Java tutorial
// $Id$ package com.zoho.creator.jframework; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import android.text.Html; import android.text.format.DateUtils; public class XMLParser { private static ResourceBundle resourceString = ResourceBundle.getBundle("ResourceString", Locale.getDefault());//No I18N static String getStringValue(Node node, String defaultValue) { if (node != null && node.getFirstChild() != null) { return node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } return defaultValue; } static int getIntValue(Node node, int defaultValue) { if (node != null && node.getFirstChild() != null) { return Integer.parseInt(node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue()); } return defaultValue; } private static long getLongValue(Node node, long defaultValue) { if (node != null && node.getFirstChild() != null) { return Long.parseLong(node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue()); } return defaultValue; } static String parsePivotViewURL(Document document) { String pivotViewUrl = ""; NodeList nl = document.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node responseNode = nl.item(i); if (responseNode.getNodeName().equals("response")) { NodeList responseNodes = responseNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < responseNodes.getLength(); j++) { Node resultNode = responseNodes.item(j); if (resultNode.getNodeName().equals("result")) { NodeList resultNodes = resultNode.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < resultNodes.getLength(); k++) { Node reportsUrl = resultNodes.item(k); if (reportsUrl.getNodeName().equals("reportsUrl")) { pivotViewUrl = getStringValue(reportsUrl, pivotViewUrl); } } } } } } return pivotViewUrl; } private static boolean getBooleanValue(Node node, boolean defaultValue) { if (node != null && node.getFirstChild() != null) { return Boolean.valueOf(node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue()); } return defaultValue; } private static Date getDateValue(String dateString, String dateFormat) { try { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat); return formatter.parse(dateString); } catch (java.text.ParseException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private static Date getDateValue(Node node, Date defaultValue, String dateFormat) { if (node != null && node.getFirstChild() != null) { String dateString = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); Date toReturn = getDateValue(dateString, dateFormat); if (toReturn != null) { return toReturn; } } return defaultValue; } static ZCNavList parseForNavigationListForApps(Document rootDocument) { List<ZCSharedGroup> sharedWithGroupList = new ArrayList<ZCSharedGroup>(); List<String> sharedWithWorkSpaceList = new ArrayList<String>(); NodeList nl = rootDocument.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node resultNode = nl.item(i); if (resultNode.getNodeName().equals("result")) { NodeList resultNodes = resultNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < resultNodes.getLength(); j++) { Node resultNodeChild = resultNodes.item(j); if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equals("allworkspaces")) { NodeList workspacesNodes = resultNodeChild.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < workspacesNodes.getLength(); k++) { Node workspacesNode = workspacesNodes.item(k); if (workspacesNode.getNodeName().equals("workspaces")) { NodeList workspaceNodes = workspacesNode.getChildNodes(); for (int l = 0; l < workspaceNodes.getLength(); l++) { Node workspaceNode = workspaceNodes.item(l); if (workspaceNode.getNodeName().equals("workspace")) { NodeList workspaceownerNodes = workspaceNode.getChildNodes(); for (int m = 0; m < workspaceownerNodes.getLength(); m++) { Node workspaceownerNode = workspaceownerNodes.item(m); if (workspaceownerNode.getNodeName().equals("workspaceowner")) { String workspaceowner = getStringValue(workspaceownerNode, null); sharedWithWorkSpaceList.add(workspaceowner); } } } } } } } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equals("allsharedcategory")) { NodeList groupsNodes = resultNodeChild.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < groupsNodes.getLength(); k++) { Node groupsNode = groupsNodes.item(k); if (groupsNode.getNodeName().equals("groups")) { NodeList groupNodes = groupsNode.getChildNodes(); for (int l = 0; l < groupNodes.getLength(); l++) { Node groupNode = groupNodes.item(l); if (groupNode.getNodeName().equals("group")) { NodeList groupNodeChildNodes = groupNode.getChildNodes(); String groupName = null; Long groupId = -1L; for (int m = 0; m < groupNodeChildNodes.getLength(); m++) { Node groupNodeChildNode = groupNodeChildNodes.item(m); if (groupNodeChildNode.getNodeName().equals("groupname")) { groupName = getStringValue(groupNodeChildNode, groupName); } else if (groupNodeChildNode.getNodeName().equals("groupid")) { groupId = getLongValue(groupNodeChildNode, groupId); } } sharedWithGroupList.add(new ZCSharedGroup(groupName, groupId)); } } } } } } } } return new ZCNavList(sharedWithGroupList, sharedWithWorkSpaceList); } // static ZCNavList parseForNavigationListForAppsJson(String response) { // List<ZCSharedGroup> sharedWithGroupList = new ArrayList<ZCSharedGroup>(); // List<String> sharedWithWorkSpaceList = new ArrayList<String>(); // JSONArray jArray; // try { // jArray = new JSONArray(response); // } catch (JSONException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } // for (int i=0; i < jArray.length(); i++) { // // } // return new ZCNavList(sharedWithGroupList, sharedWithWorkSpaceList); // } static List<ZCApplication> parseForApplicationList(Document rootDocument) throws ZCException { List<ZCApplication> toReturn = new ArrayList<ZCApplication>(); NodeList nl = rootDocument.getChildNodes(); String remainingDays = ""; boolean licenceEnabled = true; String appOwner = ""; for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node responseNode = nl.item(i); if (responseNode.getNodeName().equals("response")) { NodeList responseNodes = responseNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < responseNodes.getLength(); j++) { Node resultNode = responseNodes.item(j); if (resultNode.getNodeName().equals("result")) { NodeList resultNodes = resultNode.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < resultNodes.getLength(); k++) { Node resultNodeChild = resultNodes.item(k); if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equals("application_owner")) { appOwner = getStringValue(resultNodeChild, ""); //No I18N } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equals("application_list")) { NodeList appListNodes = resultNodeChild.getChildNodes(); for (int l = 0; l < appListNodes.getLength(); l++) { Node applicationsNode = appListNodes.item(l); if (applicationsNode.getNodeName().equals("applications")) { NodeList applicationsNodes = applicationsNode.getChildNodes(); for (int m = 0; m < applicationsNodes.getLength(); m++) { Node applicationNode = applicationsNodes.item(m); if (applicationNode.getNodeName().equals("application")) { NodeList applicationNodes = applicationNode.getChildNodes(); String appName = null; String linkName = null; Date createdTime = null; boolean isPrivate = true; for (int n = 0; n < applicationNodes.getLength(); n++) { Node appPropertyNode = applicationNodes.item(n); String nodeName = appPropertyNode.getNodeName(); if (nodeName.equals("application_name")) { appName = getStringValue(appPropertyNode, appName); //No I18N } else if (nodeName.equals("link_name")) { linkName = getStringValue(appPropertyNode, linkName); //No I18N } else if (nodeName.equals("access")) { isPrivate = getStringValue(appPropertyNode, "private") .equals("private"); //No I18N } else if (nodeName.equals("created_time")) { // 2013-04-01 14:28:58.0 createdTime = getDateValue(appPropertyNode, createdTime, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S"); //No I18N } else if (nodeName.equals("sharedBy")) { appOwner = getStringValue(appPropertyNode, appOwner); } } ZCApplication zcApp = new ZCApplication(appOwner, appName, linkName, isPrivate, createdTime); toReturn.add(zcApp); } } } } } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equals("license_enabled")) { licenceEnabled = getBooleanValue(resultNodeChild, false); } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equals("evaluationDays")) { remainingDays = getStringValue(resultNodeChild, ""); } ZOHOCreator.setUserProperty("evaluationDays", remainingDays);//No I18N } } } } } if (!licenceEnabled) { throw new ZCException( resourceString.getString("please_subscribe_to_professional_edition_and_get_access"), ZCException.LICENCE_ERROR); //No I18N } return toReturn; } static List<ZCSection> parseForSectionList(Document rootDocument, String appLinkName, String appOwner) throws ZCException { List<ZCSection> toReturn = new ArrayList<ZCSection>(); NodeList nl = rootDocument.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node responseNode = nl.item(i); if (responseNode.getNodeName().equals("Response")) { NodeList responseNodes = responseNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < responseNodes.getLength(); j++) { Node responseNodeChild = responseNodes.item(j); if (responseNodeChild.getNodeName().equals("error")) { throw new ZCException(getStringValue(responseNodeChild, "error"), ZCException.ERROR_OCCURED, "");//No I18N } else if (responseNodeChild.getNodeName().equals("Sections")) { NodeList sectionsNodes = responseNodeChild.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < sectionsNodes.getLength(); k++) { Node sectionNode = sectionsNodes.item(k); if (sectionNode.getNodeName().equals("Section")) { NodeList sectionNodes = sectionNode.getChildNodes(); String sectionName = null; boolean isHidden = false; String sectionLinkName = null; long sectionID = -1L; Date modifiedTime = null; List<ZCComponent> comps = new ArrayList<ZCComponent>(); for (int l = 0; l < sectionNodes.getLength(); l++) { Node sectionNodeChild = sectionNodes.item(l); String nodeName = sectionNodeChild.getNodeName(); if (nodeName.equals("Display_Name")) { sectionName = getStringValue(sectionNodeChild, ""); //No I18N } else if (nodeName.equals("Is_Hidden")) { isHidden = getBooleanValue(sectionNodeChild, isHidden); //No I18N } else if (nodeName.equals("Link_Name")) { sectionLinkName = getStringValue(sectionNodeChild, ""); //No I18N } else if (nodeName.equals("Section_ID")) { sectionID = getLongValue(sectionNodeChild, sectionID); //No I18N } else if (nodeName.equals("Modified_Time")) { modifiedTime = getDateValue(sectionNodeChild, modifiedTime, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S"); //No I18N // 2013-04-01 14:28:58.0 } else if (nodeName.equals("Components")) { NodeList ComponentsNodes = sectionNodeChild.getChildNodes(); for (int m = 0; m < ComponentsNodes.getLength(); m++) { Node componentNode = ComponentsNodes.item(m); if (componentNode.getNodeName().equals("Component")) { NamedNodeMap attrMap = componentNode.getAttributes(); Node typeNode = attrMap.getNamedItem("type");//No I18N String type = typeNode.getNodeValue(); NodeList componentNodes = componentNode.getChildNodes(); String componentName = null; String componentLinkName = null; int sequenceNumber = -1; long componentID = -1L; for (int n = 0; n < componentNodes.getLength(); n++) { Node componentNodeChild = componentNodes.item(n); String componentNodeName = componentNodeChild.getNodeName(); String nodeValue = getStringValue(componentNodeChild, ""); if (componentNodeName.equals("Display_Name")) { componentName = nodeValue; } else if (componentNodeName.equals("Link_Name")) { componentLinkName = nodeValue; } else if (componentNodeName.equals("Secquence")) { sequenceNumber = Integer.parseInt(nodeValue); } else if (componentNodeName.equals("Component_ID")) { componentID = Long.valueOf(nodeValue); } } if (ZCComponent.isCompTypeSupported(type)) { comps.add(new ZCComponent(appOwner, appLinkName, type, componentName, componentLinkName, sequenceNumber)); } } } } } ZCSection zcSection = new ZCSection(appOwner, appLinkName, sectionName, sectionLinkName, isHidden, sectionID, modifiedTime); zcSection.addComponents(comps); toReturn.add(zcSection); } } } } } else if (responseNode.getNodeName().equals("license_enabled")) { //No I18N if (!getBooleanValue(responseNode, false)) { throw new ZCException( resourceString.getString("please_subscribe_to_professional_edition_and_get_access"), ZCException.LICENCE_ERROR); //No I18N } } else if (responseNode.getNodeName().equals("evaluationDays")) { //No I18N ZOHOCreator.setUserProperty("evaluationDays", getStringValue(responseNode, ""));//No I18N } } return toReturn; } static ZCForm parseForForm(Document rootDocument, String appLinkName, String appOwner, String queryString, boolean isEditForm) throws ZCException { NodeList nl = rootDocument.getChildNodes(); ZCForm toReturn = null; Hashtable<String, String> queryStringTable = new Hashtable<String, String>(); // if(queryString!=null) // { // String[] stringValues = queryString.split("&"); // for(int p=0;p<stringValues.length;p++) // { // String[] fieldNameAndValueString = stringValues[p].split("="); // queryStringTable.put(fieldNameAndValueString[0],fieldNameAndValueString[1]); // } // } for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node responseNode = nl.item(i); if (responseNode.getNodeName().equals("errorlist")) { NodeList errorListNodes = responseNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < errorListNodes.getLength(); j++) { Node errorNode = errorListNodes.item(j); if (errorNode.getNodeName().equals("error")) { NodeList messageNodes = errorNode.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < messageNodes.getLength(); k++) { Node messageNode = messageNodes.item(k); if (messageNode.getNodeName().equals("message")) { throw new ZCException(getStringValue(messageNode, ""), ZCException.ERROR_OCCURED, ""); } } } } } else if (responseNode.getNodeName().equals("response")) { boolean hasAddOnLoad = false; boolean hasEditOnLoad = false; String successMessage = ""; String dateFormat = ""; List<ZCField> fields = new ArrayList<ZCField>(); List<ZCButton> buttons = new ArrayList<ZCButton>(); boolean isStateLess = false; int formLinkId = -1; String componentName = null; String componentLinkName = null; int sequenceNumber = -1; Long componentID = -1L; String openurlType = ""; String openurlValue = ""; NodeList responseNodes = responseNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < responseNodes.getLength(); j++) { Node responseNodeChild = responseNodes.item(j); if (responseNodeChild.getNodeName().equals("result")) { NodeList resultNodes = responseNodeChild.