * NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute * this file in accordance with the terms of the MIT license, * a copy of which can be found in the LICENSE.txt file or at * */ package compile.type.visit; import; import; import compile.Session; import compile.Pair; import compile.type.ScopeType; import compile.type.Type; import compile.type.TypeParam; import java.util.HashSet; /** * Holds the in-progress state of a structural congruence check * of two type terms. Done in a hurry and seems to work, should * definitely be revisited to improve efficiency and verify correctness. * Better yet would be to find we don't need it after refactoring. * * @author Basil Hosmer */ public final class EquivState { private final HashSet<Pair<Type, Type>> visited; private final BiMap<ScopeType, ScopeType> scopes; private final BiMap<TypeParam, TypeParam> params; public EquivState() { this.visited = new HashSet<Pair<Type, Type>>(); this.scopes = HashBiMap.create(); this.params = HashBiMap.create(); } public EquivState(final ScopeType left, final ScopeType right) { this(); matchScope(left, right); } /** * */ public boolean checkVisited(final Type left, final Type right) { final Pair<Type, Type> pair = Pair.create(left, right); if (visited.contains(pair)) return true; visited.add(pair); return false; } /** * */ public BiMap<TypeParam, TypeParam> getParams() { return params; } /** * */ private boolean matchScope(final ScopeType left, final ScopeType right) { if (scopes.containsKey(left)) { final ScopeType prevRight = scopes.get(left); if (!right.equals(prevRight)) { if (Session.isDebug()) Session.debug(left.getLoc(), "scope {0} already matched with scope {1}, can''t match {2}", left.dump(), prevRight.dump(), right.dump()); return false; } else { if (Session.isDebug()) Session.debug(left.getLoc(), "scope {0} matches scope {1}", left.dump(), right.dump()); return true; } } else { final BiMap<ScopeType, ScopeType> inv = scopes.inverse(); if (inv.containsKey(right)) { final ScopeType prevLeft = inv.get(right); if (Session.isDebug()) Session.debug(right.getLoc(), "scope {0} already matched with scope {1}, can''t match {2}", right.dump(), prevLeft.dump(), left.dump()); return false; } else { if (Session.isDebug()) Session.debug(left.getLoc(), "adding scope equiv {0} <=> {1}", left.dump(), right.dump()); scopes.put(left, right); return true; } } } /** * */ public boolean matchParam(final TypeParam left, final TypeParam right) { if (left.getKind() != right.getKind()) { Session.error(left.getLoc(), "param {0} kind differs from param {1} kind", left.dump(), right.dump()); return false; } final ScopeType leftScope = left.getTypeScope(); final ScopeType rightScope = right.getTypeScope(); if (!matchScope(leftScope, rightScope)) { Session.error(left.getLoc(), "param {0} scoped at {1} is not compatible with param {2} scoped at {3}", left.dump(), leftScope.getLoc(), right.dump(), rightScope.getLoc()); return false; } if (params.containsKey(left)) { final TypeParam prev = params.get(left); if (!right.equals(prev)) { if (Session.isDebug()) Session.debug(left.getLoc(), "param {0} already matched with param {1}, can''t match {2}", left.dump(), prev.dump(), right.dump()); return false; } return true; } else { final BiMap<TypeParam, TypeParam> inv = params.inverse(); if (inv.containsKey(right)) { final TypeParam prevLeft = inv.get(right); if (Session.isDebug()) Session.debug(right.getLoc(), "param {0} already matched with param {1}, can''t match {2}", right.dump(), prevLeft.dump(), left.dump()); return false; } params.put(left, right); return true; } } }