Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package comparator; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import*; /** * * @author mottinl */ public class Comparator { /** * Main function * @param args the command line arguments * @throws */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { delta_MVC_MTC(); translation(); transcoding_Map_HUG(); } public static void transcoding_Map_HUG() throws IOException { //Get the input files FileInputStream mvcFile = new FileInputStream(new File( "\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\MVC2.0\\Informal_epSOS-MVC_V2_0_(DRAFT)_03.xlsx")); //Get the workbook instance for XLS file XSSFWorkbook mvcWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(mvcFile); XSSFSheet mvcSheet; Iterator<Row> mvcRowIterator; String mvcSheetName; int mvcCol; boolean mvcColFound; Row mvcRow; Row mvcRow2; Iterator<Cell> mvcCellIterator; boolean statusOK = false; //OUTPUT String code_src; String code_dest; String name_dest = ""; String value_set_name_dest = ""; String status = "none"; String value_set_name_source = ""; String value_set_oid_dest = ""; String parent_system_code_dest = ""; String parent_system_oid_dest = ""; String comment = ""; String map_level = "0"; String review = "0"; String version = ""; //Prepare the output file Writer csvW = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream( "\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\Map_HUG\\map_hug_to_mvc_2.0.csv"), "UTF-8")); csvW.write('\ufeff'); csvW.write( "code_src;code_dest;name_dest;value_set_name_dest;status;value_set_name_source;value_set_oid_dest;parent_system_code_dest;parent_system_oid_dest;comment;map_level;review;version;"); csvW.write("\n"); //Read csv map String map = "\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\Map_HUG\\map_hug_to_mvc_1_9.csv"; try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(map)); String line = ""; String csvSplitBy = ";"; String[] maLigne; //jump over the first line br.readLine(); //pour chaque ligne de la map while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { statusOK = false; maLigne = line.split(csvSplitBy); code_src = maLigne[0]; code_dest = maLigne[1]; //Get the sheet from the MTC workbook for (int i = 0; i < mvcWorkbook.getNumberOfSheets(); i++) { mvcSheet = mvcWorkbook.getSheetAt(i); //Get iterator to all the rows in current MTC sheet mvcRowIterator = mvcSheet.iterator(); //Get the name of MTTC sheet, compare them MAP entries //MVC data files are called "epSOSsheetName" mvcSheetName = mvcSheet.getSheetName(); //And process the file matching to find the good sheet if (mvcSheetName.equals(maLigne[3])) { value_set_name_dest = mvcSheetName; value_set_name_source = maLigne[5]; mvcCol = 0; mvcColFound = false; while (mvcRowIterator.hasNext()) { mvcRow =; mvcRow2 = mvcRow; if (mvcColFound == false) { mvcCellIterator = mvcRow.cellIterator(); while (mvcCellIterator.hasNext()) { Cell mvcCell =; if (mvcCell.getCellType() == 1 && (mvcCell.getStringCellValue().equals("Parent Code System:"))) { mvcCol = mvcCell.getColumnIndex() + 1; mvcRow.getCell(mvcCol, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK) .setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); parent_system_code_dest = mvcRow.getCell(mvcCol).getStringCellValue() .trim(); } if (mvcCell.getCellType() == 1 && (mvcCell.getStringCellValue().equals("OID Parent Code System:"))) { mvcCol = mvcCell.getColumnIndex() + 1; mvcRow.getCell(mvcCol, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK) .setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); parent_system_oid_dest = mvcRow.getCell(mvcCol).getStringCellValue().trim(); } if (mvcCell.getCellType() == 1 && (mvcCell.getStringCellValue().equals("epSOS OID:"))) { mvcCol = mvcCell.getColumnIndex() + 