Java tutorial
/* * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Synacor, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ package com.zimbra.cs.service.mail; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import com.zimbra.common.localconfig.DebugConfig; import com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException; import com.zimbra.common.soap.Element; import com.zimbra.common.soap.MailConstants; import com.zimbra.common.util.Pair; import com.zimbra.common.util.StringUtil; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Flag; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Folder; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailItem; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox.FolderNode; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.OperationContext; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.OperationContextData; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Tag; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.util.PagedDelete; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.util.TypedIdList; import com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemId; import com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemIdFormatter; import com.zimbra.cs.service.util.SyncToken; import com.zimbra.cs.session.PendingModifications.Change; import com.zimbra.soap.JaxbUtil; import com.zimbra.soap.ZimbraSoapContext; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.SyncRequest; /** * @since Aug 31, 2004 */ public class Sync extends MailDocumentHandler { protected static final String[] TARGET_FOLDER_PATH = new String[] { MailConstants.A_FOLDER }; @Override protected String[] getProxiedIdPath(Element request) { return TARGET_FOLDER_PATH; } @Override public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException { ZimbraSoapContext zsc = getZimbraSoapContext(context); Mailbox mbox = getRequestedMailbox(zsc); OperationContext octxt = getOperationContext(zsc, context); ItemIdFormatter ifmt = new ItemIdFormatter(zsc); SyncRequest syncRequest = JaxbUtil.elementToJaxb(request); String token = syncRequest.getToken(); Element response = zsc.createElement(MailConstants.SYNC_RESPONSE); response.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CHANGE_DATE, System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); // the sync token is of the form "last fully synced change id" (e.g. "32425") or // last fully synced change id-last item synced in next change id" (e.g. "32425-99213") or // last fully synced change id-last item synced in next change id and last fully synced delete change id" (e.g. "32425-99213:d1231232") or // last fully synced change id-last item synced in next change id and // last fully synced delete id-last item synced in next delete id (e.g. "32425-99213:d12312-82134") SyncToken syncToken = null; int tokenInt = 0; if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(token)) { syncToken = new SyncToken(token); tokenInt = syncToken.getChangeId(); } if (syncToken == null) { syncToken = new SyncToken(0); } int deleleLimit = syncRequest.getDeleteLimit(); int changeLimit = syncRequest.getChangeLimit(); // In case client like ZCO does not send @deleteLimit in soap call/request, // server can apply delete pagination through debugconfig/localconfig. if (deleleLimit <= 0) { deleleLimit = DebugConfig.syncMaximumDeleteCount; } // Client can specify change page limit. If unspecified by client or // client specify more than DebugConfig.syncMaximumChangeCount It will use DebugConfig.syncMaximumChangeCount if (changeLimit <= 0 || changeLimit > DebugConfig.syncMaximumChangeCount) { changeLimit = DebugConfig.syncMaximumChangeCount; } boolean initialSync = tokenInt <= 0; // permit the caller to restrict initial sync only to calendar items with a recurrence after a given date long calendarStart = (syncRequest.getCalendarCutoff() != null) ? syncRequest.getCalendarCutoff() : -1; int messageSyncStart = (syncRequest.getMsgCutoff() != null) ? syncRequest.getMsgCutoff() : -1; // if the sync is constrained to a folder subset, we need to first figure out what can be seen Folder root = null; ItemId iidFolder = null; try { iidFolder = new ItemId(request.