Java tutorial
/* * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Synacor, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ package com.zimbra.cs.service.formatter; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import javax.mail.internet.ContentType; import javax.mail.internet.ParseException; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import; import; import; import; import; import com.zimbra.common.mailbox.ContactConstants; import com.zimbra.common.mime.MimeConstants; import com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException; import com.zimbra.common.util.DateUtil; import com.zimbra.common.util.ZimbraLog; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Contact; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Contact.Attachment; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Contact.DerefGroupMembersOption; import com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.VCardParamsAndValue; import com.zimbra.cs.mime.ParsedContact; import com.zimbra.cs.util.Zimbra; public class VCard { public String uid; public String fn; private final String formatted; public Map<String, String> fields; public List<Attachment> attachments; private VCard(String xfn, String xformatted, Map<String, String> xfields, List<Attachment> xattachments, String xuid) { fn = xfn; formatted = xformatted; fields = xfields; attachments = xattachments; uid = xuid; } public ParsedContact asParsedContact() throws ServiceException { return new ParsedContact(fields, attachments); } private static final Set<String> PROPERTY_NAMES = new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList("BEGIN", "FN", "N", "NICKNAME", "PHOTO", "KEY", "BDAY", "ADR", "TEL", "EMAIL", "URL", "ORG", "TITLE", "NOTE", "AGENT", "END", "UID", "X-ZIMBRA-IMADDRESS1", "X-ZIMBRA-IMADDRESS2", "X-ZIMBRA-IMADDRESS3", "X-ZIMBRA-ANNIVERSARY", "X-ZIMBRA-MAIDENNAME")); static final Map<String, String> PARAM_ABBREVIATIONS = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { PARAM_ABBREVIATIONS.put("BASE64", "ENCODING=B"); PARAM_ABBREVIATIONS.put("QUOTED-PRINTABLE", "ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE"); PARAM_ABBREVIATIONS.put("HOME", "TYPE=HOME"); PARAM_ABBREVIATIONS.put("WORK", "TYPE=WORK"); PARAM_ABBREVIATIONS.put("FAX", "TYPE=FAX"); PARAM_ABBREVIATIONS.put("CELL", "TYPE=CELL"); PARAM_ABBREVIATIONS.put("PAGER", "TYPE=PAGER"); PARAM_ABBREVIATIONS.put("CAR", "TYPE=CAR"); } private enum Encoding { NONE, B, Q } private static class VCardProperty { private String group; private String name; private final Set<String> params = new HashSet<String>(); private String charset; private Encoding encoding = Encoding.NONE; private String value; private boolean isEmpty; boolean isEmpty() { return isEmpty; } Encoding getEncoding() { return encoding; } boolean containsParam(String param) { String ucaseParam = param.toUpperCase(); for (String par : params) { if (par.equalsIgnoreCase(ucaseParam)) { return true; } } return false; } String getParamValue(String pname) { pname = pname.toUpperCase() + '='; for (String param : params) { if (param.startsWith(pname)) { return param.substring(pname.length()); } } return null; } private void reset() { group = name = value = null; charset = MimeConstants.P_CHARSET_UTF8; params.clear(); encoding = Encoding.NONE; isEmpty = false; } String parse(StringBuilder line) throws ServiceException { reset(); isEmpty = isAllWhitespace(line); if (isEmpty) { return ""; } // find the delimiter between property name and property value int colon = line.indexOf(":"); if (colon == -1) { throw ServiceException.PARSE_ERROR("missing ':' in line " + shortFormForLogging(line), null); } value = line.substring(colon + 1); // find the property name, stripping off any groups (e.g. "FOO.ADR") int i, start; char c = '\0'; for (i = start = 0; i < colon; i++) { if ((c = line.charAt(i)) == '.') { start = i + 1; } else if (c == ';') { break; } } if (start != 0) { group = line.substring(0, start - 1); } name = line.substring(start, i).trim().toUpperCase(); // get the property's parameters String pname = null; while (i < colon) { for (start = ++i; i < colon; i++) { if ((c = line.charAt(i)) == ';') break; else if (c == ',' && pname != null) break; else if (c == '=' && pname == null && i > start) { pname = line.substring(start, i).toUpperCase(); start = i + 1; } } String pval = line.substring(start, i); if (!pval.equals("")) { String