Java tutorial
/* * javastock - Java MetaStock parser and Stock Portfolio Simulator * Copyright (C) 2005 Zigabyte Corporation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package com.zigabyte.stock.stratplot; import*; import com.zigabyte.metastock.dataset.*; import com.zigabyte.metastock.datasetofdata.*; import com.zigabyte.metastock.parser.*; import com.zigabyte.metastock.parser.metastock.*; import*; import com.zigabyte.stock.tradeobserver.*; import com.zigabyte.stock.strategy.TradingStrategy; import org.jfree.chart.*; import org.jfree.chart.axis.*; import org.jfree.chart.plot.*; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.*; import*; import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.Timer; import java.lang.reflect.*; import*; import*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.*; /** StrategyPlotter runs a trade simulation while showing plots and logs of progress. Parameters may be changed by the user between runs: initial account values, account trade fees, start/end dates, and strategy parameters. The trade strategy class is reloaded between runs without reloading the stock market data (so it may be changed and recompiled outside this program between runs). <p>Plots: <ul> <li>Plot of percentage change in total account value after each trading day, compared an index such as S&P500. <li>Plot of account cash, account stock value, and account total value after each trading day. </ul> <p>Logs: <ul> <li>Monthly log of account cash, account stock, and account total value. <li>Trade log showing each order executed or cancelled. </ul> <p>Report: after simulation ends, reports on <ul> <li>final value of account cash, account stock, and total account value., <li>stock positions remaining, <li>number of winning trades and their average profit, number of losing trades and their average loss <li>number of winning months and best month, number of losing months and worst month <li>'beta' against compared index such as S&P500 (slope of least squares fit line correlating day to day change in account value with day to day change in index) </ul> Sample report: <pre> Data: /Trading Data/Stocks Dates: 01Jun2004 - 24Sep2004 Strategy: SundayPeaks(0.2) Initial value: $10,000.00 Cash Remaining: $502.18 Stock remaining: $9,693.99 Final value: $10,196.17 Total Profit/Loss: $196.17 Winning positions remaining: 5 Average winning position profit: $62.25 Winning trade count: 3 Average winning trade profit: $62.39 Losing trade count: 3 Average losing trade loss: -$100.75 Winning Month Count: 2 Best Month (began 01Jun2004): $607.24 Losing Month Count: 2 Worst Month (began 01Jul2004): -$340.87 Beta vs. $SP: 7.074 </pre> Entry point: {@link #main main} @author written for Zigabyte by SakuraJ **/ public class StrategyPlotter extends JFrame { /** 100,000 **/ public static double DEFAULT_INITIAL_CASH = 100000.00; /** 5.00 **/ public static double DEFAULT_PER_TRADE_FEE = 5.00; /** 0.00 **/ public static double DEFAULT_PER_SHARE_TRADE_COMMISSION = 0.00; /** com.zigabyte.stock.strategy.SundayPeaks(0.2) **/ public static String DEFAULT_STRATEGY = "com.zigabyte.stock.strategy.SundayPeaks(0.2)"; /** Metastock **/ public static String DEFAULT_DATA_FORMAT = "Metastock"; /** Current directory **/ public static String DEFAULT_DATA_PATH = System.getProperty("user.dir"); /** $SP, SPY. After data loaded, compare Index symbol will default to first of these symbols found in data. **/ public static String[] COMPARE_INDEX_SYMBOLS = { "$SP", "SPY" }; /** Starts a StrategyPlotter. * @param parameters * <pre> * Optional Parameters and default values: * -initialCash $10,000.00 * -perTradeFee $1.00 * -perShareTradeCommission $0.02 * -strategy com.zigabyte.stock.strategy.SundayPeaks(0.2,0.08) * -metastock (default path: current directory) * -serialized (default path: current directory) * -serializedgz (default path: current directory) * Values may need to be quoted '$1' or 'pkg.MyStrategy(0.1)'. * Use only one -metastock, -serialized, or -serializedgz to specify data. * </pre> **/ public static void main(String... parameters) { double initialCash = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CASH; double initialPerTradeFee = DEFAULT_PER_TRADE_FEE; double initialPerShareTradeCommission = DEFAULT_PER_SHARE_TRADE_COMMISSION; String initialStrategy = DEFAULT_STRATEGY; String initialDataFormat = DEFAULT_DATA_FORMAT; String initialDataPath = DEFAULT_DATA_PATH; // parse parameters int parameterIndex = 0; try { for (; parameterIndex < parameters.length; parameterIndex++) { String parameter = parameters[parameterIndex]; if ("-initialCash".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter) || "-perTradeFee".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter) || "-perShareTradeCommission".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { double value = DOLLAR_FORMAT.parse(parameters[++parameterIndex]).doubleValue(); if ("-initialCash".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { initialCash = value; } else if ("-perTradeFee".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { initialPerTradeFee = value; } else if ("-perShareTradeCommission".