Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2017 Zutubi Pty Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance; import; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleniumException; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.webdriven.WebDriverBackedSelenium; import com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.forms.LoginForm; import com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.forms.SeleniumForm; import com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.pages.LoginPage; import com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.pages.SeleniumPage; import com.zutubi.pulse.core.test.TestUtils; import com.zutubi.pulse.core.test.TimeoutException; import com.zutubi.pulse.master.webwork.Urls; import com.zutubi.util.Condition; import com.zutubi.util.StringUtils; import com.zutubi.util.SystemUtils; import com.zutubi.util.WebUtils; import freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil; import org.openqa.selenium.*; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxProfile; import; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.AcceptanceTestUtils.ADMIN_CREDENTIALS; import static com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.AcceptanceTestUtils.getWorkingDirectory; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; /** * A utility class for managing and interacting with the selenium instance. * * See {@link com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium} for details on the locator formats * available. */ public class SeleniumBrowser { public static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60000; public static final long WAITFOR_TIMEOUT = 60000; public static final long REFRESH_TIMEOUT = 60000; public static final long WAITFOR_INTERVAL = 3000; public static final long REFRESH_INTERVAL = 1000; private Selenium selenium; private int pulsePort; private WebDriver webDriver; private Urls urls; private static WebDriver createWebDriver() { if (SystemUtils.IS_WINDOWS) { return new InternetExplorerDriver(); } else { FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile(); String logFile = System.getProperty("selenium.firefox.log"); if (logFile != null) { profile.setPreference("webdriver.log.file", logFile); } profile.setEnableNativeEvents(true); return new FirefoxDriver(profile); } } /** * Create a new instance of the selenium browser, using the browser and port * configured in the environment. This constructor should be used by the * acceptance tests to ensure the correct configurations are used. */ public SeleniumBrowser() { this(AcceptanceTestUtils.getPulsePort(), createWebDriver()); } public SeleniumBrowser(int port) { this(port, createWebDriver()); } public SeleniumBrowser(int port, WebDriver webDriver) { this.webDriver = webDriver; webDriver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); String baseUrl = AcceptanceTestUtils.getPulseUrl(port); selenium = new WebDriverBackedSelenium(webDriver, baseUrl); this.pulsePort = port; urls = new Urls(baseUrl); } /** * Start a fresh browser session by restarting the browser. */ public synchronized void newSession() { webDriver.manage().deleteAllCookies(); webDriver.get(urls.base()); } public void quit() { webDriver.quit(); } /** * Check if the native browser being driven by selenium is an * instance of firefox. * * @return true if it is firefox, false otherwise. */ public boolean isFirefox() { return webDriver instanceof FirefoxDriver; } /** * Returns the Pulse port the browser is connecting to. * * @return the Pulse port to connect to */ public int getPulsePort() { return pulsePort; } /** * Create a new form instance, wiring it with the necessary resource. The constructor * used is the constructor that matches provided arguments. * * @param formType the type of the form being created. * @param extraArgs the form types constructor arguments. * @param <T> the form type T must extend {@link com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.forms.SeleniumForm} * @return a new instance of the form. */ public <T extends SeleniumForm> T createForm(Class<T> formType, Object... extraArgs) { if (extraArgs == null) { extraArgs = new Object[0]; } Object[] args = new Object[extraArgs.length + 1]; args[0] = this; System.arraycopy(extraArgs, 0, args, 1, extraArgs.length); Class[] types = new Class[extraArgs.length + 1]; types[0] = SeleniumBrowser.class; for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { types[i] = args[i].getClass(); } return createInstance(formType, types, args); } /** * Create a new page instance, wiring it with the necessary resource. The constructor * used is the constructor that matches provided arguments. * * @param pageType the type of the page being created. * @param extraArgs the page types constructor arguments. * @param <T> the page type T must extend {@link com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.pages.SeleniumPage} * @return a new instance of the form. */ public <T extends SeleniumPage> T createPage(Class<T> pageType, Object... extraArgs) { if (extraArgs == null) { extraArgs = new Object[0]; } Object[] args = new Object[extraArgs.length + 2]; args[0] = this; args[1] = urls; System.arraycopy(extraArgs, 0, args, 2, extraArgs.length); Class[] types = new Class[extraArgs.length + 2]; types[0] = SeleniumBrowser.class; types[1] = Urls.class; for (int i = 2; i < args.length; i++) { types[i] = args[i].getClass(); } return createInstance(pageType, types, args); } /** * Create {@link #createPage(Class, Object...)