pvalUCase = pval.toUpperCase(); String param = (pname != null ? pname + '=' + pval : PARAM_ABBREVIATIONS.get(pvalUCase)); if (param != null) { String paramUCase = param.toUpperCase(); if (paramUCase.equals("ENCODING=B")) { encoding = Encoding.B; } else if (paramUCase.equals("ENCODING=BASE64")) { encoding = Encoding.B; } else if (paramUCase.equals("ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE")) { encoding = Encoding.Q; } else if (pname != null && pname.equals("CHARSET")) { charset = pval; } else { params.add(param); } } } if (c == ';') { pname = null; } } return name; } String getGroup() { return group; } String getValue() { // if it's a 2.1 vCard, decode the property value if necessary try { if (encoding == Encoding.B) { byte[] encoded = value.getBytes(); if (Base64.isBase64(encoded)) value = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(encoded), charset); } else if (encoding == Encoding.Q) { value = new QuotedPrintableCodec(charset).decode(value); } encoding = Encoding.NONE; } catch (Exception ignored) { } return value; } byte[] getDecoded() { byte[] encoded = value.getBytes(); try { if (encoding == Encoding.B && Base64.isBase64(encoded)) encoded = Base64.decodeBase64(encoded); encoding = Encoding.NONE; } catch (Exception ignored) { } return encoded; } } public static List<VCard> parseVCard(String vcard) throws ServiceException { List<VCard> cards = new ArrayList<VCard>(); Map<String, String> fields = new HashMap<String, String>(); ListMultimap<String, VCardParamsAndValue> xprops = ArrayListMultimap.create(); List<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<Attachment>(); VCardProperty vcprop = new VCardProperty(); int depth = 0; int cardstart = 0; String uid = null; StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(256); for (int start, pos = 0, limit = vcard.length(); pos < limit;) { // unfold the next line in the vcard line.setLength(0); String name = null; String value; int linestart = pos; boolean folded = true; do { start = pos; while (pos < limit && vcard.charAt(pos) != '\r' && vcard.charAt(pos) != '\n') { pos++; } line.append(vcard.substring(start, pos)); if (pos < limit) { if (pos < limit && vcard.charAt(pos) == '\r') pos++; if (pos < limit && vcard.charAt(pos) == '\n') pos++; } if (pos < limit && (vcard.charAt(pos) == ' ' || vcard.charAt(pos) == '\t')) { pos++; } else { name = vcprop.parse(line); if ((vcprop.getEncoding() != Encoding.Q) || !((line.length() > 0) && ('=' == (line.charAt(line.length() - 1))))) { folded = false; } } } while (folded); if (vcprop.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw ServiceException.PARSE_ERROR("missing property name in line " + shortFormForLogging(line), null); } else if (name.equals("VERSION") || name.equals("REV") || name.equals("PRODID")) { continue; } else if ((name.startsWith("X-") && !name.startsWith("X-ZIMBRA-")) || (!PROPERTY_NAMES.contains(name) /* Assume iana-token */)) { VCardParamsAndValue ppav; if (Encoding.B.equals(vcprop.encoding)) { // Keep value encoded as don't trust binary data stored in metadata Set<String> params = vcprop.params; params.add("ENCODING=B"); if ((vcprop.charset != null) && (!MimeConstants.P_CHARSET_UTF8.equals(vcprop.charset))) { params.add(String.format("CHARSET=%s", vcprop.charset)); } ppav = new VCardParamsAndValue(vcprop.value, vcprop.params); } else { ppav = new VCardParamsAndValue(vcfDecode(vcprop.getValue()), vcprop.params); } // handle multiple occurrences of xprops with the same key String group = vcprop.getGroup(); String key = (group == null) ? name : group + "." + name; xprops.put(key, ppav); } else if (name.equals("BEGIN")) { if (++depth == 1) { // starting a top-level vCard; reset state fields = new HashMap<String, String>(); xprops = ArrayListMultimap.create(); attachments = new ArrayList<Attachment>(); cardstart = linestart; uid = null; } continue; } else if (name.equals("END")) { if (depth > 0 && depth-- == 1) { if (!xprops.isEmpty()) { fields.put(ContactConstants.A_vCardXProps, Contact.encodeUnknownVCardProps(xprops)); } // finished a vCard; add to list if non-empty if (!fields.isEmpty()) { Contact.normalizeFileAs(fields); cards.add(new VCard(fields.get(ContactConstants.A_fullName), vcard.substring(cardstart, pos), fields, attachments, uid)); } } continue; } else if (depth <= 0) { continue; } else if (name.equals("AGENT")) { // catch AGENT on same line as BEGIN block when rest