Java tutorial
/* * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 Synacor, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ package com.zimbra.cs.redolog.util; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.log4j.Appender; import org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.zimbra.common.localconfig.LC; import com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException; import com.zimbra.common.util.CliUtil; import com.zimbra.common.util.ZimbraLog; import com.zimbra.cs.account.Provisioning; import com.zimbra.cs.account.Server; import com.zimbra.cs.db.DbPool; import com.zimbra.cs.redolog.RedoPlayer; import com.zimbra.cs.redolog.RolloverManager; import com.zimbra.cs.redolog.logger.FileHeader; import com.zimbra.cs.redolog.logger.FileLogReader; import com.zimbra.cs.util.Config; import com.zimbra.cs.util.SoapCLI; import com.zimbra.cs.util.Zimbra; /** * zmplayredo: Program for playing back redologs. * * This program is intended to be run with mailboxd process stopped. * Some diagnostic information is logged to stdout/stderr. Most of * the logging goes to /opt/zimbra/log/mailbox.log, with log level * controlled by /opt/zimbra/conf/ file. * * When it is run without options it replays all redologs found under * /opt/zimbra/redolog/archive directory, in sequence order, followed * by /opt/zimbra/redolog/redo.log. For each redolog all committed * operations are replayed. * * Specify --mailboxId <mailbox id> option to replay committed operations * for that mailbox only. * * Specify --logfiles <list of redolog files> option to replay only * those redologs, in the order specified. * * Specify --fromSeq <sequence> to replay logs from that sequence only. * Specify --toSeq <sequence> to replay logs up to that sequence only. * Specify --fromTime <timestamp> to replay operations from that time only. * Specify --toTime <timestamp> to replay operations up to that time only. * * Specify --stopOnError option to make replay stop when it encounters any * error. By default errors are logged and ignored. * * Specify --threads <number of threads> to set the degree of parallelism. * By default 50 threads are used. Operations for a given mailbox is always * executed by the same thread to guarantee execution order within a mailbox. * Thread assignment is done by taking the module of mailbox id divided by * number of threads. Thus in the default setting mailboxes 1 and 51 are * handled by the same thread. This means replay is not fully parallelized. * This is a consequence of the need to guarantee order of execution for each * mailbox. * * When only 1 thread is used or --mailboxId option is used all replay is done * by the main thread. Even when multiple replay threads are used operations * that span multiple mailboxes (StoreIncomingBlob of a multi-recipient email * delivery) or system operations (volume ops) are executed by the main thread. * This is necessary to guarantee that latermailbox-specific operations that * depend on the non-mailbox-specific operation (e.g. CreateMessage that links * to blob stored by StoreIncomingBlob) are not started out of order. * * Specify --queueCapacity <number of ops> to set the capacity of the operation * queue used by each replay thread. Default capacity is 100. This parameter * is related to the degree of parallelism. When a replay thread's queue is full * and the main thread must submit another operation to the thread, it will block * and will be prevented from submitting operations that might have been run in * parallel by other replay threads that have available room in the queue. */ public class PlaybackUtil { private static final String OPT_FROM_TIME = "fromTime"; private static final String OPT_FROM_SEQ = "fromSeq"; private static final String OPT_TO_TIME = "toTime"; private static final String OPT_TO_SEQ = "toSeq"; private static final String OPT_MAILBOX_ID = "mailboxId"; private static final String OPT_LOGFILES = "logfiles"; private static final String OPT_STOP_ON_ERROR = "stopOnError"; private static final String OPT_THREADS = "threads"; private static final String OPT_QUEUE_CAPACITY = "queueCapacity"; private static final String OPT_HELP = "h"; private static Options sOptions = new Options(); static { sOptions.addOption(null, OPT_FROM_TIME, true, "Replay from this time (inclusive)"); sOptions.addOption(null, OPT_FROM_SEQ, true, "Replay from this redolog sequence (inclusive)"); sOptions.addOption(null, OPT_TO_TIME, true, "Replay to this time (inclusive)"); sOptions.addOption(null, OPT_TO_SEQ, true, "Replay to this redolog sequence (inclusive)"); sOptions.addOption(null, OPT_MAILBOX_ID, true, "Replay for this mailbox only"); sOptions.addOption(null, OPT_THREADS, true, "Number of parallel redo threads; default=50"); sOptions.addOption(null, OPT_QUEUE_CAPACITY, true, "Queue capacity per player thread; default=100"); Option logfilesOpt = new Option(null, OPT_LOGFILES, true, "Replay these logfiles, in order"); logfilesOpt.setArgs(Option.UNLIMITED_VALUES); sOptions.addOption(logfilesOpt); sOptions.addOption(null, OPT_STOP_ON_ERROR, false, "Stop replay on any error"); sOptions.addOption(OPT_HELP, "help", false, "Show help (this output)"); } private static void usage(String errmsg) { if (errmsg != null) { System.err.println(errmsg); } String usage = "zmplayredo <options>"; Options opts = sOptions; PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(System.err, true); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(pw, formatter.getWidth(), usage, null, opts, formatter.getLeftPadding(), formatter.getDescPadding(), null); pw.flush(); String trailer = SoapCLI.getAllowedDatetimeFormatsHelp(); if (trailer != null && trailer.length() > 0) { System.err.println(); System.err.println(trailer); } } private static CommandLine parseArgs(String args[]) { CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine cl = null; try { cl = parser.parse(sOptions, args); } catch (ParseException pe) { usage(pe.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } return cl; } private static class Params { private static final int MBOX_ID_UNSET = -1; private static final int PLAYER_THREADS = 50; private static final int QUEUE_CAPACITY = 100; public long fromTime = Long.MIN_VALUE; public long fromSeq = Long.MIN_VALUE; public long toTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; public long toSeq = Long.MAX_VALUE; public int mboxId = MBOX_ID_UNSET; public int threads = PLAYER_THREADS; public int queueCapacity = QUEUE_CAPACITY; public File[] logfiles; public boolean stopOnError = false; public boolean help = false; } private static Params initParams(CommandLine cl) throws ServiceException, IOException { Params params = new Params(); = cl.hasOption(OPT_HELP); if ( return params; params.stopOnError = cl.hasOption(OPT_STOP_ON_ERROR); if (cl.hasOption(OPT_FROM_TIME)) { String timeStr = cl.getOptionValue(OPT_FROM_TIME); Date time = SoapCLI.parseDatetime(timeStr); if (time != null) { params.fromTime = time.getTime(); SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat(SoapCLI.CANONICAL_DATETIME_FORMAT); String tstamp = f.format(time); System.out.printf("Using from-time of %s\n", tstamp); } else { System.err.printf("Invalid timestamp \"%s\" specified for --%s option\n", timeStr, OPT_FROM_TIME); System.err.println(); System.err.print(SoapCLI.getAllowedDatetimeFormatsHelp()); System.exit(1); } } if (cl.hasOption(OPT_FROM_SEQ)) { params.fromSeq = Long.parseLong(cl.getOptionValue(OPT_FROM_SEQ)); System.out.printf("Using from-sequence of %d\n", params.fromSeq); } if (cl.hasOption(OPT_TO_TIME)) { String timeStr = cl.getOptionValue(OPT_TO_TIME); Date time = SoapCLI.parseDatetime(timeStr); if (time != null) { params.toTime = time.getTime(); SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat(SoapCLI.CANONICAL_DATETIME_FORMAT); String tstamp = f.format(time); System.out.printf("Using to-time of %s\n", tstamp); } else { System.err.printf("Invalid timestamp \"%s\" specified for --%s option\n", timeStr, OPT_TO_TIME); System.err.println(); System.err.print(SoapCLI.getAllowedDatetimeFormatsHelp()); System.exit(1); } } if (cl.hasOption(OPT_TO_SEQ)) { params.toSeq = Long.parseLong(cl.getOptionValue(OPT_TO_SEQ)); System.out.printf("Using to-sequence of %d\n", params.toSeq); } if (params.fromSeq > params.toSeq) { System.err.println("Error: fromSeq greater than toSeq"); System.exit(1); } if (params.fromTime > params.toTime) { System.err.println("Error: fromTime later than toTime"); System.exit(1); } if (cl.hasOption(OPT_MAILBOX_ID)) { params.mboxId = Integer.parseInt(cl.getOptionValue(OPT_MAILBOX_ID)); System.out.printf("Replaying operations for mailbox %d only\n", params.mboxId); } else { System.out.println("Replaying operations for all mailboxes"); } if (cl.hasOption(OPT_THREADS)) params.threads = Integer.parseInt(cl.getOptionValue(OPT_THREADS)); System.out.printf("Using %d redo player threads\n", params.threads); if (cl.hasOption(OPT_QUEUE_CAPACITY)) params.queueCapacity = Integer.parseInt(cl.getOptionValue(OPT_QUEUE_CAPACITY)); System.out.printf("Using %d as queue capacity for each redo player thread\n", params.queueCapacity); List<File> logList = new ArrayList<File>(); if (cl.hasOption(OPT_LOGFILES)) { String[] fnames = cl.getOptionValues(OPT_LOGFILES); params.logfiles = new File[fnames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fnames.length; i++) { File f = new File(fnames[i]); if (f.exists()) logList.add(f); else throw new FileNotFoundException("No such file: " + f.getAbsolutePath()); } } else { // By default, use /opt/zimbra/redolog/archive/*, then /opt/zimbra/redolog/redo.log, // ordered by log sequence. Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance(); Server server = prov.getLocalServer(); String archiveDirPath = Config .getPathRelativeToZimbraHome( server.getAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraRedoLogArchiveDir, "redolog/archive")) .getAbsolutePath(); String redoLogPath = Config .getPathRelativeToZimbraHome( server.getAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraRedoLogLogPath, "redolog/redo.log")) .getAbsolutePath(); File archiveDir = new File(archiveDirPath); if (archiveDir.exists()) { File[] archiveLogs = RolloverManager.getArchiveLogs(archiveDir, params.fromSeq, params.toSeq); for (File f : archiveLogs) { logList.add(f); } } File redoLog = new File(redoLogPath); if (redoLog.exists()) { FileLogReader logReader = new FileLogReader(redoLog); long seq = logReader.getHeader().getSequence(); if (params.fromSeq <= seq && seq <= params.toSeq) logList.add(redoLog); } } // Filter out logs based on from/to times. for (Iterator<File> iter = logList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { File f =; FileHeader hdr = (new FileLogReader(f)).getHeader(); if (hdr.getFirstOpTstamp() > params.toTime || (hdr.getLastOpTstamp() < params.fromTime && !hdr.getOpen())) { // log is outside the time range iter.remove(); System.out.printf("Redolog %s has no operation in the requested time range\n", f.getName()); } } params.logfiles = new File[logList.size()]; params.logfiles = logList.toArray(params.logfiles); System.out.printf("%d redolog files to play back\n", params.logfiles.length); return params; } private Params mParams; private RedoPlayer mPlayer; public PlaybackUtil(Params params) { mParams = params; if (mParams.mboxId != Params.MBOX_ID_UNSET || mParams.threads == 1) mPlayer = new RedoPlayer(false, true, !mParams.stopOnError, false, true); else mPlayer = new ParallelRedoPlayer(false, true, !mParams.stopOnError, false, mParams.threads, mParams.queueCapacity, true); } public void playback() throws Throwable { try { for (File redolog : mParams.logfiles) { System.out.println("Processing log file: " + redolog.getAbsolutePath()); long until = mParams.toTime; if (until < Long.MAX_VALUE) until++; try { Map<Integer, Integer> mboxIdMap = null; if (mParams.mboxId != Params.MBOX_ID_UNSET) { mboxIdMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(1); mboxIdMap.put(mParams.mboxId, mParams.mboxId); } mPlayer.scanLog(redolog, true, mboxIdMap, mParams.fromTime, until); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) { Zimbra.halt("OutOfMemoryError while replaying redolog: " + oome.getMessage(), oome); } catch (Throwable t) { if (mParams.stopOnError) throw t; ZimbraLog.redolog.warn("Ignoring error and moving on: " + t.getMessage(), t); } } } finally { mPlayer.shutdown(); } } public static void main(String[] cmdlineargs) throws Throwable { // Bug: 47051 // for the CLI utilities we need to set the default soap http transport timeout to 0 (no timeout). CliUtil.setCliSoapHttpTransportTimeout(); setup(); try { CommandLine cl = parseArgs(cmdlineargs); Params params = initParams(cl); if ( { usage(null); System.exit(0); } PlaybackUtil player = new PlaybackUtil(params); player.playback(); } finally { teardown(); } } private static void setup() throws ServiceException { // set up log4j ZimbraLog.toolSetupLog4j("INFO", LC.zimbra_log4j_properties.value()); // remove the console appender if any Logger rootLogger = Logger.getRootLogger(); Appender consoleAppender = null; Enumeration appenders = rootLogger.getAllAppenders(); while (appenders.hasMoreElements()) { Appender appender = (Appender) appenders.nextElement(); if (appender instanceof ConsoleAppender) { consoleAppender = appender; } } if (consoleAppender != null) rootLogger.removeAppender(consoleAppender); DbPool.startup(); Zimbra.startupCLI(); } private static void teardown() throws ServiceException { Zimbra.shutdown(); } }