Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Compare. * * Compare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Compare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Copare. If not, see <>. * (c) copyright Desmond Schmidt 2015 */ package compare.handler; import calliope.core.URLEncoder; import calliope.core.Utils; import calliope.core.constants.Database; import calliope.core.constants.Formats; import calliope.core.constants.JSONKeys; import calliope.core.database.Connection; import calliope.core.exception.CalliopeException; import calliope.core.database.Connector; import calliope.core.exception.DbException; import calliope.core.handler.GetHandler; import compare.exception.CompareException; import compare.handler.get.CorCode; import calliope.core.handler.EcdosisVersion; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; /** * Abstract super-class for all handlers: PUT, POST, DELETE, GET * @author ddos */ abstract public class CompareHandler extends GetHandler { protected String encoding; protected String version1; protected String docid; public CompareHandler() { this.encoding = Charset.defaultCharset().name(); } public abstract void handle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String urn) throws CompareException; /** * Get an array of CorCodes, and their styles and formats too * @param docID the docID for the resource * @param version1 the group-path+version name * @param userCC an array of specified CorCode names for this docID * @param diffCC the CorCode of the diffs * @param styleNames an array of predefined style-names * @param styles an empty arraylist of style names to be filled * @return a simple array of CorCode texts in their corresponding formats */ protected String[] getCorCodes(String docID, String version1, String[] userCC, CorCode diffCC, String[] styleNames, ArrayList<String> styles) throws CompareException, CalliopeException { String[] ccTexts = new String[userCC.length + 1]; // add diffCC entries to corcodes and formats but not styles ccTexts[0] = diffCC.toString(); // load user-defined styles if (styleNames.length > 0) { String[] styleTexts = fetchStyles(styleNames); for (int i = 0; i < styleTexts.length; i++) styles.add(styleTexts[i]); } HashSet<String> found = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < userCC.length; i++) { String ccResource = userCC[i]; EcdosisVersion ev = doGetResourceVersion(Database.CORCODE, ccResource, version1); try { char[] versionText = ev.getVersion(); if (versionText == null) throw new CompareException("version not found"); ccTexts[i + 1] = new String(versionText); String style = ev.getStyle(); if (!found.contains(style)) { styles.add(fetchStyle(style)); found.add(style); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CompareException(e); } } return ccTexts; } /** * Get the document body of the given urn or null * @param db the database where it is * @param docID the docID of the resource * @return the document body or null if not present */ private static String getDocumentBody(String db, String docID) throws CompareException { try { String jStr = Connector.getConnection().getFromDb(db, docID); if (jStr != null) { JSONObject jDoc = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(jStr); if (jDoc != null) { String body = (String) jDoc.get(JSONKeys.BODY); if (body != null) return body; } } throw new CompareException("document " + db + "/" + docID + " not found"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CompareException(e); } } /** * Fetch a single style text * @param style the path to the style in the corform database * @return the text of the style * @throws CompareException if the style was not in the database */ protected String fetchStyle(String style) throws CompareException { // 1. try to get each literal style name String actual = getDocumentBody(Database.CORFORM, style); while (actual == null) { // 2. add "default" to the end actual = getDocumentBody(Database.CORFORM, URLEncoder.append(style, Formats.DEFAULT)); if (actual == null) { // 3. pop off last path component and try again if (style.length() > 0) style = Utils.chomp(style); else throw new CompareException("no suitable format"); } } return actual; } /** * Get the actual styles from the database. Make sure we fetch something * @param styles an array of style ids * @return an array of database contents for those ids * @throws CompareException only if the database is not set up */ protected String[] fetchStyles(String[] styles) throws CompareException { String[] actual = new String[styles.length]; for (int i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { actual[i] = fetchStyle(styles[i]); } return actual; } /** * Get the best style or the default if none available * @param docID the document id * @return a style docid */ String findStyleFor(String docID) throws DbException { Connection conn = Connector.getConnection(); String original = new String(docID); String jStr = null; do { jStr = conn.getFromDb(Database.CORFORM, docID); if (jStr == null) { String last = Utils.last(docID); if (last.equals("default")) { docID = Utils.chomp(docID); if (docID.length() > 0) docID = Utils.chomp(docID) + "/" + last; else if (!docID.equals("TEI")) { docID = "TEI/default"; } else break; } else docID += "/" + "default"; } } while (jStr == null); if (jStr == null) throw new DbException("Failed to find " + original); else return docID; } /** * Try to retrieve the CorTex/CorCode version specified by the path * @param db the database to fetch from * @param docID the document ID * @param vPath the groups/version path to get * @return the CorTex/CorCode version contents or null if not found * @throws CompareException if the resource couldn't be found protected EcdosisVersion doGetResourceVersion( String db, String docID, String vPath ) throws CompareException { EcdosisVersion version = new EcdosisVersion(); JSONObject doc = null; char[] data = null; String res = null; //System.out.println("fetching version "+vPath ); try { res = Connector.getConnection().getFromDb(db,docID); if ( res != null ) doc = (JSONObject)JSONValue.parse( res ); if ( doc != null ) { String format = (String)doc.get(JSONKeys.FORMAT); if ( format == null ) throw new CompareException("doc missing format"); version.setFormat( format ); if ( version.getFormat().equals(Formats.MVD) ) { MVD mvd = MVDFile.internalise( (String)doc.get( JSONKeys.BODY) ); if ( vPath == null ) vPath = (String)doc.get( JSONKeys.VERSION1 ); version.setStyle(findStyleFor(docID)); String sName = Utils.getShortName(vPath); String gName = Utils.getGroupName(vPath); int vId = mvd.getVersionByNameAndGroup(sName, gName ); version.setMVD(mvd); if ( vId != 0 ) { data = mvd.getVersion( vId ); if ( data != null ) version.setVersion( data ); else throw new CompareException("Version "+vPath+" not found"); } else throw new CompareException("Version "+vPath+" not found"); } else { String body = (String)doc.get( JSONKeys.BODY ); version.setStyle((String)doc.get(JSONKeys.STYLE)); if ( body == null ) throw new CompareException("empty body"); data = new char[body.length()]; body.getChars(0,data.length,data,0); version.setVersion( data ); } } return version; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new CompareException( e ); } } */ }