Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011-2016 All right reserved. This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only * in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.web.socket.CloseStatus; import org.springframework.web.socket.TextMessage; import org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketSession; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author zxc Jul 24, 2014 4:02:38 PM */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Service public class WebSocketServerHandler { @Autowired private NotifyService notifyService; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebSocketServerHandler.class); // session,???Client? private static Map<ClientWrapper, Set<SessionWrapper>> sessionCacheMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<ClientWrapper, Set<SessionWrapper>>(); // SocketServer?? private ISocketCallback callBack; // , private Timer timer; // ?? private final Object lock = new Object(); // private final static int TIMER_START_MILLIS = 10; private final static int TIMER_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 100 * 1000; // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //// // //// ? // //// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private WebSocketServerHandler() { } public static WebSocketServerHandler getInstance() { return (WebSocketServerHandler) SpringContextAware.getBean("webSocketServerHandler"); } @PostConstruct public void init() { // ? if (timer != null) { stop(); } timer = new Timer(false); timer.schedule(new CheckTimerTask(), TIMER_START_MILLIS, TIMER_INTERVAL_MILLIS);"CheckTimerTask started; interval={} ms", TIMER_INTERVAL_MILLIS); } public void stop() { if (timer != null) { timer.cancel(); timer = null; } sessionCacheMap.clear();"CheckTimerTask stopped,and sessionCacheMap has clear!"); } /** * apply ? * * @author zxc */ public interface ApplyMethod { public void invoke(ClientWrapper cw, SessionWrapper sw); } /** * Session? * * @author zxc */ class CheckTimerTask extends TimerTask implements ApplyMethod { private long lastRun = System.currentTimeMillis(); private long delta; @Override public void run() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); delta = now - lastRun; lastRun = now; apply(this); } @Override public void invoke(ClientWrapper cw, SessionWrapper sw) { clientHeartbeat(new SocketMessage<Object>(cw), sw.getSocketSession()); } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //// // //// ? // //// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void notifyNewClientMessageEvent(final ZuobianWebUser webUser, final MessageMapper<?, ?> mm) { notifyService.notify(new MessageEvent(webUser, EventType.newClientMessage, mm)); } public void notifyNewClientConnectEvent(final ZuobianWebUser webUser, final MessageMapper<?, ?> mm) { notifyService.notify(new MessageEvent(webUser, EventType.newClientConnect, mm)); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //// // //// ?API // //// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * session,??? */ public void sessionOpened(WebSocketSession session) { log(session.getRemoteAddress() + " session,???"); addSession(session); } /** * session,?? */ public void sessionUpdate(WebSocketSession session) { log(session.getRemoteAddress() + " session,??"); addSession(session); } /** * ?ServerClient SessionInfo * * @return */ public Collection<SessionWrapper> getAllSessionInfo() { Collection<SessionWrapper> wsList = new ArrayList<SessionWrapper>(); for (Set<SessionWrapper> sessionInfoList : sessionCacheMap.values()) { wsList.addAll(sessionInfoList); } return wsList; } /** * WebSocketSession * * @return */ public Collection<WebSocketSession> getAllSocketSession() { Collection<WebSocketSession> wsList = new ArrayList<WebSocketSession>(); for (Set<SessionWrapper> sessionInfoList : sessionCacheMap.values()) { for (SessionWrapper sw : sessionInfoList) { wsList.add(sw.getSocketSession()); } } return wsList; } /** * sessionCacheMap,?,? * * @return */ public int getSessionCacheSize() { return sessionCacheMap.size(); } /** * session,???,???? */ public void pullTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) { log(session.getRemoteAddress() + " session,???,????!"); SocketMessage<String> socketMessage = new SocketMessage<String>(getClienInfo(session), message); ActionEnum action = socketMessage.getAction(); switch (action) { case CLIENT_REGIST: SessionWrapper _sw = getSessionInfo(session); addSession(session); notifyNewClientConnectEvent(_sw.getWebUser(), new MessageMapper<SocketMessage<?>, IMessageHandler>(socketMessage)); break; case CLIENT_CLOSED: sessionClosed(session); break; case CLIENT_RETURN_RESULT: SessionWrapper sessionWrapper = getSessionInfo(session); sessionWrapper.setSocketMessage(socketMessage); break; case CLIENT_SEND_MESSAGE: SessionWrapper sw = getSessionInfo(session); sw.pullMsg(socketMessage); notifyNewClientMessageEvent(sw.getWebUser(), new MessageMapper<SocketMessage<?