1; mvcRow.getCell(mvcCol, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK) .setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); value_set_oid_dest = mvcRow.getCell(mvcCol).getStringCellValue().trim(); } if (mvcCell.getCellType() == 1 && (mvcCell.getStringCellValue().equals("version:"))) { mvcCol = mvcCell.getColumnIndex() + 1; mvcRow.getCell(mvcCol, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK) .setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); version = mvcRow.getCell(mvcCol).getStringCellValue().trim(); } if (mvcCell.getCellType() == 1 && (mvcCell.getStringCellValue().equals("epSOS Code") || mvcCell.getStringCellValue().equals("Code"))) { mvcCol = mvcCell.getColumnIndex(); mvcColFound = true; break; } } } else { mvcRow.getCell(mvcCol, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); if (mvcRow.getCell(mvcCol).getStringCellValue().trim().equals(code_dest)) { statusOK = true; mvcRow2.getCell(mvcCol + 1, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK) .setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); name_dest = mvcRow2.getCell(mvcCol + 1).getStringCellValue().trim(); break; } } } if (statusOK == true) { break; } else { parent_system_code_dest = ""; parent_system_oid_dest = ""; value_set_oid_dest = ""; version = ""; } } } if (statusOK != true) { //TO CHECK MANUALY status = "manual"; name_dest = maLigne[2]; comment = "mvc2.0 no hug code"; } //Write the mapping csvW.write(code_src + ";" + code_dest + ";" + name_dest + ";" + value_set_name_dest + ";" + status + ";" + value_set_name_source + ";" + value_set_oid_dest + ";" + parent_system_code_dest + ";" + parent_system_oid_dest + ";" + comment + ";" + map_level + ";" + review + ";" + version + ";"); csvW.write("\n"); //reset status status = "none"; comment = ""; } br.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } csvW.flush(); csvW.close(); } public static void delta_MVC_MTC() throws IOException { //Get the input files //FileInputStream mtcFile = new FileInputStream(new File("\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\Catalogues\\workingMTC.xlsx")); //FileInputStream mvcFile = new FileInputStream(new File("\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\Catalogues\\Informal_epSOS-MVC_V1_9.xlsx")); FileInputStream mtcFile = new FileInputStream(new File( "\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\MVC2.0\\MTC_2.0.xlsx")); FileInputStream mtcFile2 = new FileInputStream(new File( "\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\MVC2.0\\MTC_2.0.xlsx")); FileInputStream mvcFile = new FileInputStream(new File( "\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\MVC2.0\\Informal_epSOS-MVC_V2_0_(DRAFT)_03.xlsx")); //Prepare the output file //Writer csvW = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\Catalogues\\delta_Mtc-Mvc.csv"), "UTF-8")); Writer csvW = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream( "\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\MVC2.0\\delta_Mtc-Mvc2.1.csv"), "UTF-8")); csvW.write('\ufeff'); csvW.write("Expand Project;"); csvW.write("\n\n"); //Get the workbook instance for XLS file XSSFWorkbook mtcWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(mtcFile); XSSFWorkbook mtcWorkbook2 = new XSSFWorkbook(mtcFile2); XSSFWorkbook mvcWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(mvcFile); //Output csvW.write("One MTC sheet is missing in MVC : VS16_epSOSErrorCodes;"); csvW.write("\n"); csvW.write("********************;"); csvW.write("\n"); csvW.write("Set name;"); csvW.write("\n"); csvW.write("MTC mismatches;List of the codes missing in MVC"); csvW.write("\n"); csvW.write("MVC mismatches;List of the codes missing in MTC"); csvW.write("\n"); csvW.write("********************;"); XSSFSheet mtcSheet; XSSFSheet mtcSheet2; Iterator<Row> mtcRowIterator; Iterator<Row> mtcRowIterator2; Iterator<Row> mvcRowIterator; Iterator<Cell> mtcCellIterator; Iterator<Cell> mvcCellIterator; int