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { initialPerShareTradeCommission = value; } else assert false; } else if ("-strategy".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter) || "-metastock".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter) || "-serialized".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter) || "-serializedgz".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); String part; while (++parameterIndex < parameters.length && !(part = parameters[parameterIndex]).startsWith("-")) { if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append(' '); buf.append(part); } --parameterIndex; String value = buf.toString(); if ("-strategy".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { initialStrategy = value; } else if ("-metastock".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { initialDataPath = value; initialDataFormat = "Metastock"; } else if ("-serialized".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { initialDataPath = value; initialDataFormat = "Serialized"; } else if ("-serializedgz".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { initialDataPath = value; initialDataFormat = "SerializedGZ"; } else assert false; } else if ("-help".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { parameterExit(0); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException(parameter); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); int indent = 0; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { String parameter = parameters[i]; if (i < parameterIndex) indent += parameter.length() + 1; System.err.print(parameter); System.err.print(' '); } System.err.println(); for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) System.err.print('_'); System.err.println('^'); parameterExit(-1); } // set up plotter StrategyPlotter plotter = new StrategyPlotter(initialCash, initialPerTradeFee, initialPerShareTradeCommission, initialStrategy, initialDataFormat, initialDataPath); plotter.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); plotter.setSize(1024, 768); plotter.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // center on screen plotter.setVisible(true); } private static void parameterExit(int exitValue) { System.err.println("Optional parameters and default values:\n" + " -initialCash " + DOLLAR_FORMAT.format(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CASH) + "\n" + " -perTradeFee " + DOLLAR_FORMAT.format(DEFAULT_PER_TRADE_FEE) + "\n" + " -perShareTradeCommission " + DOLLAR_FORMAT.format(DEFAULT_PER_SHARE_TRADE_COMMISSION) + "\n" + " -strategy " + DEFAULT_STRATEGY + "\n" + "Values may need to be quoted '$1' or 'pkg.MyStrategy(0.1)'.\n" + "Only one -Metastock, -Serialized, or -SerializedGZ specifies data.\n" + "If none given, default is current directory:\n" + " -" + DEFAULT_DATA_FORMAT + " " + DEFAULT_DATA_PATH); System.exit(exitValue); } // FIELDS /** The loaded stock market data. **/ StockMarketHistory histories = null; File loadedHistoriesFile = null; // UIFIELDS // Load Data File private final JButton loadFileButton = new JButton(new AbstractAction("LOAD") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { runButton.setEnabled(false); viewDataButton.setEnabled(false); loadFileButton.setCursor(WAIT_CURSOR); loadFileInThread(); } }); final Cursor WAIT_CURSOR = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR); private static final String[] FILE_FORMATS = { "Metastock", "Serialized", "SerializedGZ" }; private final JComboBox fileFormatCombo = new JComboBox(FILE_FORMATS); { this.fileFormatCombo.setEditable(false); } private final JTextField fileField = new JTextField(30); { fileField.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener() { public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { changedUpdate(e); } public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { changedUpdate(e); } public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { String name = fileField.getText(); if (name.endsWith(".ser.gz")) fileFormatCombo.setSelectedItem("SerializedGZ"); else if (name.endsWith(".ser")) fileFormatCombo.setSelectedItem("Serialized"); } }); } }); } private final JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); { fileChooser.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { File file = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); if (file != null) { fileField.setText(file.getPath()); } } }); } private final JButton fileBrowseButton = new JButton(new AbstractAction("Browse") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String filePath = fileField.getText().trim(); if (filePath.length() > 0) { File file = new File(filePath); while (!file.exists()) { file = file.getParentFile(); } fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(file); fileChooser.setSelectedFile(file); } fileChooser.showOpenDialog(StrategyPlotter.this); } }); private final JButton viewDataButton = new JButton(new AbstractAction("View") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { viewData(); } }); { viewDataButton.setEnabled(false); } // Trading Account private static final NumberFormat DOLLAR_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("$#,##0.00"); private final JFormattedTextField initialCashField = new JFormattedTextField(DOLLAR_FORMAT); { this.initialCashField.setColumns(10); } private final JFormattedTextField perTradeFeeField = new JFormattedTextField(DOLLAR_FORMAT); { this.perTradeFeeField.setColumns(5); } private final JFormattedTextField perShareTradeCommissionField = new JFormattedTextField(DOLLAR_FORMAT); { this.perShareTradeCommissionField.setColumns(5); } // Simulation Run private final JButton runButton = new JButton(new AbstractAction("RUN ") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { runButton.setCursor(WAIT_CURSOR); runSimulationInThread(); } }); { this.runButton.setEnabled(false); } private static final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMMyyyy"); private final JFormattedTextField startDateField = new JFormattedTextField(dateFormat); { this.startDateField.setColumns(9); } private final JFormattedTextField endDateField = new JFormattedTextField(dateFormat); { this.endDateField.setColumns(9); } private final JTextField strategyField = new JTextField(30); private final JTextField compareIndexSymbolField = new JTextField(); { this.compareIndexSymbolField.setColumns(8); } private final JButton editButton = new JButton("Edit"); { editButton.setToolTipText("Not Implemented"); editButton.setEnabled(false); } private final JButton compileButton = new JButton("Compile"); { compileButton.setToolTipText("Not Implemented"); compileButton.setEnabled(false); } // reports, logs, and chart private static final Font MONOSPACED = Font.decode("Monospaced"); private final JSplitPane vSplit = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT); private final JTextArea reportArea = new JTextArea(); { reportArea.setFont(MONOSPACED); } private final JTextArea tradeLogArea = new JTextArea(); { tradeLogArea.setFont(MONOSPACED); } private final JTextArea monthlyLogArea = new JTextArea(); { monthlyLogArea.setFont(MONOSPACED); } private final ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(null); //// CONSTRUCTOR /** Create a Simulation plotter initialized with default values. **/ public StrategyPlotter() { this(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CASH, DEFAULT_PER_TRADE_FEE, DEFAULT_PER_SHARE_TRADE_COMMISSION, DEFAULT_STRATEGY, DEFAULT_DATA_FORMAT, DEFAULT_DATA_PATH); } /** Create a Simulation plotter with fields initialized with given values. @param initialCash initial value for account initial cash field @param initialPerTradeFee initial value for account per trade fee field @param initialPerShareTradeCommission initial value for account per share trade commission field @param initialStrategy initial value for strategy field, formatted as <code>pkg.ClassName(0.2,true)</code> for a strategy class <code>ClassName</code> in package <code>pkg</code> with a a constructor with parameters <code>ClassName(double d, boolean b)</code>. @param initialDataFormat initial value for format field, must be one of "Metastock", "Serialized", or "SerializedGZ". @param initialDataPath initial value for stock data file field. **/ public StrategyPlotter(double initialCash, double initialPerTradeFee, double initialPerShareTradeCommission, String initialStrategy, String initialDataFormat, String initialDataPath) { super("StrategyPlotter"); // account this.initialCashField.setValue(initialCash); this.perTradeFeeField.setValue(initialPerTradeFee); this.perShareTradeCommissionField.setValue(initialPerShareTradeCommission); // simulation this.strategyField.setText(initialStrategy); // data this.fileFormatCombo.setSelectedItem(initialDataFormat);//ignored if unknown this.fileField.setText(initialDataPath); initLayout(); } private void initLayout() { Container content = this.getContentPane(); JComponent controls = Box.createVerticalBox(); { JPanel filePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); { filePanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Stock Market Trading Data")); JPanel dataButtons = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2, 1)); { dataButtons.add(this.loadFileButton); dataButtons.add(this.viewDataButton); } filePanel.add(dataButtons, BorderLayout.EAST); JPanel fileControls = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); { fileControls.add(new JLabel("Stock data File:")); fileControls.add(this.fileField); fileControls.add(this.fileBrowseButton); fileControls.add(new JLabel(" Stock data format:")); fileControls.add(this.fileFormatCombo); } filePanel.add(fileControls, BorderLayout.CENTER); } controls.add(filePanel); JComponent simPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); { simPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Simulation Run")); simPanel.add(this.runButton, BorderLayout.EAST); JComponent simControlsPanel = Box.createVerticalBox(); { JPanel accountControls = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); { accountControls.add(new JLabel("Initial