} and open * {@link com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.pages.SeleniumPage#open()} a new selenium page. * * @param pageType the type of page being opened. * @param extraArgs the page types constructor arguments. * @param <T> the page type T must extend {@link com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.pages.SeleniumPage} * @return a new page instance that has been opened. */ public <T extends SeleniumPage> T open(Class<T> pageType, Object... extraArgs) { T page = createPage(pageType, extraArgs);; return page; } /** * Create {@link #createPage(Class, Object...)} and waitFor * {@link com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.pages.SeleniumPage#waitFor()} a new selenium page. * * @param pageType the type of page being opened. * @param extraArgs the page types constructor arguments. * @param <T> the page type T must extend {@link com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.pages.SeleniumPage} * @return a new page instance that has been waited for. */ public <T extends SeleniumPage> T waitFor(Class<T> pageType, Object... extraArgs) { T page = createPage(pageType, extraArgs); page.waitFor(); return page; } /** * Create {@link #createPage(Class, Object...)} open {@link com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.pages.SeleniumPage#open()} * and waitFor {@link com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.pages.SeleniumPage#waitFor()} a new selenium page. * * @param pageType the type of page being opened. * @param extraArgs the page types constructor arguments. * @param <T> the page type T must extend {@link com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.pages.SeleniumPage} * @return a new page instance that has been opened and waited for. */ public <T extends SeleniumPage> T openAndWaitFor(Class<T> pageType, Object... extraArgs) { T page = createPage(pageType, extraArgs);; page.waitFor(); return page; } private <T> T createInstance(Class<T> type, Class[] types, Object[] args) { try { // map types to primitive equivalents. for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { if (types[i] == Long.class) { types[i] = Long.TYPE; } if (types[i] == Integer.class) { types[i] = Integer.TYPE; } if (types[i] == Boolean.class) { types[i] = Boolean.TYPE; } } Constructor<T> c = type.getConstructor(types); return c.newInstance(args); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Goes to the login page and logs in with the given credentials. * * @param username user to log in as * @param password the given user's password */ public void login(String username, String password) { LoginPage page = openAndWaitFor(LoginPage.class); page.login(username, password); } /** * Goes to the login page, logs in with the given credentials and waits for the login to succeed. * * @param username user to log in as * @param password the given user's password */ public void loginAndWait(String username, String password) { LoginPage page = openAndWaitFor(LoginPage.class); page.login(username, password); waitForElement(; } /** * Goes to the login page and logs in as the admin user. */ public void loginAsAdmin() { login(ADMIN_CREDENTIALS.getUserName(), ADMIN_CREDENTIALS.getPassword()); } /** * Click the logout link on the browser and wait for the page to load. This * assumes that the logout link is available. */ public void logout() { if (!isLoggedIn()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can not logout when no logout link is available."); } waitAndClick(; createForm(LoginForm.class).waitFor(); } /** * @return true if the web browser session has an active login */ public boolean isLoggedIn() { return isElementIdPresent(IDs.ID_LOGOUT); } /** * Open the selenium browser to the requested location. * * @param location the location at which to open the browser. */ public void open(String location) { webDriver.navigate().to(location); } /** * Clicks on an element. Respects the implicit wait period. * * @param by element locator */ public void click(By by) { webDriver.findElement(by).click(); } /** * Double clicks on an element. Respects the implicit wait period. * * @param by element locator */ public void doubleClick(By by) { new Actions(webDriver).doubleClick(webDriver.findElement(by)).build().perform(); } /** * Refreshes the current web page. */ public void refresh() { webDriver.navigate().refresh(); } /** * Types the given value into a text field or area. Any existing text is * cleared first. * * @param by locator of the text field/area * @param value the text to type */ public void type(By by, String value) { WebElement element = webDriver.findElement(by); element.clear(); element.sendKeys(value); } /** * Adds a selection to the current value of a multi-value element. * * @param fieldId identifier of the field * @param value value to add */ public void addSelection(String fieldId, String value) { selenium.addSelection(fieldId, value); } /** * Checks if the specified element is on the