>, IMessageHandler>(socketMessage)); break; case CLIENT_HEARTBEAT: clientHeartbeat(socketMessage, session); break; case ERROR_FORMAT_MESSAGE: handleDataFormatError(socketMessage, session); break; default: throw new WebSocketUnSupportException("??"); } } /** * session,????,??? */ public void pushTextMessage(SessionWrapper sessionWrapper, final SocketMessage<String> socketMessage) { WebSocketSession session = sessionWrapper.getSocketSession(); log(session.getRemoteAddress() + " session,????,???"); ActionEnum action = socketMessage.getAction(); switch (action) { case SERVER_SEND_MESSAGE: sessionWrapper.pushMsg(socketMessage, new IMessageCallback() { @Override public void doAction(SessionWrapper sw) { sw.pullMsg(socketMessage); notifyNewClientMessageEvent(sw.getWebUser(), new MessageMapper<SocketMessage<?>, IMessageHandler>(socketMessage)); } }); break; case SERVER_CLOSED: sessionClosed(session); break; case SERVER_HEARTBEAT: clientHeartbeat(socketMessage, session); break; case ERROR_FORMAT_MESSAGE: break; default: throw new WebSocketUnSupportException("??"); } } /** * session? */ public void sessionClosed(WebSocketSession session) { if (session != null && !session.isOpen()) { logger.debug("sessionClosed session is closed!by auto sessionClosed"); removeSession(session); return; } if (session != null && session.isOpen()) { removeSession(session); } } /** * ,session */ public void exceptionCaught(WebSocketSession session, Throwable cause) { cause.printStackTrace(); log(CoreUtilities.getExceptionText(cause)); sessionClosed(session); } /** * ??? * * @param receiverMessage * @param session */ public void handleDataFormatError(SocketMessage<?> receiverMessage, WebSocketSession session) { ClientWrapper cw = receiverMessage.getClientInfo(); SessionWrapper sessionWrapper = getSessionInfo(session); if (sessionWrapper != null) { sessionWrapper.setLastHeartbeatTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); } SocketMessage<String> sm = new SocketMessage<String>(cw); sm.setAction(ActionEnum.ERROR_FORMAT_MESSAGE); sm.setData(JsonResultUtils.createJsonResult(ResultCode.ERROR_FORMAT, "??????")); sessionWrapper.pushMsg(sm); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //// // //// ?? // //// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Session,? */ public void addSession(WebSocketSession session) { ClientWrapper clientInfo = new ClientWrapper(session); if (Argument.isNotPositive(clientInfo.getmId()) || !clientInfo.getWebUser().hasLogin()) {// ? try { sessionClosed(session); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug( "addSession session cookie invalid,no find webUser mId or member no login! Unregistered visitors!"); } return; } Long mId = clientInfo.getmId(); if (!sessionCacheMap.containsKey(clientInfo)) { Set<SessionWrapper> set = new ConcurrentHashSet<SessionWrapper>(); set.add(new SessionWrapper(clientInfo, session)); sessionCacheMap.put(clientInfo, set);"id{}WebSocket?ip{},mId:{},nick:{}", session.getId(), clientInfo.getIp(), mId, clientInfo.getWebUser().getUserName()); } else { Set<SessionWrapper> set = sessionCacheMap.get(clientInfo); if (Argument.isEmpty(set)) { set = new ConcurrentHashSet<SessionWrapper>(); set.add(new SessionWrapper(clientInfo, session)); sessionCacheMap.put(clientInfo, set); } if (!set.contains(new SessionWrapper(clientInfo, session))) { set.add(new SessionWrapper(clientInfo, session)); }"SessionManager update Session:{},IP:{},mId:{}", session.getId(), clientInfo.getIp(), mId); } notifyNewClientConnectEvent(clientInfo.getWebUser(), null); } /** * midClientWrapper? * * @param mid Session mid * @return true/false */ public boolean hasClientInfo(Long mId) { return sessionCacheMap.containsKey(new ClientWrapper(mId)); } /** * ?mId??client? * * @param mId * @return */ public ClientWrapper getClienInfo(Long mId) { if (hasClientInfo(mId)) { Set<ClientWrapper> set = sessionCacheMap.keySet(); for (ClientWrapper cw : set) { if (cw != null && cw.equals(new ClientWrapper(mId))) { return cw; } } } return null; } /** * ?WebSocketSession??client? * * @param mId * @return */ public ClientWrapper getClienInfo(WebSocketSession session) { Collection<SessionWrapper> registSessionWrappers = getAllSessionInfo(); if (Argument.isEmpty(registSessionWrappers)) { return null; } for (SessionWrapper sw : registSessionWrappers) { if (sw != null && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(session.getId(), sw.getId())) { return sw.getClientInfo(); } } return null; } /** * ??server? * * @param mId * @return */ public Set<SessionWrapper> getSessionInfo(Long mId) { return hasClientInfo(mId) ? sessionCacheMap.get(getClienInfo(mId)) : Collections.