Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * CKFinder
 * ========
 * Copyright (C) 2007-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * The software, this file and its contents are subject to the CKFinder
 * License. Please read the license.txt file before using, installing, copying,
 * modifying or distribute this file or part of its contents. The contents of
 * this file is part of the Source Code of CKFinder.
package common.ckplugins.handlers.command;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase.FileSizeLimitExceededException;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase.IOFileUploadException;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase.InvalidContentTypeException;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase.SizeLimitExceededException;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload;

import com.ckfinder.connector.configuration.Constants;
import com.ckfinder.connector.configuration.Events.EventTypes;
import com.ckfinder.connector.configuration.IConfiguration;
import com.ckfinder.connector.errors.ConnectorException;
import com.ckfinder.connector.errors.ErrorUtils;
import com.ckfinder.connector.utils.AccessControlUtil;
import com.ckfinder.connector.utils.FileUtils;
import com.ckfinder.connector.utils.ImageUtils;

 * Class to handle
 * <code>FileUpload</code> command.
public class FileUploadCommand extends Command implements IPostCommand {

     * uploading file name request.
    protected String fileName;
     * file name after rename.
    protected String newFileName;
     * function number to call after file upload is completed.
    protected String ckEditorFuncNum;
     * the selected response type to be used after file upload is completed.
    protected String responseType;
     * function number to call after file upload is completed.
    protected String ckFinderFuncNum;
     * connector language.
    private String langCode;
     * flag if file was uploaded correctly.
    protected boolean uploaded;
     * error code number.
    protected int errorCode;
     * custom error message.
    protected String customErrorMsg;
    private static final char[] UNSAFE_FILE_NAME_CHARS = { ':', '*', '?', '|', '/' };

     * default constructor.
    public FileUploadCommand() {
        this.errorCode = 0;
        this.fileName = "";
        this.newFileName = "";
        this.type = "";
        this.uploaded = false;

     * execute file upload command.
     * @param out output stream from response.
     * @throws ConnectorException when error occurs.
    public void execute(final OutputStream out) throws ConnectorException {
        if (configuration.isDebugMode() && this.exception != null) {
            throw new ConnectorException(this.errorCode, this.exception);
        try {
            String errorMsg = this.errorCode == Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_NONE ? ""
                    : (this.errorCode == Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_CUSTOM_ERROR
                            ? this.customErrorMsg
                            : ErrorUtils.getInstance().getErrorMsgByLangAndCode(this.langCode, this.errorCode,
            errorMsg = errorMsg.replaceAll("%1", Matcher.quoteReplacement(this.newFileName));
            String path = "";

            if (!uploaded) {
                this.newFileName = "";
                this.currentFolder = "";
            } else {
                path = configuration.getTypes().get(type).getUrl() + this.currentFolder;

            if (this.responseType != null && this.responseType.equals("txt")) {
                out.write((this.newFileName + "|" + errorMsg).getBytes("UTF-8"));
            } else {
                out.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">".getBytes("UTF-8"));
                if (checkFuncNum()) {
                    handleOnUploadCompleteCallFuncResponse(out, errorMsg, path);
                } else {
                    handleOnUploadCompleteResponse(out, errorMsg);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ConnectorException(Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, e);


     * check if func num is set in request.
     * @return true if is.
    protected boolean checkFuncNum() {
        return this.ckFinderFuncNum != null;

     * return response when func num is set.
     * @param out response.
     * @param errorMsg error message
     * @param path path
     * @throws IOException when error occurs.
    protected void handleOnUploadCompleteCallFuncResponse(final OutputStream out, final String errorMsg,
            final String path) throws IOException {
        this.ckFinderFuncNum = this.ckFinderFuncNum.replaceAll("[^\\d]", "");
        out.write(("" + this.ckFinderFuncNum + ", '" + path
                + FileUtils.backupWithBackSlash(this.newFileName, "'") + "', '" + errorMsg + "');")

     * @param out out put stream
     * @param errorMsg error message
     * @throws IOException when error occurs
    protected void handleOnUploadCompleteResponse(final OutputStream out, final String errorMsg)
            throws IOException {
        out.write(("\'" + FileUtils.backupWithBackSlash(this.newFileName, "'") + "\'").getBytes("UTF-8"));
                (", \'" + (this.errorCode != Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_NONE ? errorMsg : "") + "\'")