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < resultNodes.getLength(); k++) { Node resultNodeChild = resultNodes.item(k); if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("hasAddOnLoad")) { String nodeValue = getStringValue(resultNodeChild, ""); hasAddOnLoad = Boolean.valueOf(nodeValue); } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("hasEditOnLoad")) { String nodeValue = getStringValue(resultNodeChild, ""); hasEditOnLoad = Boolean.valueOf(nodeValue); } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("captcha")) { throw new ZCException( resourceString .getString("captcha_enabled_forms_are_currently_not_supported"), ZCException.ERROR_OCCURED, ""); } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("successMessage")) { successMessage = getStringValue(resultNodeChild, ""); } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("dateFormat")) { dateFormat = getStringValue(resultNodeChild, ""); } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("errorlist")) { throw new ZCException(parseErrorMessage(resultNodeChild), ZCException.ACCESS_ERROR); } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("type")) { int type = getIntValue(resultNodeChild, 1); if (type == 2) { isStateLess = true; } } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("formLinkId")) { formLinkId = getIntValue(resultNodeChild, formLinkId); } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("DisplayName")) { componentName = getStringValue(resultNodeChild, ""); } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("nexturl")) { NodeList openurlNodes = resultNodeChild.getChildNodes(); for (int l = 0; l < openurlNodes.getLength(); l++) { Node openurlChildNode = openurlNodes.item(l); if (openurlChildNode.getNodeName().equals("value")) { openurlValue = getStringValue(openurlChildNode, openurlValue); } else if (openurlChildNode.getNodeName().equals("type")) { openurlType = getStringValue(openurlChildNode, openurlType); } } } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("labelname")) { componentLinkName = getStringValue(resultNodeChild, ""); } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("formid")) { componentID = getLongValue(resultNodeChild, componentID); } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Fields")) { NodeList fieldNodes = resultNodeChild.getChildNodes(); for (int l = 0; l < fieldNodes.getLength(); l++) { Node fieldNode = fieldNodes.item(l); if (fieldNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("field")) { ZCField field = parseField(fieldNode, appLinkName, componentLinkName, appOwner, false, queryStringTable); if (field != null) { if (!isEditForm) { for (int m = 0; m < field.getDefaultRows(); m++) { field.addAndGetNewSubFormEntry(); } } fields.add(field); } } } } else if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("buttons")) { NodeList buttonNodes = resultNodeChild.getChildNodes(); for (int m = 0; m < buttonNodes.getLength(); m++) { Node buttonNode = buttonNodes.item(m); if (buttonNode.getNodeName().equals("button")) { NodeList buttonPropetyNodes = buttonNode.getChildNodes(); String buttonDisplayName = null; String buttonLinkName = null; ZCButtonType buttonType = null; int buttonSequenceNumber = -1; int actiontype = 1; boolean isOnClickExists = false; for (int l = 0; l < buttonPropetyNodes.getLength(); l++) { Node buttonPropetyNode = buttonPropetyNodes.item(l); if (buttonPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("labelname")) { buttonLinkName = getStringValue(buttonPropetyNode, buttonLinkName); } else if (buttonPropetyNode.getNodeName() .equalsIgnoreCase("sequencenumber")) { buttonSequenceNumber = getIntValue(buttonPropetyNode, buttonSequenceNumber); } else if (buttonPropetyNode.getNodeName() .equalsIgnoreCase("actiontype")) { actiontype = getIntValue(buttonPropetyNode, actiontype); } else if (buttonPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("type")) { buttonType = ZCButtonType .getButtonType(getIntValue(buttonPropetyNode, 62)); } else if (buttonPropetyNode.getNodeName() .equalsIgnoreCase("displayname")) { buttonDisplayName = getStringValue(buttonPropetyNode, buttonDisplayName); } else if (buttonPropetyNode.getNodeName() .equalsIgnoreCase("onclickexists")) { isOnClickExists = getBooleanValue(buttonPropetyNode, isOnClickExists); } } ZCButton button = new ZCButton(buttonDisplayName, buttonLinkName, buttonType); if (isStateLess) { button.setOnClickExists(isOnClickExists); } buttons.add(button); } } } } Collections.sort(buttons); // String appOwner, String appLinkName, String type, String componentName, String componentLinkName, int sequenceNumber, Long componentID, boolean hasAddOnLoad, boolean hasEditOnLoad, String successMessage, String tableName, int formLinkId toReturn = new ZCForm(appOwner, appLinkName, componentName, componentLinkName, sequenceNumber, hasAddOnLoad, hasEditOnLoad, successMessage, dateFormat, isStateLess, openurlType, openurlValue); toReturn.addFields(fields); if (buttons.size() > 0) { toReturn.addButtons(buttons); } } } } } return toReturn; } private static String parseErrorMessage(Node errorlistNode) { NodeList resultNodes = errorlistNode.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < resultNodes.getLength(); k++) { Node resultNodeChild = resultNodes.item(k); if (resultNodeChild.getNodeName().equals("error")) { NodeList resultNodeChildNodes = resultNodeChild.getChildNodes(); for (int l = 0; l < resultNodeChildNodes.getLength(); l++) { Node resultNodeChildNode = resultNodeChildNodes.item(l); if (resultNodeChildNode.getNodeName().equals("message")) { return getStringValue(resultNodeChildNode, ""); } } } } return ""; } private static ZCField parseField(Node resultNodeChild, String applinkName, String formlinkName, String appOwner, boolean isParentSubForm, Hashtable<String, String> queryStringhashTable) throws ZCException { NodeList fieldPropetyNodes = resultNodeChild.getChildNodes(); String fieldName = null; FieldType fieldType = FieldType.SINGLE_LINE; ExternalField externalFieldType = ExternalField.UNKNOWN; String displayName = ""; String delugeType = ""; String appLinkName = applinkName; String formLinkName = formlinkName; String initialValue = ""; List<String> initialChoiceValues = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean isUnique = false; boolean isRequired = false; boolean isNewEntriesAllowed = false; boolean isHidden = false; boolean allowOtherChoice = false; int maxChar = 255; int defaultRows = 0; int maximumRows = 0; int decimalLength = 0; boolean urlTitleReq = false; boolean urlLinkNameReq = false; boolean fromZohoDoc = false; boolean fromGoogleDoc = false; boolean fromLocalComputer = true; boolean imgLinkReq = false; boolean imgTitleReq = false; boolean altTxtReq = false; boolean isLookup = false; boolean hasOnUserInput = false; boolean hasOnUserInputForFormula = false; boolean hasSubForm = false; boolean onAddRowExists = false; boolean onDeleteRowExists = false; boolean isFilterApplied = false; String refFormLinkName = null; String refFormDisplayName = null; String refAppLinkName = null; String refFieldLinkName = null; String currencyType = "USD";//No I18N String urlTitleValue = ""; String urlLinkNameValue = ""; String urlValue = ""; int imageType = 3; List<ZCChoice> choices = new ArrayList<ZCChoice>(); List<ZCField> subFormFields = new ArrayList<ZCField>(); List<ZCField> subFormEditFields = new ArrayList<ZCField>(); List<ZCRecord> subFormEntries = new ArrayList<ZCRecord>(); ZCRecord defaultSubFormEntry = null; Node fieldNode = resultNodeChild.getAttributes().getNamedItem("ishidden");//No I18N if (fieldNode != null) { isHidden = Boolean.valueOf(fieldNode.getNodeValue()); } for (int l = 0; l < fieldPropetyNodes.getLength(); l++) { Node fieldPropetyNode = fieldPropetyNodes.item(l); if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("altTxtReq")) { altTxtReq = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, altTxtReq); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("delugeType")) { delugeType = getStringValue(fieldPropetyNode, delugeType); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("DisplayName")) { displayName = getStringValue(fieldPropetyNode, displayName); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("FieldName")) { fieldName = getStringValue(fieldPropetyNode, fieldName); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Text")) { initialValue = getStringValue(fieldPropetyNode, ""); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("fromLocalComputer")) { fromLocalComputer = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, fromLocalComputer); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("fromGoogleDoc")) { fromGoogleDoc = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, fromGoogleDoc); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("fromZohoDoc")) { fromZohoDoc = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, fromZohoDoc); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("imgLinkReq")) { imgLinkReq = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, imgLinkReq); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("imgTitleReq")) { imgTitleReq = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, imgTitleReq); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Initial") || fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equals("value")) { NodeList urlTagsList = fieldPropetyNode.getChildNodes(); boolean isImage = false; for (int q = 0; q < urlTagsList.getLength(); q++) { Node childNode = urlTagsList.item(q); if (childNode.getNodeName().equals("linkname")) { urlLinkNameValue = getStringValue(childNode, urlLinkNameValue); } else if (childNode.getNodeName().equals("url")) { urlValue = getStringValue(childNode, urlValue); } else if (childNode.getNodeName().equals("title")) { urlTitleValue = getStringValue(childNode, urlTitleValue); } else if (childNode.getNodeName().equals("src")) { isImage = true; initialValue = getStringValue(childNode, ""); } } if (subFormFields.size() > 0) { NodeList recordsList = fieldPropetyNode.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < recordsList.getLength(); k++) { Node recordNode = recordsList.item(k); if (recordNode.getNodeName().equals("record")) { ZCRecord zcRecord = parseAndSetRecord(null, recordNode, subFormFields); subFormEntries.add(zcRecord); } } } else { String key = ""; Node node = fieldPropetyNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("value");//No I18N if (node != null) { key = node.getNodeValue(); } if (!(key.equals(""))) { keys.add(key); } if (!isImage) { initialValue = getStringValue(fieldPropetyNode, initialValue); initialChoiceValues.add(initialValue); } } } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("maxChar")) { maxChar = getIntValue(fieldPropetyNode, maxChar); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("decimallength")) { decimalLength = getIntValue(fieldPropetyNode, decimalLength); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equals("ref_formdispname")) { refFormDisplayName = getStringValue(fieldPropetyNode, ""); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("refform")) { refFormLinkName = getStringValue(fieldPropetyNode, ""); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("refapplication")) { refAppLinkName = getStringValue(fieldPropetyNode, ""); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equals("ref_fieldname")) { refFieldLinkName = getStringValue(fieldPropetyNode, ""); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("required")) { isRequired = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, isRequired); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("allowotherchoice")) { allowOtherChoice = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, allowOtherChoice); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("inputtype")) { imageType = getIntValue(fieldPropetyNode, imageType); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("allownewentries")) { isNewEntriesAllowed = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, isNewEntriesAllowed); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Type")) { int type = getIntValue(fieldPropetyNode, 1); fieldType = FieldType.getFieldType(type); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("serviceType")) { int type = getIntValue(fieldPropetyNode, 1); externalFieldType = ExternalField.getExternalFieldType(type); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("islookupfield")) { isLookup = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, isLookup); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Unique")) { isUnique = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, isUnique); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("onaddrowexists")) { onAddRowExists = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, onAddRowExists); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("ondeleterowexists")) { onDeleteRowExists = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, onDeleteRowExists); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("TitleReq")) { urlTitleReq = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, urlTitleReq); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("filter")) { isFilterApplied = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, isFilterApplied); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("currencydisp")) { currencyType = getStringValue(fieldPropetyNode, ""); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("LinkNameReq")) { urlLinkNameReq = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, urlLinkNameReq); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("onChangeExists")) { hasOnUserInput = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, hasOnUserInput); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("formulaExists")) { hasOnUserInputForFormula = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, hasOnUserInputForFormula); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("dynamicpicklistexists")) { hasOnUserInputForFormula = getBooleanValue(fieldPropetyNode, hasOnUserInputForFormula); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("defaultrows")) { defaultRows = getIntValue(fieldPropetyNode, defaultRows); } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("maximumrows")) { maximumRows = getIntValue(fieldPropetyNode, maximumRows); if (maximumRows < 0) { maximumRows = 10000; } } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("subformrecords")) { NodeList subFormRecordsNodeList = fieldPropetyNode.getChildNodes(); for (int m = 0; m < subFormRecordsNodeList.getLength(); m++) { Node subFormRecordsNode = subFormRecordsNodeList.item(m); ZCRecord record = parseAndSetRecord(null, subFormRecordsNode, subFormFields); subFormEntries.add(record); } } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("SubFormFields")) { NodeList subFormFieldNodes = fieldPropetyNode.getChildNodes(); hasSubForm = true; List<ZCRecordValue> defaultSubFormEntryValues = new ArrayList<ZCRecordValue>(); defaultSubFormEntry = new ZCRecord(defaultSubFormEntryValues); for (int m = 0; m < subFormFieldNodes.getLength(); m++) { Node subFormFieldNode = subFormFieldNodes.item(m); if (subFormFieldNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Field")) { ZCField subFormField = parseField(subFormFieldNode, appLinkName, formLinkName, appOwner, true, new Hashtable<String, String>()); if (subFormField != null) { subFormFields.add(subFormField); //subFormEditFields.add(parseField(subFormFieldNode,appLinkName,formLinkName, appOwner, true,new Hashtable<String, String>())); defaultSubFormEntryValues.add(subFormField.getRecordValue().getNewRecordValue()); } } } } else if (fieldPropetyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Choices")) { choices.addAll(parseLookUpChoices(fieldPropetyNode)); } } if (isParentSubForm) { if (fieldType == FieldType.SUB_FORM || fieldType == FieldType.UNKNOWN || fieldType == FieldType.NOTES) { return null; } } if (fieldType.equals(FieldType.EXTERNAL_FIELD) || fieldType.equals(FieldType.EXTERNAL_LINK)) { throw new ZCException( resourceString.getString("this_form_contains_zoho_crm_field_which_is_currently_not_supported"), ZCException.ERROR_OCCURED, ""); } if (isParentSubForm && FieldType.isPhotoField(fieldType)) { throw new ZCException( resourceString.getString("this_form_contains_subform_field_which_contains") + fieldType + " " + resourceString.getString("field_which_is_currently_not_supported"), ZCException.ERROR_OCCURED, ""); } ZCField zcField = new ZCField(fieldName, fieldType, displayName); // for(String key:queryStringhashTable.keySet()) // { // if(key.equals(fieldName)) // { // if(FieldType.isMultiChoiceField(fieldType)){ // initialChoiceValues = setFieldInitialValues(queryStringhashTable.get(key)); // } // else // { // initialValue = queryStringhashTable.get(key); // } // } // } if (FieldType.isMultiChoiceField(fieldType)) { List<ZCChoice> selectedChoices = new ArrayList<ZCChoice>();// THis is used in Edit record for multichoice field. But in form builder there is no way to set initial value if (!isLookup) { if (keys.size() > 0) { initialChoiceValues = keys; } if (initialChoiceValues.size() == 1) { String keyValue = initialChoiceValues.get(0); if (keyValue.contains(",")) { String[] choiceValues = keyValue.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < choiceValues.length; i++) { initialChoiceValues.add(choiceValues[i]); } } } for (int j = 0; j < initialChoiceValues.size(); j++) { String initValue = initialChoiceValues.get(j); ZCChoice toAdd = null; for (int i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++) { ZCChoice choice = choices.get(i); if (choice.getKey().equals(initValue)) { toAdd = choice; break; } } if (toAdd != null) { selectedChoices.add(toAdd); } } zcField.setRecordValue(new ZCRecordValue(zcField, selectedChoices)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { selectedChoices.add(new ZCChoice(keys.get(i), initialChoiceValues.get(i))); } zcField.setRecordValue(new ZCRecordValue(zcField, selectedChoices)); } } else if (FieldType.isSingleChoiceField(fieldType)) { ZCChoice toAdd = null; if (!isLookup) { if (keys.size() > 0) { initialValue = keys.get(0); } for (int i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++) { ZCChoice choice = choices.get(i); if (choice.getKey().equals(initialValue)) { toAdd = choice; break; } } zcField.setRecordValue(new ZCRecordValue(zcField, toAdd)); } else { if (keys.size() > 0) { toAdd = new ZCChoice(keys.get(0), initialValue); } else { if (initialValue.length() > 0) { toAdd = new ZCChoice(initialValue, initialValue); } } zcField.setRecordValue(new ZCRecordValue(zcField, toAdd)); } } // else if(FieldType.isPhotoField(fieldType)) { // File file = null; // zcField.setRecordValue(new ZCRecordValue(zcField, file));} else { ZCRecordValue recordValue = null; if (zcField.getType() == FieldType.URL) { recordValue = new ZCRecordValue(zcField, urlValue, urlTitleValue, urlLinkNameValue); } else { recordValue = new ZCRecordValue(zcField, initialValue); } zcField.setRecordValue(recordValue); } zcField.setExternalFieldType(externalFieldType); zcField.setHidden(isHidden); zcField.setDefaultRows(defaultRows); zcField.setMaximumRows(maximumRows); zcField.setFilterApplied(isFilterApplied); zcField.setDecimalLength(decimalLength); if (isFilterApplied || (!isLookup)) { zcField.getRecordValue().addChoices(choices); zcField.getRecordValue().setLastReachedForChoices(true); } zcField.setOnAddRowExists(onAddRowExists); zcField.setOnDeleteRowExists(onDeleteRowExists); zcField.setLookup(isLookup); zcField.setRequired(isRequired); zcField.setUnique(isUnique); zcField.setHasOnUserInput(hasOnUserInput); zcField.setHasOnUserInputForFormula(hasOnUserInputForFormula); zcField.setMaxChar(maxChar); zcField.setCurrencyType(currencyType); zcField.setUrlLinkNameReq(urlLinkNameReq); zcField.setUrlTitleReq(urlTitleReq); zcField.setImageType(imageType); zcField.setNewEntriesAllowed(isNewEntriesAllowed); if (refFormLinkName != null && refAppLinkName != null) { zcField.setRefFormComponent( new ZCComponent(appOwner, refAppLinkName, ZCComponent.FORM, "", refFormLinkName, -1)); zcField.setRefFieldLinkName(refFieldLinkName); if (fieldType != FieldType.SUB_FORM) { zcField.setNewEntriesAllowed(true); } } // String appOwner, String appLinkName, String type, String componentName, String componentLinkName, int sequenceNumber, Long componentID, boolean hasAddOnLoad, boolean hasEditOnLoad, String successMessage, String tableName, int formLinkId if (hasSubForm) { // type/sequenceNumber/componentID/formLinkId -1, hasAddOnLoad/hasEditOnLoad false, successMessage/tableName empty string, /* ZCForm subForm = new ZCForm(appOwner, refAppLinkName,displayName, refFormLinkName, -1, false, false, "", "", false,"",""); subForm.addFields(subFormFields); zcField.setSubForm(subForm); */ zcField.setDefaultSubFormEntry(defaultSubFormEntry); for (int i = 0; i < subFormEntries.size(); i++) { zcField.addSubFormEntry(subFormEntries.get(i)); } ZCForm subForm = new ZCForm(appOwner, refAppLinkName, displayName, refFormLinkName, -1, false, false, "", "", false, "", ""); subForm.addFields(subFormFields); zcField.setSubForm(subForm); } return zcField; } private static List<String> setFieldInitialValues(String queryString) { String[] choicevalues = null; List<String> initialValues = new ArrayList<String>(); if (queryString.contains(",")) { choicevalues = queryString.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < choicevalues.length; i++) { initialValues.add(choicevalues[i]); } } else { initialValues.add(queryString); } return initialValues; } private static List<ZCChoice> parseLookUpChoices(Node fieldPropetyNode) { List<ZCChoice> choices = new ArrayList<ZCChoice>(); NodeList choiceNodes = fieldPropetyNode.getChildNodes(); for (int m = 0; m < choiceNodes.getLength(); m++) { Node choiceNode = choiceNodes.item(m); String key = choiceNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue();//No I18N String value = getStringValue(choiceNode, ""); choices.add(new ZCChoice(key, value)); } return choices; } static List<ZCChoice> parseLookUpChoices(Document rootDocument) { NodeList nl = rootDocument.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node responseNode = nl.item(i); if (responseNode.getNodeName().equals("response")) { NodeList responseNodeList = responseNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < responseNodeList.getLength(); j++) { Node resultNode = responseNodeList.item(j); if (resultNode.getNodeName().equals("result")) { NodeList resultNodeList = resultNode.