Cash:")); accountControls.add(this.initialCashField); accountControls.add(new JLabel(" Per Trade Fee:")); accountControls.add(this.perTradeFeeField); accountControls.add(new JLabel(" Per Share Trade Commission:")); accountControls.add(this.perShareTradeCommissionField); accountControls.add(new JLabel(" Compare:")); accountControls.add(this.compareIndexSymbolField); } simControlsPanel.add(accountControls); JPanel runControls = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); { runControls.add(this.strategyField); runControls.add(new JLabel("Start Date:")); runControls.add(this.startDateField); runControls.add(new JLabel(" End Date:")); runControls.add(this.endDateField); runControls.add(new JLabel(" Strategy:")); runControls.add(this.strategyField); runControls.add(this.editButton); runControls.add(this.compileButton); } simControlsPanel.add(runControls); } simPanel.add(simControlsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); } controls.add(simPanel); } content.add(controls, BorderLayout.NORTH); JSplitPane vSplit = this.vSplit; { vSplit.setResizeWeight(0.5); vSplit.add(this.chartPanel, JSplitPane.TOP); JSplitPane hSplit = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT); { hSplit.setResizeWeight(0.5); // enough for no hscrollbar in 1024 width JSplitPane reportSplit = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT); { reportSplit.setResizeWeight(0.5); JScrollPane reportScroll = new JScrollPane(this.reportArea); { reportScroll.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Report")); } reportSplit.add(reportScroll, JSplitPane.TOP); JScrollPane monthScroll = new JScrollPane(this.monthlyLogArea); { monthScroll.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Monthly Log")); } reportSplit.add(monthScroll, JSplitPane.BOTTOM); } hSplit.add(reportSplit, JSplitPane.LEFT); JScrollPane tradeScroll = new JScrollPane(this.tradeLogArea); { tradeScroll.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Trade Log")); } hSplit.add(tradeScroll, JSplitPane.RIGHT); } vSplit.add(hSplit, JSplitPane.BOTTOM); } content.add(vSplit, BorderLayout.CENTER); } /** Sets title to "title [Strategy Plotter]" **/ public void setTitle(String title) { String className = this.getClass().getName(); String shortName = className.substring(className.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); super.setTitle(title == null || title.length() == 0 ? shortName : title + " [" + shortName + "]"); } protected void viewData() { if (this.histories == null) return; try { JFrame viewer = new StockMarketHistoryViewer(this.loadedHistoriesFile.getPath(), this.histories); viewer.setSize(1024, 768); viewer.setLocationRelativeTo(this); viewer.setVisible(true); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } /** Loads file in separate thread. Called from load button, allows the UI to continue to update while load in progress. **/ protected void loadFileInThread() { Thread thread = new Thread() { public void run() { loadFile(); } }; thread.start(); } /** Load stock data specified in file field. If the data is from a serialized file, uses a ProgressMonitorInputStream to show progress. Once data is loaded, sets compareHistory to first symbol in COMPARE_INDEX_SYMBOLS found in data, and sets begin/end dates to the begin/end dates of this symbol, or of the first history in the data if no compare symbol was found. Shows a dialog when either completed or an error occurs. **/ protected void loadFile() { try { // get file String filePath = this.fileField.getText().trim(); if (filePath.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty file"); File file = new File(filePath); // choose parser StockMarketHistoryFactory parser; { String fileFormat = (String) this.fileFormatCombo.getSelectedItem(); if ("Metastock".equals(fileFormat)) parser = new MetastockParser(true); else if ("Serialized".equals(fileFormat)) parser = new SerializedStockFilesParser(false); else if ("SerializedGZ".equals(fileFormat)) parser = new SerializedStockFilesParser(true); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized file format: " + fileFormat); } // load data using parser EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { runButton.setEnabled(false); viewDataButton.setEnabled(false); } }); this.histories = null; // allow gc this.loadedHistoriesFile = null; if (!(parser instanceof SerializedStockFilesParser)) { this.histories = parser.loadHistory(file); } else { // use ProgressMonitorInputStream SerializedStockFilesParser serializedParser = (SerializedStockFilesParser) parser; InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); ProgressMonitorInputStream pmIn = new ProgressMonitorInputStream(this, file.getName(), in); this.histories = serializedParser.loadHistory(pmIn); pmIn.close(); } this.loadedHistoriesFile = file; if (histories.size() > 0) { // initialize compareSymbol String compareIndexSymbol = ""; for (String spSymbol : COMPARE_INDEX_SYMBOLS) { if (histories.get(spSymbol) != null) { compareIndexSymbol = spSymbol; break; } } this.compareIndexSymbolField.setText(compareIndexSymbol); // initialize start/end fields