Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2015
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
package com.zht.common.codegen.util;

   @Null    null  
   @NotNull    ? null  
   @AssertTrue      true  
   @AssertFalse     false  
   @Min(value)     ?  
   @Max(value)     ?  
   @DecimalMin(value)  ?  
   @DecimalMax(value)  ?  
   @Size(max=, min=)   ?  
   @Digits (integer, fraction)     ??  
   @Future     ?  
   @Pattern(regex=,flag=)  ??  
   Hibernate Validator  constraint  
   @NotBlank(message =)   ??null0  
   @Email  ??  
   @Length(min=,max=)  ?  
   @NotEmpty   ?  
   @Range(min=,max=,message=)  ?

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.zht.framework.util.ZStrUtil;

import com.zht.common.codegen.model.GenEntityProperty;

public class HiberStrUtil {

    public static void handlerProperty_String(GenEntityProperty prop) {
        StringBuffer hiberColumnStr = new StringBuffer("");
        StringBuffer hiberValidateStr = new StringBuffer("");

        String clumnname = prop.getColumnName();
        Boolean nullAble = prop.getNullable();
        Boolean unique = prop.getUnique();
        Integer length = prop.getLength();
        Integer minLen = prop.getMinLength();
        Integer maxLen = prop.getMaxLength();
        String lenvali = "";
        String minl = "";
        String maxl = "";
        String isBlank = "";
        if (minLen != null) {
            minl = "min=" + minLen + "";
            if (minLen > 0) {
        if (maxLen != null) {
            maxl = "max=" + maxLen + "";
        lenvali = minl + "," + maxl;
        if (lenvali.endsWith(",")) {
            lenvali = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(lenvali, ",");
        if (lenvali.length() > 0) {
            hiberValidateStr.append("@org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Length(" + lenvali + ")\r\t");

        if (nullAble != null && nullAble == false) {
            hiberValidateStr.append("@javax.validation.constraints.NotNull \r\t");
        if (isBlank.length() > 0) {


        hiberColumnStr.append("name = \"" + clumnname + "\",");

        if (unique != null) {
            hiberColumnStr.append("unique = " + unique + ",");
        if (nullAble != null) {
            hiberColumnStr.append("nullable = " + nullAble + ",");
        if (length != null) {
            hiberColumnStr.append("length = " + length + ",");
        } else {
            length = 255;
            hiberColumnStr.append("length = " + length + ",");

        String tempStr = hiberColumnStr.toString().trim();

        if (tempStr.endsWith(",")) {
            tempStr = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(tempStr, ",");
        if (tempStr != null && tempStr.length() > 0) {
            tempStr = "@javax.persistence.Column(" + tempStr + ")";
        prop.setGeneratedHibernateModelOfPropertyStr(hiberValidateStr + tempStr);


    public static void handlerProperty_Long$Integer$Short$Byte(GenEntityProperty prop) {
        StringBuffer hiberColumnStr = new StringBuffer("");
        StringBuffer hiberValidateStr = new StringBuffer("");

        String clumnname = prop.getColumnName();
        Boolean nullAble = prop.getNullable();
        Boolean unique = prop.getUnique();
        Double min = prop.getMinValue();
        Double max = prop.getMaxValue();
        if (min != null) {
            hiberValidateStr.append("@javax.validation.constraints.Min(" + Math.round(min) + ") \r\t");
        if (max != null) {
            hiberValidateStr.append("@javax.validation.constraints.Max(" + Math.round(max) + ") \r\t");
        if (nullAble != null && nullAble == false) {
            hiberValidateStr.append("@javax.validation.constraints.NotNull \r\t");

        hiberColumnStr.append("name = \"" + clumnname + "\",");

        if (unique != null) {
            hiberColumnStr.append("unique = " + unique + ",");
        if (nullAble != null) {
            hiberColumnStr.append("nullable = " + nullAble + ",");
        String sd = hiberColumnStr.toString().trim();
        if (sd.endsWith(",")) {
            sd = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(sd, ",");
        sd = "@javax.persistence.Column(" + sd + ")";
        sd = hiberValidateStr + sd;

    public static void handlerProperty_Double$Float$BigDecimal(GenEntityProperty prop) {

