Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package compilateur.test_independance;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.apache.commons.math.stat.inference.ChiSquareTestImpl;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.inference.UnknownDistributionChiSquareTest;

import compilateur.VDD;
import compilateur.Var;

/*   (C) Copyright 2013, Schmidt Nicolas
 *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with this program.  If not, see <>.

public class TestG2 implements TestIndependance {

    protected UnknownDistributionChiSquareTest testStatistic = new ChiSquareTestImpl();

    public double[][] getIndependancy(ArrayList<Var> v, VDD graph) {
        Var var1, var2;

        double[][] variance = new double[v.size()][v.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
            var1 = v.get(i);
            for (int j = i; j < v.size(); j++) {
                //---debut du calcul-----
                var2 = v.get(j);

                variance[i][j] = computeInd(var1, var2, graph);

                System.out.print( + "=" + variance[i][j] + " ");
        return variance;

    private double computeInd(Var var1, Var var2, VDD graph) {
        int dom1, dom2;
        long[][] table;
        long[] sum1;
        long[] sum2;
        dom1 = var1.domain;
        dom2 = var2.domain;
        table = new long[dom1][dom2];
        sum1 = new long[dom1];
        sum2 = new long[dom2];

        for (int l = 0; l < dom1; l++)
            sum1[l] = 0;
        for (int l = 0; l < dom2; l++)
            sum2[l] = 0;

        int N = 0;
        //calcul des proba au cas par cas
        for (int l = 0; l < dom1; l++) {
            graph.conditioner(var1, l);
            for (int k = 0; k < dom2; k++) {
                graph.conditioner(var2, k);
                table[l][k] = graph.countingpondere();
                sum1[l] += table[l][k];
                sum2[k] += table[l][k];
                N += table[l][k];
                //            System.out.println("table["+l+"]["+k+"] : "+table[l][k]);
        int tailleV1 = dom1;
        int tailleV2 = dom2;
        double[] sommeV1 = new double[tailleV1];
        double[] sommeV2 = new double[tailleV2];
        boolean[] suppr1 = new boolean[tailleV1];
        boolean[] suppr2 = new boolean[tailleV2];
        int newTailleV1 = tailleV1;
        int newTailleV2 = tailleV2;

        for (int i = 0; i < tailleV1; i++) {
            int somme = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < tailleV2; j++)
                somme += table[i][j];
            sommeV1[i] = somme;
            if (somme == 0) {
                suppr1[i] = true;
            } else
                suppr1[i] = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < tailleV2; i++) {
            int somme = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < tailleV1; j++)
                somme += table[j][i];
            sommeV2[i] = somme;
            if (somme == 0) {
                suppr2[i] = true;
            } else
                suppr2[i] = false;

        long[][] newTable = new long[newTailleV1][newTailleV2];
        long[] newSommeV1 = new long[newTailleV1];
        long[] newSommeV2 = new long[newTailleV2];

        int a = 0, b = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < tailleV1; i++) {
            if (sommeV1[i] == 0)
            int somme = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < tailleV2; j++)
                somme += table[i][j];
            newSommeV1[a] = somme;

        for (int i = 0; i < tailleV2; i++) {
            if (sommeV2[i] == 0)
            int somme = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < tailleV1; j++)
                somme += table[j][i];
            newSommeV2[b] = somme;

        a = 0;
        b = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < tailleV1; i++)
            if (suppr1[i])
            else {
                b = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < tailleV2; j++) {
                    if (suppr2[j])
                        newTable[a][b++] = table[i][j];

        //      for(int l = 0; l < newTailleV1; l++)
        //         for(int k = 0; k < newTailleV2; k++)
        //            System.out.println("newTable["+l+"]["+k+"] : "+newTable[l][k]);

        /*      try {
                 return testStatistic.chiSquareTest(newTable);
              } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
              } catch (MathException e) {
              return -1;*/

        double statistique = 0;
        for (int l = 0; l < newTailleV1; l++)
            for (int k = 0; k < newTailleV2; k++)
                if (newTable[l][k] != 0) {
                    statistique += 2 * newTable[l][k]
                            * Math.log(((double) newTable[l][k] * N) / (newSommeV1[l] * newSommeV2[k]));
                    /*               System.out.println("N:"+N);

        //      return statistique;
        return pochisq(statistique, (newTailleV1 - 1) * (newTailleV2 - 1));

        //      return g2(dom1, dom2, table, (dom1-1)*(dom2-1));

    private static final double LOG_SQRT_PI = Math.log(Math.sqrt(Math.PI));
    private static final double I_SQRT_PI = 1 / Math.sqrt(Math.PI);
    private static final int MAX_X = 20; // max value to represent exp(x)

