Java tutorial
/*?? * COPYRIGHT (C) 2011 CHERIMOIA LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * THIS IS FREE SOFTWARE; YOU CAN REDISTRIBUTE IT AND/OR * MODIFY IT UNDER THE TERMS OF THE APACHE LICENSE, * VERSION 2.0 (THE "LICENSE"). * * THIS LIBRARY IS DISTRIBUTED IN THE HOPE THAT IT WILL BE USEFUL, * BUT WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; WITHOUT EVEN THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * SEE THE LICENSE FOR THE SPECIFIC LANGUAGE GOVERNING PERMISSIONS * AND LIMITATIONS UNDER THE LICENSE. * * You should have received a copy of the Apache License * along with this distribution; if not, you may obtain a copy of the * License at * * ??*/ package; import static; import static; import static com.zotoh.core.util.CoreUte.isNil; import static com.zotoh.core.util.CoreUte.isNilArray; import static com.zotoh.core.util.CoreUte.tstEStrArg; import static com.zotoh.core.util.CoreUte.tstObjArg; import static com.zotoh.core.util.CoreUte.tstPosLongArg; import static com.zotoh.core.util.LangUte.LT; import static com.zotoh.core.util.LoggerFactory.getLogger; import static com.zotoh.core.util.StrUte.isEmpty; import static com.zotoh.core.util.StrUte.nsb; import static com.zotoh.core.util.StrUte.trim; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.zotoh.core.util.Logger; /** * @author kenl * */ public class EC2Instance implements VirtualMachineSupport { private Logger ilog() { return _log = getLogger(EC2Instance.class); } private transient Logger _log = ilog(); public Logger tlog() { return _log == null ? ilog() : _log; } private final AWSComputeSvcs _svc; /** * @param s */ protected EC2Instance(AWSComputeSvcs s) { tstObjArg("compute-service", s); _svc = s; } @Override public void boot(String server) throws InternalException, CloudException { tstEStrArg("instance-id", server); _svc.getCloud().getEC2().startInstances(new StartInstancesRequest().withInstanceIds(server)); } @Override public VirtualMachine clone(String server, String toDcId, String name, String desc, boolean powerOn, String... firewalls) throws InternalException, CloudException { throw new OperationNotSupportedException("EC2 instance cannot be cloned."); } @Override public void disableAnalytics(String server) throws InternalException, CloudException { tstEStrArg("instance-id", server); _svc.getCloud().getEC2().unmonitorInstances(new UnmonitorInstancesRequest().withInstanceIds(server)); } @Override public void enableAnalytics(String server) throws InternalException, CloudException { tstEStrArg("instance-id", server); _svc.getCloud().getEC2().monitorInstances(new MonitorInstancesRequest().withInstanceIds(server)); } @Override public String getConsoleOutput(String server) throws InternalException, CloudException { tstEStrArg("instance-id", server); GetConsoleOutputResult res = _svc.getCloud().getEC2() .getConsoleOutput(new GetConsoleOutputRequest().withInstanceId(server)); return res == null ? null : res.getOutput(); } @Override public VirtualMachineProduct getProduct(String productId) throws InternalException, CloudException { return new AWSAPI().findProduct(productId); } @Override public String getProviderTermForServer(Locale loc) { return "instance"; } @Override public VmStatistics getVMStatistics(final String server, long from, long to) throws InternalException, CloudException { tstPosLongArg("from-timestamp", from); tstPosLongArg("to-timestamp", to); tstEStrArg("instance-id", server); GetMetricStatisticsRequest req = new GetMetricStatisticsRequest(); GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTimeInMillis(from); req.setStartTime(cal.getTime()); cal.setTimeInMillis(to); req.setEndTime(cal.getTime()); req.setDimensions(toObjList(new Dimension().withName("InstanceId").withValue(server))); req.setNamespace("AWS"); req.setPeriod(60); req.setMetricName(""); req.setStatistics(toObjList("Average", "Minimum", "Maximum")); GetMetricStatisticsResult res = _svc.getCloud().getCW().getMetricStatistics(req); List<Datapoint> lst = res == null ? null : res.getDatapoints(); if (lst != null) for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); ++i) { } return null; } @Override public Iterable<VmStatistics> getVMStatisticsForPeriod(String server, long begin, long end) throws InternalException, CloudException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public VirtualMachine getVirtualMachine(String server) throws InternalException, CloudException { tstEStrArg("instance-id", server); DescribeInstancesResult res = _svc.getCloud().getEC2() .describeInstances(new DescribeInstancesRequest().withInstanceIds(server)); List<Reservation> lst = res == null ? null : res.getReservations(); Reservation r = isNil(lst) ? null : lst.get(0); VirtualMachine vm = null; if (r != null) { List<Instance> li = r == null ? null : r.getInstances(); vm = toVM(r.getOwnerId(), isNil(li) ? null : li.get(0)); } return vm; } @Override public boolean isSubscribed() throws CloudException, InternalException { try { _svc.getCloud().getEC2().describeInstances(); return true; } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { if (testForNotSubError(e, "SignatureDoesNotMatch")) { return false; } else { throw new CloudException(e); } } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw new InternalException(e); } } // we embed the region as part of zone => region|zone @Override public VirtualMachine launch(String