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, DEFAULT_FOLDER_ID + ""), zsc); OperationContext octxtOwner = new OperationContext(mbox); root = mbox.getFolderById(octxtOwner, iidFolder.getId()); } catch (MailServiceException.NoSuchItemException nsie) { } Set<Folder> visible = octxt.isDelegatedRequest(mbox) ? mbox.getVisibleFolders(octxt) : null; FolderNode rootNode = null; if (root == null || iidFolder == null) { // resolve grantee names of all ACLs on the mailbox rootNode = mbox.getFolderTree(octxt, null, true); } else { // resolve grantee names of all ACLs on all sub-folders of the requested folder rootNode = mbox.getFolderTree(octxt, iidFolder, true); } OperationContextData.addGranteeNames(octxt, rootNode); // actually perform the sync mbox.lock.lock(); try { mbox.beginTrackingSync(); if (initialSync) { response.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TOKEN, mbox.getLastChangeID()); response.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SIZE, mbox.getSize()); boolean anyFolders = folderSync(response, octxt, ifmt, mbox, root, visible, calendarStart, messageSyncStart, SyncPhase.INITIAL); // if no folders are visible, add an empty "<folder/>" as a hint if (!anyFolders) { response.addElement(MailConstants.E_FOLDER); } } else { boolean typedDeletes = request.getAttributeBool(MailConstants.A_TYPED_DELETES, false); String newToken = deltaSync(response, octxt, ifmt, mbox, syncToken, deleleLimit, changeLimit, typedDeletes, root, visible, messageSyncStart); response.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TOKEN, newToken); } } finally { mbox.lock.release(); } return response; } private static final int DEFAULT_FOLDER_ID = Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_ROOT; private static enum SyncPhase { INITIAL, DELTA }; /** * @param calendarStart start time of range, in milliseconds. {@code -1} means to leave the start time unconstrained. */ private static boolean folderSync(Element response, OperationContext octxt, ItemIdFormatter ifmt, Mailbox mbox, Folder folder, Set<Folder> visible, long calendarStart, long messageSyncStart, SyncPhase phase) throws ServiceException { if (folder == null) return false; if (visible != null && visible.isEmpty()) return false; boolean isVisible = visible == null || visible.remove(folder); // short-circuit if we know that this won't be in the output List<Folder> subfolders = folder.getSubfolders(null); if (!isVisible && subfolders.isEmpty()) return false; // write this folder's data to the response boolean initial = phase == SyncPhase.INITIAL; Element f = ToXML.encodeFolder(response, ifmt, octxt, folder, Change.ALL_FIELDS); if (initial && isVisible && folder.getType() == MailItem.Type.FOLDER) { // we're in the middle of an initial sync, so serialize the item ids if (folder.getId() == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_TAGS) { initialTagSync(f, octxt, ifmt, mbox); } else { TypedIdList idlist = mbox.getItemIds(octxt, folder.getId()); initialMsgSync(f, idlist, octxt, mbox, folder, messageSyncStart); initialItemSync(f, MailConstants.E_CHAT, idlist.getIds(MailItem.Type.CHAT)); initialItemSync(f, MailConstants.E_CONTACT, idlist.getIds(MailItem.Type.CONTACT)); initialItemSync(f, MailConstants.E_NOTE, idlist.getIds(MailItem.Type.NOTE)); initialCalendarSync(f, idlist, octxt, mbox, folder, calendarStart); initialItemSync(f, MailConstants.E_DOC, idlist.getIds(MailItem.Type.DOCUMENT)); initialItemSync(f, MailConstants.E_WIKIWORD, idlist.getIds(MailItem.Type.WIKI)); initialCovSync(f, idlist, octxt, mbox, folder, messageSyncStart); } } if (isVisible && visible != null && visible.isEmpty()) return true; // write the subfolders' data to the response for (Folder subfolder : subfolders) { if (subfolder != null) { isVisible |= folderSync(f, octxt, ifmt, mbox, subfolder, visible, calendarStart, messageSyncStart, phase); } } // if this