Source code

Java tutorial


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 * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server
 * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016 Synacor, Inc.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
 * version 2 of the License.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
 * If not, see <>.
 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****


package com.zimbra.common.soap;

import java.util.Iterator;

import org.dom4j.Namespace;
import org.dom4j.QName;

import com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException;

 * Interface to Soap Protocol

public abstract class SoapProtocol {

    protected static final String NS_PREFIX = "soap";

    /** SOAP 1.2 Protocol Object */
    public static final SoapProtocol Soap12 = new Soap12Protocol();

    /** SOAP 1.1 Protocol Object */
    public static final SoapProtocol Soap11 = new Soap11Protocol();

    /** SOAP 1.1 Protocol Object */
    public static final SoapProtocol SoapJS = new SoapJSProtocol();

    protected QName mFaultQName;
    protected QName mEnvelopeQName;
    protected QName mBodyQName;
    protected QName mHeaderQName;
    protected Element.ElementFactory mFactory;

    /** Package-Private constructor to prevent anyone else from
    extending */
    SoapProtocol() {
        mFaultQName = new QName("Fault", getNamespace());
        mEnvelopeQName = new QName("Envelope", getNamespace());
        mBodyQName = new QName("Body", getNamespace());
        mHeaderQName = new QName("Header", getNamespace());
        mFactory = getFactory();

     * Given an element, wrap it in an envelope and return the
     * envelope.
    public Element soapEnvelope(Element document) {
        Element env = mFactory.createElement(mEnvelopeQName);
        Element body = env.addUniqueElement(mBodyQName);
        return env;

     * Given an element and some headers, wrap it in an envelope and return the
     * envelope.
    public Element soapEnvelope(Element document, Element header) {
        Element env = mFactory.createElement(mEnvelopeQName);
        if (header != null) {
            Element soapHeader = env.addUniqueElement(mHeaderQName);
        Element body = env.addUniqueElement(mBodyQName);
        return env;

     * Given a Exception, wrap it in a soap fault and return the
     * soap fault element.
    public abstract Element soapFault(ServiceException e);

     * Given an element that represents a fault (i.e,. isFault returns
     * true on it), construct a SoapFaultException from it.
     * @return new SoapFaultException or null if passed in document
     *         is not a soap fault.
     * @throws ServiceException
    public abstract SoapFaultException soapFault(Element env);

    /** Return Content-Type header */
    public abstract String getContentType();

    /** Return the element factory */
    public abstract Element.ElementFactory getFactory();

     * Return the namespace object
    public abstract Namespace getNamespace();

    public QName getFaultQName() {
        return mFaultQName;

    public QName getBodyQName() {
        return mBodyQName;

    public QName getEnvelopeQName() {
        return mEnvelopeQName;

    public QName getHeaderQName() {
        return mHeaderQName;

    /** Return charset encoding for converting from bytes/strings */
    public static String getCharset() {
        return "UTF-8";

    /** Convert a SOAP message in a String to bytes */
    public static byte[] toBytes(String message) throws {
        return message.getBytes(getCharset());

    /** Convert a SOAP message in bytes to a String */
    public static String toString(byte[] message) throws {
        if (message == null || message.length == 0)
            return "";
        else if (message[message.length - 1] == '\0')
            return new String(message, 0, message.length - 1, getCharset());
            return new String(message, getCharset());

    /** Convert an Element to a String. Doesn't really belong here... */
    public static String toString(Element env, boolean prettyPrint) {
        return prettyPrint ? env.prettyPrint() : env.toString();

     * returns the first child in the soap body
    public Element getBodyElement(Element soapEnvelope) {
        if (soapEnvelope == null || !isEnvelope(soapEnvelope)) {
            // FIXME: should this be an exception?
            return null;

        Element body = soapEnvelope.getOptionalElement(getBodyQName());
        if (body == null) {
            //FIXME: should this be an exception?
            return null;

        Iterator<Element> it = body.elementIterator();
        if (it.hasNext())
        return null;

     * returns the Header element
    public Element getHeader(Element soapEnvelope) {
        if (!isEnvelope(soapEnvelope)) {
            // FIXME: should this be an exception?
            return null;

        return soapEnvelope.getOptionalElement(getHeaderQName());

     * returns the specified element in the Header element, or
     * null if it doesn't exist.
    public Element getHeader(Element soapEnvelope, QName headerQName) {
        if (!isEnvelope(soapEnvelope)) {
            // FIXME: should this be an exception?
            return null;
        Element soapHeader = getHeader(soapEnvelope);
        Element header;
        if (soapHeader != null)
            header = soapHeader.getOptionalElement(headerQName);
            header = null;
        return header;

     * Returns true if this element represents a SOAP envelope
    public boolean isEnvelope(Element element) {
        return mEnvelopeQName.equals(element.getQName());

     * Returns true if this element represents a SOAP fault
    public boolean isFault(Element element) {
        return mFaultQName.equals(element.getQName());

     * Returns true if this soap envelope has a SOAP fault as the
     * first child of its body.
    public boolean hasFault(Element soapEnvelope) {
        Element body = getBodyElement(soapEnvelope);
        return body != null && isFault(body);

    private static final String[] ZIMBRA_ERROR_ELEMENT = new String[] { "Detail", "Error", "a" };

     * Walk the passed-in Fault element, find Arguments (see ServiceException.Argument ) of type ItemID
     * and update them so that they contain the target account ID
     * @param element
     * @param remoteAccountId
    public void updateArgumentsForRemoteFault(Element element, String remoteAccountId) {
        if (!isFault(element)) {

        // We are going to proxy a REMOTE fault through, therefore we must
        // patch any arguments of type ITEMID so that they have the appropriate account info
        for (Element arg : element.getPathElementList(ZIMBRA_ERROR_ELEMENT)) {
            String type = arg.getAttribute("t", "UNKNOWN");
            if (type.equals(ServiceException.Argument.Type.IID.toString())) {
                String value = arg.getTextTrim();
                if (value.indexOf(":") < 0) {
                    arg.setText(remoteAccountId + ":" + value);

     * determine if given document is Soap11 or Soap12 envelope.
     * returns null if neither.
    public static SoapProtocol determineProtocol(Element env) {
        if (Soap12.isEnvelope(env))
            return Soap12;
        else if (Soap11.isEnvelope(env))
            return Soap11;
        else if (env instanceof Element.JSONElement)
            return SoapJS;
            return null;

    /** Whether or not to include a HTTP SOAPActionHeader. (Gag) */
    public abstract boolean hasSOAPActionHeader();

     * returns the version as a string (e.g, "1.1" or "1.2")
    public abstract String getVersion();

    public String toString() {
        return "SOAP " + getVersion();