mtcCol; int mvcCol; boolean mtcColFound; boolean mvcColFound; ArrayList mtcCodes; ArrayList mvcCodes; ArrayList mtcEnglishNames; ArrayList mvcEnglishNames; ArrayList englishNamesdifferences; Row mtcRow; Row mtcRow2; Row mvcRow; Row mvcRow2; Row newRow; Cell newCell; CellStyle myStyle; String mtcSplit[]; String mvcSplit[]; String mtcSheetName; String mvcSheetName; //Get the sheet from the MTC workbook for (int i = 0; i < mtcWorkbook.getNumberOfSheets(); i++) { mtcSheet = mtcWorkbook.getSheetAt(i); mtcSheet2 = mtcWorkbook2.getSheetAt(i); //Get iterator to all the rows in current MTC sheet mtcRowIterator = mtcSheet.iterator(); mtcRowIterator2 = mtcSheet2.iterator(); //Get the sheet from the MVC workbook for (int j = 0; j < mvcWorkbook.getNumberOfSheets(); j++) { XSSFSheet mvcSheet = mvcWorkbook.getSheetAt(j); //Get iterator to all the rows in current MVC sheet mvcRowIterator = mvcSheet.iterator(); //Get the name of MTC sheet and MVC sheet, compare them if they contain data //MTC data files are called "VSX_sheetName" //MVC data files are called "epSOSsheetName" mtcSplit = mtcSheet.getSheetName().split("_"); mvcSplit = mvcSheet.getSheetName().split("SOS"); mtcSheetName = mtcSplit[mtcSplit.length - 1]; mvcSheetName = mvcSplit[mvcSplit.length - 1]; //And process the file matching or throw out the file that has no equivalent if (mtcSheetName.equals(mvcSheetName)) { mtcCol = 0; mvcCol = 0; mtcColFound = false; mvcColFound = false; mtcCodes = new ArrayList(); mvcCodes = new ArrayList(); mtcEnglishNames = new ArrayList(); mvcEnglishNames = new ArrayList(); englishNamesdifferences = new ArrayList(); //For each row, iterate through each columns //Get iterator to all cells of current row //In MTC while (mtcRowIterator.hasNext()) { mtcRow =; mtcRow2 = mtcRow; if (mtcColFound == false) { mtcCellIterator = mtcRow.cellIterator(); while (mtcCellIterator.hasNext()) { Cell mtcCell =; if (mtcCell.getCellType() == 1 && (mtcCell.getStringCellValue().equals("Code") || mtcCell.getStringCellValue().equals("epSOS Code"))) { mtcCol = mtcCell.getColumnIndex(); mtcColFound = true; break; } } } else { mtcRow.getCell(mtcCol, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); mtcRow2.getCell(mtcCol + 1, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK) .setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); mtcCodes.add(mtcRow.getCell(mtcCol).getStringCellValue().trim()); mtcEnglishNames.add(mtcRow2.getCell(mtcCol + 1).getStringCellValue().trim()); } } //In MVC while (mvcRowIterator.hasNext()) { mvcRow =; mvcRow2 = mvcRow; if (mvcColFound == false) { mvcCellIterator = mvcRow.cellIterator(); while (mvcCellIterator.hasNext()) { Cell mvcCell =; if (mvcCell.getCellType() == 1 && (mvcCell.getStringCellValue().equals("epSOS Code") || mvcCell.getStringCellValue().equals("Code"))) { mvcCol = mvcCell.getColumnIndex(); mvcColFound = true; break; } } } else { mvcRow.getCell(mvcCol, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); mvcRow2.getCell(mvcCol + 1, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK) .setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); mvcCodes.add(mvcRow.getCell(mvcCol).getStringCellValue().trim()); mvcEnglishNames.add(mvcRow2.getCell(mvcCol + 1).getStringCellValue().trim()); } } //Processing colCompare(mtcCodes, mvcCodes, mvcEnglishNames, mtcEnglishNames, englishNamesdifferences); //Output //if((!mtcCodes.isEmpty()) || (!mvcCodes.isEmpty())) {} csvW.write("\n\n"); csvW.write(mtcSheetName + ";"); csvW.write("\n"); csvW.write("MTC mismatches;"); for (int a = 0; a < mtcCodes.size(); a++) { csvW.write(mtcCodes.get(a) + ";"); } csvW.write("\n"); csvW.write("MVC mismatches\n"); for (int b = 0; b < mvcCodes.size(); b++) { csvW.write(mvcCodes.get(b) + ";" + mvcEnglishNames.get(b) + "\n"); } csvW.write("english