Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2009-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute
 * this file in accordance with the terms of the MIT license,
 * a copy of which can be found in the LICENSE.txt file or at
package compile.type;

import compile.Loc;
import compile.Session;
import compile.type.visit.*;

import java.util.*;

 * Common base implementation for classes that represent type terms
 * that can be quantified.
 * TODO refactor quantified types pronto
 * @author Basil Hosmer
public abstract class ScopeType extends AbstractType {
    private final LinkedHashMap<String, TypeParam> params;
    private boolean paramsCommitted;

    public ScopeType(final Loc loc) {
        this.params = new LinkedHashMap<String, TypeParam>();
        this.paramsCommitted = false;

    // Type

    public final void collectInlineParams() {
        new TypeBindingCollector(this).collect();
        paramsCommitted = true;

    public boolean hasParams() {
        return !params.isEmpty();

    public Map<String, TypeParam> getParams() {
        return params;

    public TypeParam getParam(final String name) {
        return params.get(name);

    public void addParam(final TypeParam param) {
        if (paramsCommitted) {
            Session.error(loc, "internal error in type {0}: addParam with params committed", dump());
        } else if (params.containsKey(param.getName())) {
            Session.error(loc, "internal error in type {0}: addParam {1}, already defined", dump(),
        } else {
            params.put(param.getName(), param);

    public void addParams(final Collection<TypeParam> params) {
        for (final TypeParam param : params)

        paramsCommitted = true;

    public final boolean getParamsCommitted() {
        return paramsCommitted;

    public final Type instance(final TypeEnv env, final boolean useParamNames) {
        return new TypeInstantiator(this, env, useParamNames).getInstance();

    public final Type quantify(final SubstMap newParams, final SubstMap ambientParams) {
        final Type applied = subst(ambientParams.compose(loc, newParams));

        // add new params to our result type
        for (final Type type : newParams.values())
            applied.addParam((TypeParam) type);

        return applied;

     * Note: nameGenOffset is part of our scheme for avoiding (the appearance of)
     * name capture in dumps and error messages. We quantify inner-to-outer,
     * so the type checker passes in the number of ambient vars as a starting
     * offset to the name generator. That way outermost names are A, B, C, ...
     * Spacing is not perfect, there are gaps. It would give a prettier result to
     * do a consolidation pass at the end, but the important thing for round-
     * tripping (not that we do it currently) is that there is no overlap.
     * NOTE: the relationship between a var's constraint and that of its
     * corresponding param is tricky--see comment in code body, and also
     * {@link TypeVarSubstitutor#visit(TypeVar)}.
    public SubstMap buildParamMap(final Set<TypeVar> vars, final int nameGenOffset, final TypeEnv env) {
        final Set<TypeVar> qvars = Sets.intersection(vars, getVars());

        if (qvars.isEmpty())
            return SubstMap.EMPTY;

        // when generating param names, avoid names of used params.
        final Set<String> usedNames = new HashSet<String>();

        for (final TypeParam param : TypeParamCollector.collect(this))

        // begin generating names from this offset into the generated name space.
        int genIndex = nameGenOffset;

        final SubstMap substMap = new SubstMap();

        for (final TypeVar v : qvars) {
            final String name;

            final TypeParam param = v.getBackingParam(usedNames, this);
            if (param != null) {
                name = param.getName();
            } else {
                String tmp;
                do {
                    tmp = nameGen(genIndex++);
                } while (usedNames.contains(tmp));

                name = tmp;


            // NOTE: v's constraint is ignored here, because it needs to be
            // not just transferred to the corresponding param, but also run
            // through this same substitution map at quantification time.
            // Users of this map are responsible for doing this.
            substMap.put(v, new TypeParam(v.getLoc(), name, v.getKind(), null));

        return substMap;

     * The override here enforces the rule that two scopes
     * can only be equivalent if they match each other.
    public boolean equiv(final Type other) {
        if (other instanceof ScopeType)
            return equiv(other, new EquivState(this, (ScopeType) other));

        return equiv(other.deref(), new EquivState());

    // Object

    public boolean equals(final Object o) {
        if (this == o)
            return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
            return false;

        final ScopeType that = (ScopeType) o;

        if (!params.equals(that.params))
            return false;

        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        return params.hashCode();