Java tutorial
/* * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Synacor, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* * Created on Jun 1, 2004 * */ package com.zimbra.common.service; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import; import; import com.zimbra.common.util.HttpUtil; import com.zimbra.common.util.StringUtil; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ServiceException extends Exception { public static final String FAILURE = "service.FAILURE"; public static final String INVALID_REQUEST = "service.INVALID_REQUEST"; public static final String UNKNOWN_DOCUMENT = "service.UNKNOWN_DOCUMENT"; public static final String PARSE_ERROR = "service.PARSE_ERROR"; public static final String RESOURCE_UNREACHABLE = "service.RESOURCE_UNREACHABLE"; public static final String TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE = "service.TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE"; public static final String PERM_DENIED = "service.PERM_DENIED"; public static final String AUTH_REQUIRED = "service.AUTH_REQUIRED"; public static final String CANNOT_DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH = "account.CANNOT_DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH"; public static final String CANNOT_ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH = "account.CANNOT_ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH"; public static final String AUTH_EXPIRED = "service.AUTH_EXPIRED"; public static final String WRONG_HOST = "service.WRONG_HOST"; public static final String NON_READONLY_OPERATION_DENIED = "service.NON_READONLY_OPERATION_DENIED"; public static final String PROXY_ERROR = "service.PROXY_ERROR"; public static final String TOO_MANY_HOPS = "service.TOO_MANY_HOPS"; public static final String ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS = "service.ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS"; public static final String NOT_IN_PROGRESS = "service.NOT_IN_PROGRESS"; public static final String INTERRUPTED = "service.INTERRUPTED"; public static final String NO_SPELL_CHECK_URL = "service.NO_SPELL_CHECK_URL"; public static final String SAX_READER_ERROR = "service.SAX_READER_ERROR"; public static final String UNSUPPORTED = "service.UNSUPPORTED"; public static final String FORBIDDEN = "service.FORBIDDEN"; // generic "not found" error for objects other than mail items public static final String NOT_FOUND = "service.NOT_FOUND"; //smime public static final String LOAD_CERTIFICATE_FAILED = "smime.LOAD_CERTIFICATE_FAILED"; public static final String LOAD_PRIVATE_KEY_FAILED = "smime.LOAD_PRIVATE_KEY_FAILED"; public static final String USER_CERT_MISMATCH = "smime.USER_CERT_MISMATCH"; public static final String DECRYPTION_FAILED = "smime.DECRYPTION_FAILED"; public static final String OPERATION_DENIED = "smime.OPERATION_DENIED"; public static final String FEATURE_SMIME_DISABLED = "smime.FEATURE_SMIME_DISABLED"; protected String mCode; private List<Argument> mArgs; private String mId; private String mThreadName; public static final String HOST = "host"; public static final String URL = "url"; public static final String MAILBOX_ID = "mboxId"; public static final String ACCOUNT_ID = "acctId"; public static final String TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_TOKEN = "twoFactorAuthToken"; public static final String PROXIED_FROM_ACCT = "proxiedFromAcct"; // exception proxied from remote account // to ensure that exception id is unique across multiple servers. private static String ID_KEY = null; static { SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); byte[] key = new byte[8]; random.nextBytes(key); ID_KEY = new String(Hex.encodeHex(key)); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder toRet = new StringBuilder(super.toString()); toRet.append("\nExceptionId:").append(mId); toRet.append("\nCode:").append(mCode); if (mArgs != null) { for (Argument arg : mArgs) { toRet.append(" Arg:").append(arg.toString()).append(""); } } return toRet.toString(); } public static class Argument { public static enum Type { IID, // mail-item ID or UUID or mailbox-id ACCTID, // account ID STR, // opaque string NUM, // opaque number } public Argument(String name, String value, Type type) { = name; this.value = value; this.type = type; } public Argument(String name, long value, Type type) { = name; this.value = Long.toString(value); this.type = type; } public boolean externalVisible() { return true; } public final String name; public final String value; public final Type type; @Override public String toString() { return "(" + name + ", " + + ", \"" + value + "\")"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (obj != null && hashCode() == obj.hashCode()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(name, value, type); } public String getName() { return name; } } /** * Argument that should not be included in SOAP fault. * For example: url */ public static class InternalArgument extends Argument { public InternalArgument(String name, String value, Type typ) { super(name, value, typ); } public InternalArgument(String name, long value, Type type) { super(name, value, type); } @Override public boolean externalVisible() { return false; } } /** * Comment