folder and all its subfolders are not visible (oops!), remove them from the response if (!isVisible) { f.detach(); } return isVisible; } private static void initialMsgSync(Element f, TypedIdList idlist, OperationContext octxt, Mailbox mbox, Folder folder, long messageSyncStart) throws ServiceException { if (messageSyncStart > 0 && !Collections.disjoint(idlist.types(), EnumSet.of(MailItem.Type.MESSAGE))) { idlist = mbox.listItemsForSync(octxt, folder.getId(), MailItem.Type.MESSAGE, messageSyncStart); } initialItemSync(f, MailConstants.E_MSG, idlist.getIds(MailItem.Type.MESSAGE)); } private static void initialCovSync(Element f, TypedIdList idlist, OperationContext octxt, Mailbox mbox, Folder folder, long messageSyncStart) throws ServiceException { if (messageSyncStart > 0 && !Collections.disjoint(idlist.types(), EnumSet.of(MailItem.Type.CONVERSATION))) { idlist = mbox.listConvItemsForSync(octxt, folder.getId(), MailItem.Type.CONVERSATION, messageSyncStart); } initialItemSync(f, MailConstants.E_CONV, idlist.getIds(MailItem.Type.CONVERSATION)); } private static void initialTagSync(Element f, OperationContext octxt, ItemIdFormatter ifmt, Mailbox mbox) throws ServiceException { for (Tag tag : mbox.getTagList(octxt)) { if (tag != null && !(tag instanceof Flag)) { ToXML.encodeTag(f, ifmt, octxt, tag, Change.ALL_FIELDS); } } } private static final Set<MailItem.Type> CALENDAR_TYPES = EnumSet.of(MailItem.Type.APPOINTMENT, MailItem.Type.TASK); /** * @param calendarStart start time of range, in milliseconds. {@code -1} means to leave the start time unconstrained. */ private static void initialCalendarSync(Element f, TypedIdList idlist, OperationContext octxt, Mailbox mbox, Folder folder, long calendarStart) throws ServiceException { if (calendarStart > 0 && !Collections.disjoint(idlist.types(), CALENDAR_TYPES)) { idlist = mbox.listCalendarItemsForRange(octxt, MailItem.Type.UNKNOWN, calendarStart, -1, folder.getId()); } initialItemSync(f, MailConstants.E_APPOINTMENT, idlist.getIds(MailItem.Type.APPOINTMENT)); initialItemSync(f, MailConstants.E_TASK, idlist.getIds(MailItem.Type.TASK)); } private static void initialItemSync(Element f, String ename, List<Integer> items) { if (items == null || items.isEmpty()) return; f.addElement(ename).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_IDS, StringUtil.join(",", items)); } private static final int FETCH_BATCH_SIZE = 200; private static final int MUTABLE_FIELDS = Change.FLAGS | Change.TAGS | Change.FOLDER | Change.PARENT | Change.NAME | Change.CONFLICT | Change.COLOR | Change.POSITION | Change.DATE; private static final Set<MailItem.Type> FOLDER_TYPES = EnumSet.of(MailItem.Type.FOLDER, MailItem.Type.SEARCHFOLDER, MailItem.Type.MOUNTPOINT); private static String deltaSync(Element response, OperationContext octxt, ItemIdFormatter ifmt, Mailbox mbox, SyncToken syncToken, int deleteLimit, int changeLimit, boolean typedDeletes, Folder root, Set<Folder> visible, int messageSyncStart) throws ServiceException { int begin = syncToken.getChangeId(); int deleteModSeqCutoff = syncToken.getDeleteModSeq(); deleteModSeqCutoff = deleteModSeqCutoff <= 0 ? begin : deleteModSeqCutoff; int mboxLastChangeId = mbox.getLastChangeID(); SyncToken newSyncToken = new SyncToken(mboxLastChangeId); if (begin >= mboxLastChangeId && deleteModSeqCutoff >= mboxLastChangeId) { return newSyncToken.toString(); } int changeItemIdCutoff = syncToken.getOffsetInNext(); int deleteItemIdCutoff = syncToken.getDeleteOffsetInNext(); // first, fetch deleted items TypedIdList tombstones = mbox.getTombstones(deleteModSeqCutoff); Element eDeleted = response.addElement(MailConstants.E_DELETED); // then, put together the requested folder hierarchy in 2 different flavors List<Folder> hierarchy = (root == null || root.getId() == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_USER_ROOT ? null : root.getSubfolderHierarchy()); Set<Integer> targetIds = (root != null && root.getId() == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_USER_ROOT ? null : new HashSet<Integer>(hierarchy == null ? 