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < resultNodeList.getLength(); k++) { Node fieldNode = resultNodeList.item(k); if (fieldNode.getNodeName().equals("field")) { NodeList fieldNodeList = fieldNode.getChildNodes(); for (int l = 0; l < fieldNodeList.getLength(); l++) { Node choicesNode = fieldNodeList.item(l); if (choicesNode.getNodeName().equals("choices")) { return parseLookUpChoices(choicesNode); } } } } } } } } return new ArrayList<ZCChoice>(); } private static ZCChoice parseSingleSelectValue(String value, List<ZCChoice> choices) { if (choices != null) { for (int i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++) { if (choices.get(i).getKey().equals(value)) { return choices.get(i); } } } return new ZCChoice(value, value); } private static List<ZCChoice> parseMultiSelectValues(String value) { List<ZCChoice> multSelVals = new ArrayList<ZCChoice>(); if (value.startsWith("[{")) { try { JSONArray jArray = new JSONArray(value); for (int q = 0; q < jArray.length(); q++) { JSONObject jsonObject = jArray.getJSONObject(q); String key = ""; String displayValue = ""; if (jsonObject.has("referFieldValue")) { key = jsonObject.getString("referFieldValue"); } if (jsonObject.has("displayValue")) { displayValue = jsonObject.getString("displayValue"); } multSelVals.add(new ZCChoice(key, displayValue)); } } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { if (value.startsWith("[") && value.endsWith("]")) { value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1); } String[] tokens = value.split(", "); // for(int i=1;i<tokens.length;i++) // { // // //tokens[i]=tokens[i].substring(1); // } for (int m = 0; m < tokens.length; m++) { if (!(tokens[m].equals(""))) { String initialValue = tokens[m]; multSelVals.add(new ZCChoice(initialValue, initialValue)); } } } return multSelVals; } static void parseAndAddRecords(Document rootDocument, ZCView zcView) { NodeList nl = rootDocument.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node responseNode = nl.item(i); if (responseNode.getNodeName().equals("response")) { NodeList responseNodes = responseNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < responseNodes.getLength(); j++) { Node responseChildNode = responseNodes.item(j); if (responseChildNode.getNodeName().equals("records")) { parseAndSetRecords(zcView, responseChildNode); } else if (responseChildNode.getNodeName().equals("calendar")) { parseAndSetCalendarRecords(zcView, responseChildNode); } } } } } private static void parseAndSetCalendarRecords(ZCView zcView, Node calendarNode) { zcView.setGrouped(true); NodeList eventsList = calendarNode.getChildNodes(); int year = zcView.getRecordsMonthYear().getTwo() - 1900; int month = zcView.getRecordsMonthYear().getOne(); GregorianCalendar cureentmnthcalendar = new GregorianCalendar(); Date currentDate = new Date(); for (int i = 0; i < eventsList.getLength(); i++) { Node eventNode = eventsList.item(i); NamedNodeMap eventAttrMap = eventNode.getAttributes(); long recordid = Long.parseLong(eventAttrMap.getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue()); //No I18N String title = getChildNodeValue(eventNode, "title"); //eventAttrMap.getNamedItem("title").getNodeValue(); //No I18N boolean isAllDay = Boolean.parseBoolean(eventAttrMap.getNamedItem("allDay").getNodeValue()); //No I18N // 07/31/2013 08:00:00 String dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"; //No I18N if (isAllDay) { dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; //No I18N } Date startTime = getDateValue(eventAttrMap.getNamedItem("start").getNodeValue(), dateFormat); //No I18N ZCRecord record = zcView.getRecord(recordid); record.setEventTitle(title); if (isAllDay) { zcView.setIsAllDay(isAllDay); Node endNode = eventAttrMap.getNamedItem("end");//No I18N Date endTime = null; if (endNode != null) { endTime = getDateValue(endNode.getNodeValue(), dateFormat); } int startDay = -1; if (startTime != null) { startDay = startTime.getDate(); } int endDay = -1; if (endTime != null) { endDay = endTime.getDate(); } if (endDay != -1) { currentDate.setDate(1); currentDate.setMonth(month); currentDate.setYear(year); currentDate.setMinutes(0); currentDate.setHours(0); currentDate.setSeconds(0); cureentmnthcalendar.setTime(currentDate); cureentmnthcalendar.add(cureentmnthcalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -6); currentDate = cureentmnthcalendar.getTime(); for (int j = 0; j < 42; j++) { if ((currentDate.getDate() == startTime.getDate() && currentDate.getMonth() == startTime.getMonth() && currentDate.getYear() == startTime.getYear()) || (currentDate.after(startTime) && currentDate.before(endTime)) || (currentDate.getDate() == endTime.getDate() && currentDate.getMonth() == endTime.getMonth() && currentDate.getYear() == endTime.getYear())) { zcView.setEvent(record, currentDate); } cureentmnthcalendar.add(cureentmnthcalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); currentDate = cureentmnthcalendar.getTime(); } //Collections.sort(eventRecords); } record.setEventDate(startTime); } else { // 07/31/2013 08:00:00 Date endTime = getDateValue(eventAttrMap.getNamedItem("end").getNodeValue(), dateFormat); //No I18N record.setStartTime(startTime); record.setEndTime(endTime); Calendar startCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(); startCalendar.setTime(startTime); startCalendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); startCalendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); startCalendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); startCalendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); Calendar endCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(); endCalendar.setTime(endTime); endCalendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); endCalendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); endCalendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); endCalendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); Date eventDate = new Date(startCalendar.getTimeInMillis()); zcView.setEvent(record, eventDate); while ((startCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) != endCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)) || (startCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) != endCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)) || (startCalendar.get(Calendar.DATE) != endCalendar.get(Calendar.DATE))) { startCalendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); eventDate = new Date(startCalendar.getTimeInMillis()); zcView.setEvent(record, eventDate); } } } List<ZCGroup> zcGroups = zcView.getGroups(); HashMap<Date, List<ZCRecord>> eventsMap = zcView.getEventRecordsMap(); SortedSet<Date> keys = new TreeSet<Date>(eventsMap.keySet()); for (Date eventDate : keys) { List<ZCRecord> eventRecords = eventsMap.get(eventDate); List<String> groupHeaderValues = new ArrayList<String>(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(zcView.getDateFormat()); //No I18N groupHeaderValues.add(dateFormat.format(eventDate)); ZCGroup zcGroup = new ZCGroup(groupHeaderValues); zcGroups.add(zcGroup); for (int i = 0; i < eventRecords.size(); i++) { ZCRecord eventRecord = eventRecords.get(i); zcGroup.addRecord(eventRecord); } } zcView.sortRecordsForCalendar(); } private static void parseAndSetRecords(ZCView zcView, Node recordsNode) { NodeList recordsList = recordsNode.getChildNodes(); List<ZCRecord> records = new ArrayList<ZCRecord>(); List<ZCGroup> zcGroups = zcView.getGroups(); ZCGroup zcGroup = null; if (zcGroups.size() > 0) { // setting the previous set's last group zcGroup = zcGroups.get(zcGroups.size() - 1); } boolean isViewGrouped = false; boolean isFirstRecordInGroup = false; List<String> groupHeaderValues = null; for (int k = 0; k < recordsList.getLength(); k++) { Node recordNode = recordsList.item(k); if (recordNode.getNodeName().equals("group")) { isFirstRecordInGroup = true; if (!isViewGrouped) { isViewGrouped = true; } groupHeaderValues = new ArrayList<String>(); NodeList columnList = recordNode.getChildNodes(); for (int l = 0; l < columnList.getLength(); l++) { Node columnNode = columnList.item(l); Node valueNode = columnNode.getFirstChild(); groupHeaderValues.add(getDecodedString(getStringValue(valueNode, ""))); } } else if (recordNode.getNodeName().equals("record")) { ZCRecord record = parseAndSetRecord(zcView, recordNode, null); records.add(record); if (isViewGrouped) { if (isFirstRecordInGroup && (zcGroup == null || !zcGroup.getGroupHeaderValues().equals(groupHeaderValues))) {// To check if it's not the same group of the previous set's last group zcGroup = new ZCGroup(groupHeaderValues); zcGroups.add(zcGroup); isFirstRecordInGroup = false; groupHeaderValues = null; } zcGroup.addRecord(record); } } } zcView.addRecords(records); zcView.setGrouped(isViewGrouped); } private static ZCRecord parseAndSetRecord(ZCView zcView, Node recordNode, List<ZCField> subFormFields) { NamedNodeMap recordAttrMap = recordNode.getAttributes(); long recordid = 0L; if (recordAttrMap.getNamedItem("id") != null) { recordid = Long.parseLong(recordAttrMap.getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue()); //No I18N } else { recordid = Long.parseLong(recordAttrMap.getNamedItem("ID").getNodeValue()); //No I18N } List<ZCRecordValue> valueList = new ArrayList<ZCRecordValue>(); NodeList columnList = recordNode.getChildNodes(); for (int l = 0; l < columnList.getLength(); l++) { Node columnNode = columnList.item(l); NamedNodeMap columAttrMap = columnNode.getAttributes(); String fieldName = getDecodedString(columAttrMap.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue()); //No I18N ZCField zcField = null; if (zcView != null) { zcField = zcView.getColumn(fieldName); } else { for (int m = 0; m < subFormFields.size(); m++) { ZCField fieldToCheck = subFormFields.get(m); if (fieldToCheck.getFieldName().equals(fieldName)) { zcField = fieldToCheck; break; } } } if (zcField == null) { break; } Node valueNode = columnNode.getFirstChild(); String value = getDecodedString(getStringValue(valueNode, "")); NodeList columnvalueList = columnNode.getChildNodes(); List<ZCChoice> selectedChoices = new ArrayList<ZCChoice>(); ZCChoice selectedChoice = null; List<ZCChoice> choices = null; if (zcView == null) { choices = zcField.getRecordValue().getChoices(); if (FieldType.isChoiceField(zcField.getType())) { for (int i = 0; i < columnvalueList.getLength(); i++) { Node columnvaluelistChildnode = columnvalueList.item(i); Node columnvaluelistvaluenode = columnvaluelistChildnode.getAttributes() .getNamedItem("value");//No I18N if (columnvaluelistvaluenode != null) { String key = getDecodedString(columnvaluelistvaluenode.getNodeValue()); for (int j = 0; j < choices.size(); j++) { if (key.equals(choices.get(j).getKey())) { selectedChoices .add(new ZCChoice(key, getStringValue(columnvaluelistChildnode, ""))); break; } } if (zcField.isLookup()) { selectedChoices .add(new ZCChoice(key, getStringValue(columnvaluelistChildnode, ""))); } } } } if (selectedChoices.size() > 0) { selectedChoice = selectedChoices.get(0); } } else { if (value.startsWith("[") && value.endsWith("]")) { value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1); } String[] tokens = value.split(", "); for (int m = 0; m < tokens.length; m++) { if (!(tokens[m].equals(""))) { String initialValue = tokens[m]; selectedChoices.add(new ZCChoice(initialValue, initialValue)); } } selectedChoice = new ZCChoice(value, value); } ZCRecordValue zcValue = null; if (FieldType.isMultiChoiceField(zcField.getType())) { zcValue = new ZCRecordValue(zcField, selectedChoices); zcValue.addChoices(choices); } else if (FieldType.isSingleChoiceField(zcField.getType())) { zcValue = new ZCRecordValue(zcField, selectedChoice); zcValue.addChoices(choices); } else if (zcField.getType() == FieldType.URL) { String urlLinkNameValue = ""; String urlTitleValue = ""; NodeList urlTagNodes = valueNode.getChildNodes(); for (int m = 0; m < urlTagNodes.getLength(); m++) { Node urlNode = urlTagNodes.item(m); if (urlNode.getNodeName().equals("linkname")) { urlLinkNameValue = getStringValue(urlNode, urlLinkNameValue); } else if (urlNode.getNodeName().equals("url")) { value = getStringValue(urlNode, ""); } else if (urlNode.getNodeName().equals("title")) { urlTitleValue = getStringValue(urlNode, urlTitleValue); } } zcValue = new ZCRecordValue(zcField, getStringValue(valueNode, ""), urlTitleValue, urlLinkNameValue); } else if (FieldType.RICH_TEXT.equals(zcField.getType())) { zcValue = new ZCRecordValue(zcField, getStringValue(valueNode, "")); } else { zcValue = new ZCRecordValue(zcField, value); } if (zcView != null) { zcField.setRecordValue(zcValue); } valueList.add(zcValue); } ZCRecord record = new ZCRecord(recordid, valueList); return record; } public static ZCView parseForView(Document rootDocument, String appLinkName, String appOwner, String componentType, int month, int year) throws ZCException { NodeList nl = rootDocument.getChildNodes(); ZCView toReturn = null; for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node responseNode = nl.item(i); if (responseNode.getNodeName().equals("response")) { NodeList responseNodes = responseNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < responseNodes.getLength(); j++) { Node responseChildNode = responseNodes.item(j); if (responseChildNode.getNodeName().equals("errorlist")) { NodeList errorListNodes = responseChildNode.getChildNodes(); for (int o = 0; o < errorListNodes.getLength(); o++) { Node errorlistNode = errorListNodes.item(o); if (errorlistNode.getNodeName().equals("error")) { NodeList errorlistchildNodes = errorlistNode.getChildNodes(); int code = 0; boolean hasErrorOcured = false; String errorMessage = ""; for (int p = 0; p < errorlistchildNodes.getLength(); p++) { Node errorlistchildNode = errorlistchildNodes.item(p); if (errorlistchildNode.getNodeName().equals("code")) { code = getIntValue(errorlistchildNode, code); } else if (errorlistchildNode.getNodeName().equals("message")) { hasErrorOcured = true; errorMessage = getDecodedString(getStringValue(errorlistchildNode, "")); } } if (hasErrorOcured) { ZCException exception = new ZCException(errorMessage, ZCException.ERROR_OCCURED, ""); exception.setCode(code); throw exception; } } } } if (responseChildNode.getNodeName().equals("metadata")) { NodeList viewNodes = responseChildNode.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < viewNodes.getLength(); k++) { Node viewNode = viewNodes.item(k); if (viewNode.getNodeName().equals("View")) { NamedNodeMap attrMap = viewNode.getAttributes(); String componentLinkName = getDecodedString( attrMap.getNamedItem("LinkName").getNodeValue());//No I18N String componentName = getDecodedString(getChildNodeValue(viewNode, "DisplayName")); //No I18N String dateFormat = getDecodedString( attrMap.getNamedItem("DateFormat").getNodeValue());//No I18N //String appOwner, String appLinkName, String componentName, String componentLinkName toReturn = new ZCView(appOwner, appLinkName, componentType, componentName, componentLinkName); toReturn.setDateFormat(dateFormat); NodeList viewChildNodes = viewNode.getChildNodes(); for (int l = 0; l < viewChildNodes.getLength(); l++) { Node viewChildNode = viewChildNodes.item(l); if (viewChildNode.getNodeName().equals("BaseForm")) { NamedNodeMap baseFormAttrMap = viewChildNode.getAttributes(); String baseFormLinkName = getDecodedString( baseFormAttrMap.getNamedItem("linkname").getNodeValue()); //No I18N toReturn.setBaseFormLinkName(baseFormLinkName); } else if (viewChildNode.getNodeName().equals("customFilters")) { NodeList customFilterNodeList = viewChildNode.getChildNodes(); List<ZCCustomFilter> customFilters = new ArrayList<ZCCustomFilter>(); for (int m = 0; m < customFilterNodeList.getLength(); m++) { Node customFilterNode = customFilterNodeList.item(m); NamedNodeMap customFilterAttrMap = customFilterNode.getAttributes(); long id = Long.parseLong( customFilterAttrMap.getNamedItem("Id").getNodeValue()); //No I18N String customFilterName = getDecodedString( getChildNodeValue(customFilterNode, "DisplayName"));//No I18N ZCCustomFilter customFilter = new ZCCustomFilter(customFilterName, id); customFilters.add(customFilter); } toReturn.addCustomFilters(customFilters); } else if (viewChildNode.getNodeName().equals("filters")) { NodeList filterNodeList = viewChildNode.getChildNodes(); List<ZCFilter> filters = new ArrayList<ZCFilter>(); for (int m = 0; m < filterNodeList.getLength(); m++) { Node filterNode = filterNodeList.item(m); NamedNodeMap filterAttrMap = filterNode.getAttributes(); String FilterLinkName = getDecodedString( filterAttrMap.