StockHistory sampleHistory = (compareIndexSymbol.length() > 0 ? histories.get(compareIndexSymbol) : histories.get(0)); if (sampleHistory.size() > 0) { this.startDateField.setValue(sampleHistory.get(0).getDate()); this.endDateField.setValue(sampleHistory.get(sampleHistory.size() - 1).getDate()); } } // display completed dialog String msg = "Loaded " + this.histories.size() + " histories"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, msg, "Load complete", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { showErrorDialog(e, false); } catch (Exception e) { showErrorDialog(e); } finally { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { runButton.setEnabled(histories != null); viewDataButton.setEnabled(histories != null); loadFileButton.setCursor(null); // clear wait cursor } }); } } /** Loads strategy class and creates instance by calling constructor. @param strategyText contains full class name followed by parameter list for constructor. Constructor parameters may be int, double, boolean, String. Constructor parameters are parsed by splitting on commas and trimming whitespace. <pre> mypkg.MyStrategy(12, -345.67, true, false, Alpha Strategy) </pre> **/ protected TradingStrategy loadStrategy(String strategyText) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, ExceptionInInitializerError, InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException { Pattern strategyPattern = // matches full.class.Name(args...) Pattern.compile("^([A-Za-z](?:[A-Za-z0-9_.]*))\\s*[(](.*)[)]$"); Matcher matcher = strategyPattern.matcher(strategyText); if (!matcher.matches()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Bad Strategy: " + strategyText + "\n" + "Expected:, 67, true, false)"); final String strategyClassName =; String parameters[] =","); // clean parameters for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) parameters[i] = parameters[i].trim(); if (parameters.length == 1 && parameters[0].length() == 0) parameters = new String[] {}; // 0 parameters // build classpath String[] classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path").split(File.pathSeparator); ArrayList<URL> classPathURLs = new ArrayList<URL>(); for (int i = 0; i < classPath.length; i++) { String path = classPath[i]; if (".".equals(path)) path = System.getProperty("user.dir"); path = path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); if (!path.endsWith("/") && !path.endsWith(".jar")) path += "/"; try { classPathURLs.add(new File(path).toURL()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // bad directory in class path, skip } } final String strategyPackagePrefix = strategyClassName.substring(0, Math.max(0, strategyClassName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)); ClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(classPathURLs.toArray(new URL[] {}), this.getClass().getClassLoader()) { /** Don't search parent for classes with strategyPackagePrefix. Exception: interface TradingStrategy **/ protected Class<?> loadClass(String className, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> loadedClass = findLoadedClass(className); if (loadedClass != null) return loadedClass; if (!className.startsWith(strategyPackagePrefix) || className.equals(TradingStrategy.class.getName())) { loadedClass = this.getParent().loadClass(className); if (loadedClass != null) return loadedClass; } loadedClass = findClass(className); if (loadedClass != null) { if (resolve) resolveClass(loadedClass); return loadedClass; } else throw new ClassNotFoundException(className); } }; // load class. Throws ClassNotFoundException if not found. Class<?> strategyClass = loader.loadClass(strategyClassName); // Make sure it is a TradingStrategy. if (!TradingStrategy.class.isAssignableFrom(strategyClass)) throw new ClassCastException(strategyClass.getName() + " does not implement TradingStrategy"); // Find constructor compatible with parameters Constructor[] constructors = strategyClass.getConstructors(); findConstructor: for (Constructor constructor : constructors) { Class<?>[] parameterTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes(); if (parameterTypes.length != parameters.length) continue; Object[] values = new Object[parameterTypes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { if (boolean.class.equals(parameterTypes[i])) { String parameter = parameters[i].toLowerCase(); if ("false".equals(parameter)) values[i] = Boolean.FALSE; else if ("true".equals(parameter)) values[i] = Boolean.TRUE; else continue findConstructor; } else if (int.class.equals(parameterTypes[i])) { try { values[i] = new Integer(parameters[i]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { continue findConstructor; } } else if (double.class.equals(parameterTypes[i])) { try { values[i] = new Double(parameters[i]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { continue findConstructor; } } else if (String.class.equals(parameterTypes[i])) { values[i] = parameters[i]; } else continue findConstructor; // unsupported parameter type, skip } // all values matched types, so create instance return (TradingStrategy) constructor.newInstance(values); } throw new NoSuchMethodException(strategyText); } /** Runs the simuation in a separate thread. Called from the run button, uses separate thread so UI can continue to update. **/ protected void runSimulationInThread() { Thread thread = new Thread() { public void run() { try { if (StrategyPlotter.this.histories == null) throw new NullPointerException("No market data loaded"); runSimulation(); } catch (Throwable t) { showErrorDialog(t); } finally { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { runButton.setCursor(null); // clear wait cursor } }); } } }; thread.start(); } /** Runs simulation with plots and logs showing progress, then produces report when completed. **/ protected void runSimulation() throws Exception { // reset outputs this.chartPanel.setChart(null); this.reportArea.setText(""); this.monthlyLogArea.setText(""); this.tradeLogArea.setText(""); // create Account final double initialCash = ((Number) this.initialCashField.getValue()).doubleValue(); final double perTradeFee = ((Number) this.perTradeFeeField.getValue()).doubleValue(); final double perShareTradeCommission = ((Number) this.perShareTradeCommissionField.getValue()) .doubleValue(); final DefaultTradingAccount account = new DefaultTradingAccount(this.histories, perTradeFee, perShareTradeCommission); // add observers account.addTradeObserver( new TradeTraceObserver(true, new PrintWriter(new JTextAreaWriter(this.tradeLogArea), true))); account.addTradeObserver(new PeriodTraceObserver(1, Calendar.MONTH, true, new PrintWriter(new JTextAreaWriter(this.monthlyLogArea), true))); final BalanceHistoryObserver balanceObserver = new BalanceHistoryObserver(); account.addTradeObserver(balanceObserver); final TradeWinLossObserver winLossObserver = new TradeWinLossObserver(); account.addTradeObserver(winLossObserver); final PeriodWinLossObserver monthObserver = new PeriodWinLossObserver(1, Calendar.MONTH, true); account.addTradeObserver(monthObserver); final String betaCompareIndexSymbol = this.compareIndexSymbolField.getText(); final boolean hasBetaIndex = (histories.get(betaCompareIndexSymbol) != null); BetaObserver betaObserver = null; if (hasBetaIndex) { betaObserver = new BetaObserver(betaCompareIndexSymbol); account.addTradeObserver(betaObserver); } // create strategy final String strategyText = this.strategyField.getText().trim(); final TradingStrategy strategy = loadStrategy(strategyText); this.setTitle(strategy.toString()); // plot with timer update final BalanceHistoryXYDataset accountDataset = new BalanceHistoryXYDataset(balanceObserver); final Date startDate = (Date) this.startDateField.getValue(); final Date endDate = (Date) this.endDateField.getValue(); final ValueAxis[] yAxes = plotAccountHistory(accountDataset, strategy.toString(), startDate, endDate); final ActionListener plotUpdater = new PlotUpdater(accountDataset, yAxes); final Timer refreshTimer = new Timer(1000, plotUpdater);// 1000msec cycle refreshTimer.start(); // run simulation account.initialize(startDate, initialCash); final DefaultTradingSimulator simulator = new DefaultTradingSimulator(histories); simulator.runStrategy(strategy, account, startDate, endDate); // stop plot timer refreshTimer.stop(); plotUpdater.actionPerformed(null); // one last time. // report final StringWriter reportWriter = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(reportWriter, true); reportSource(out, this.fileField.getText(), startDate, endDate, strategy); out.println(); reportValues(out, initialCash, account); if (account.getStockPositionCount() > 0) { out.println(); reportPositions(out, account); } out.println(); reportTrades(out, winLossObserver); out.println(); reportMonths(out, monthObserver); out.println(); reportBeta(out, betaObserver, betaCompareIndexSymbol); // display report this.reportArea.setText(reportWriter.toString()); this.reportArea.setCaretPosition(0); this.vSplit.resetToPreferredSizes(); } /** Reports datafile, dates, and strategy to out. **/ protected void reportSource(PrintWriter out, String dataFile, Date startDate, Date endDate, TradingStrategy strategy) { out.println("Data: " + dataFile); out.println("Dates: " + dateFormat.format(startDate) + " - " + dateFormat.format(endDate)); out.println("Strategy: " + strategy); } /** Reports initial cash, cash remaining, stock remaining, final value, and total profit/loss to out.