Java tutorial
/* * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server * Copyright (C) 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Synacor, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ package com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException; import com.zimbra.common.util.DateUtil; import com.zimbra.common.util.ZimbraLog; import com.zimbra.cs.account.GalContact; import com.zimbra.cs.account.Provisioning; import com.zimbra.cs.account.Provisioning.SearchGalResult; import; import; import; import com.zimbra.cs.account.krb5.Krb5Login; import; import; import; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.IAttributes; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapClient; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapConstants; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapDateUtil; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapException.LdapEntryNotFoundException; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapException.LdapSizeLimitExceededException; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapServerConfig.ExternalLdapConfig; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapUsage; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapUtil; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.SearchLdapOptions; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.ZAttributes; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.ZLdapContext; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.ZLdapFilterFactory; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.ZLdapFilterFactory.FilterId; import com.zimbra.cs.ldap.ZSearchScope; public class LdapGalSearch { public static SearchGalResult searchLdapGal(GalParams.ExternalGalParams galParams, GalOp galOp, String n, int maxResults, LdapGalMapRules rules, String token, GalContact.Visitor visitor) throws ServiceException { String url[] = galParams.url(); String base = galParams.searchBase(); String filter = galParams.filter(); SearchGalResult result = SearchGalResult.newSearchGalResult(visitor); String tokenize = GalUtil.tokenizeKey(galParams, galOp); result.setTokenizeKey(tokenize); if (url == null || url.length == 0 || base == null || filter == null) { if (url == null || url.length == 0)"searchLdapGal url is null"); if (base == null)"searchLdapGal base is null"); if (filter == null)"searchLdapGal queryExpr is null"); return result; } if (filter.indexOf("(") == -1) { String queryExpr = GalSearchConfig.getFilterDef(filter); if (queryExpr != null) filter = queryExpr; } String query = GalUtil.expandFilter(tokenize, filter, n, token); String authMech = galParams.credential().getAuthMech(); if (authMech.equals(Provisioning.LDAP_AM_KERBEROS5)) searchLdapGalKrb5(galParams, galOp, query, maxResults, rules, token, result); else searchLdapGal(galParams, galOp, query, maxResults, rules, token, result); return result; } private static void searchLdapGalKrb5(GalParams.ExternalGalParams galParams, GalOp galOp, String query, int maxResults, LdapGalMapRules rules, String token, SearchGalResult result) throws ServiceException { try { LdapGalCredential credential = galParams.credential(); Krb5Login.performAs(credential.getKrb5Principal(), credential.getKrb5Keytab(), new SearchGalAction(galParams, galOp, query, maxResults, rules, token, result)); } catch (LoginException le) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("login failed, unable to search GAL", le); } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) { // e.getException() should be an instance of NamingException, // as only "checked" exceptions will be wrapped in a PrivilegedActionException. Exception e = pae.getException(); if (e instanceof ServiceException) throw (ServiceException) e; else // huh? throw ServiceException.FAILURE("caught exception, unable to search GAL", e); } } static class SearchGalAction implements PrivilegedExceptionAction { GalParams.ExternalGalParams galParams; GalOp galOp; String query; int maxResults; LdapGalMapRules rules; String token; SearchGalResult result; SearchGalAction(GalParams.ExternalGalParams arg_galParams, GalOp arg_galOp, String arg_query, int arg_maxResults, LdapGalMapRules arg_rules, String arg_token, SearchGalResult arg_result) { galParams = arg_galParams; galOp = arg_galOp; query = arg_query; maxResults = arg_maxResults; rules = arg_rules; token = arg_token; result = arg_result; } @Override public Object run() throws ServiceException { searchLdapGal(galParams, galOp, query, maxResults, rules, token, result); return null; } } private static void searchLdapGal(GalParams.ExternalGalParams galParams, GalOp galOp, String query, int maxResults, LdapGalMapRules rules, String token, SearchGalResult result) throws ServiceException { ZLdapContext zlc = null; try { LdapGalCredential credential = galParams.credential(); ExternalLdapConfig ldapConfig = new ExternalLdapConfig(galParams.url(), galParams.requireStartTLS(), credential.getAuthMech(), credential.getBindDn(), credential.getBindPassword(), rules.getBinaryLdapAttrs(), "external GAL"); zlc = LdapClient.getExternalContext(ldapConfig, LdapUsage.fromGalOpLegacy(galOp)); searchGal(zlc, GalSearchConfig.GalType.ldap, galParams.pageSize(), galParams.searchBase(), query, maxResults, rules, token, result); } finally { LdapClient.closeContext(zlc); } } /* ========================================= * * Methods for the new GAL * * ========================================= */ public static void galSearch(GalSearchParams params) throws ServiceException { String authMech = params.getConfig().getAuthMech(); if (authMech.equals(Provisioning.LDAP_AM_KERBEROS5)) galSearchKrb5(params); else doGalSearch(params); } private static void doGalSearch(GalSearchParams params) throws ServiceException { ZLdapContext zlc = null; try { GalSearchConfig cfg = params.getConfig(); GalSearchConfig.GalType galType = params.getConfig().getGalType(); if (galType == GalSearchConfig.GalType.zimbra) { zlc = LdapClient.getContext(LdapUsage.fromGalOp(params.getOp())); } else { ExternalLdapConfig ldapConfig = new ExternalLdapConfig(cfg.getUrl(), cfg.getStartTlsEnabled(), cfg.getAuthMech(), cfg.getBindDn(), cfg.getBindPassword(), cfg.getRules().getBinaryLdapAttrs(), "external GAL"); zlc = LdapClient.getExternalContext(ldapConfig, LdapUsage.fromGalOp(params.getOp())); } String fetchEntryByDn = params.getSearchEntryByDn(); if (fetchEntryByDn == null) { SearchGalResult sgr = params.getResult(); if (sgr != null && GalOp.sync.equals(params.getOp())) { sgr.setLdapTimeStamp(params.getLdapTimeStamp()); sgr.setLdapMatchCount(params.getLdapMatchCount()); sgr.setHadMore(params.ldapHasMore()); sgr.setMaxLdapTimeStamp(params.getMaxLdapTimeStamp()); } searchGal(zlc, galType, cfg.getPageSize(), cfg.getSearchBase(), params.generateLdapQuery(), params.getLimit(), cfg.getRules(), params.getSyncToken(), params.getResult(), params.getOp()); } else { getGalEntryByDn(zlc, galType, fetchEntryByDn, cfg.getRules(), params.getResult()); } } finally { LdapClient.closeContext(zlc); } } private static void galSearchKrb5(GalSearchParams params) throws ServiceException { try { String krb5Principal = params.getConfig().getKerberosPrincipal(); String krb5Keytab = params.getConfig().getKerberosKeytab(); Krb5Login.performAs(krb5Principal, krb5Keytab, new GalSearchAction(params)); } catch (LoginException le) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("login failed, unable to search GAL", le); } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) { // e.getException() should be an instance of NamingException, // as only "checked" exceptions will be wrapped in a PrivilegedActionException. Exception e = pae.getException(); if (e instanceof ServiceException) throw (ServiceException) e; else // huh? throw ServiceException.FAILURE("caught exception, unable to search GAL", e); } } static class GalSearchAction implements PrivilegedExceptionAction { GalSearchParams mParams; GalSearchAction(GalSearchParams params) { mParams = params; } @Override public Object run() throws ServiceException, IOException { doGalSearch(mParams); return null; } } private static class SearhcGalVisitor extends SearchLdapOptions.SearchLdapVisitor { private ZLdapContext zlc; private GalSearchConfig.GalType galType; private String base; private LdapGalMapRules rules; private SearchGalResult result; private SearhcGalVisitor(ZLdapContext zlc, GalSearchConfig.GalType galType, String base, LdapGalMapRules rules, SearchGalResult result) { super(false); this.zlc = zlc; this.galType = galType; this.base = base; this.rules = rules; this.result = result; } @Override