names differences\n"); if (!englishNamesdifferences.isEmpty()) { csvW.write("code;MTC 2.0;MVC 2.0.1\n"); for (int c = 0; c < englishNamesdifferences.size(); c = c + 3) { csvW.write(englishNamesdifferences.get(c) + ";" + englishNamesdifferences.get(c + 1) + ";" + englishNamesdifferences.get(c + 2) + "\n"); } } /* work on currents MTC2.0 sheet */ mtcColFound = false; mtcCol = 0; List<Integer> delRows = new ArrayList(); //recreate iterator to all the rows in current MTC sheet while (mtcRowIterator2.hasNext()) { mtcRow =; mtcRow2 = mtcRow; if (mtcColFound == false) { mtcCellIterator = mtcRow.cellIterator(); while (mtcCellIterator.hasNext()) { Cell mtcCell =; if (mtcCell.getCellType() == 1 && (mtcCell.getStringCellValue().equals("Code") || mtcCell.getStringCellValue().equals("epSOS Code"))) { mtcCol = mtcCell.getColumnIndex(); mtcColFound = true; break; } } } else { mtcRow.getCell(mtcCol, Row.RETURN_NULL_AND_BLANK).setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); mtcRow2.getCell(mvcCol + 1, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK) .setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); for (int a = 0; a < mtcCodes.size(); a++) { if (mtcRow.getCell(mtcCol).getStringCellValue().trim().equals(mtcCodes.get(a))) { // delete row corresponding to useless code delRows.add(mtcRow.getRowNum()); break; } } if (!englishNamesdifferences.isEmpty()) { for (int c = 0; c < englishNamesdifferences.size(); c = c + 3) { if (mtcRow2.getCell(mtcCol + 1).getStringCellValue().trim() .equals(englishNamesdifferences.get(c + 1))) { mtcRow2.getCell(mtcCol + 1) .setCellValue(englishNamesdifferences.get(c + 2).toString()); break; } } } } } for (int d = delRows.size() - 1; d >= 0; d--) { mtcSheet2.shiftRows(delRows.get(d) + 1, mtcSheet2.getLastRowNum() + 1, -1); } myStyle = mtcSheet2.getRow(0).getCell(0).getCellStyle(); for (int b = 0; b < mvcCodes.size(); b++) { newRow = mtcSheet2.createRow(mtcSheet2.getLastRowNum() + 1); for (int bb = 0; bb < mtcSheet2.getRow(0).getLastCellNum(); bb++) { newCell = newRow.createCell(bb); newCell.setCellStyle(myStyle); if (bb == mtcCol) { newCell.setCellValue(mvcCodes.get(b).toString()); } else if (bb == mtcCol + 1) { newCell.setCellValue(mvcEnglishNames.get(b).toString()); } } } } } } //close InputStream mtcFile.close(); mtcFile2.close(); mvcFile.close(); //close OutputStream csvW.close(); //Open FileOutputStream to write updates FileOutputStream output_file = new FileOutputStream(new File( "\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\MVC2.0\\MTC_2.0_new.xlsx")); //write changes mtcWorkbook2.write(output_file); //close the stream output_file.close(); } /** * Array comparison function * @param mtcCodes * @param mvcCodes * @param mvcEnglishNames * @param mtcEnglishNames * @param englishNamesdifferences */ public static void colCompare(ArrayList mtcCodes, ArrayList mvcCodes, ArrayList mvcEnglishNames, ArrayList mtcEnglishNames, ArrayList englishNamesdifferences) { //If mvcCodes is bigger than mtcCodes, we'll match all elements from mtc in mvc //Remove the matching ones //And keep the others for the output if (mtcCodes.size() < mvcCodes.size()) { for (int a = 0; a < mtcCodes.size(); a++) { for (int b = 0; b < mvcCodes.size(); b++) { if (mtcCodes.isEmpty()) { break; } if (a == -1) { a = 0; } if (mtcCodes.get(a).equals(mvcCodes.get(b))) { if (!mtcEnglishNames.get(a).equals(mvcEnglishNames.get(b))) { englishNamesdifferences.add(mtcCodes.get(a)); englishNamesdifferences.add(mtcEnglishNames.get(a)); englishNamesdifferences.add(mvcEnglishNames.get(b)); } mtcCodes.remove(a); mvcCodes.remove(b); mvcEnglishNames.remove(b); mtcEnglishNames.remove(a); a--; b = -1; } } } } //The opposite else if (mtcCodes.size() > mvcCodes.size()) { for (int b = 0; b < mvcCodes.size(); b++) { for (int a = 0; a < mtcCodes.size(); a++) { if (mvcCodes.isEmpty()) { break; } if (b == -1) { b = 0; } if (mtcCodes.get(a).equals(mvcCodes.get(b))) { if (!mtcEnglishNames.get(a).equals(mvcEnglishNames.get(b))) { englishNamesdifferences.add(mtcCodes.get(a)); englishNamesdifferences.add(mtcEnglishNames.get(a)); englishNamesdifferences.add(mvcEnglishNames.get(b)); } mtcCodes.remove(a); mvcCodes.remove(b); mvcEnglishNames.remove(b); mtcEnglishNames.remove(a); b--; a = -1; } } } } //And the other cases when MTC and MVC have the same number of codes else if (mtcCodes.size() == mvcCodes.size()) { for (int a = 0; a < mtcCodes.size(); a++) { for (int b = 0; b < mvcCodes.size(); b++) { if (mtcCodes.isEmpty()) { break; } if (a == -1) { a = 0; } if (mtcCodes.get(a).equals(mvcCodes.get(b))) { if (!mtcEnglishNames.get(a).equals(mvcEnglishNames.get(b))) { englishNamesdifferences.add(mtcCodes.get(a)); englishNamesdifferences.add(mtcEnglishNames.get(a)); englishNamesdifferences.add(mvcEnglishNames.get(b)); } mtcCodes.remove(a); mvcCodes.remove(b); mvcEnglishNames.remove(b); mtcEnglishNames.remove(a); a = -1; b = -1; } } } } } /* !!!!!!!!!! TAKE CARE : ATC codes file (belgium) not reliable can use : or : !!!!!!!!!! */ //MTC filling public static void translation() throws IOException { //Get the input files FileInputStream newMTC = new FileInputStream(new File( "\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\MVC2.0\\MTC_2.0.xlsx")); String icdCodes = "\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\CIM-10\\CIM10GM2014_S_FR_ClaML_2014.10.31.xml"; String atcCodes = "\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\ATCcodes\\ATCDPP.CSV"; //Prepare the output file Writer csvW = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream( "\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\MVC2.0\\CIM10-treated.csv"), "UTF-8")); csvW.write('\ufeff'); Writer csvW2 = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream( "\\\\\\home\\luc.mottin\\Documents\\Expand\\MVC2.0\\ATC-treated.csv"), "UTF-8")); csvW2.write('\ufeff'); List<String> translationList = new ArrayList(); Map<String, String> translatList = new HashMap(); Map<String, String> translatAtcList = new HashMap(); Map<String, String> translatAtcList2 = new HashMap(); String codeTemp = ""; boolean prefered = false; InputStream ips = new FileInputStream(icdCodes); //Cp1252 --> ANSI InputStreamReader ipsr = new InputStreamReader(ips, "UTF-8"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(ipsr); String ligne; Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("<Class code=\"(.+?)\""); Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("xml:space=\"default\">(.+?)<"); Pattern p3 = Pattern.compile("(.+?)\\.."); Pattern pActiveIngredient = Pattern.compile("(?:.*;){8}\"(.+?)\";(?:.*;)\"(.+?)\";(?:.*;){5}.*"); Pattern pActiveIngredient2 = Pattern.compile("(?:.*;){4}\"(.+?)\";(?:.*;){5}\"(.+?)\";(?:.*;){5}.*"); Matcher m1; Matcher m2; Matcher m3; Matcher mActiveIngredient; Matcher mActiveIngredient2; while ((ligne = br.readLine()) != null) { m1 = p1.matcher(ligne); m2 = p2.matcher(ligne); if (ligne.matches("</Class>")) { prefered = false; codeTemp = ""; } if (m1.find()) { codeTemp =; } if (ligne.matches("(.*)kind=\"preferred\"(.*)")) { prefered = true; } if (m2.find() && prefered == true) { translatList.put(codeTemp,; prefered = false; } //si traduction franais ET anglais if (ligne.matches(".*<FR_OMS>.*</FR_OMS>.*") && ligne.matches(".*<EN_OMS>.*</EN_OMS>.