Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 zulily, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.zulily.omicron.conf; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.zulily.omicron.Utils; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.time.Clock; import java.time.LocalTime; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static; import static; import static; import static com.zulily.omicron.Utils.warn; /** * Configuration reads and stores values from the global config file * which can be specified on the command line when omicron is launched. * <p> * Individual rows in the crontab can override certain values in the global config * <p> * See: {@link com.zulily.omicron.conf.ConfigKey} for more details */ public class Configuration { private final ImmutableMap<ConfigKey, String> rawConfigMap; private final long configurationTimestamp; private final String configFilePath; /** * Constructor * * @param configFilePath The config file to read from */ public Configuration(final String configFilePath) { this(loadConfig(configFilePath), Utils.getTimestampFromPath(configFilePath), configFilePath); this.printConfig(); } private Configuration( final ImmutableMap<ConfigKey, String> rawConfigMap, final long configurationTimestamp, final String configFilePath) { this.rawConfigMap = checkNotNull(rawConfigMap, "rawComfigMap"); this.configurationTimestamp = configurationTimestamp; this.configFilePath = checkNotNull(configFilePath, "configFilePath"); } /** * Extract a new instance based off of this one but with some of the config values being updated * * @param overrideMap ConfigKey values to override * @return An instance with the updated config values */ public Configuration withOverrides(final ImmutableMap<ConfigKey, String> overrideMap) { if (overrideMap == null || overrideMap.isEmpty()) { return this; } HashMap<ConfigKey, String> result = Maps.newHashMap(this.rawConfigMap); result.putAll(overrideMap); return new Configuration(ImmutableMap.copyOf(result), this.getConfigurationTimestamp(), this.configFilePath); } private void printConfig() { for (ConfigKey configKey : ConfigKey.values()) { if (configKey == ConfigKey.Unknown) { continue; } info("{0} = {1}", configKey.getRawName(), getString(configKey)); } } private static ImmutableMap<ConfigKey, String> loadConfig(final String configFilePath) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(configFilePath.trim())) { info("No config file specified. Will use defaults."); return ImmutableMap.of(); } final File configFile = new File(configFilePath); if (!Utils.fileExistsAndCanRead(configFile)) { info("Config file not found, not a file, or cannot be read. Will use defaults."); return ImmutableMap.of(); } final Splitter equalSplitter = Splitter.on('=').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings(); final HashMap<ConfigKey, String> config = Maps.newHashMap(); try { ImmutableList<String> configLines = Files.asCharSource(configFile, Charset.defaultCharset()) .readLines(); for (final String configLine : configLines) { final String trimmed = configLine.trim(); //Skip commented/blank lines if (trimmed.isEmpty() || '#' == trimmed.charAt(0)) { continue; } final List<String> configLineParts = equalSplitter.splitToList(trimmed); if (configLineParts.size() != 2) { warn("Skipping malformed config line: {0}", trimmed); continue; } final ConfigKey configKey = ConfigKey.fromString(configLineParts.get(0)); if (configKey == ConfigKey.Unknown) { warn("Skipping unknown config param: {0}", trimmed); continue; } config.put(configKey, configLineParts.get(1)); } } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } if (config.isEmpty()) { warn("Config file values not loaded. Will use defaults."); } return ImmutableMap.copyOf(config); } /** * Reads a specified Configkey value as an int * * @param configKey The ConfigKey to get * @return An 'int' representation of the configured value */ public int getInt(final ConfigKey configKey) { return Integer.parseInt(getString(configKey, rawConfigMap)); } /** * Reads a specified Configkey value as a boolean * * @param configKey The ConfigKey to get * @return A 'boolean' representation of the configured value */ public boolean getBoolean(final ConfigKey configKey) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getString(configKey, rawConfigMap)); } /** * Reads a specified ConfigKey value as a String * * @param configKey The ConfigKey to get * @return A 'String' representation of the configured value */ public String getString(final ConfigKey configKey) { return getString(configKey, rawConfigMap); } private static String getString(final ConfigKey configKey, final Map<ConfigKey, String> configMap) { checkArgument(configKey != ConfigKey.Unknown, "Cannot get unknown config value"); final String configValue = configMap.get(configKey); return configValue == null ? configKey.getDefaultValue() : configValue; } /** * This function is used to update the config value map * when the file artifact is changed but the path doesn't change * * @return a new instance with recent config values */ public Configuration reload() { return new Configuration(this.configFilePath); } /** * @return The lastModified timestamp of the loaded config file, or DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP * if no file is loaded */ public long getConfigurationTimestamp() { return configurationTimestamp; } /** * @return The path to the config file used by Omicron */ public String getConfigFilePath() { return configFilePath; } /** * @return The chronology to interpret the crontab schedule under */ public ZoneId getZoneId() { return ZoneId.of(getString(ConfigKey.TimeZone)); } public Clock getClock() { return Clock.system(getZoneId()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return o instanceof Configuration && this.configurationTimestamp == ((Configuration) o).getConfigurationTimestamp() && configValuesMatch((Configuration) o); } private boolean configValuesMatch(final Configuration configuration) { for (ConfigKey configKey : ConfigKey.values()) { if (configKey == ConfigKey.Unknown) { continue; } if (!getString(configKey).equals(configuration.getString(configKey))) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns a config value as a TimeInterval object instance * * @param configKey The config key to look up as a time interval * @return The value as a time interval or null if the value doesn't exist */ public TimeInterval getTimeInterval(final ConfigKey configKey) { final String configValue = getString(configKey); final int plusIndex = configValue.indexOf('+'); if (configValue.isEmpty()) return null; final LocalTime startTime = LocalTime.parse(configValue.substring(0, plusIndex)); final int hours = Integer.parseInt(configValue.substring(plusIndex + 1)); return new TimeInterval(startTime, hours); } }