for <code>mReceiver</code> * * Causes a Sender/Receiver element to show up in a soap fault. It is supposed to let the client know whether it * did something wrong or something is wrong on the server. * For example, ServiceException.FAILURE sets it to true, meaning something bad happened on the server-side and * the client could attempt a retry. The rest are false, as it generally means the client made a bad request. * */ public static final boolean RECEIVERS_FAULT = true; // server's fault public static final boolean SENDERS_FAULT = false; // client's fault private boolean mReceiver; /** * This is for exceptions that are usually not logged and thus need to include an unique "label" * in the exception id so the thrown(or instantiation) location can be identified by the exception id alone * (without referencing the log - the stack won't be in the log). * * @param callSite call site of the stack where the caller wants to include in the exception id */ public void setIdLabel(StackTraceElement callSite) { String fileName = callSite.getFileName(); int i = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i != -1) fileName = fileName.substring(0, i); mId = mId + ":" + fileName + callSite.getLineNumber(); } private void setId() { mId = Thread.currentThread().getName() + ":" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ":" + ID_KEY; } protected void setId(String id) { mId = id; } private void setThreadName() { String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(threadName)) { threadName = threadName.split(":")[0]; } mThreadName = threadName + ":" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ":" + ID_KEY; } public String getThreadName() { return mThreadName; } protected ServiceException(String message, String code, boolean isReceiversFault, Throwable cause, Argument... arguments) { super(message, cause); List<Argument> argList = (arguments == null ? Collections.<Argument>emptyList() : Arrays.asList(arguments)); init(message, code, isReceiversFault, cause, argList); } protected ServiceException(String message, String code, boolean isReceiversFault, Throwable cause, List<Argument> arguments) { super(message, cause); init(message, code, isReceiversFault, cause, arguments); } protected ServiceException(String message, String code, boolean isReceiversFault, Argument... arguments) { this(message, code, isReceiversFault, null, arguments); } private void init(String message, String code, boolean isReceiversFault, Throwable cause, List<Argument> arguments) { mCode = code; mReceiver = isReceiversFault; if (arguments == null) { mArgs = Collections.emptyList(); } else { mArgs = Collections.unmodifiableList(Lists.newArrayList(arguments)); } setId(); setThreadName(); } public String getCode() { return mCode; } /** * Returns the arguments, or an empty {@code List}. */ public List<Argument> getArgs() { return mArgs; } public String getArgumentValue(String name) { for (Argument arg : mArgs) { if (Objects.equal(, name)) { return arg.value; } } return null; } public String getId() { return mId; } /** * @return See the comment for the mReceiver member */ public boolean isReceiversFault() { return mReceiver; } /** * generic system failure. most likely a temporary situation. */ public static ServiceException FAILURE(String message, Throwable cause) { return new ServiceException("system failure: " + message, FAILURE, RECEIVERS_FAULT, cause); } /** * The request was somehow invalid (wrong parameter, wrong target, etc) */ public static ServiceException INVALID_REQUEST(String message, Throwable cause) { return new ServiceException("invalid request: " + message, INVALID_REQUEST, SENDERS_FAULT, cause); } /** * User sent an unknown SOAP command (the "document" is the Soap Request) */ public static ServiceException UNKNOWN_DOCUMENT(String message, Throwable cause) { return new ServiceException("unknown document: " + message, UNKNOWN_DOCUMENT, SENDERS_FAULT, cause); } public static ServiceException PARSE_ERROR(String message, Throwable cause) { return new ServiceException("parse error: " + message, PARSE_ERROR, SENDERS_FAULT, cause); } public static ServiceException RESOURCE_UNREACHABLE(String message, Throwable cause, Argument... arguments) { return new ServiceException("resource unreachable: " + message, RESOURCE_UNREACHABLE, RECEIVERS_FAULT, cause, arguments); } public static ServiceException TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE() { return new ServiceException("service temporarily unavailable", TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE, RECEIVERS_FAULT); } public static ServiceException PERM_DENIED(String message) { return new ServiceException("permission denied: " + message, PERM_DENIED, SENDERS_FAULT); } public static ServiceException PERM_DENIED(String message, Argument... arguments) { return new ServiceException("permission denied: " + message, PERM_DENIED, SENDERS_FAULT, arguments); } public static ServiceException AUTH_EXPIRED(String message) { return new ServiceException("auth credentials have expired" + (message == null ? "" : ": " + message), AUTH_EXPIRED, SENDERS_FAULT); } public static ServiceException AUTH_EXPIRED() { return AUTH_EXPIRED(null); } // to defend against harvest attacks throw