     * initializing parametrs for command handler.
     * @param request request
     * @param configuration connector configuration.
     * @param params execute additional params.
     * @throws ConnectorException when error occurs.
    public void initParams(final HttpServletRequest request, final IConfiguration configuration,
            final Object... params) throws ConnectorException {
        super.initParams(request, configuration, params);
        this.ckFinderFuncNum = request.getParameter("CKFinderFuncNum");
        this.ckEditorFuncNum = request.getParameter("CKEditorFuncNum");
        this.responseType = request.getParameter("response_type");
        this.langCode = request.getParameter("langCode");

        if (this.errorCode == Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_NONE) {
            this.uploaded = uploadFile(request);


     * uploads file and saves to file.
     * @param request request
     * @return true if uploaded correctly.
    private boolean uploadFile(final HttpServletRequest request) {
        if (!AccessControlUtil.getInstance(configuration).checkFolderACL(this.type, this.currentFolder,
                this.userRole, AccessControlUtil.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ACL_FILE_UPLOAD)) {
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED;
            return false;
        return fileUpload(request);

     * @param request http request
     * @return true if uploaded correctly
    private boolean fileUpload(final HttpServletRequest request) {
        try {
            DiskFileItemFactory fileItemFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
            ServletFileUpload uploadHandler = new ServletFileUpload(fileItemFactory);

            List<FileItem> items = uploadHandler.parseRequest(request);
            for (FileItem item : items) {
                if (!item.isFormField()) {
                    String path = configuration.getTypes().get(this.type).getPath() + this.currentFolder;
                    this.fileName = getFileItemName(item);

                    try {
                        if (validateUploadItem(item, path)) {
                            return saveTemporaryFile(path, item);
                    } finally {
            return false;
        } catch (InvalidContentTypeException e) {
            if (configuration.isDebugMode()) {
                this.exception = e;
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UPLOADED_CORRUPT;
            return false;
        } catch (IOFileUploadException e) {
            if (configuration.isDebugMode()) {
                this.exception = e;
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;
            return false;
        } catch (SizeLimitExceededException e) {
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UPLOADED_TOO_BIG;
            return false;
        } catch (FileSizeLimitExceededException e) {
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UPLOADED_TOO_BIG;
            return false;
        } catch (ConnectorException e) {
            this.errorCode = e.getErrorCode();
            if (this.errorCode == Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_CUSTOM_ERROR)
                this.customErrorMsg = e.getErrorMsg();
            return false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (configuration.isDebugMode()) {
                this.exception = e;
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;
            return false;


     * saves temporary file in the correct file path.
     * @param path path to save file
     * @param item file upload item
     * @return result of saving, true if saved correctly
     * @throws Exception when error occurs.
    private boolean saveTemporaryFile(final String path, final FileItem item) throws Exception {
        File file = new File(path, this.newFileName);

        AfterFileUploadEventArgs args = new AfterFileUploadEventArgs();
        if (!ImageUtils.isImage(file)) {
            if (configuration.getEvents() != null) {
                configuration.getEvents().run(EventTypes.AfterFileUpload, args, configuration);
            return true;
        } else if (ImageUtils.checkImageSize(item.getInputStream(), this.configuration)
                || configuration.checkSizeAfterScaling()) {
            ImageUtils.createTmpThumb(item.getInputStream(), file, getFileItemName(item), this.configuration);
            if (!configuration.checkSizeAfterScaling()
                    || FileUtils.checkFileSize(configuration.getTypes().get(this.type), file.length())) {
                if (configuration.getEvents() != null) {
                    configuration.getEvents().run(EventTypes.AfterFileUpload, args, configuration);
                return true;
            } else {
                this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UPLOADED_TOO_BIG;
                return false;
        } else {
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UPLOADED_TOO_BIG;
            return false;

     * if file exists this method adds (number) to file.
     * @param path folder
     * @param name file name
     * @return new file name.
    private String getFinalFileName(final String path, final String name) {
        File file = new File(path, name);
        int number = 0;

        String nameWithoutExtension = FileUtils.getFileNameWithoutExtension(name, false);
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^(AUX|COM\\d|CLOCK\\$|CON|NUL|PRN|LPT\\d)$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
        Matcher m = p.matcher(nameWithoutExtension);
        boolean protectedName = m.find() ? true : false;

        while (true) {
            if (file.exists() || protectedName) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.append(FileUtils.getFileNameWithoutExtension(name, false));
                sb.append(FileUtils.getFileExtension(name, false));
                this.newFileName = sb.toString();
                file = new File(path, this.newFileName);
                this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UPLOADED_FILE_RENAMED;
                protectedName = false;
            } else {
                return this.newFileName;