of AGENT is not on the same line if (vcprop.getValue().trim().toUpperCase().matches("BEGIN\\s*:\\s*VCARD")) depth++; continue; } if (vcprop.getEncoding() == Encoding.B && !vcprop.containsParam("VALUE=URI")) { if (name.equals("PHOTO")) { String suffix = vcprop.getParamValue("TYPE").toUpperCase(); String ctype = null; if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(suffix)) { ctype = "image/" + suffix.toLowerCase(); suffix = '.' + suffix; } attachments.add(new Attachment(vcprop.getDecoded(), ctype, "image", "image" + suffix)); continue; } if (name.equals("KEY")) { String encoded = new String(Base64.encodeBase64Chunked(vcprop.getDecoded())); fields.put(ContactConstants.A_userCertificate, encoded); continue; } } value = vcprop.getValue(); // decode the property's value and assign to the appropriate contact field(s) if (name.equals("FN")) addField(ContactConstants.A_fullName, vcfDecode(value), "altFullName", 2, fields); else if (name.equals("N")) decodeStructured(value, NAME_FIELDS, fields); else if (name.equals("NICKNAME")) // TODO: VCARD 4 NICKNAME is multi-valued (COMMA separated) // It is treated as a single value here addField(ContactConstants.A_nickname, vcfDecode(value), "altNickName", 2, fields); else if (name.equals("PHOTO")) fields.put(ContactConstants.A_image, vcfDecode(value)); // Assumption: Do not want multiple photos. else if (name.equals("BDAY")) addField(ContactConstants.A_birthday, vcfDecode(value), null, 2, fields); else if (name.equals("ADR")) decodeAddress(value, vcprop, fields); else if (name.equals("TEL")) decodeTelephone(value, vcprop, fields); else if (name.equals("URL")) decodeURL(value, vcprop, fields); else if (name.equals("ORG")) decodeStructured(value, ORG_FIELDS, fields); else if (name.equals("TITLE")) addField(ContactConstants.A_jobTitle, vcfDecode(value), "altJobTitle", 2, fields); else if (name.equals("NOTE")) addField(ContactConstants.A_notes, vcfDecode(value), null, 2, fields); else if (name.equals("EMAIL")) addField(ContactConstants.A_email, vcfDecode(value), null, 2, fields); else if (name.equals("X-ZIMBRA-MAIDENNAME")) fields.put(ContactConstants.A_maidenName, vcfDecode(value)); else if (name.startsWith("X-ZIMBRA-IMADDRESS")) addField("imAddress", true, vcfDecode(value), null, 1, fields); else if (name.equals("X-ZIMBRA-ANNIVERSARY")) addField(ContactConstants.A_anniversary, vcfDecode(value), null, 2, fields); else if (name.equals("UID")) uid = value; } return cards; } static String shortFormForLogging(StringBuilder line) { if (line.length() <= 70) { return line.toString(); } else { return line.substring(0, 70) + "..."; } } static boolean isAllWhitespace(StringBuilder line) { int length = line.length(); for (int ndx = 0; ndx < length; ndx++) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(line.charAt(ndx))) { return false; } } return true; } private static void removeField(String firstKey, boolean skipFirstKey, int firstSuffix, Map<String, String> fields) { if (!skipFirstKey) { fields.remove(firstKey); } for (int suffix = firstSuffix; suffix < 20; suffix++) { String trialKey = new StringBuilder(firstKey).append(String.valueOf(suffix)).toString(); if (fields.remove(trialKey) == null) { break; } } } /* * Removes all the fields exposed through VCard. */ private static void removeVCardFields(Map<String, String> fields) { fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_fullName); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_company); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_lastName); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_firstName); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_middleName); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_namePrefix); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_nameSuffix); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_nickname); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_image); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_birthday); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_company); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_department); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_jobTitle); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_notes); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_type); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_groupMember); fields.remove(ContactConstants.A_vCardXProps); removeField(ContactConstants.A_homeStreet, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_homeCity, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_homeState, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_homePostalCode, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_homeCountry, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_workStreet, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_workCity, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_workState, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_workPostalCode, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_workCountry, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_otherStreet, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_otherCity, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_otherState, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_otherPostalCode, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_otherCountry, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_carPhone, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_homeFax, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_homePhone, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_mobilePhone, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_otherFax, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_otherPhone, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_pager, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_workFax, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_workPhone, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_email, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_homeURL, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_otherURL, false, 2, fields); removeField(ContactConstants.A_workURL, false, 2, fields); removeField("workEmail", true, 1, fields); } /* * Merge back the fields that are not exposed in VCard. */ public void merge(Contact existingContact) { Map<String, String> existingFields = existingContact.getAllFields(); removeVCardFields(existingFields); for (Entry<String, String> entry : existingFields.entrySet()) { if (!fields.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { fields.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } private static void addField(String firstKey, String value, String customPrefix, int firstSuffix, Map<String, String> fields) { addField(firstKey, false, value, customPrefix, firstSuffix, fields); } private static void addField(String firstKey, boolean skipFirstKey, String value, String customPrefix, int firstSuffix, Map<String, String> fields) { if (!skipFirstKey && !fields.containsKey(firstKey)) { fields.put(firstKey, value); } else { if (customPrefix == null) customPrefix = firstKey; for (int suffix = firstSuffix; suffix < 20; suffix++) { String trialKey = new StringBuilder(customPrefix).append(String.valueOf(suffix)).toString(); if (!fields.containsKey(trialKey)) { fields.put(trialKey, value); break; } } } } private static void decodeTelephone(String value, VCardProperty vcprop, Map<String, String> fields) { value = vcfDecode(value); if (vcprop.containsParam("TYPE=CAR")) { addField(ContactConstants.A_carPhone, value, null, 2, fields); return; } else if (vcprop.containsParam("TYPE=CELL")) { addField(ContactConstants.A_mobilePhone, value, null, 2, fields); return; } else if (vcprop.containsParam("TYPE=PAGER")) { addField(ContactConstants.A_pager, value, null, 2, fields); return; } boolean home = vcprop.containsParam("TYPE=HOME"), work = vcprop.containsParam("TYPE=WORK"); boolean fax = vcprop.containsParam("TYPE=FAX"), voice = vcprop.containsParam("TYPE=VOICE"); if (home) { if (fax) addField(ContactConstants.A_homeFax, value, null, 2, fields); if (voice || !fax) addField(ContactConstants.A_homePhone, value, null, 2, fields); } if (work) { if (fax) addField(ContactConstants.A_workFax, value, null, 2, fields); if (voice || !fax) addField(ContactConstants.A_workPhone, value, null, 2, fields); } if (!home && !work) { if (fax) addField(ContactConstants.A_otherFax, value, null, 2, fields); if (voice || !fax) addField(ContactConstants.A_otherPhone, value, null, 2, fields); } } private static void decodeAddress(String value, VCardProperty vcprop, Map<String, String> fields) { boolean home = vcprop.containsParam("TYPE=HOME"), work = vcprop.containsParam("TYPE=WORK"); if (home) decodeStructured(value, ADR_HOME_FIELDS, fields); if (work) decodeStructured(value, ADR_WORK_FIELDS, fields); if (!home && !work) decodeStructured(value, ADR_OTHER_FIELDS, fields); } private static void decodeURL(String value, VCardProperty vcprop, Map<String, String> fields) { boolean home = vcprop.containsParam("TYPE=HOME"), work = vcprop.containsParam("TYPE=WORK"); if (home) addField(ContactConstants.A_homeURL, value, null, 2, fields); if (work) addField(ContactConstants.A_workURL, value, null, 2, fields); if (!home && !work) addField(ContactConstants.A_otherURL, value, null, 2, fields); } private static final String[] NAME_FIELDS = new String[] { ContactConstants.A_lastName, ContactConstants.A_firstName, ContactConstants.A_middleName, ContactConstants.A_namePrefix, ContactConstants.A_nameSuffix }; private static final String[] ADR_HOME_FIELDS = new String[] { ContactConstants.A_homeStreet, ContactConstants.A_homeStreet, ContactConstants.A_homeStreet, ContactConstants.A_homeCity, ContactConstants.A_homeState, ContactConstants.A_homePostalCode, ContactConstants.A_homeCountry }; private static final String[] ADR_WORK_FIELDS = new String[] { ContactConstants.A_workStreet, ContactConstants.A_workStreet, ContactConstants.A_workStreet, ContactConstants.A_workCity, ContactConstants.A_workState, ContactConstants.A_workPostalCode, ContactConstants.A_workCountry }; private static final String[] ADR_OTHER_FIELDS = new String[] { ContactConstants.A_otherStreet, ContactConstants.A_otherStreet, ContactConstants.A_otherStreet, ContactConstants.A_otherCity, ContactConstants.A_otherState, ContactConstants.A_otherPostalCode, ContactConstants.A_otherCountry }; private static final String[] ORG_FIELDS = new String[] { ContactConstants.A_company, ContactConstants.A_department }; private static void decodeStructured(String value, String[] keys, Map<String, String> fields) { // Support user defined extra fields. If, for instance, a home address has previously // been defined, can add a second one where all the constituent properties have the // suffix "2" and so on. String suffix = ""; int suffixInt = 1; boolean keyAvailable; do { keyAvailable = true; for (String key : keys) { String trialKey = new StringBuilder(key).append(suffix).toString(); if (fields.containsKey(trialKey)) { keyAvailable = false; break; } } if (!keyAvailable) { suffixInt++; suffix = String.valueOf(suffixInt); } } while (!keyAvailable && (suffixInt < 20)); for (int i = 0, start = 0, f = 0, len = value.length(); i < len && f < keys.length; start = ++i, f++) { char c; for (boolean escaped = false; i < len && ((c = value.charAt(i)) != ';' || escaped); i++) escaped = !escaped && c == '\\'; if (i > start && keys[f] != null) { String keyToUse = new StringBuilder(keys[f]).append(suffix).toString(); String val = fields.get(keyToUse); if (val == null) { fields.put(keyToUse, vcfDecode(value.substring(start, i))); } else { fields.put(keyToUse, val + ", " + vcfDecode(value.substring(start, i))); } } } } private static String vcfDecode(String value) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(value)) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean escaped = false; for (int i = 0, len = value.length(); i < len; i++) { char c = value.charAt(i); if (c == '\\' && !escaped) { escaped = true; } else if (!escaped) { sb.append(c); } else { if (c == 'n' || c == 'N') { sb.append('\n'); } else if (c == 't' || c == 'T') { sb.append('\t'); } else { sb.append(c); } escaped = false; } } return sb.toString(); } public static VCard formatContact(Contact con) { return formatContact(con, null, false); } public static VCard formatContact(Contact con, Collection<String> vcattrs, boolean includeXProps) { return formatContact(con, vcattrs, includeXProps, true); } public static VCard formatContact(Contact con, Collection<String> vcattrs, boolean includeXProps, boolean includeZimbraXProps) { Map<String, String> fields = con.getFields(); List<Attachment> attachments = con.getAttachments(); List<String> emails = con.getEmailAddresses(DerefGroupMembersOption.NONE); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("BEGIN:VCARD\r\n"); // This is from RFC 2426 (vCard version 3.0) Section 1: // Profile special notes: The vCard object MUST contain the FN, N and VERSION types. if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("VERSION")) sb.append("VERSION:3.0\r\n"); // FN is a mandatory component of the vCard -- try our best to find or generate