public void visit(String dn, IAttributes ldapAttrs) { GalContact lgc = new GalContact(galType, dn, rules.apply(zlc, base, dn, ldapAttrs)); String mts = (String) lgc.getAttrs().get("modifyTimeStamp"); result.setToken(LdapUtil.getLaterTimestamp(result.getToken(), mts)); String cts = (String) lgc.getAttrs().get("createTimeStamp"); result.setToken(LdapUtil.getLaterTimestamp(result.getToken(), cts)); try { result.addMatch(lgc); } catch (ServiceException e) {"unable to add GAL match", e); }"dn=" + dn + ", mts=" + mts + ", cts=" + cts); } } public static void searchGal(ZLdapContext zlc, GalSearchConfig.GalType galType, int pageSize, String base, String query, int maxResults, LdapGalMapRules rules, String token, SearchGalResult result) throws ServiceException { searchGal(zlc, galType, pageSize, base, query, maxResults, rules, token, result, null); } public static void searchGal(ZLdapContext zlc, GalSearchConfig.GalType galType, int pageSize, String base, String query, int maxResults, LdapGalMapRules rules, String token, SearchGalResult result, GalOp op) throws ServiceException { String tk = token != null && !token.equals("") ? token : LdapConstants.EARLIEST_SYNC_TOKEN; result.setToken(tk); if (GalOp.sync == op) { String maxLdapTs = result.getMaxLdapTimeStamp(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(maxLdapTs)) { result.setToken(maxLdapTs); } } String reqAttrs[] = rules.getLdapAttrs(); if ( { StringBuffer returnAttrs = new StringBuffer(); for (String a : reqAttrs) { returnAttrs.append(a + ","); } zlc.debug();"searchGal: " + ", page size=" + pageSize + ", max results=" + maxResults + ", base=" + base + ", query=" + query + ", attrs=" + returnAttrs); } if (GalOp.sync == op) { result.setLimit(maxResults); maxResults = SearchLdapOptions.SIZE_UNLIMITED; } SearhcGalVisitor visitor = new SearhcGalVisitor(zlc, galType, base, rules, result); SearchLdapOptions searchOpts = new SearchLdapOptions(base, ZLdapFilterFactory.getInstance().fromFilterString(FilterId.GAL_SEARCH, query), reqAttrs, maxResults, null, ZSearchScope.SEARCH_SCOPE_SUBTREE, visitor); searchOpts.setResultPageSize(pageSize); searchOpts.setGalOp(op); if (GalOp.sync == op) { searchOpts.setSearchGalResult(result); } try { zlc.searchPaged(searchOpts); } catch (LdapSizeLimitExceededException sle) { result.setHadMore(true); } catch (ServiceException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("unable to search gal", e); } finally { if (GalOp.sync != op || ((GalOp.sync == op) && !result.getHadMore())) { boolean gotNewToken = true; String newToken = result.getToken(); if (newToken == null || (token != null && token.equals(newToken)) || newToken.equals(LdapConstants.EARLIEST_SYNC_TOKEN)) gotNewToken = false; if (gotNewToken) { Date parsedToken = LdapDateUtil.parseGeneralizedTime(newToken); if (parsedToken != null) { long ts = parsedToken.getTime(); ts += 1000; // Note, this will "normalize" the token to our standard format // DateUtil.ZIMBRA_LDAP_GENERALIZED_TIME_FORMAT // Whenever we've got a new token, it will be returned in the // normalized format. String deltaToken = LdapDateUtil.toGeneralizedTime(new Date(ts)); result.setToken(deltaToken); if (GalOp.sync == op) { result.setLdapTimeStamp(deltaToken); } } /* * in the rare case when an LDAP implementation does not conform to generalized time and * we cannot parser the token, just leave it alone. */ } else { //no records found if ((GalOp.sync == op) && !result.getHadMore()) { result.setToken(newToken); result.setLdapTimeStamp(newToken); } } } } } public static void getGalEntryByDn(ZLdapContext zlc, GalSearchConfig.GalType galType, String dn, LdapGalMapRules rules, SearchGalResult result) throws ServiceException { String reqAttrs[] = rules.getLdapAttrs(); if ( { StringBuffer returnAttrs = new StringBuffer(); for (String a : reqAttrs) { returnAttrs.append(a + ","); } zlc.debug();"getGalEntryByDn: " + ", dn=" + dn + ", attrs=" + returnAttrs); } SearhcGalVisitor visitor = new SearhcGalVisitor(zlc, galType, null, rules, result); try { ZAttributes attrs = zlc.getAttributes(dn, reqAttrs); visitor.visit(dn, attrs); } catch (LdapEntryNotFoundException e) {"getGalEntryByDn: no such dn: " + dn, e); } catch (ServiceException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("unable to search gal", e); } } }