ami, VirtualMachineProduct type, String zone, String name, String descOrUserData, String keypair, String vpcId, boolean monitoring, boolean asImageSandbox, String... firewalls) throws InternalException, CloudException { return launch(ami, type, zone, name, descOrUserData, keypair, vpcId, monitoring, asImageSandbox, firewalls, new Tag[0]); } // we embed the region as part of zone => region|zone @Override public VirtualMachine launch(String ami, VirtualMachineProduct type, String zone, String name, String descOrUserData, String keypair, String vpcId, boolean monitoring, boolean asImageSandbox, String[] firewalls, Tag... tags) throws InternalException, CloudException { tstEStrArg("image-id", ami); tstObjArg("product-type", type); tstEStrArg("keypair", keypair); tstEStrArg("zone", zone); RunInstancesRequest req = new RunInstancesRequest().withInstanceType(type.getProductId()).withImageId(ami) .withKeyName(keypair).withMaxCount(1).withMinCount(1).withMonitoring(monitoring); if (!isNilArray(firewalls)) { req.withSecurityGroups(firewalls); } String[] ss = zone.split("\\|"); _svc.getCloud().setAWSSite(ss[0]); if (ss.length > 1) { req.withPlacement(new Placement().withAvailabilityZone(trim(ss[1]))); } if (!isEmpty(descOrUserData)) { req.withUserData(descOrUserData); } RunInstancesResult res = _svc.getCloud().getEC2().runInstances(req); Reservation r = res == null ? null : res.getReservation(); VirtualMachine vm = null; if (r != null) { List<Instance> lst = r.getInstances(); vm = toVM(r.getOwnerId(), isNil(lst) ? null : lst.get(0)); } return vm; } @Override public Iterable<String> listFirewalls(String server) throws InternalException, CloudException { tstEStrArg("instance-id", server); DescribeInstancesResult res = _svc.getCloud().getEC2() .describeInstances(new DescribeInstancesRequest().withInstanceIds(server)); List<Reservation> lst = res == null ? null : res.getReservations(); Reservation r = isNil(lst) ? null : lst.get(0); List<GroupIdentifier> gs = r == null ? null : r.getGroups(); List<String> rc = LT(); if (gs != null) for (int i = 0; i < gs.size(); ++i) { rc.add(gs.get(i).getGroupName()); } return rc; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Iterable<VirtualMachineProduct> listProducts(Architecture arch) throws InternalException, CloudException { AWSAPI api = new AWSAPI(); if (Architecture.I32.equals(arch)) return api.listProducts(32); if (Architecture.I64.equals(arch)) return api.listProducts(64); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } @Override public Iterable<VirtualMachine> listVirtualMachines() throws InternalException, CloudException { DescribeInstancesResult res = _svc.getCloud().getEC2().describeInstances(); List<Reservation> lst = res == null ? null : res.getReservations(); List<Instance> li; Reservation rr; List<VirtualMachine> rc = LT(); if (lst != null) for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); ++i) { rr = lst.get(i); li = rr.getInstances(); if (li != null) for (int j = 0; j < li.size(); ++j) { rc.add(toVM(rr.getOwnerId(), li.get(j))); } } return rc; } // beware: you can only stop an EBS-backed ami(vm) @Override public void pause(String server) throws InternalException, CloudException { tstEStrArg("instance-id", server); _svc.getCloud().getEC2().stopInstances(new StopInstancesRequest().withInstanceIds(server)); } @Override public void reboot(String server) throws CloudException, InternalException { tstEStrArg("instance-id", server); _svc.getCloud().getEC2().rebootInstances(new RebootInstancesRequest().withInstanceIds(server)); } @Override public boolean supportsAnalytics() throws CloudException, InternalException { return true; } @Override public void terminate(String server) throws InternalException, CloudException { tstEStrArg("instance-id", server); _svc.getCloud().getEC2().terminateInstances(new TerminateInstancesRequest().withInstanceIds(server)); } /**/ private VirtualMachine toVM(String owner, Instance r) { AWSAPI api = new AWSAPI(); String s; VirtualMachine vm = null; if (r != null) { vm = new VirtualMachine(); vm.setPersistent(true);// if EBS backed, yes (i think) vm.setProviderOwnerId(owner); vm.setCurrentState(AWSAPI.toVmState(r.getState().getName())); vm.setArchitecture(AWSAPI.toArch(r.getArchitecture())); vm.setClonable(false); vm.setCreationTimestamp(r.getLaunchTime().getTime()); vm.setDescription(""); vm.setImagable(true); vm.setLastBootTimestamp(vm.getCreationTimestamp()); vm.setLastPauseTimestamp(0L); vm.setName(r.getInstanceId()); vm.setPausable(false); // only if EBS backed vm.setPlatform(AWSAPI.toPlat(r.getPlatform())); vm.setPrivateDnsAddress(r.getPrivateDnsName()); vm.setPrivateIpAddresses(new String[] { nsb(r.getPrivateIpAddress()) }); vm.setProduct(api.findProduct(r.getInstanceType())); vm.setProviderAssignedIpAddressId(r.getPublicDnsName()); vm.setPublicDnsAddress(r.getPublicDnsName()); vm.setPublicIpAddresses(new String[] { nsb(r.getPublicIpAddress()) }); vm.setRebootable(true); vm.setTerminationTimestamp(0L); vm.setProviderDataCenterId(r.getPlacement() == null ? "" : r.getPlacement().getAvailabilityZone()); vm.setProviderMachineImageId(r.getImageId()); vm.setProviderRegionId(_svc.getCloud().getContext().getRegionId()); vm.setProviderVirtualMachineId(r.getInstanceId()); s = r.getRootDeviceType(); if ("ebs".equals(s)) { vm.setPausable(true); } vm.addTag("rootdevicetype", s); } return vm; } }