one String fn = fields.get(ContactConstants.A_fullName); if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("FN")) { if (fn == null || fn.trim().equals("")) try { fn = con.getFileAsString(); } catch (ServiceException e) { fn = ""; } if (fn.trim().equals("") && !emails.isEmpty()) fn = emails.get(0); if (fn.trim().equals("")) { String org = fields.get(ContactConstants.A_company); if (org != null && !org.trim().equals("")) { fn = org; } } sb.append("FN:").append(vcfEncode(fn)).append("\r\n"); } if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("N")) { StringBuilder nSb = new StringBuilder(); nSb.append(vcfEncode(fields.get(ContactConstants.A_lastName))).append(';') .append(vcfEncode(fields.get(ContactConstants.A_firstName))).append(';') .append(vcfEncode(fields.get(ContactConstants.A_middleName))).append(';') .append(vcfEncode(fields.get(ContactConstants.A_namePrefix))).append(';') .append(vcfEncode(fields.get(ContactConstants.A_nameSuffix))); String n = nSb.toString(); // N is mandatory according to RFC 2426 Section 1, so include it even if all components are empty // In fact, clients like Mac OS X Mavericks Contacts will just have blank names if it is blank, // so, try to avoid that. if (";;;;".equals(n)) { n = vcfEncode(fn) + ";;;;"; } sb.append("N:").append(n).append("\r\n"); } if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("NICKNAME")) encodeField(sb, "NICKNAME", fields.get(ContactConstants.A_nickname)); if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("PHOTO")) encodeField(sb, "PHOTO;VALUE=URI", fields.get(ContactConstants.A_image)); if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("BDAY")) { String bday = fields.get(ContactConstants.A_birthday); if (bday != null) { Date date = DateUtil.parseDateSpecifier(bday); if (date != null) sb.append("BDAY;VALUE=date:").append(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(date)) .append("\r\n"); } } if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("ADR")) { encodeAddress(sb, "home,postal,parcel", ContactConstants.A_homeStreet, ContactConstants.A_homeCity, ContactConstants.A_homeState, ContactConstants.A_homePostalCode, ContactConstants.A_homeCountry, 2, fields); encodeAddress(sb, "work,postal,parcel", ContactConstants.A_workStreet, ContactConstants.A_workCity, ContactConstants.A_workState, ContactConstants.A_workPostalCode, ContactConstants.A_workCountry, 2, fields); encodeAddress(sb, "postal,parcel", ContactConstants.A_otherStreet, ContactConstants.A_otherCity, ContactConstants.A_otherState, ContactConstants.A_otherPostalCode, ContactConstants.A_otherCountry, 2, fields); } if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("TEL")) { // omitting callback phone for now encodePhone(sb, "car,voice", ContactConstants.A_carPhone, 2, fields); encodePhone(sb, "home,fax", ContactConstants.A_homeFax, 2, fields); encodePhone(sb, "home,voice", ContactConstants.A_homePhone, 2, fields); encodePhone(sb, "cell,voice", ContactConstants.A_mobilePhone, 2, fields); encodePhone(sb, "fax", ContactConstants.A_otherFax, 2, fields); encodePhone(sb, "voice", ContactConstants.A_otherPhone, 2, fields); encodePhone(sb, "pager", ContactConstants.A_pager, 2, fields); encodePhone(sb, "work,fax", ContactConstants.A_workFax, 2, fields); encodePhone(sb, "work,voice", ContactConstants.A_workPhone, 2, fields); } if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("EMAIL")) { encodeField(sb, "EMAIL;TYPE=internet", ContactConstants.A_email, false, 2, fields); encodeField(sb, "EMAIL;TYPE=internet", "workEmail", true, 1, fields); } if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("URL")) { encodeField(sb, "URL;TYPE=home", ContactConstants.A_homeURL, false, 2, fields); encodeField(sb, "URL", ContactConstants.A_otherURL, false, 2, fields); encodeField(sb, "URL;TYPE=work", ContactConstants.A_workURL, false, 2, fields); } if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("ORG")) { String org = fields.get(ContactConstants.A_company); if (org != null && !org.trim().equals("")) { org = vcfEncode(org); String dept = fields.get(ContactConstants.A_department); if (dept != null && !dept.trim().equals("")) { org += ';' + vcfEncode(dept); } sb.append("ORG:").append(org).append("\r\n"); } } if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("TITLE")) encodeField(sb, "TITLE", fields.get(ContactConstants.A_jobTitle)); if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("NOTE")) encodeField(sb, "NOTE", fields.get(ContactConstants.A_notes)); if ((vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("PHOTO")) && attachments != null) { for (Attachment attach : attachments) { try { if (attach.