current page. Respects the * implicit wait period. * * @param id id identifying the element * @return true if the element is present, false otherwise. */ public boolean isElementIdPresent(String id) { return isElementPresent(; } /** * Checks if the specified element is on the current page. Respects the * implicit wait period. * * @param by locator of the element to check for * @return true iff the given element is present (it need not be visible) */ public boolean isElementPresent(By by) { return webDriver.findElements(by).size() > 0; } /** * Check if the specified text is present on the current page. * * @param text the required text * @return true if the text is present, false otherwise. */ public boolean isTextPresent(String text) { return selenium.isTextPresent(text); } public void waitForTextPresent(final String text) { Wait<WebDriver> wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, WAITFOR_TIMEOUT / 1000); wait.until(new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(WebDriver webDriver) { return selenium.isTextPresent(text); } }); } /** * Check if the text matching the regex is present on the current page. * * @param regex the regex * @return true if a match is present, false otherwise. */ public boolean isRegexPresent(String regex) { String bodyText = selenium.getBodyText(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher m = p.matcher(bodyText); return m.find(); } /** * Check if a link with the specified id is present in the current page. * * @param id the link id * @return true if the requested link is found, false otherwise */ public boolean isLinkPresent(String id) { return isElementPresent(By.linkText(WebUtils.toValidHtmlName(id))); } /** * Check if a link to the specified href is present in the current page. * * @param href the href / target of the link * @return true if the requested link is found, false otherwise */ public boolean isLinkToPresent(String href) { return isElementPresent(By.xpath("//a[@href=\"" + href + "\"]")); } /** * Check if the specified element is visible. * * @param by the method by which to identify the element * @return true if the element is visible, false otherwise. */ public boolean isVisible(By by) { try { return webDriver.findElement(by).isDisplayed(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { return false; } } public boolean isEditable(String fieldId) { return selenium.isEditable(fieldId); } public Object evaluateScript(String expression) { return ((JavascriptExecutor) webDriver).executeScript(expression); } public String getBodyText() { return selenium.getBodyText(); } public String getText(By by) { WebElement element = webDriver.findElement(by); return element.getText().trim(); } public String getAttribute(By by, String attribute) { return webDriver.findElement(by).getAttribute(attribute); } public String[] getAllLinks() { return selenium.getAllLinks(); } public String getCellContents(String tableId, int row, int column) { return selenium.getTable(WebUtils.toValidHtmlName(tableId) + "." + row + "." + column); } public String[] getSelectOptions(String fieldId) { return selenium.getSelectOptions(fieldId); } public String getValue(String fieldId) { return selenium.getValue(fieldId); } public String getTitle() { return selenium.getTitle(); } public boolean isCookiePresent(String name) { return selenium.isCookiePresent(name); } public void deleteAllCookies() { selenium.deleteAllVisibleCookies(); } public void waitForVariable(String variable) { waitForVariable(variable, false); } public void waitForVariable(final String variable, final boolean inverse) { Wait<WebDriver> wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, WAITFOR_TIMEOUT / 1000); wait.until(new ExpectedCondition<Object>() { public Object apply(WebDriver webDriver) { JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor) webDriver; return executor.executeScript("var r = " + variable + " !== undefined && " + variable + " !== null && " + variable + " !== false; return " + (inverse ? "!" : "") + "r"); } }); } public WebElement waitForElement(String id) { return waitForElement(id, WAITFOR_TIMEOUT); } public WebElement waitForElement(final String id, long timeout) { return waitForElement(, timeout); } public WebElement waitForElement(By by) { return waitForElement(by, WAITFOR_TIMEOUT); } public WebElement waitForElement(final By by, long timeout) { Wait<WebDriver> wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, timeout / 1000, 250).ignoring(RuntimeException.class); return wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(by)); } public void waitAndClick(By by) { Wait<WebDriver> wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, WAITFOR_TIMEOUT / 1000, 250) .ignoring(RuntimeException.class); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(by)); click(by); } public void waitForElementToDisappear(final By by) { Wait<WebDriver> wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, WAITFOR_TIMEOUT / 1000, WAITFOR_INTERVAL) .ignoring(RuntimeException.class); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.invisibilityOfElementLocated(by)); } public void waitForCondition(String condition) { waitForCondition(condition, WAITFOR_TIMEOUT); } public void waitForCondition(final