        StringBuffer hiberColumnStr = new StringBuffer("");
        StringBuffer hiberValidateStr = new StringBuffer("");

        String clumnName = prop.getColumnName();
        Integer precision = prop.getPrecision();
        Integer scale = prop.getScale();

        Boolean nullAble = prop.getNullable();
        Boolean unique = prop.getUnique();

        Double min = prop.getMinValue();
        Double max = prop.getMaxValue();

        if (min != null) {
            hiberValidateStr.append("@javax.validation.constraints.DecimalMin(\"" + min + "\") \r\t");
        if (max != null) {
            hiberValidateStr.append("@javax.validation.constraints.DecimalMax(\"" + max + "\") \r\t");
        if (nullAble != null && nullAble == false) {
            hiberValidateStr.append("@javax.validation.constraints.NotNull \r\t");
        hiberColumnStr.append("name = \"" + clumnName + "\",");
        if (precision != null) {
            hiberColumnStr.append("precision = " + precision + ",");
        if (scale != null) {
            hiberColumnStr.append("scale = " + scale + ",");

        if (unique != null) {
            hiberColumnStr.append("unique = " + unique + ",");
        if (nullAble != null) {
            hiberColumnStr.append("nullable = " + nullAble + ",");
        String sd = hiberColumnStr.toString().trim();
        if (sd.endsWith(",")) {
            sd = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(sd, ",");
        sd = "@javax.persistence.Column(" + sd + ")";

        prop.setGeneratedHibernateModelOfPropertyStr(hiberValidateStr + sd);


    //@Column(name = "enabled",nullable = false )
    public static void handlerProperty_Boolean(GenEntityProperty prop) {
        StringBuffer hiberAnnStr = new StringBuffer("");
        String clumnname = prop.getColumnName();
        Boolean nullAble = prop.getNullable();
        if (nullAble != null && nullAble == false) {
            hiberAnnStr.append("@javax.validation.constraints.NotNull \r\t");
        hiberAnnStr.append("@javax.persistence.Column(name = \"" + clumnname + "\",nullable = " + nullAble + " )");

    public static void handlerProperty_Bytes(GenEntityProperty prop) {
        StringBuffer hiberAnnStr = new StringBuffer("");
        String clumnname = prop.getColumnName();
        Boolean nullAble = prop.getNullable();
        if (nullAble != null && nullAble == false) {
            hiberAnnStr.append("@javax.validation.constraints.NotNull \r\t");
        hiberAnnStr.append("@javax.persistence.Column(name = \"" + clumnname + "\",nullable = " + nullAble + " )");

    //   @javax.validation.constraints.Future
    //   @javax.validation.constraints.Past
    //   @org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
    //   @javax.persistence.Temporal(javax.persistence.TemporalType.DATE)
    //   @javax.persistence.Column(name = "z_date")
    //   private java.util.Date zDate;
    //   @javax.validation.constraints.Future
    //   @javax.validation.constraints.Past
    //   @org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
    //   @javax.persistence.Temporal(javax.persistence.TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
    //   @javax.persistence.Column(name = "z_dateTime")
    //   private java.util.Date zDateTime;
    //   @com.zht.framework.core.annos.CurrentTimeStamp
    //   @org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
    //   @javax.persistence.Temporal(javax.persistence.TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
    //   @javax.persistence.Column(name = "z_timeStamp")
    //   private java.util.Date zTimeStamp;

    //@Future     ?   
    public static void handlerProperty_Date(GenEntityProperty prop) {
        StringBuffer hibModelStr = new StringBuffer("");
        String editType = prop.getEditType();
        String sft = "";
        String timeType = "";
        String timeScope = "";
        Boolean isFrutrue = prop.getIsDateFutrue();
        Boolean isPost = prop.getIsDatePost();
        if (isFrutrue != null && !(isFrutrue.equals(isPost))) {
            if (isFrutrue) {
                timeScope += "@javax.validation.constraints.Future\r\t";
        if (isPost != null && !(isPost.equals(isFrutrue))) {
            if (isPost) {
                timeScope += "@javax.validation.constraints.Past\r\t";