**/ protected void reportValues(PrintWriter out, double initialCash, TradingAccount account) { // report value out.println("Initial value: " + formatDollars(initialCash)); out.println(" Cash Remaining: " + formatDollars(account.getCurrentCashBalance())); out.println(" Stock remaining: " + formatDollars(account.getCurrentStockValue())); out.println("Final value: " + formatDollars(account.getCurrentAccountValue())); out.println("Total Profit/Loss: " + formatDollars(account.getCurrentAccountValue() - initialCash)); } /** Reports winning stock position count and average winning position profit, losing stock position count and average losing position loss, and even stock position count. Each reported only if nonzero. **/ protected void reportPositions(PrintWriter out, TradingAccount account) { // report remaining positions // collect winning and losing positions List<StockPosition> winningPositions = new ArrayList<StockPosition>(); List<StockPosition> losingPositions = new ArrayList<StockPosition>(); List<StockPosition> evenPositions = new ArrayList<StockPosition>(); double winningPositionsProfit = 0, losingPositionsLoss = 0; for (StockPosition position : account) { double totalCurrentValue = account.getCurrentStockValue(position); double totalCostBasis = position.getCostBasis() * position.getShares(); double projectedProfitOrLoss = totalCurrentValue - totalCostBasis; if (projectedProfitOrLoss > 0) { winningPositions.add(position); winningPositionsProfit += projectedProfitOrLoss; } else if (projectedProfitOrLoss < 0) { losingPositions.add(position); losingPositionsLoss += projectedProfitOrLoss; } else if (projectedProfitOrLoss == 0) { evenPositions.add(position); } else {// in case NaN data somewhere System.err.println("Position " + position.getSymbol() + ": " + "value=" + totalCurrentValue + ", " + "cost=" + totalCostBasis); } } if (winningPositions.size() > 0) { out.println("Winning positions remaining: " + winningPositions.size()); out.println(" Average winning position profit: " + formatDollars(winningPositionsProfit / winningPositions.size())); } if (losingPositions.size() > 0) { out.println("Losing positions remaining: " + losingPositions.size()); out.println(" Average losing position loss: " + formatDollars(losingPositionsLoss / losingPositions.size())); } if (evenPositions.size() > 0) { out.println("Even position remaining: " + evenPositions.size()); } } /** Reports winning trade count and average winning trade profit, losing trade count and average losing trade loss, and even trade count (if nonzero). **/ protected void reportTrades(PrintWriter out, TradeWinLossObserver winLossObserver) { // report trades out.println("Winning trade count: " + winLossObserver.getWinningTradeCount()); out.println(" Average winning trade profit: " + formatDollars(winLossObserver.getAverageWinningTradeProfit())); out.println("Losing trade count: " + winLossObserver.getLosingTradeCount()); out.println( " Average losing trade loss: " + formatDollars(winLossObserver.getAverageLosingTradeLoss())); if (winLossObserver.getEvenTradeCount() > 0) out.println("Even trade count: " + winLossObserver.getEvenTradeCount()); } /* Reports winning month count and best month profit, losing month count and worst month loss. If no winning months, produces "(No Profitiable Months)", if no losing months, produces "(No Losing Months)". **/ protected void reportMonths(PrintWriter out, PeriodWinLossObserver monthObserver) { if (monthObserver.getBestProfitPeriodStartDate() != null) { out.println("Winning Month Count: " + monthObserver.getWinningPeriodCount()); out.println(" Best Month (began " + dateFormat.format(monthObserver.getBestProfitPeriodStartDate()) + "): " + formatDollars(monthObserver.getBestPeriodProfit())); } else { out.println("(No Profitable months)"); } if (monthObserver.getWorstLossPeriodStartDate() != null) { out.println("Losing Month Count: " + monthObserver.getLosingPeriodCount()); out.println(" Worst Month (began " + dateFormat.format(monthObserver.getWorstLossPeriodStartDate()) + "): " + formatDollars(monthObserver.getWorstPeriodLoss())); } else { out.println("(No Losing months)"); } } /** Reports "Beta vs. SYMBOL: " with symbol of compare index and value of beta for this run. **/ protected void reportBeta(PrintWriter out, BetaObserver betaObserver, String betaCompareIndexSymbol) { NumberFormat betaFormat = new DecimalFormat("#0.000"); if (betaObserver != null) out.println("Beta vs. " + betaCompareIndexSymbol + ": " + betaFormat.format(betaObserver.computeBeta())); else out.println("(Beta: No " + betaCompareIndexSymbol + " in data.)"); } private static StringBuffer formatDollars(double d) { return fillWidth(-15, DOLLAR_FORMAT.format(d)); } private static StringBuffer fillWidth(int width, String s) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (width < 0) { width += s.length(); while (width++ < 0) buf.append(' '); buf.append(s); } else { buf.append(s); width -= s.length(); while (width-- > 0) buf.append(' '); } return buf; } /** Build combined chart containing the account cash/stocks/total values chart over dates on bottom and the percentage change over dates chart on top. @return y-axes that need to be re-ranged when data changes. **/ private NumberAxis[] plotAccountHistory(XYDataset accountData, String title, Date startDate, Date endDate) { final DateAxis dateAxis = new DateAxis(); dateAxis.setRange(startDate, endDate); final NumberAxis percentAxis = new NumberAxis("% change"); percentAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); final NumberAxis priceAxis = new NumberAxis("US$"); priceAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(true); boolean useShapes = // use shapes if 3 months or less (endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime() < 93 