String condition, long timeout) { Wait<WebDriver> wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, timeout / 1000); wait.until(new ExpectedCondition<Object>() { public Object apply(WebDriver webDriver) { return ((JavascriptExecutor) webDriver).executeScript(condition); } }); } public void waitForVisible(final String locator) { TestUtils.waitForCondition(new Condition() { public boolean satisfied() { return selenium.isVisible(locator); } }, WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, "locator '" + locator + "' to become visible."); } /** * Waits for the pop-down status pane to appear with the given message. * * @param message message to wait for */ public void waitForStatus(String message) { waitForElement(IDs.STATUS_MESSAGE, WAITFOR_TIMEOUT); TestUtils.waitForCondition(new Condition() { public boolean satisfied() { return StringUtils.stringSet(getText(; } }, WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, "status message to be set."); String text = getText(; assertThat(text, containsString(message)); } public void refreshUntilElement(String id) { refreshUntilElement(id, REFRESH_TIMEOUT); } public void refreshUntilElement(final String id, long timeout) { refreshUntil(timeout, new Condition() { public boolean satisfied() { return selenium.isElementPresent(WebUtils.toValidHtmlName(id)); } }, "element '" + id + "'"); } public void refreshUntil(long timeout, Condition condition, String conditionText) { long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; while (!condition.satisfied()) { long remainingTime = endTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (remainingTime <= 0) { throw new TimeoutException( "Timed out after " + Long.toString(timeout) + "ms of waiting for " + conditionText); } try { Thread.sleep(REFRESH_INTERVAL); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new SeleniumException(e); } selenium.refresh(); try { selenium.waitForPageToLoad(String.valueOf(remainingTime)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } public void captureFailure(String testName) { try { captureBodyText(testName); captureScreenshot(testName); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void captureBodyText(String testName) throws IOException { String text; try { text = selenium.getHtmlSource(); } catch (Exception e) { text = stackTraceAsString(e, "Unable to get HTML source using selenium:"); } Files.write(text, new File(getWorkingDirectory(), testName + "-failure.html"), Charset.defaultCharset()); } private void captureScreenshot(String testName) throws IOException { String screenshotFilename = new File(getWorkingDirectory(), testName + "-failure.png").getAbsolutePath(); try { selenium.captureScreenshot(screenshotFilename); } catch (Exception e) { Files.write(stackTraceAsString(e, "Unable to capture screenshot with selenium:"), new File(getWorkingDirectory(), testName + "-failure.png.txt"), Charset.defaultCharset()); } } private String stackTraceAsString(Exception e, String prelude) { StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(stringWriter); printWriter.println(prelude); e.printStackTrace(printWriter); return stringWriter.toString(); } /** * Sets the value of an Ext combo box with a given component id. * * @param comboId component id of the combo * @param value value to set the combo to */ public void setComboByValue(String comboId, String value) { String indexExpression; // Annoyingly ext stores can't find the empty string value... if (StringUtils.stringSet(value)) { indexExpression = "store.find(store.fields.first().name, '" + StringUtil.javaScriptStringEnc(value) + "')"; } else { indexExpression = "0"; } evaluateScript("var combo = Ext.getCmp('" + comboId + "');" + "combo.setValue('" + StringUtil.javaScriptStringEnc(value) + "');" + "var store = combo.getStore();" + "combo.fireEvent('select', combo, store.getAt(" + indexExpression + "));"); } /** * Retrieves the current value of the Ext combo box with the given * component id. * * @param comboId component id of the combo * @return current value of the combo */ public String getComboValue(String comboId) { return (String) evaluateScript("return Ext.getCmp('" + comboId + "').getValue()"); } /** * Retrieves the available options in the Ext combo box with the given * component id. * * @param comboId component id of the combo * @return available options in the combo */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<String> getComboOptions(String comboId) { String js = "return function() { " + "var combo = Ext.getCmp('" + comboId + "'); " + "var values = []; " + " { values.push(r.get(combo.valueField)); }); " + "return values; " + "}();"; return (List<String>) evaluateScript(js); } /** * Retrieves the displayed strings for available options in the Ext combo * box with the given component id. * * @param comboId component id of the combo * @return displayed strings for available options in the combo */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<String> getComboDisplays(String comboId) { String js = "return function() { " + "var combo = Ext.getCmp('" + comboId + "'); " + "var values = []; " + " { values.push(r.get(combo.displayField)); }); " + "return values; " + "}();"; return (List<String>) evaluateScript(js); } }