Java tutorial
/*?? * COPYRIGHT (C) 2011 CHERIMOIA LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * THIS IS FREE SOFTWARE; YOU CAN REDISTRIBUTE IT AND/OR * MODIFY IT UNDER THE TERMS OF THE APACHE LICENSE, * VERSION 2.0 (THE "LICENSE"). * * THIS LIBRARY IS DISTRIBUTED IN THE HOPE THAT IT WILL BE USEFUL, * BUT WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; WITHOUT EVEN THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * SEE THE LICENSE FOR THE SPECIFIC LANGUAGE GOVERNING PERMISSIONS * AND LIMITATIONS UNDER THE LICENSE. * * You should have received a copy of the Apache License * along with this distribution; if not, you may obtain a copy of the * License at * * ??*/ package com.zotoh.maedr.etc; import static; import static; import static; import static com.zotoh.core.util.CoreUte.isWindows; import static com.zotoh.core.util.CoreUte.niceFPath; import static com.zotoh.core.util.CoreUte.rc2Str; import static com.zotoh.core.util.CoreUte.tstEStrArg; import static com.zotoh.core.util.StrUte.isEmpty; import static com.zotoh.core.util.StrUte.nsb; import static com.zotoh.core.util.StrUte.strstr; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.zotoh.core.util.JSONUte; import com.zotoh.maedr.core.CmdHelpError; /** * (Internal use only). * * @author kenl */ class CmdAppOps extends Cmdline { /** * @param home */ public CmdAppOps(File home, File cwd) { super(home, cwd); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.zotoh.maedr.etc.Cmdline#getCmds() */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public Set<String> getCmds() { return new HashSet<String>() { { add("app"); } }; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.zotoh.maedr.etc.Cmdline#eval(java.lang.String[]) */ protected void eval(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args == null || args.length < 2) { throw new CmdHelpError(); } String s1 = args[1], s2 = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : ""; boolean bg = false, web = false; if ("compile".equals(s1)) { compile(); } else if ("test".equals(s1)) { testCode(); } else if ("ide/eclipse".equals(s1)) { genEclipse(); } else if ("bundle".equals(s1)) { pack(s2); } else if ("debug".equals(s1)) { dbg(s2); } else if (s1.startsWith("run")) { bg = "run/bg".equals(s1); runScript(bg, s2); } else if (s1.startsWith("create")) { web = "create/web".equals(s1); create(web, s2); } else if (s1.startsWith("start")) { bg = "start/bg".equals(s1); launch(bg); } else if (s1.startsWith("invoke")) { bg = "invoke/bg".equals(s1); invoke(bg, s2); } else { throw new CmdHelpError(); } } private void dbg(String port) throws Exception { runTarget(isWindows() ? "run-dbg-app-w32" : "run-dbg-app-nix"); } private void create(boolean web, String app) throws Exception { if (isEmpty(app)) { throw new CmdHelpError(); } new CmdApps(getMaedrDir(), getCwd()).eval(new String[] { "create", app, (web ? "/webapp" : "") }); } private void pack(String out) throws Exception { if (isEmpty(out)) { throw new CmdHelpError(); } assertAppDir(); // make a copy of original ant.xml in the tmp dir // coz that's the one which gets packaged. String s = rc2Str("com/zotoh/maedr/env/ant.xml", "utf-8"); File fo = new File(new File(getCwd(), TMP), "/ant.orig.xml"); writeFile(fo, s, "utf-8"); boolean web = isWebApp(); fo = new File(out); fo.mkdirs(); out = niceFPath(fo); if (isWindows()) { runTargetExtra(web ? bundleWebApp("bundle-webapp-w32", out) : "bundle-w32", ANTOPT_OUTDIR, out); } else { runTargetExtra(web ? bundleWebApp("bundle-webapp-nix", out) : "bundle-nix", ANTOPT_OUTDIR, out); } } private String bundleWebApp(String target, String outdir) throws Exception { File cfg = new File(getCwd(), CFG); JSONObject dev, devs, root; InputStream inp = null; try { root = = readStream(new File(cfg, APPCONF))); devs = root.optJSONObject(CFGKEY_DEVICES); } finally { close(inp); } String json, xml, proc = "", key, type, jetty = ""; int cnt = 0; for (Iterator<?> it = devs.keys(); it.hasNext();) { key = nsb(; dev = devs.optJSONObject(key); type = dev.optString(CFGKEY_TYPE); if (dev.has(DEV_STATUS) && dev.optBoolean(DEV_STATUS) == false) { continue; } if (!"jetty".equals(type)) { continue; } proc = dev.optString("processor"); jetty = key; ++cnt; } if (cnt > 1) { throw new Exception("Too many Jetty device(s)"); } if (cnt == 0) { throw new Exception("No Jetty device defined"); } dev = (JSONObject) devs.remove(jetty); xml = toWebXML(dev); dev = new JSONObject(); dev.put(CFGKEY_TYPE, DT_WEB_SERVLET); dev.put("port", "0"); dev.put("host", ""); if (!isEmpty(proc)) { dev.put("processor", proc); } devs.put(WEBSERVLET_DEVID, dev); json = JSONUte.asString(root); File fo = new File(outdir, "webapps"); fo.mkdirs(); File t = new File(fo, TMP); t.mkdirs(); new File(fo, REALM).mkdirs(); new File(fo, DB).mkdirs(); File c = new File(fo, CFG); c.mkdirs(); new File(fo, LOGS).mkdirs(); FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(new File(cfg, APPPROPS), c); writeFile(new