PERM_DENIED instead of NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT public static ServiceException DEFEND_ACCOUNT_HARVEST(String account) { return PERM_DENIED("can not access account " + account); // return new ServiceException("permission denied: can not access account " + account, PERM_DENIED, SENDERS_FAULT); } // to defend against harvest attacks throw PERM_DENIED instead of NO_SUCH_DISTRIBUTION_LIST public static ServiceException DEFEND_DL_HARVEST(String group) { return PERM_DENIED("can not access distribution list " + group); } // to defend against harvest attacks throw PERM_DENIED instead of NO_SUCH_CALENDAR_RESOURCE public static ServiceException DEFEND_CALENDAR_RESOURCE_HARVEST(String calendarResource) { return PERM_DENIED("can not access calendar resource " + calendarResource); } public static ServiceException AUTH_REQUIRED() { return new ServiceException("no valid authtoken present", AUTH_REQUIRED, SENDERS_FAULT); } public static ServiceException CANNOT_DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH() { return new ServiceException("cannot disable two-factor authentication", CANNOT_DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH, SENDERS_FAULT); } public static ServiceException CANNOT_ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH() { return new ServiceException("cannot enable two-factor authentication", CANNOT_ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH, SENDERS_FAULT); } public static ServiceException WRONG_HOST(String target, Throwable cause) { return new ServiceException("operation sent to wrong host (you want '" + target + "')", WRONG_HOST, SENDERS_FAULT, cause, new Argument(HOST, target, Argument.Type.STR)); } public static ServiceException NON_READONLY_OPERATION_DENIED() { return new ServiceException("non-readonly operation denied", NON_READONLY_OPERATION_DENIED, SENDERS_FAULT); } public static ServiceException PROXY_ERROR(Throwable cause, String url) { return new ServiceException( "error while proxying request to target server: " + (cause != null ? cause.getMessage() : "unknown reason"), PROXY_ERROR, RECEIVERS_FAULT, cause, new InternalArgument(URL, url, Argument.Type.STR)); } public static ServiceException PROXY_ERROR(String statusLine, String url) { return new ServiceException("error while proxying request to target server: " + statusLine, PROXY_ERROR, RECEIVERS_FAULT, new InternalArgument(URL, url, Argument.Type.STR)); } public static ServiceException TOO_MANY_HOPS() { return new ServiceException("mountpoint or proxy loop detected", TOO_MANY_HOPS, SENDERS_FAULT); } public static ServiceException TOO_MANY_HOPS(String acctId) { return new ServiceException("mountpoint or proxy loop detected", TOO_MANY_HOPS, SENDERS_FAULT, new Argument(ACCOUNT_ID, acctId, Argument.Type.STR)); } public static ServiceException TOO_MANY_PROXIES(String url) { return new ServiceException("proxy loop detected", TOO_MANY_HOPS, SENDERS_FAULT, new Argument(URL, HttpUtil.sanitizeURL(url), Argument.Type.STR)); } public static ServiceException ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS(String message) { return new ServiceException(message, ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS, SENDERS_FAULT); } public static ServiceException ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS(String mboxId, String action) { return new ServiceException("mbox " + mboxId + " is already running action " + action, ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS, SENDERS_FAULT, new Argument(MAILBOX_ID, mboxId, Argument.Type.IID), new Argument("action", action, Argument.Type.STR)); } public static ServiceException NOT_IN_PROGRESS(String mboxId, String action) { return new ServiceException("mbox " + mboxId + " is not currently running action " + action, NOT_IN_PROGRESS, SENDERS_FAULT, new Argument(MAILBOX_ID, mboxId, Argument.Type.IID), new Argument("action", action, Argument.Type.STR)); } public static ServiceException INTERRUPTED(String str) { return new ServiceException("The operation has been interrupted " + str != null ? str : "", INTERRUPTED, RECEIVERS_FAULT); } public static ServiceException NO_SPELL_CHECK_URL(String str) { return new ServiceException("Spell Checking Not Available " + str != null ? str : "", NO_SPELL_CHECK_URL, RECEIVERS_FAULT); } public static ServiceException SAX_READER_ERROR(String str, Throwable cause) { return new ServiceException("SAX Reader Error: " + (str != null ? str : ""), SAX_READER_ERROR, SENDERS_FAULT, cause); } public static ServiceException UNSUPPORTED() { return new ServiceException("unsupported", UNSUPPORTED, RECEIVERS_FAULT); } public static ServiceException FORBIDDEN(String str) { return new ServiceException("forbidden: " + str, FORBIDDEN, SENDERS_FAULT); } public static ServiceException NOT_FOUND(String msg) { return new ServiceException("not found" + msg != null ? msg : "", NOT_FOUND, RECEIVERS_FAULT); } public static ServiceException NOT_FOUND(String msg, Throwable cause) { return new ServiceException("not found" + msg != null ? msg : "", NOT_FOUND, RECEIVERS_FAULT, cause); } public static ServiceException OPERATION_DENIED(String message) { return new ServiceException("operation denied: " + message, OPERATION_DENIED, SENDERS_FAULT); } }