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(ContactConstants.A_image)) { String field = "PHOTO;ENCODING=B"; if (attach.getContentType().startsWith("image/")) { // We want just the subtype, ignoring any name etc try { ContentType ct = new ContentType(attach.getContentType()); if (ct != null) { String subType = ct.getSubType(); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(subType)) { field += ";TYPE=" + ct.getSubType().toUpperCase(); } } } catch (ParseException e) { } } String encoded = new String(Base64.encodeBase64Chunked(attach.getContent())).trim() .replace("\r\n", "\r\n "); sb.append(field).append(":\r\n ").append(encoded).append("\r\n"); } } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { Zimbra.halt("out of memory", e); } catch (Throwable t) {"error fetching attachment content: " + attach.getName(), t); } } } if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("KEY")) { String smimeCert = fields.get(ContactConstants.A_userSMIMECertificate); if (smimeCert == null) { smimeCert = fields.get(ContactConstants.A_userCertificate); } if (smimeCert != null) { smimeCert = smimeCert.trim().replace("\r\n", "\r\n "); String field = "KEY;ENCODING=B"; sb.append(field).append(":\r\n ").append(smimeCert).append("\r\n"); } } if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("CATEGORIES")) { String[] tags = con.getTags(); if (tags.length > 0) { StringBuilder sbtags = new StringBuilder(); for (String tagName : tags) { sbtags.append(sbtags.length() == 0 ? "" : ",").append(vcfEncode(tagName)); } sb.append("CATEGORIES:").append(sbtags).append("\r\n"); } } String uid = getUid(con); if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("REV")) { sb.append("REV:") .append(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'").format(new Date(con.getDate()))) .append("\r\n"); } if (vcattrs == null || vcattrs.contains("UID")) { sb.append("UID:").append(uid).append("\r\n"); } // sb.append("MAILER:Zimbra ").append(BuildInfo.VERSION).append("\r\n"); if ((vcattrs == null && includeZimbraXProps) || (vcattrs != null && vcattrs.contains("X-ZIMBRA-IMADDRESS"))) { encodeField(sb, "X-ZIMBRA-IMADDRESS", "imAddress", true, 1, fields); } if ((vcattrs == null && includeZimbraXProps) || (vcattrs != null && vcattrs.contains("X-ZIMBRA-ANNIVERSARY"))) { encodeField(sb, "X-ZIMBRA-ANNIVERSARY", ContactConstants.A_anniversary, false, 2, fields); } if ((vcattrs == null && includeZimbraXProps) || (vcattrs != null && vcattrs.contains("X-ZIMBRA-MAIDENNAME"))) { String maidenName = con.get(ContactConstants.A_maidenName); if (maidenName != null) sb.append("X-ZIMBRA-MAIDENNAME:").append(maidenName).append("\r\n"); } if (includeXProps) { ListMultimap<String, VCardParamsAndValue> unknownVCardProps = con.getUnknownVCardProps(); for (String key : unknownVCardProps.keySet()) { for (VCardParamsAndValue paramsAndValue : unknownVCardProps.get(key)) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try (FoldingWriter writer = new FoldingWriter(sw)) { writer.write(key); String value = paramsAndValue.getValue(); Set<String> params = paramsAndValue.getParams(); if (!params.isEmpty()) { writer.write(";"); writer.write(Joiner.on(";").join(params)); } String vcfEncodedValue; if (params.contains("ENCODING=B")) { vcfEncodedValue = value; // should be raw BASE64 } else { vcfEncodedValue = vcfEncode(value); } writer.write(":"); writer.write(vcfEncodedValue); writer.write("\r\n"); sb.append(sw.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { ZimbraLog.misc.debug("Problem with adding property '%s' to VCARD - ignoring", key, e); } } } } sb.append("END:VCARD\r\n"); return new VCard(fn, sb.toString(), fields, attachments, uid); } public static String getUid(Contact con) { String uid = con.get(ContactConstants.A_vCardUID); if (uid != null) return uid; return con.getMailbox().getAccountId() + ":" + con.getId(); } public static String getUrl(Contact con) { String url = con.get(ContactConstants.A_vCardURL); if (url != null) return url.replaceAll("/", "//"); return getUid(con).replaceAll("/", "//"); } private static void encodeField(StringBuilder sb, String name, String value) { if (sb == null || name == null || value == null) return; sb.append(name).append(':').append(vcfEncode(value)).append("\r\n"); } private static void encodeField(StringBuilder sb, String name, String firstKey, boolean skipFirstKey, int firstSuffix, Map<String, String> fields) { if (sb == null || name == null) return; String value; if (!skipFirstKey) { value = fields.get(firstKey); if (value == null) { return; } sb.append(name).append(':').append(vcfEncode(value)).append("\r\n"); } for (int suffix = firstSuffix; suffix < 20; suffix++) { String key = new StringBuilder(firstKey).append(String.valueOf(suffix)).toString(); value = fields.get(key); if (value == null) return; sb.append(name).append(':').append(vcfEncode(value)).append("\r\n"); } } private static void encodeAddress(StringBuilder sb, String type, String streetKey, String cityKey, String stateKey, String zipKey, String countryKey, int firstSuffix, Map<String, String> fields) { if (sb == null || type == null) return; String street = fields.get(streetKey); String city = fields.get(cityKey); String state = fields.get(stateKey); String zip = fields.get(zipKey); String country = fields.get(countryKey); if (street == null && city == null && state == null && zip == null && country == null) return; String addr = ";;" + vcfEncode(street, true) + ';' + vcfEncode(city) + ';' + vcfEncode(state) + ';' + vcfEncode(zip) + ';' + vcfEncode(country); if (!addr.equals(";;;;;;")) { sb.append("ADR;TYPE=").append(type).append(':').append(addr).append("\r\n"); } for (int suffix = firstSuffix; suffix < 20; suffix++) { String key = new StringBuilder(streetKey).append(String.valueOf(suffix)).toString(); street = fields.get(key); key = new StringBuilder(cityKey).append(String.valueOf(suffix)).toString(); city = fields.get(key); key = new StringBuilder(stateKey).append(String.valueOf(suffix)).toString(); state = fields.get(key); key = new StringBuilder(zipKey).append(String.valueOf(suffix)).toString(); zip = fields.get(key); key = new StringBuilder(countryKey).append(String.valueOf(suffix)).toString(); country = fields.get(key); if (street == null && city == null && state == null && zip == null && country == null) return; addr = ";;" + vcfEncode(street, true) + ';' + vcfEncode(city) + ';' + vcfEncode(state) + ';' + vcfEncode(zip) + ';' + vcfEncode(country); if (!addr.equals(";;;;;;")) { sb.append("ADR;TYPE=").append(type).append(':').append(addr).append("\r\n"); } } } private static void encodePhone(StringBuilder sb, String type, String firstKey, int firstSuffix, Map<String, String> fields) { if (sb == null || type == null) return; String phone = fields.get(firstKey); if (phone == null) return; if (!phone.isEmpty()) { // FIXME: really are supposed to reformat the phone to some standard sb.append("TEL;TYPE=").append(type).append(':').append(phone).append("\r\n"); } for (int suffix = firstSuffix; suffix < 20; suffix++) { String key = new StringBuilder(firstKey).append(String.valueOf(suffix)).toString(); phone = fields.get(key); if (phone == null) return; if (!phone.isEmpty()) { sb.append("TEL;TYPE=").append(type).append(':').append(phone).append("\r\n"); } } } private static String vcfEncode(String value) { return vcfEncode(value, false); } /** * Encode a value of a property for use in VCARD. * @param value <table> * <tr><td>Property with multiple values separated by COMMA characters</td> * <td>Use this method to get the encoding separately for each individual value.</td></tr> * <tr><td>Property with multiple fields separated by SEMICOLON characters</td> * <td>Use this method to get the encoding separately for each individual field.</td></tr> * <tr><td>Property with single value</td> * <td>Use this method to get the whole value.</td></tr> * </table> * @param newlineToComma Set true if new lines in {@code value} should be replaced with "," */ private static String vcfEncode(String value, boolean newlineToComma) { if (value == null || value.equals("")) return ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0, len = value.length(); i < len; i++) { char c = value.charAt(i); if (c == '\\' || c == ',' || c == ';') sb.append('\\').append(c); else if (c == '\n') sb.append(newlineToComma ? "," : "\\N"); else if (c == '\t' || (c >= 0x20 && c != 0x7F)) sb.append(c); } return sb.toString(); } public String getFormatted() { return formatted; } public static void main(String args[]) throws ServiceException { // Test data moved to VCardTest } }