File(c, APPCONF), json, "utf-8"); writeFile(new File(t, "web.xml"), xml, "utf-8"); return target; } private void testCode() throws Exception { assertAppDir(); runTarget("test-code"); } private void compile() throws Exception { assertAppDir(); runTarget("compile-code"); } private void launch(boolean bg) throws Exception { assertAppDir(); if (bg) { runTarget(isWindows() ? "run-app-bg-w32" : "run-app-bg-nix"); } else { runTarget("run-app"); } } private void runScript(boolean bg, String script) throws Exception { tstEStrArg("script-file", script); assertAppDir(); if (bg) { runTargetExtra(isWindows() ? "run-script-bg-w32" : "run-script-bg-nix", ANTOPT_SCRIPTFILE, script); } else { runTargetExtra("run-script", ANTOPT_SCRIPTFILE, script); } } private void invoke(boolean bg, String svc) throws Exception { tstEStrArg("java.runnable-class", svc); assertAppDir(); if (bg) { runTargetExtra(isWindows() ? "run-svc-bg-w32" : "run-svc-bg-nix", ANTOPT_SVCPOINT, svc); } else { runTargetExtra("run-svc", ANTOPT_SVCPOINT, svc); } } private String toWebXML(JSONObject jetty) throws Exception { String xml = rc2Str("com/zotoh/maedr/env/web.xml", "utf-8"); String r = toServletFrag(jetty) + toFilterDefs(jetty); xml = strstr(xml, "<!-- INSERT CONTENT HERE -->", r); return xml; } private String toServletFrag(JSONObject jetty) throws Exception { String sn = "MAEDR Servlet"; String s = "<servlet>\n\t<servlet-name>" + sn + "</servlet-name>\n\t" + "<servlet-class>com.zotoh.maedr.device.WEBServlet</servlet-class>\n" + "\t<load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>\n" + "</servlet>"; return s + "\n" + toServletMappings(jetty, sn); } private String toServletMappings(JSONObject jetty, String sn) throws Exception { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(512); String s; JSONArray urls = jetty.optJSONArray("urlpatterns"); if (urls != null) for (int i = 0; i < urls.length(); ++i) { s = "<servlet-mapping>\n\t<servlet-name>" + sn + "</servlet-name>\n\t" + "<url-pattern>" + urls.optString(i) + "</url-pattern>\n</servlet-mapping>\n"; b.append(s); } return b.toString(); } private String toFilterDefs(JSONObject jetty) throws Exception { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(512); String s, fn; JSONArray fils = jetty.optJSONArray("filters"); JSONObject f; if (fils != null) for (int i = 0; i < fils.length(); ++i) { fn = "filter" + Integer.toString(i + 1); f = fils.optJSONObject(i); s = "<filter>\n\t<filter-name>" + fn + "</filter-name>\n\t<filter-class>" + f.optString("class") + "</filter-class>" + toFilterParams(f.optJSONObject("params")) + "</filter>\n" + "<filter-mapping>\n\t<filter-name>" + fn + "</filter-name>\n\t" + "<url-pattern>" + f.optString("urlpattern") + "</url-pattern>\n" + "</filter-mapping>\n"; b.append(s); } return b.toString(); } private String toFilterParams(JSONObject obj) throws Exception { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(512); String key; if (obj != null) for (Iterator<?> it = obj.keys(); it.hasNext();) { key = nsb(; b.append(toInitParam(key, obj.optString(key))); } return b.toString(); } private String toInitParam(String pn, String pv) { return "<init-param>\n\t<param-name>" + pn + "</param-name>\n\t<param-value>" + pv + "</param-value>\n</init-param>\n"; } protected void genEclipse() throws Exception { assertAppDir(); String lang = getAppLang(); if ("groovy".equals(lang)) { } else if ("scala".equals(lang)) { } else if ("java".equals(lang)) { } else { throw new Exception("Failed to generate eclipse project, language = " + lang); } genEclipseProj(lang); } protected void genEclipseProj(String lang) throws Exception { File out, ec, cwd = getCwd(), home = getMaedrDir(); ec = new File(cwd, ECPPROJ); ec.mkdirs(); FileUtils.cleanDirectory(ec); String app = cwd.getName(); StringBuilder sb; String str = rc2Str("com/zotoh/maedr/eclipse/" + lang + "/project.txt", "utf-8"); str = strstr(str, "${APP.NAME}", app); str = strstr(str, "${" + lang.toUpperCase() + ".SRC}", niceFPath(new File(cwd, "src/main/" + lang))); str = strstr(str, "${TEST.SRC}", niceFPath(new File(cwd, "src/main/test"))); out = new File(ec, ".project"); writeFile(out, str, "utf-8"); str = rc2Str("com/zotoh/maedr/eclipse/" + lang + "/classpath.txt", "utf-8"); sb = new StringBuilder(512); scanJars(new File(home, "lib"), sb); scanJars(new File(home, "thirdparty"), sb); scanJars(new File(home, "dist"), sb); scanJars(new File(cwd, "lib"), sb); scanJars(new File(cwd, "thirdparty"), sb); scanJars(new File(cwd, "dist"), sb); str = strstr(str, "${CLASS.PATH.ENTRIES}", sb.toString()); out = new File(ec, ".classpath"); writeFile(out, str, "utf-8"); } private void scanJars(File dir, StringBuilder out) throws Exception { File[] fs = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith(".jar"); } }); String p; if (fs != null) for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; ++i) { p = niceFPath(fs[i]); p = "<classpathentry kind=\"lib\" path=\"" + p + "\"/>\n"; out.append(p); } } }