Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of SnowControl. * * Copyright (c) 2013 Zeb Wollner * SnowControl is licensed under the GNU General Public License. * * SnowControl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SnowControl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.zmanww.bukkit.SnowControl; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; public class Config { protected static final SnowControl plugin = SnowControl.plugin; private static Config instance; public List<Material> canReplace = new ArrayList<Material>(); public List<Material> canFallThrough = new ArrayList<Material>(); public List<Material> canAccumulateOn = new ArrayList<Material>(); public List<String> enabledWorlds = new ArrayList<String>(); private static final String CONFIG_SNOWFALL = "SnowFall."; public static final String CONFIG_CAN_FALL_THROUGH = "CanFallThrough"; public static final String CONFIG_CAN_REPLACE = "CanReplace"; public static final String CONFIG_CAN_ACCUMULATE_ON = "CanAccumulateOn"; private Config() { if (!new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "config.yml").exists()) { plugin.saveDefaultConfig(); } plugin.getConfig().options().copyDefaults(true); loadKeys(); } public static Config getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new Config(); } return instance; } public void reload() { plugin.reloadConfig(); // Force reload instance = null;// Force all objects to reload. plugin.load(); plugin.startScheduler(); // restart the Monitor } private void loadKeys() { canFallThrough = stringToMaterial( plugin.getConfig().getStringList(CONFIG_SNOWFALL + CONFIG_CAN_FALL_THROUGH)); if (!canFallThrough.contains(Material.AIR)) { canFallThrough.add(Material.AIR); } canReplace = stringToMaterial(plugin.getConfig().getStringList(CONFIG_SNOWFALL + CONFIG_CAN_REPLACE)); if (!canReplace.contains(Material.AIR)) { canReplace.add(Material.AIR); } canAccumulateOn = stringToMaterial( plugin.getConfig().getStringList(CONFIG_SNOWFALL + CONFIG_CAN_ACCUMULATE_ON)); if (!canAccumulateOn.contains(Material.SNOW_BLOCK)) { canAccumulateOn.add(Material.SNOW_BLOCK); } if (plugin.getConfig().isSet("SnowFall.EnabledWorlds")) { enabledWorlds = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("SnowFall.EnabledWorlds"); } else { for (World world : plugin.getServer().getWorlds()) { if (!world.getName().contains("_nether") && !world.getName().contains("_the_end")) { enabledWorlds.add(world.getName()); } } plugin.getConfig().set("SnowFall.EnabledWorlds", enabledWorlds); plugin.saveConfig(); } } public void addReplaceable(Material mat) { if (!canReplace.contains(mat)) { canReplace.add(mat); plugin.getConfig().set(CONFIG_SNOWFALL + CONFIG_CAN_REPLACE, MaterialToString(canReplace)); plugin.saveConfig(); } } public void addAccumulate(Material mat) { if (!canAccumulateOn.contains(mat)) { canAccumulateOn.add(mat); plugin.getConfig().set(CONFIG_SNOWFALL + CONFIG_CAN_ACCUMULATE_ON, MaterialToString(canAccumulateOn)); plugin.saveConfig(); } } public void addFallThrough(Material mat) { if (!canFallThrough.contains(mat)) { canFallThrough.add(mat); plugin.getConfig().set(CONFIG_SNOWFALL + CONFIG_CAN_FALL_THROUGH, MaterialToString(canFallThrough)); plugin.saveConfig(); } } private List<String> MaterialToString(List<Material> tempList) { List<String> retVal = new ArrayList<String>(); if (tempList != null) { for (Material mat : tempList) { if (mat != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( { retVal.add(; } } } return retVal; } private List<Material> stringToMaterial(List<String> tempList) { List<Material> retVal = new ArrayList<Material>(); if (tempList != null) { for (String str : tempList) { str = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(str); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(str)) { retVal.add(Material.getMaterial(Integer.parseInt(str))); } else if (!StringUtils.isBlank(str)) { retVal.add(Material.getMaterial(str)); } } } return retVal; } public boolean debugEnabled() { return plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("debug", false); } public boolean isAccumulationEnabled() { return plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("SnowFall.AccumulationEnabled", true); } public boolean isMeltingEnabled() { return plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("SnowFall.MeltingEnabled", true); } public boolean meltDownCompletely() { return plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("SnowFall.MeltDownCompletely", false); } public float getChanceToAccumulate() { return (float) (plugin.getConfig().getDouble("SnowFall.AccumulationChance", 10)); } public float getChanceToMelt() { return (float) (plugin.getConfig().getDouble("SnowFall.MeltingChance", 10)); } public float getChanceToFallThrough() { return (float) (plugin.getConfig().getDouble("SnowFall.ChanceToFallThrough", 50) / 100); } public long getSnowFallDelay() { return plugin.getConfig().getLong("SnowFall.CheckEvery", 10); } public byte getMaxAccumulation(Material mat) { int retVal = plugin.getConfig().getInt("SnowFall.MaxAccumulationDefault", 7); if (mat != null && plugin.getConfig().isSet("SnowFall.MaxAccumulationOverride." + mat.toString())) { retVal = plugin.getConfig().getInt("SnowFall.MaxAccumulationOverride." + mat.toString(), retVal); } if (retVal < 0) { retVal = 0; } return (byte) retVal; } public int getMinLightLevel() { return plugin.getConfig().getInt("SnowFall.MinLightLevelToMelt", 12); } public int getMaxChunksPerCheck() { return Math.min(plugin.getConfig().getInt("SnowFall.MaxChunksPerWorldAndCheck", 441), 1); } }