Java tutorial
/*?? * COPYRIGHT (C) 2011 CHERIMOIA LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * THIS IS FREE SOFTWARE; YOU CAN REDISTRIBUTE IT AND/OR * MODIFY IT UNDER THE TERMS OF THE APACHE LICENSE, * VERSION 2.0 (THE "LICENSE"). * * THIS LIBRARY IS DISTRIBUTED IN THE HOPE THAT IT WILL BE USEFUL, * BUT WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; WITHOUT EVEN THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * SEE THE LICENSE FOR THE SPECIFIC LANGUAGE GOVERNING PERMISSIONS * AND LIMITATIONS UNDER THE LICENSE. * * You should have received a copy of the Apache License * along with this distribution; if not, you may obtain a copy of the * License at * * ??*/ package com.zotoh.maedr.etc; import static com.zotoh.core.util.CoreUte.getResourceStr; import static com.zotoh.core.util.StrUte.isEmpty; import static com.zotoh.core.util.StrUte.join; import static com.zotoh.core.util.StrUte.nsb; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.zotoh.cloudapi.core.CloudAPI; import com.zotoh.cloudapi.core.Vars; import; import; import; import com.zotoh.core.util.Tuple; import; import; import com.zotoh.maedr.core.CmdHelpError; /** * (Internal use only). * * @author kenl */ class CmdCloud extends Cmdline implements Vars { /** * @param home * @param cwd */ public CmdCloud(File home, File cwd) { super(home, cwd); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.zotoh.maedr.etc.Cmdline#getCmds() */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public Set<String> getCmds() { return new HashSet<String>() { { add("cloud"); } }; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.zotoh.maedr.etc.Cmdline#eval(java.lang.String[]) */ protected void eval(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args == null || args.length < 2 || !"cloud".equals(args[0])) { throw new CmdHelpError(); } assertAppDir(); String a4 = args.length > 3 ? args[3] : "", a3 = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : "", a2 = args[1]; Cloudr cr = Cloudr.getInstance(); cr.iniz(getCwd(), _rcb); System.out.println(""); if ("configure".equals(a2)) { config(cr); } else if ("sshinfo".equals(a2)) { sshinfo(cr); } else if ("install".equals(a2) && !isEmpty(a3) && !isEmpty(a4)) { Properties props = sshinfo(); if (props != null) { cr.install(props, a3, a4); } } else if ("app/pack".equals(a2)) { tlog().debug("App-Pack called"); runTarget("packzip-app"); } else if (("app/deploy".equals(a2) || "app/run".equals(a2)) && !isEmpty(a3)) { boolean b = "app/run".equals(a2); Properties props = preRemote(b); if (props != null) { cr.deploy(b, props, a3); } } else if ("sync".equals(a2) && !isEmpty(a3)) { sync(cr, a3); } else if ("image/set".equals(a2) && !isEmpty(a3)) { cr.setImage(a3); } else if ("image/*".equals(a2)) { launchImage(cr); } else if ("vm/set".equals(a2) && !isEmpty(a3)) { cr.setServer(a3); } else if ("vm/?".equals(a2)) { cr.descServer(a3); } else if ("vm/*".equals(a2)) { cr.startServer(a3); } else if ("vm/!".equals(a2)) { cr.stopServer(a3); } else if ("vm/%".equals(a2)) { cr.terminateServer(a3); } else if ("sshkey/set".equals(a2) && !isEmpty(a3)) { cr.setSSHKey(a3); } else if ("sshkey/-".equals(a2) && !isEmpty(a3)) { cr.removeSSHKey(a3); } else if ("sshkey/+".equals(a2) && !isEmpty(a3)) { CmdLineSequence s = keyInput(a3); Properties props = new Properties(); s.start(props); if (!s.isCanceled()) { cr.addSSHKey(a3, props.getProperty("fpath")); } } else if ("ip/bind".equals(a2) && !isEmpty(a3) && !isEmpty(a4)) { cr.setEIP(a3, a4); } else if ("ip/-".equals(a2) && !isEmpty(a3)) { cr.removeEIP(a3); } else if ("ip/+".equals(a2)) { CmdLineSequence s = addIpInput(); Properties props = new Properties(); s.start(props); if (!s.isCanceled()) { cr.addEIP(props.getProperty("region")); } } else if ("ip/list".equals(a2)) { cr.listEIPs(); } else if ("vm/list".equals(a2)) { cr.listServers(); } else if ("sshkey/list".equals(a2)) { cr.listSSHKeys(); } else if ("secgrp/list".equals(a2)) { cr.listFwalls(); } else if ("secgrp/set".equals(a2) && !isEmpty(a3)) { cr.setSecgrp(a3); } else if ("secgrp/-".equals(a2) && !isEmpty(a3)) { cr.removeFwall(a3); } else if ("secgrp/+".equals(a2) && !isEmpty(a3)) { CmdLineSequence s = grpInput(a3); Properties props = new Properties(); s.start(props); if (!s.isCanceled()) { cr.addFwall(a3, props.getProperty("desc")); } } else if ("fwall/-".equals(a2)) { cr.revokeCidr(a3); } else if ("fwall/+".equals(a2)) { cr.addCidr(a3); } else { throw new CmdHelpError(); } } private Properties preRemote(final boolean b) throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); CmdLineSequence s99 = remoteInput(); CmdLineQuestion q1 = new CmdLineMandatory("home", getResourceStr(rcb(), "cmd.remote.maedr")) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("maedr", answer); return ""; } }; final CmdLineQuestion q0 = new CmdLineMandatory("bundle", getResourceStr(rcb(), "cmd.maedr.bundlefile")) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("bundle", answer); return b ? "home" : ""; } }; CmdLineSequence s = new CmdLineSequence(s99, q0, q1) { protected String onStart() { return q0.getId(); } }; s.start(props); if (s.isCanceled()) { return null; } else { return props; } } private void sync(Cloudr r, String task) throws Exception { if ("datacenters".equals(task)) { r.syncDatacenters(); } else if ("regions".equals(task)) { CloudData data = CloudData.getInstance(); r.syncRegions(); System.out.println(""); CmdLineSequence s = defRegInput(); Properties props = new Properties(); s.start(props); if (!s.isCanceled()) { String rg = props.getProperty("region"); data.setDefaultRegion(rg);; } } else { throw new CmdHelpError(); } } private void config(Cloudr r) throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); CmdLineSequence s = cfgInput(); s.start(props); if (s.isCanceled()) { return; } String vendor = props.getProperty("vendor"); String acct = props.getProperty("acct"); String id = props.getProperty("id"); String pwd = props.getProperty("pwd"); r.setConfig(vendor, acct, id, pwd); } private void sshinfo(Cloudr r) throws Exception { Properties props = sshinfo(); if (props != null) { String user = props.getProperty("user"); String pwd = props.getProperty("pwd"); String key = props.getProperty("key"); r.setSSHInfo(user, pwd, key); } } private Properties sshinfo() throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); CmdLineSequence s = remoteInput(); s.start(props); if (s.isCanceled()) { return null; } else { return props; } } private void launchImage(Cloudr r) throws Exception { CloudData data = CloudData.getInstance(); CloudAPI api = data.getAPI(); Tuple ts = new Tuple(api.listProducts(32), api.listProducts(64), api.listProducts(0)); CmdLineSequence s = launchInput(ts); Properties props = new Properties(); s.start(props); if (s.isCanceled()) { return; } String[] groups = nsb(props.get("group")).split("(,|;)"); String image = props.getProperty("image"); String ptype = props.getProperty("product"); String key = props.getProperty("key"); String region = props.getProperty("region"); String zone = props.getProperty("zone"); if (!isEmpty(zone)) { data.setDefaultZone(zone);; } r.launchImage(image, ptype, key, groups, region, zone); } private CmdLineSequence remoteInput() throws Exception { CloudData data = CloudData.getInstance(); CmdLineQuestion q3 = new CmdLineMandatory("key", getResourceStr(rcb(), "cmd.ssh.keyfile")) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("key", answer); return ""; } }; CmdLineQuestion q2 = new CmdLineMandatory("pwd", getResourceStr(rcb(), "cmd.user.pwd")) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("pwd", answer); return "key"; } }; final CmdLineQuestion q1 = new CmdLineMandatory("user", getResourceStr(rcb(), ""), "", nsb(data.getSSHInfo().optString(P_USER))) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("user", answer); return "pwd"; } }; return new CmdLineSequence(q1, q2, q3) { protected String onStart() { return q1.getId(); } }; } private CmdLineSequence addIpInput() throws Exception { CloudData data = CloudData.getInstance(); String rgs = join(data.getAPI().listRegions(), "\n"); final CmdLineQuestion q1 = new CmdLineMandatory("region", getResourceStr(rcb(), "cmd.region"), rgs, data.getDefaultRegion()) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("region", answer); return ""; } }; return new CmdLineSequence(q1) { protected String onStart() { return q1.getId(); } }; } private CmdLineSequence defRegInput() throws Exception { String rgs = join(CloudData.getInstance().getAPI().listRegions(), "\n"); final CmdLineQuestion q1 = new CmdLineMandatory("region", getResourceStr(rcb(), "cmd.setdef.region"), rgs, "") { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("region", answer); return ""; } }; return new CmdLineSequence(q1) { protected String onStart() { return q1.getId(); } }; } private CmdLineSequence keyInput(String keyname) throws Exception { final CmdLineQuestion q1 = new CmdLineMandatory("pem", getResourceStr(rcb(), ""), "", "cfg/" + keyname + ".pem") { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("fpath", answer); return ""; } }; return new CmdLineSequence(q1) { protected String onStart() { return q1.getId(); } }; } private CmdLineSequence grpInput(String grp) throws Exception { final CmdLineQuestion q1 = new CmdLineMandatory("desc", getResourceStr(rcb(), "cmd.brief.desc")) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("desc", answer); return ""; } }; return new CmdLineSequence(q1) { protected String onStart() { return q1.getId(); } }; } private CmdLineSequence cfgInput() throws Exception { CmdLineQuestion q4 = new CmdLineMandatory("pwd", getResourceStr(rcb(), "")) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("pwd", answer); return ""; } }; CmdLineQuestion q3 = new CmdLineMandatory("id", getResourceStr(rcb(), "")) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("id", answer); return "pwd"; } }; CmdLineQuestion q2 = new CmdLineMandatory("acct", getResourceStr(rcb(), "")) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("acct", answer); return "id"; } }; final CmdLineQuestion q1 = new CmdLineMandatory("vendor", getResourceStr(rcb(), ""), "amazon", "amazon") { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("vendor", answer); return "acct"; } }; return new CmdLineSequence(q1, q2, q3, q4) { protected String onStart() { return q1.getId(); } }; } private CmdLineSequence launchInput(final Tuple types) throws Exception { final CloudData data = CloudData.getInstance(); final CloudAPI api = data.getAPI(); api.setRegionsAndZones(data.getRegions()); Set<String> rgs = api.listRegions(); CmdLineQuestion q6 = new CmdLineQuestion("group", getResourceStr(rcb(), ""), join(data.getFirewalls().keys(), "\n"), data.getDefaultFirewall()) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("group", answer); return ""; } }; final CmdLineQuestion q5 = new CmdLineQuestion("zone", getResourceStr(rcb(), ""), "", data.getDefaultZone()) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("zone", answer); return "group"; } }; CmdLineQuestion q4 = new CmdLineMandatory("region", getResourceStr(rcb(), ""), join(rgs, "\n"), data.getDefaultRegion()) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("region", answer); popZones(q5, api, answer); return "zone"; } }; CmdLineQuestion q3 = new CmdLineMandatory("key", getResourceStr(rcb(), ""), join(data.getSSHKeys().keys(), "\n"), data.getDefaultKey()) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("key", answer); return "region"; } }; final CmdLineQuestion q2 = new CmdLineMandatory("ptype", getResourceStr(rcb(), ""), "", "") { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("product", answer); return "key"; } }; final CmdLineQuestion q1 = new CmdLineMandatory("img", getResourceStr(rcb(), ""), "", data.getDefaultImage()) { protected String onAnswerSetOutput(String answer, Properties props) { props.put("image", answer); imageBits(q2, answer); return "ptype"; } }; return new CmdLineSequence(q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6) { protected String onStart() { return q1.getId(); } }; } private void popZones(CmdLineQuestion q, CloudAPI api, String region) { Set<String> rc = api.listDatacenters(region); q.setChoices(join(rc, "\n")); } private void imageBits(CmdLineQuestion q, String image) { List<String> ps; int arch = 0; try { JSONObject obj = CloudData.getInstance().getImages(); obj = obj.optJSONObject(nsb(image)); String s = obj == null ? "" : obj.optString(P_ARCH); if (I64.equals(s)) arch = 64; if (I32.equals(s)) arch = 32; s = CloudData.getInstance().getDefaultProduct(s); q.setDefaultAnswer(nsb(s)); } catch (Exception e) { } ps = CloudData.getInstance().getAPI().listProductIds(arch); q.setChoices(join(ps, "\n")); } }