     * validates uploaded file.
     * @param item uploaded item.
     * @param path file path
     * @return true if validation
    private boolean validateUploadItem(final FileItem item, final String path) {

        if (item.getName() != null && item.getName().length() > 0) {
            this.fileName = getFileItemName(item);
        } else {
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UPLOADED_INVALID;
            return false;
        this.newFileName = this.fileName;

        for (char c : UNSAFE_FILE_NAME_CHARS) {
            this.newFileName = this.newFileName.replace(c, '_');

        if (configuration.isDisallowUnsafeCharacters()) {
            this.newFileName = this.newFileName.replace(';', '_');
        if (configuration.forceASCII()) {
            this.newFileName = FileUtils.convertToASCII(this.newFileName);
        if (!this.newFileName.equals(this.fileName)) {

        if (FileUtils.checkIfDirIsHidden(this.currentFolder, configuration)) {
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST;
            return false;
        if (!FileUtils.checkFileName(this.newFileName)
                || FileUtils.checkIfFileIsHidden(this.newFileName, configuration)) {
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_INVALID_NAME;
            return false;
        final ResourceType resourceType = configuration.getTypes().get(this.type);
        int checkFileExt = FileUtils.checkFileExtension(this.newFileName, resourceType);
        if (checkFileExt == 1) {
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_INVALID_EXTENSION;
            return false;
        if (configuration.ckeckDoubleFileExtensions()) {
            this.newFileName = FileUtils.renameFileWithBadExt(resourceType, this.newFileName);

        try {
            File file = new File(path, getFinalFileName(path, this.newFileName));
            if (!(ImageUtils.isImage(file) && configuration.checkSizeAfterScaling())
                    && !FileUtils.checkFileSize(resourceType, item.getSize())) {
                this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UPLOADED_TOO_BIG;
                return false;

            if (configuration.getSecureImageUploads() && ImageUtils.isImage(file)
                    && !ImageUtils.checkImageFile(item)) {
                this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UPLOADED_CORRUPT;
                return false;

            if (!FileUtils.checkIfFileIsHtmlFile(file.getName(), configuration) && FileUtils.detectHtml(item)) {
                this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UPLOADED_WRONG_HTML_FILE;
                return false;
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            if (configuration.isDebugMode()) {
                this.exception = e;
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;
            return false;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (configuration.isDebugMode()) {
                this.exception = e;
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;
            return false;

        return true;

     * set response headers. Not user in this command.
     * @param response response
     * @param sc servlet context
    public void setResponseHeader(final HttpServletResponse response, final ServletContext sc) {

     * save if uploaded file item name is full file path not only file name.
     * @param item file upload item
     * @return file name of uploaded item
    private String getFileItemName(final FileItem item) {
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[^\\\\/]+$");
        Matcher m = p.matcher(item.getName());

        return (m.find()) ? : "";

     * check request for security issue.
     * @param reqParam request param
     * @return true if validation passed
     * @throws ConnectorException if valdation error occurs.
    protected boolean checkParam(final String reqParam) throws ConnectorException {
        if (reqParam == null || reqParam.equals("")) {
            return true;
        if (Pattern.compile(Constants.INVALID_PATH_REGEX).matcher(reqParam).find()) {
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_INVALID_NAME;
            return false;
        return true;

    protected boolean checkHidden() throws ConnectorException {
        if (FileUtils.checkIfDirIsHidden(this.currentFolder, configuration)) {
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST;
            return true;
        return false;

    protected boolean checkConnector(final HttpServletRequest request) throws ConnectorException {
        if (!configuration.enabled() || !configuration.checkAuthentication(request)) {
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_CONNECTOR_DISABLED;
            return false;
        return true;

    protected boolean checkIfCurrFolderExists(final HttpServletRequest request) throws ConnectorException {
        String tmpType = getParameter(request, "type");
        File currDir = new File(configuration.getTypes().get(tmpType).getPath() + this.currentFolder);
        if (currDir.exists() && currDir.isDirectory()) {
            return true;
        } else {
            this.errorCode = Constants.Errors.CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND;
            return false;