        if ("date".equals(editType)) {
            sft = "@org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat(pattern = \"yyyy-MM-dd\")";
            timeType = "@javax.persistence.Temporal(javax.persistence.TemporalType.DATE)";
        } else if ("time".equals(editType)) {
            sft = "@org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat(pattern = \"HH:mm:ss\")";
            timeType = "@javax.persistence.Temporal(javax.persistence.TemporalType.TIME)";
        } else if ("datetime".equals(editType)) {
            sft = "@org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat(pattern = \"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\")";
            timeType = "@javax.persistence.Temporal(javax.persistence.TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)";
        } else if ("autoCurrentTime".equals(editType)) {
            //sft="@org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat(pattern = \"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\")";
            timeType = "@javax.persistence.Temporal(javax.persistence.TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)";
        String clumnname = prop.getColumnName();
        hibModelStr.append("@javax.persistence.Column(name = \"" + clumnname + "\")");


    //@OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY,cascade=CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="parentRbacGroup")
    public static void handlerOnetomany(GenEntityProperty genEntityProperty) {
        String hiberStr = "";
        String onetomanyManpedBy = genEntityProperty.getOneTomanyMappedBy();
        hiberStr = "@javax.persistence.OneToMany(fetch=javax.persistence.FetchType.LAZY,cascade=javax.persistence.CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy=\""
                + onetomanyManpedBy + "\")";//??

    public static void handlerManytoOne(GenEntityProperty genEntityProperty) {

        String columnName = genEntityProperty.getColumnName();
        String hiberStr = "@javax.persistence.ManyToOne(fetch=javax.persistence.FetchType.LAZY)\r\t";
        hiberStr += "@javax.persistence.JoinColumn(name=\"" + columnName + "\")";
        Boolean isTree = genEntityProperty.getGenEntity().getIsTree();
        if (isTree != null && isTree) {
            Boolean isTreeProperty = genEntityProperty.getIsTreeProperty();
            if (isTreeProperty != null && isTreeProperty & isTree) {
                hiberStr += "\r\t@org.zht.framework.annos.TreeParentFied()";

    public static void handlerManytoMany(GenEntityProperty targetProperty) {
        String hiberStr = "";
        if ("manytomanyMarster".equals(targetProperty.getRelationType())) {
            String manytomanyMappedBy = targetProperty.getManytomanyMappedBy();
            hiberStr = "@javax.persistence.ManyToMany(cascade=javax.persistence.CascadeType.ALL,mappedBy=\""
                    + manytomanyMappedBy + "\")";
        } else if ("manytomanySlaver".equals(targetProperty.getRelationType())) {
            String joinTable = targetProperty.getManytomanyJoinTable();
            String colM = targetProperty.getManytomanyJoinColumnSelf();
            String colS = targetProperty.getManytomanyJoinColumnOpposite();
            hiberStr = "@javax.persistence.ManyToMany(fetch=javax.persistence.FetchType.LAZY)\r\t";
            hiberStr += "@javax.persistence.JoinTable(name=\"" + joinTable + "\", joinColumns = {\r\t";
            hiberStr += "\t@javax.persistence.JoinColumn(name=\"" + colM
                    + "\", nullable=false, updatable=false) },\r\t";
            hiberStr += "\tinverseJoinColumns = { @javax.persistence.JoinColumn(name=\"" + colS
                    + "\", nullable=false, updatable=false) })";

    //   @OneToOne(mappedBy="husbandFkDouble")
    //   public WifeFkDouble getWifeFkDouble() {
    //      return wifeFkDouble;
    //   }
    //    @OneToOne(cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
    //       @JoinColumn(name="husband_id")
    //      public HusbandFkDouble getHusbandFkDouble() {
    //         return husbandFkDouble;
    //      }
    public static void handlerOneToOne(GenEntityProperty targetProperty) {
        String hiberStr = "";
        String marsterMapedBy = targetProperty.getOneToOneMappedBy();
        if (ZStrUtil.isEmptyAfterTrimE(marsterMapedBy)) {//
            hiberStr = "@javax.persistence.OneToOne(cascade=javax.persistence.CascadeType.ALL)\r\t";
            String columnName = targetProperty.getColumnName();
            hiberStr += "@javax.persistence.JoinColumn(name=\"" + columnName + "\")";

        } else {
            hiberStr = "@javax.persistence.OneToOne(mappedBy=\"" + marsterMapedBy + "\")";