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L); XYLineAndShapeRenderer accountRenderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(); accountRenderer.setShapesVisible(useShapes); XYPlot accountPlot = new XYPlot(accountData, dateAxis, priceAxis, accountRenderer); // compare only total percent data to zoom in on its fluctuations // for comparison with the compare index such as S&P500 index. // Stock value starts at zero, and cash value becomes close to zero, // so they fluctuation widely, so leave them out. XYDataset accountTotalPercentData = new XYDatasetPercentChangeAdapter( new SubSeriesDataset(accountData, BalanceHistoryXYDataset.TOTAL_SERIES)); XYLineAndShapeRenderer compareRenderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(); compareRenderer.setShapesVisible(useShapes); XYPlot comparePlot = new XYPlot(accountTotalPercentData, dateAxis, percentAxis, compareRenderer); String compareIndexSymbol = this.compareIndexSymbolField.getText(); StockHistory compareHistory = this.histories.get(compareIndexSymbol); if (compareHistory != null) { XYDataset comparePercentData = new OHLCDatasetPercentChangeAdapter(new OHLCDatasetSubdomainAdapter( new OHLCDatasetOfStockHistory(compareHistory), startDate, endDate)); int compareIndex = 1; comparePlot.setDataset(compareIndex, comparePercentData); XYLineAndShapeRenderer percentRenderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(); percentRenderer.setShapesVisible(useShapes); comparePlot.setRenderer(compareIndex, percentRenderer); } // share date axis CombinedDomainXYPlot combinedPlot = new CombinedDomainXYPlot(dateAxis); combinedPlot.add(comparePlot, 1); combinedPlot.add(accountPlot, 1); this.chartPanel.setChart(new JFreeChart(title, null, combinedPlot, true)); return new NumberAxis[] { priceAxis, percentAxis }; } /** Display t in error dialog, dumping stack **/ protected void showErrorDialog(Throwable t) { showErrorDialog(t, true); } /** Display t in error dialog, optionally dump stack. **/ protected void showErrorDialog(Throwable t, boolean dumpStack) { if (dumpStack) { while (t.getCause() != null) t = t.getCause(); t.printStackTrace(); } String name = t.getClass().getName(); name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, t.getMessage(), name, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } /** Adapter for JFreeChart to access data in a stock history. **/ private static class BalanceHistoryXYDataset extends AbstractXYDataset { BalanceHistoryObserver balanceObserver; ValueAxis[] yAxes; BalanceHistoryXYDataset(BalanceHistoryObserver balanceObserver) { this.balanceObserver = balanceObserver; } public DomainOrder getDomainOrder() { return DomainOrder.ASCENDING; } public static final int TOTAL_SERIES = 0; public static final int STOCKS_SERIES = 1; public static final int CASH_SERIES = 2; private static final String[] seriesNames = { "Account Total", "Account Stocks", "Account Cash" }; public int getSeriesCount() { return seriesNames.length; } public String getSeriesName(int series) { return seriesNames[series]; } public int getItemCount(int series) { return this.balanceObserver.getDataPoints().size(); } private BalanceHistoryObserver.DataPoint getItem(int item) { return this.balanceObserver.getDataPoints().get(item); } public double getXValue(int series, int item) { return getItem(item).getDate().getTime(); } public Number getX(int series, int item) { return new Double(getXValue(series, item)); } public double getYValue(int series, int item) { switch (series) { case 0: return getItem(item).getTotalValue(); case 1: return getItem(item).getStockValue(); case 2: return getItem(item).getCashBalance(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(series)); } } public Number getY(int series, int item) { return new Double(getYValue(series, item)); } // make accessible to UpdatePlotAction void datasetChanged() { super.fireDatasetChanged(); } } /** ActionListener called by Timer during simulation. Enqueues itself on the UI event dispatch queue to update plot. Updates plot if data has been added since the last time it was run. **/ private static class PlotUpdater implements ActionListener, Runnable { BalanceHistoryXYDataset accountDataset; ValueAxis[] yAxes; int lastDataCount = 0; boolean isQueued = false; PlotUpdater(BalanceHistoryXYDataset accountDataset, ValueAxis[] yAxes) { this.accountDataset = accountDataset; this.yAxes = yAxes; } /** Enqueues itself on the UI event dispatch queue to update plot. (Only if last run has completed.) **/ public synchronized void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!this.isQueued) { EventQueue.invokeLater(this); this.isQueued = true; } } /** Updates plot if data has been added since the last time it was run.*/ public void run() { int currentCount = accountDataset.getItemCount(0); if (currentCount > this.lastDataCount) { for (ValueAxis yAxis : yAxes) { // workaround: get plot to readjust range yAxis.setAutoRange(false); yAxis.setAutoRange(true); } accountDataset.datasetChanged(); this.lastDataCount = currentCount; } synchronized (this) { this.isQueued = false; } } } }