Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package commonUtils; import com.nct.framework.util.ConvertUtils; import com.nct.framework.util.DateTimeUtils; import config.ConfigInfo; import extentEntity.TwitterPostEnt; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * * @author liempt */ public class FunctionUtils { public static boolean IsNullOrEmpty(String str) { return (str == null) || (str.length() == 0); } public static int CountWord(String str) { String trimmedText = str.trim(); int NumOfWords = trimmedText.isEmpty() ? 0 : trimmedText.split("\\s+").length; return NumOfWords; } public static int CountWordShow(String iWord, String iParagraph) { int NumOfWords = StringUtils.countMatches(iParagraph, iWord); return NumOfWords; } public static String slug(String data) { //data = killUnicode(data).trim(); if (data.length() > 0) { data = data.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9-_. ]*", ""); data = data.replaceAll("[ ]{1,}", "-"); } return data; } public static String removeSpecialCharacter(String data) { if (data.length() > 0) { data = data.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9-_. ]*", ""); } return data; } public static String DateToStringView(long date) { SimpleDateFormat ad = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); return ad.format(date); } public static String DateToDirView() { Date inDate = DateTimeUtils.getNow(); String sYear = ConvertUtils.toString(inDate.getYear() + 1900); int iNumber = inDate.getMonth() + 1; String sMonth = iNumber >= 10 ? ConvertUtils.toString(iNumber) : "0" + ConvertUtils.toString(iNumber); iNumber = inDate.getDate(); String sDay = iNumber >= 10 ? ConvertUtils.toString(iNumber) : "0" + ConvertUtils.toString(iNumber); return ConvertUtils.toString(sYear + sMonth + sDay); } public static String ClearText(String inputText) { String regexSymbol = "[\\/\\[\\]|+@~!*@#$%^&?{}().,:;\\-=_\'\"<>]"; return inputText.replaceAll(regexSymbol, ""); } public static String ClearTextUnicode(String inputText) { String regexSymbolSpecial = "[,.\\-=_:;]"; // String regexSymbol = "[^\\s?a-z0-9A-Z_\\x{00C0}-\\x{00FF}\\x{1EA0}-\\x{1EFF}]*"; String regexSymbol = "[^\\sa-zA-Z??????????]*"; inputText = inputText.replaceAll(regexSymbolSpecial, " "); return inputText.replaceAll(regexSymbol, ""); } public static String ClearWord1Char(String inputText) { // passage = passage.replaceAll("\\b[\\w']{1,2}\\b", ""); // passage = passage.replaceAll("\\s{2,}", " "); int minLength = 2; String result = ""; String[] words = inputText.split("\\s+"); for (String word : words) { if (word.length() >= minLength) { result += word + " "; } } return result; } public static String ClearStopWord(String inputText) { for (String tmpStopword : ConfigInfo.LIST_STOPWORD) { // inputText = inputText.replaceAll("\\b"+tmpStopword+"\\b", ""); inputText = inputText.replaceAll("(?iu)\\b" + tmpStopword + "\\b", ""); inputText = inputText.replaceAll("\\b[^\\s]{1,1}\\b", ""); //Xa Khong trng d } // inputText = inputText.replaceAll("[ ]{1,}", " "); //Xa T 1 k t inputText = inputText.replaceAll("[0-9]", ""); //Xa S return inputText; } public static TwitterPostEnt ConvertContentToMessage1(TwitterPostEnt twitterPostEnt) { // String regex = "<\\b(https?|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]>"; String regex = "http://\\S+\\s*"; String newContent = twitterPostEnt.TweetContent; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(twitterPostEnt.TweetContent.replaceAll("[()]", " ")); String linkURL = ""; if (matcher.find()) { String tmp =; if (!tmp.isEmpty()) { newContent = newContent.replaceAll(tmp, ""); linkURL += "," + tmp; } } twitterPostEnt.LinkUrl = linkURL.isEmpty() ? "" : linkURL.substring(1); twitterPostEnt.Message1 = ClearTextUnicode(newContent); twitterPostEnt.Message1 = ClearStopWord(twitterPostEnt.Message1); twitterPostEnt.Status = TwitterPostEnt.STATUS.ToMsg1; return twitterPostEnt; } public static String ReadTextFile(String pathFileText, String charEnter) { String dataResult = ""; try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(pathFileText)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { sb.append(line).append(charEnter); line = reader.readLine(); } dataResult = sb.toString(); reader.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } return dataResult; } public static List<String> ConvertListKeywordOfTopic(String topicKeyword) { List<String> dataResult = new ArrayList<String>(); try { String[] listKeyword = StringUtils.split(topicKeyword, "#"); if (listKeyword != null && listKeyword.length > 0) { for (String tmpKeyword : listKeyword) { if (!tmpKeyword.isEmpty()) { String[] listWord = StringUtils.split(tmpKeyword, "|"); dataResult.add(listWord[0]); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return dataResult; } public static List<String> ReadTextFileToList(String pathFileText) { List<String> dataResult = new ArrayList<String>(); try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(pathFileText)); String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(line); dataResult.add(sb.toString().trim()); line = reader.readLine(); } reader.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } return dataResult; } public static boolean WriteTextFile(String pathFileText, String fileContent) { try { File file = new File(pathFileText); //if file doesnt exists, then create it if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } //Collecting Data String fileDat = ""; if (!IsNullOrEmpty(fileContent)) { String[] listContent = StringUtils.split(fileContent, "\n"); fileDat += listContent.length + "\n"; for (String tmpPost : listContent) { if (tmpPost != null) { fileDat += tmpPost + "\n"; } } //true = append file FileWriter fileWritter = new FileWriter(file.getPath(), false); BufferedWriter bufferWritter = new BufferedWriter(fileWritter); bufferWritter.write(fileDat); bufferWritter.close(); return true; } } catch (IOException ex) { return false; } return false; } }