0 : hierarchy.size())); if (hierarchy != null) { for (Folder folder : hierarchy) { targetIds.add(folder.getId()); } } // then, handle created/modified folders if (octxt.isDelegatedRequest(mbox)) { // first, make sure that something changed... if (!mbox.getModifiedFolders(begin).isEmpty() || !Collections.disjoint(tombstones.types(), FOLDER_TYPES)) { // special-case the folder hierarchy for delegated delta sync boolean anyFolders = folderSync(response, octxt, ifmt, mbox, root, visible, -1, messageSyncStart, SyncPhase.DELTA); // if no folders are visible, add an empty "<folder/>" as a hint if (!anyFolders) { response.addElement(MailConstants.E_FOLDER); } } } else { for (Folder folder : mbox.getModifiedFolders(begin)) { // targetIds is null when we are syncing the whole hierarchy, so there is // no case of "synthetic tombstone" (item falling out of the tree being synced) if (targetIds == null || targetIds.contains(folder.getId())) { ToXML.encodeFolder(response, ifmt, octxt, folder, Change.ALL_FIELDS); } else { tombstones.add(folder.getType(), folder.getId(), folder.getUuid(), folder.getModifiedSequence()); } } } // next, handle created/modified tags for (Tag tag : mbox.getModifiedTags(octxt, begin)) { ToXML.encodeTag(response, ifmt, octxt, tag, Change.ALL_FIELDS); } // finally, handle created/modified "other items" int itemCount = 0; Pair<List<Integer>, TypedIdList> changed = mbox.getModifiedItems(octxt, Math.min(begin, deleteModSeqCutoff), messageSyncStart, MailItem.Type.UNKNOWN, targetIds, deleteModSeqCutoff); List<Integer> modified = changed.getFirst(); // items that have been altered in non-visible folders will be returned as "deleted" in order to handle moves if (changed.getSecond() != null) { tombstones.addAll(changed.getSecond()); } delta: while (!modified.isEmpty()) { List<Integer> batch = modified.subList(0, Math.min(modified.size(), FETCH_BATCH_SIZE)); for (MailItem item : mbox.getItemById(octxt, batch, MailItem.Type.UNKNOWN)) { // detect interrupted sync and resume from the appropriate place if ((item.getModifiedSequence() == begin + 1 && item.getId() < changeItemIdCutoff) || item.getModifiedSequence() <= begin) { //if interrupted delete and un-interrupted modifications. continue; } // if we've overflowed this sync response, set things up so that a subsequent sync starts from where we're cutting off if (itemCount >= changeLimit) { response.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY_MORE, true); newSyncToken.setChangeModSeq((item.getModifiedSequence() - 1)); newSyncToken.setChangeItemId(item.getId()); newSyncToken.setDeleteModSeq(mboxLastChangeId); break delta; } // For items in the system, if the content has changed since the user last sync'ed // (because it was edited or created), just send back the folder ID and saved date -- // the client will request the whole object out of band -- potentially using the // content servlet's "include metadata in headers" hack. // If it's just the metadata that changed, send back the set of mutable attributes. boolean created = item.getSavedSequence() > begin; ToXML.encodeItem(response, ifmt, octxt, item, created ? Change.FOLDER | Change.CONFLICT | Change.DATE | Change.PARENT : MUTABLE_FIELDS); itemCount++; } batch.clear(); } // cleanup: only return a <deleted> element if we're sending back deleted item ids if ((deleteLimit > 0 && tombstones.size() > deleteLimit) || deleteItemIdCutoff > 0) { PagedDelete pgDel = new PagedDelete(tombstones, typedDeletes); pgDel.removeBeforeCutoff(deleteItemIdCutoff, deleteModSeqCutoff); if (deleteLimit > 0) { pgDel.trimDeletesTillPageLimit(deleteLimit); } encodePagedDelete(eDeleted, pgDel, newSyncToken, tombstones, typedDeletes); if (pgDel.isDeleteOverFlow()) { response.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY_MORE, true); response.