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue()); //No I18N String filterName = getDecodedString( getChildNodeValue(filterNode, "displayname")); //filterAttrMap.getNamedItem("displayname").getNodeValue(); //No I18N ZCFilter filter = new ZCFilter(FilterLinkName, filterName); NodeList filterValuesList = filterNode.getChildNodes(); List<ZCFilterValue> filterValues = new ArrayList<ZCFilterValue>(); for (int n = 0; n < filterValuesList.getLength(); n++) { Node filterValueNode = filterValuesList.item(n); if (filterValueNode.getNodeName().equals("value")) { String filterValue = getDecodedString( getStringValue(filterValueNode, "")); //No I18N filterValue = filterValue .substring(filterValue.indexOf(":") + 1); String displayValue = filterValue; NamedNodeMap filterValAttrMap = filterValueNode.getAttributes(); if (filterValAttrMap.getLength() > 0) { displayValue = getDecodedString(filterValAttrMap .getNamedItem("display").getNodeValue());//No I18N } filterValues.add(new ZCFilterValue(filterValue, displayValue)); } } filter.addValues(filterValues); filters.add(filter); } toReturn.addFilters(filters); // } else if(viewChildNode.getNodeName().equals("rec_filter")) { // } else if(viewChildNode.getNodeName().equals("groupby")) { // } else if(viewChildNode.getNodeName().equals("opensearch")) { } else if (viewChildNode.getNodeName().equals("permissions")) { NamedNodeMap permissionAttrMap = viewChildNode.getAttributes(); boolean isAddAllowed = Boolean .parseBoolean(permissionAttrMap.getNamedItem("add").getNodeValue()); //No I18N boolean isEditAllowed = Boolean.parseBoolean( permissionAttrMap.getNamedItem("edit").getNodeValue()); //No I18N boolean isDeleteAllowed = Boolean.parseBoolean( permissionAttrMap.getNamedItem("delete").getNodeValue()); //No I18N boolean isDuplicateAllowed = Boolean.parseBoolean( permissionAttrMap.getNamedItem("duplicate").getNodeValue()); //No I18N boolean isBulkEditAllowed = Boolean.parseBoolean( permissionAttrMap.getNamedItem("bulkedit").getNodeValue()); //No I18N toReturn.setAddAllowed(isAddAllowed); toReturn.setEditAllowed(isEditAllowed); toReturn.setDeleteAllowed(isDeleteAllowed); toReturn.setDuplicateAllowed(isDuplicateAllowed); toReturn.setBulkEditAllowed(isBulkEditAllowed); } else if (viewChildNode.getNodeName().equals("Actions")) { NodeList actionList = viewChildNode.getChildNodes(); List<ZCCustomAction> headerCustomActions = new ArrayList<ZCCustomAction>(); List<ZCCustomAction> recordCustomActions = new ArrayList<ZCCustomAction>(); for (int m = 0; m < actionList.getLength(); m++) { Node actionNode = actionList.item(m); NamedNodeMap actionAttrMap = actionNode.getAttributes(); String actionType = getDecodedString( actionAttrMap.getNamedItem("type").getNodeValue()); //No I18N String actionName = getDecodedString( getChildNodeValue(actionNode, "name")); //actionAttrMap.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue(); //No I18N String headerAction = getDecodedString( getChildNodeValue(actionNode, "isHeaderAction"));//No I18N Long actionId = Long .parseLong(actionAttrMap.getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue()); //No I18N ZCCustomAction action = new ZCCustomAction(actionType, actionName, actionId); if (actionType.equals("row")) { recordCustomActions.add(action); } if (headerAction.equals("true")) { headerCustomActions.add(action); } } toReturn.addHeaderCustomActions(headerCustomActions); toReturn.addRecordCustomActions(recordCustomActions); } else if (viewChildNode.getNodeName().equals("Fields")) { // String fieldName, int type, String displayName, String delugeType, long compID List<ZCColumn> columns = new ArrayList<ZCColumn>(); NodeList fieldList = viewChildNode.getChildNodes(); for (int m = 0; m < fieldList.getLength(); m++) { Node fieldNode = fieldList.item(m); NamedNodeMap fieldAttrMap = fieldNode.getAttributes(); String displayName = getDecodedString( getChildNodeValue(fieldNode, "DisplayName")); //fieldAttrMap.getNamedItem("DisplayName").getNodeValue(); //No I18N String fieldName = getDecodedString( fieldAttrMap.getNamedItem("BaseLabelName").getNodeValue()); //No I18N String compType = getDecodedString( fieldAttrMap.getNamedItem("ComponentType").getNodeValue()); //No I18N FieldType fieldType = FieldType.getFieldType(compType); int seqNo = Integer.parseInt( fieldAttrMap.getNamedItem("SequenceNumber").getNodeValue()); //No I18N ZCColumn column = new ZCColumn(fieldName, fieldType, displayName); column.setSequenceNumber(seqNo); columns.add(column); } Collections.sort(columns); toReturn.addColumns(columns); } } } } } else if (responseChildNode.getNodeName().equals("records")) { parseAndSetRecords(toReturn, responseChildNode); } else if (responseChildNode.getNodeName().equals("calendar")) { toReturn.setRecordsMonthYear(new ZCPair<Integer, Integer>(month, year)); parseAndSetCalendarRecords(toReturn, responseChildNode); } } } } //printDocument(rootDocument); return toReturn; } private static String parseForTokenForExternalField(Document rootDocument) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String accessToken = ""; NodeList nl = rootDocument.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node responseNode = nl.item(i); if (responseNode.getNodeName().equals("OAuth")) { NodeList responseNodes = responseNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < responseNodes.getLength(); j++) { Node responseChildNode = responseNodes.item(j); if (responseChildNode.getNodeName().equals("access_token")) { accessToken = getChildNodeValue(responseChildNode, "access_token");//No I18N } } } } return accessToken; } private static String getChildNodeValue(Node parentNode, String nodeName) { NodeList parentNodeChildNodes = parentNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < parentNodeChildNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node parentNodeChildNode = parentNodeChildNodes.item(i); if (parentNodeChildNode.getNodeName().equals(nodeName)) { Node firstItem = parentNodeChildNode.getChildNodes().item(0); if (firstItem != null) { return firstItem.getNodeValue(); } } } return ""; } private static void printDocument(Document doc) { try { DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(doc); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer); TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer(); transformer.transform(domSource, result); } catch (TransformerException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private static String getString(Node node) { try { DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(node); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer); TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer(); transformer.transform(domSource, result); return writer.toString(); } catch (TransformerException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private static String getDecodedString(String encodedString) { if (encodedString != null) { return Html.fromHtml(encodedString).toString(); } else { return encodedString; } } }