*")) { translationList.add(ligne.replace("\u00A0", " ")); } } br.close(); ips = new FileInputStream(atcCodes); //Cp1252 --> ANSI ipsr = new InputStreamReader(ips, "UTF-8"); br = new BufferedReader(ipsr); while ((ligne = br.readLine()) != null) { mActiveIngredient = pActiveIngredient.matcher(ligne); mActiveIngredient2 = pActiveIngredient2.matcher(ligne); if (mActiveIngredient.find()) { translatAtcList.put(,; } if (mActiveIngredient2.find()) { translatAtcList2.put(,; } } br.close(); //Get the workbook instance for XLS file XSSFWorkbook newMtcWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(newMTC); XSSFSheet newMtcSheet; Iterator<Row> newMtcRowIterator; Iterator<Cell> newMtcCellIterator; int newMtcCol; boolean newMtcColFound; ArrayList newMtcCodes; ArrayList newMtcCodes2; Row newMtcRow; Row newMtcRow2; Cell newMtcCell; //Get the sheet from the MTC workbook for (int i = 0; i < newMtcWorkbook.getNumberOfSheets(); i++) { newMtcSheet = newMtcWorkbook.getSheetAt(i); //Get iterator to all the rows in current MTC sheet newMtcRowIterator = newMtcSheet.iterator(); //And process the file matching or throw out the file that has no equivalent if (newMtcSheet.getSheetName().equals("VS21_IllnessesandDisorders")) { newMtcCol = 0; newMtcColFound = false; newMtcCodes = new ArrayList(); //For each row, iterate through each columns //Get iterator to all cells of current row //In MTC while (newMtcRowIterator.hasNext()) { newMtcRow =; if (newMtcColFound == false) { newMtcCellIterator = newMtcRow.cellIterator(); while (newMtcCellIterator.hasNext()) { newMtcCell =; if (newMtcCell.getCellType() == 1 && newMtcCell.getStringCellValue().equals("Code")) { newMtcCol = newMtcCell.getColumnIndex(); newMtcColFound = true; break; } } } else { newMtcRow.getCell(newMtcCol, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); newMtcCodes.add(newMtcRow.getCell(newMtcCol).getStringCellValue().trim()); } } for (int j = 0; j < newMtcCodes.size(); j++) { csvW.write(newMtcCodes.get(j) + ";"); if (translatList.containsKey(newMtcCodes.get(j))) { csvW.write(translatList.get(newMtcCodes.get(j))); } else { m3 = p3.matcher((String) newMtcCodes.get(j)); if (m3.find() && translatList.containsKey( { csvW.write(translatList.get(; } } /*for (int k=0; k<translationList.size(); k++) { String frTrad = ""; if (translationList.get(k).trim().contains("<EN_OMS>"+newMtcCodes.get(j)+"</EN_OMS>")) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<FR_OMS>(.+?)</FR_OMS>"); Matcher m = p.matcher(translationList.get(k).trim()); if (m.find()){ frTrad =; translationList.remove(k); } csvW.write(StringUtils.capitalize(frTrad)); } }*/ csvW.write("\n"); } } else if (newMtcSheet.getSheetName().equals("VS3_ActiveIngredient")) { newMtcCol = 0; newMtcColFound = false; newMtcCodes = new ArrayList(); newMtcCodes2 = new ArrayList(); //For each row, iterate through each columns //Get iterator to all cells of current row //In MTC while (newMtcRowIterator.hasNext()) { newMtcRow =; newMtcRow2 = newMtcRow; if (newMtcColFound == false) { newMtcCellIterator = newMtcRow.cellIterator(); while (newMtcCellIterator.hasNext()) { newMtcCell =; if (newMtcCell.getCellType() == 1 && newMtcCell.getStringCellValue().equals("English Display Name")) { newMtcCol = newMtcCell.getColumnIndex(); newMtcColFound = true; break; } } } else { newMtcRow.getCell(newMtcCol, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); newMtcCodes.add(newMtcRow.getCell(newMtcCol).getStringCellValue().trim()); newMtcRow2.getCell(newMtcCol - 1, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK) .setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); newMtcCodes2.add(newMtcRow.getCell(newMtcCol - 1).getStringCellValue().trim()); } } for (int j = 0; j < newMtcCodes.size(); j++) { csvW2.write(newMtcCodes2.get(j) + ";"); csvW2.write(newMtcCodes.get(j) + ";"); if (translatAtcList.containsKey(newMtcCodes.get(j))) { csvW2.write(translatAtcList.get(newMtcCodes.get(j))); } else if (translatAtcList2.containsKey(newMtcCodes2.get(j))) { csvW2.write(translatAtcList.get(newMtcCodes.get(j))); } else { System.out.println(newMtcCodes.get(j)); } csvW2.write("\n"); } } } csvW.close(); csvW2.close(); newMTC.close(); } }