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY_MORE, true); } } else { encodeUnpagedDelete(eDeleted, tombstones, typedDeletes); } return newSyncToken.toString(); } private static void encodeUnpagedDelete(Element eDeleted, TypedIdList tombstones, boolean typedDeletes) { if (tombstones.isEmpty()) { eDeleted.detach(); } else { StringBuilder deleted = new StringBuilder(), typed = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<MailItem.Type, List<TypedIdList.ItemInfo>> entry : tombstones) { typed.setLength(0); for (TypedIdList.ItemInfo iinfo : entry.getValue()) { deleted.append(deleted.length() == 0 ? "" : ",").append(iinfo.getId()); if (typedDeletes) { typed.append(typed.length() == 0 ? "" : ",").append(iinfo.getId()); } } if (typedDeletes) { // only add typed delete information if the client explicitly requested it String eltName = elementNameForType(entry.getKey()); if (eltName != null) { eDeleted.addElement(eltName).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_IDS, typed.toString()); } } } eDeleted.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_IDS, deleted.toString()); } } private static void encodePagedDelete(Element eDeleted, PagedDelete pgDelete, SyncToken newSyncToken, TypedIdList tombstones, boolean typedDeletes) { Collection<Integer> itemIds = pgDelete.getAllIds(); if (itemIds.isEmpty()) { eDeleted.detach(); } else { if (typedDeletes) { Multimap<MailItem.Type, Integer> type2Id = pgDelete.getTypedItemIds(); StringBuilder typed = new StringBuilder(); for (MailItem.Type type : type2Id.keySet()) { String eltName = elementNameForType(type); typed.setLength(0); for (Integer id : type2Id.get(type)) { typed.append(typed.length() == 0 ? "" : ",").append(id); } eDeleted.addElement(eltName).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_IDS, typed.toString()); } } StringBuilder deleted = new StringBuilder(); for (Integer itemId : itemIds) { deleted.append(deleted.length() == 0 ? "" : ",").append(itemId); } eDeleted.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_IDS, deleted.toString()); } if (pgDelete.isDeleteOverFlow()) { newSyncToken.setDeleteItemId(pgDelete.getLastItemId()); newSyncToken.setDeleteModSeq(pgDelete.getCutOffModsequnce() - 1); } } public static String elementNameForType(MailItem.Type type) { switch (type) { case FOLDER: return MailConstants.E_FOLDER; case SEARCHFOLDER: return MailConstants.E_SEARCH; case MOUNTPOINT: return MailConstants.E_MOUNT; case FLAG: case TAG: return MailConstants.E_TAG; case VIRTUAL_CONVERSATION: case CONVERSATION: return MailConstants.E_CONV; case CHAT: return MailConstants.E_CHAT; case MESSAGE: return MailConstants.E_MSG; case CONTACT: return MailConstants.E_CONTACT; case APPOINTMENT: return MailConstants.E_APPOINTMENT; case TASK: return MailConstants.E_TASK; case NOTE: return MailConstants.E_NOTE; case WIKI: return MailConstants.E_WIKIWORD; case DOCUMENT: return MailConstants.E_DOC; default: return null; } } public static MailItem.Type typeForElementName(String name) { if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_FOLDER)) { return MailItem.Type.FOLDER; } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_SEARCH)) { return MailItem.Type.SEARCHFOLDER; } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_MOUNT)) { return MailItem.Type.MOUNTPOINT; } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_TAG)) { return MailItem.Type.TAG; } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_CONV)) { return MailItem.Type.CONVERSATION; } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_MSG)) { return MailItem.Type.MESSAGE; } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_CHAT)) { return MailItem.Type.CHAT; } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_CONTACT)) { return MailItem.Type.CONTACT; } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_APPOINTMENT)) { return MailItem.Type.APPOINTMENT; } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_TASK)) { return MailItem.Type.TASK; } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_NOTE)) { return MailItem.Type.NOTE; } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_WIKIWORD)) { return MailItem.Type.WIKI; } else if (name.equals(MailConstants.E_DOC)) { return MailItem.Type.DOCUMENT; } else { return MailItem.Type.UNKNOWN; } } }