    /* POCHISQ -- probability of chi-square value
    Adapted from:
    Hill, I. D. and Pike, M. C. Algorithm 299
    Collected Algorithms for the CACM 1967 p. 243
    Updated for rounding errors based on remark in
    ACM TOMS June 1985, page 185
    private double pochisq(double x, int df) {
        double a, s;
        double e, c, z;

        if (x <= 0.0 || df < 1) {
            return 1.0;
        a = 0.5 * x;
        boolean even = (df & 1) == 0;
        double y = 0;
        if (df > 1) {
            y = Math.exp(-a);
        s = (even ? y : (2.0 * poz(-Math.sqrt(x))));
        if (df > 2) {
            x = 0.5 * (df - 1.0);
            z = (even ? 1.0 : 0.5);
            if (a > MAX_X) {
                e = (even ? 0.0 : LOG_SQRT_PI);
                c = Math.log(a);
                while (z <= x) {
                    e = Math.log(z) + e;
                    s += Math.exp(c * z - a - e);
                    z += 1.0;
                return s;
            } else {
                e = (even ? 1.0 : (I_SQRT_PI / Math.sqrt(a)));
                c = 0.0;
                while (z <= x) {
                    e = e * (a / z);
                    c = c + e;
                    z += 1.0;
                return c * y + s;
        } else {
            return s;
       private double g2(int tailleV1, int tailleV2, double[][] table, int dfcorr)
         double statistique = 0;
         double[] sommeV1 = new double[tailleV1];
         double[] sommeV2 = new double[tailleV2];
         boolean[] suppr1 = new boolean[tailleV1];
         boolean[] suppr2 = new boolean[tailleV2];
         int newTailleV1 = tailleV1;
         int newTailleV2 = tailleV2;
         for(int i = 0; i < tailleV1; i++)
     int somme = 0;
     for(int j = 0; j < tailleV2; j++)
        somme += table[i][j];
     sommeV1[i] = somme;
     if(somme == 0)
        suppr1[i] = true;
        suppr1[i] = false;
         for(int i = 0; i < tailleV2; i++)
     int somme = 0;
     for(int j = 0; j < tailleV1; j++)
        somme += table[j][i];
     sommeV2[i] = somme;
     if(somme == 0)
        suppr2[i] = true;
        suppr2[i] = false;
         double[][] newTable = new double[newTailleV1][newTailleV2];
         double[] newSommeV1 = new double[newTailleV1];
         double[] newSommeV2 = new double[newTailleV2];
         int a = 0, b = 0;
         for(int i = 0; i < tailleV1; i++)
     if(sommeV1[i] == 0)
     int somme = 0;
     for(int j = 0; j < tailleV2; j++)
        somme += table[i][j];
     newSommeV1[a] = somme;
         for(int i = 0; i < tailleV2; i++)
     if(sommeV2[i] == 0)
     int somme = 0;
     for(int j = 0; j < tailleV1; j++)
        somme += table[j][i];
     newSommeV2[b] = somme;
         a = 0;
         b = 0;
         for(int i = 0; i < tailleV1; i++)
        b = 0;
        for(int j = 0; j < tailleV2; j++)
              newTable[a][b++] = table[i][j];
         int N = 0;
         for(int i = 0; i < tailleV1; i++)
     for(int j = 0; j < tailleV2; j++)
        N += table[i][j];
         // pour la correction du degr de libert, voir Steck & Jaakkola (2002)
         for(int l=0; l<newTailleV1; l++)
     for(int k=0; k<newTailleV2; k++)
        if(table[l][k] != 0)
           statistique += 2*table[l][k]*Math.log(table[l][k]*N/(sommeV1[l]*sommeV2[k]));
    //      return statistique;
         return pochisq(statistique, (newTailleV1-1)*(newTailleV2-1)*dfcorr);

    private double poz(double z) {
        double y, x, w;
        double Z_MAX = 6.0; // Maximum meaningful z value
        if (z == 0.0) {
            x = 0.0;
        } else {
            y = 0.5 * Math.abs(z);
            if (y >= (Z_MAX * 0.5)) {
                x = 1.0;
            } else if (y < 1.0) {
                w = y * y;
                x = ((((((((0.000124818987 * w - 0.001075204047) * w + 0.005198775019) * w - 0.019198292004) * w
                        + 0.059054035642) * w - 0.151968751364) * w + 0.319152932694) * w - 0.531923007300) * w
                        + 0.797884560593) * y * 2.0;
            } else {
                y -= 2.0;
                x = (((((((((((((-0.000045255659 * y + 0.000152529290) * y - 0.000019538132) * y - 0.000676904986)
                        * y + 0.001390604284) * y - 0.000794620820) * y - 0.002034254874) * y + 0.006549791214) * y
                        - 0.010557625006) * y + 0.011630447319) * y - 0.009279453341) * y + 0.005353579108) * y
                        - 0.002141268741) * y + 0.000535310849) * y + 0.999936657524;
        return z > 0.0 ? ((x + 1.0) * 0.5) : ((1.0 - x) * 0.5);

    public boolean estPlusIndependantQue(double valeur1, double valeur2) {
        return valeur1 > valeur2;

    public boolean isTestSymetrique() {
        return true;
