Java tutorial
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at and * at */ package communication.queueManager; import agents.AgentController; import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel; import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection; import com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory; import com.rabbitmq.client.QueueingConsumer; import communication.ACNetwork; import communication.QueueParameters; import communication.messages.ACStatusMessage; import communication.messages.Message; import system.Log; import*; /** * This class helps creation, send and receive from the queue using RabbitMQ or * any other AMQP protocol. It extends thread so that receive can be done in a * loop. This class handles the rabbitMQ for a given AgentController * <p/> * Each AgentController creates a queue for itself where it receives messages * for running the step simulation and synchronisation. The various states it * can be in is listed in ACNetwork. Each queue thus created are bound to the * same exchange which behaves as a fan out exchange. Any message sent is * broadcast to all listening queues. * * @see ACNetwork */ public class ACQueueManagement extends QueueManager { private static ACQueueManagement queueManager = null; // queue parameters in super class // public boolean setupQueueListener = false; private static final int prefetchCount = 1; private Connection conn; private Channel channel; private ConnectionFactory factory; private QueueingConsumer consumer; /** * Create a new queue manager given the QueueParameters * * @param queueParameters the QueueParameters for the queue manager * @see ACQueueManagement * @see QueueParameters */ private ACQueueManagement(QueueParameters queueParameters) { this.queueParameters = queueParameters; //TODO: Remove the next line and call configure logger once in AC. //system.Log.ConfigureLogger(); } /** * Get an instance of the QueueManagement * * @param queueParameters the parameters for the QueueManagement * @return returns an instance of QueueManagement * @see ACQueueManagement */ public static ACQueueManagement getInstance(QueueParameters queueParameters) { if (queueManager == null) { queueManager = new ACQueueManagement(queueParameters); } return queueManager; } /** * The run method adds a listener which listens to received messages in a * separate thread. * TODO: Check if this thread keeps running after servicing one message. */ @Override public void run() { this.addQueueListener(queueParameters); } @Override protected void createConnectionAndChannel() {"Creating a connection and channel"); QueueParameters hostQueueParameters = ACNetwork.ACMessageQueueParameters; factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setHost(queueParameters.queueHostIP);//Add the RabbiMQ host here factory.setPort(Integer.parseInt(hostQueueParameters.port)); factory.setUsername(hostQueueParameters.username); factory.setPassword(hostQueueParameters.password); factory.setVirtualHost(hostQueueParameters.virtualHost);; // factory.setRequestedHeartbeat(0); try { conn = factory.newConnection(); channel = conn.createChannel(); channel.basicQos(prefetchCount); channel.exchangeDeclare(, "fanout"); channel.queueDeclare(hostQueueParameters.queueName, false, false, true, null); // TODO: Test exchange code here channel.queueBind(hostQueueParameters.queueName,, hostQueueParameters.routingKey); this.setupQueueListener = true;"Finished creating connection and channel"); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * This method is called during AgentController shutdown for stopping the * messaging and running cleanup on the message queues and channels. * * @throws IOException */ public void exitMessaging() { try { channel.close(); conn.close(); this.queueManager = null;"Thread interrupted"); return; //"Status of thread "+threadClosed); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * This method adds a new queue listener given the queue parameters. The * listener waits for a message to arrive and calls the appropriate method * for processing, after it arrives * * @param queueParameters the QueueParameters for listening * @see QueueParameters */ public Message addQueueListener(QueueParameters queueParameters) {"Adding queue listener"); ACStatusMessage message = null; try { createConnectionAndChannel(); boolean noAck = false; consumer = new QueueingConsumer(channel); channel.basicConsume(queueParameters.queueName, noAck, consumer); while (!noAck) { QueueingConsumer.Delivery delivery; try { delivery = consumer.nextDelivery(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { continue; } InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(delivery.getBody()); ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream); message = (ACStatusMessage) input.readObject(); inputStream.close(); input.close();"Received Message"); /* Process the received message */ processMessage(message); //; //"QM: I am listening for messages in the while loop 10"); channel.basicAck(delivery.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false); //"QM: I am listening for messages in the while loop 11"); } Log.logger.error("Finished Adding queue listener"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { Log.logger.error("" + ACQueueManagement.class.getName() + " " + ex.getMessage()); //System.exit(0); } catch (IOException ex) { Log.logger.error("" + ACQueueManagement.class.getName() + " " + ex.getMessage()); ex.getMessage(); //System.exit(0); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.logger.error(ACQueueManagement.class.getName() + " " + ex.getMessage()); ex.getMessage(); //System.exit(0); } return message; } /** * This method is called when a message has to be sent form one * AgentController to another. The method makes use of the already open * channels between the ACs to send its messages. THe destination is not * used for ACQueueManagement as the ACs use a fan-out exchange to exchange * information. * TODO: Remove the destination as a parameter as it will not be used anymore. * * @param destination defaults to Null in ACQueueManagement * @param receivedMessage the message that has to be sent * @return true if the message was successfully sent * @see Message */ @Override public boolean send(String destination, Message receivedMessage) { /* * The receivedMessage is the generic message object that is cast into * the ACStatusMessage type */ ACStatusMessage message = (ACStatusMessage) receivedMessage; while (setupQueueListener == false) {"Waiting to send"); } ByteArrayOutputStream outputBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { ObjectOutputStream outputWriter = new ObjectOutputStream(outputBuffer); outputWriter.writeObject(message); //outputWriter.close(); // write to buffer and flush; byte[] messageBodyBytes = outputBuffer.toByteArray(); /*NOTE: Boradcasting to all the hosts at the same time using exchange and not queue*/ channel.basicPublish(, "", null, messageBodyBytes); outputBuffer.close(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) {;"Error Sending Message" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); ex.getMessage(); return false; } } /** * This method checks if two QueueManagement objects are same * * @param obj an object of QueueManagement type * @return true if the objects are equal */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final ACQueueManagement other = (ACQueueManagement) obj; if (this.queueParameters != other.queueParameters && (this.queueParameters == null || !this.queueParameters.equals(other.queueParameters))) { return false; } return true; } @Override public void processMessage(Message receivedMessage) { // update status of the host from which message was received"AC: ReceivedMessage"); // Find out what type of status update it is ACStatusMessage statusType = (ACStatusMessage) receivedMessage; switch (statusType.AC_STATUS) { case ACNetwork.AC_READY_FOR_NEXT_TICK: AgentController.changeACStatus(statusType.hostName, statusType.AC_STATUS);"Received Next Tick from : " + statusType.hostName + ":" + statusType.AC_STATUS); break; case ACNetwork.AC_DONE_WITH_WORK: AgentController.changeACStatus(statusType.hostName, statusType.AC_STATUS);"Received Done with work from : " + statusType.hostName + ":" + statusType.AC_STATUS); //exitMessaging(); break; } } }