<SessionWrapper>emptySet(); } /** * ?mId??WebSocketSession * * @param mId * @return Session */ public Collection<WebSocketSession> getSession(Long mId) { Set<SessionWrapper> set = getSessionInfo(mId); Collection<WebSocketSession> wsList = new ArrayList<WebSocketSession>(); for (SessionWrapper sw : set) { wsList.add(sw.getSocketSession()); } return wsList; } /** * ?WebSocketSession??client? * * @param mId * @return */ public SessionWrapper getSessionInfo(WebSocketSession session) { Collection<SessionWrapper> registSessionWrappers = getAllSessionInfo(); if (Argument.isEmpty(registSessionWrappers)) { return null; } for (SessionWrapper sw : registSessionWrappers) { if (sw != null && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(session.getId(), sw.getId())) { return sw; } } return null; } /** * ?server? * * @param mId * @return */ public Set<SessionWrapper> getSessionInfoSet(WebSocketSession session) { SessionWrapper sw = getSessionInfo(session); if (sw != null && sw.getClientWrapper() != null && !Argument.isNotPositive(sw.getClientWrapper().getmId())) { return sessionCacheMap.get(new ClientWrapper(sw.getClientWrapper().getmId())); } return Collections.<SessionWrapper>emptySet(); } /** * ?mId,Session,client * * @param mId */ public void removeSession(Long mId) { Set<SessionWrapper> set = getSessionInfo(mId); if (Argument.isEmpty(set)) { return; } for (SessionWrapper sessionWrapper : set) { ClientWrapper clientInfo = sessionWrapper.getClientInfo(); String sessionId = sessionWrapper.getId(); String ip = clientInfo.getIp(); try { sessionWrapper.getSocketSession().close(CloseStatus.NORMAL); logger.error("WebSocketServerHandler removeSession() successfull! mid={},sessionId={},ip={}", mId, sessionId, ip); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("WebSocketServerHandler removeSession() faild! mid={},sessionId={},ip={}", mId, sessionId, ip); } finally { sessionCacheMap.remove(clientInfo); } } } /** * ?WebSocketSession,Session * * @param session Session */ public void removeSession(WebSocketSession session) { SessionWrapper sw = getSessionInfo(session); if (sw == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(sw.getId())) { return; } ClientWrapper clientInfo = sw.getClientInfo(); String sessionId = sw.getId(); String ip = clientInfo.getIp(); Long mId = clientInfo.getmId(); try { session.close(CloseStatus.NORMAL); logger.error("WebSocketServerHandler removeSession() successfull! mid={},sessionId={},ip={}", mId, sessionId, ip); } catch (Exception e) { if (session != null && !session.isOpen()) { logger.error( "WebSocketServerHandler removeSession() is Normally closed! mid={},sessionId={},ip={}", mId, sessionId, ip); } else { logger.error("WebSocketServerHandler removeSession() faild! mid={},sessionId={},ip={}", mId, sessionId, ip); } } finally { Set<SessionWrapper> set = sessionCacheMap.get(clientInfo); set.remove(sw); if (Argument.isEmpty(set)) { sessionCacheMap.remove(clientInfo); } } } /** * ????? * * @param receiverMessage * @param session */ public void clientHeartbeat(SocketMessage<?> receiverMessage, WebSocketSession session) { ClientWrapper cw = receiverMessage.getClientInfo(); SessionWrapper sw = getSessionInfo(session); String json = JsonResultUtils.createJsonResult(ResultCode.HEARTBEAT, "$zuobian$", "Server zxc,hello world!"); if (session == null) { return; } if (session != null && !session.isOpen()) { removeSession(session); } try { session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(json)); if (sw != null) { sw.setLastHeartbeatTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); } logger.debug("clientHeartbeat sessionId={} ,mId={},cId={}, date={}", sw.getId(), cw.getmId(), cw.getWebUser().getcId(), DateViewTools.formatFullDate(new Date())); } catch (Exception e) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - sw.getLastHeartbeatTime() >= 1000 * 60 * 5) { // 5??Client removeSession(session); } logger.debug("clientHeartbeat send errorsessionId={} ,mId={},cId={}, date={}", sw.getId(), cw.getmId(), cw.getWebUser().getcId(), DateViewTools.formatFullDate(new Date())); } } public void clientReturnResult(SocketMessage<?> receiverMessage) { log("?" + receiverMessage.getClientInfo() + "?" + receiverMessage.getRemark()); } /** * ?ServerClient * * @param socketMessage * @return */ public boolean pushAllClient(SocketMessage<String> socketMessage) { if (sessionCacheMap != null && sessionCacheMap.size() > 0) { Collection<SessionWrapper> allSocketSession = getAllSessionInfo(); for (SessionWrapper ws : allSocketSession) { ClientWrapper cw = ws.getClientInfo(); logger.debug("?mId={},cId={},sessionId={} Session,!", cw.getmId(), cw.getWebUser().getcId(), ws.getId()); try { ws.getSocketSession().sendMessage(socketMessage.getServerMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("pushAllClient error!"); return false; } } } return true; } /** * */ public void sessionIdle(WebSocketSession session) throws Exception { } /** * ??SeesionApplyMethod invoke >>? * * @param method */ private void apply(ApplyMethod method) { if (sessionCacheMap == null || sessionCacheMap.size() == 0) { return; } for (Entry<ClientWrapper, Set<SessionWrapper>> entry : sessionCacheMap.entrySet()) { Set<SessionWrapper> set = entry.getValue(); ClientWrapper cw = entry.getKey(); if (!Argument.isNotEmpty(set)) { continue; } for (SessionWrapper sw : set) { method.invoke(cw, sw); } } } public void log(String msg) { if (callBack != null) { callBack.notifyAction(msg); } } public ISocketCallback getCallBack() { return callBack; } public void setCallBack(ISocketCallback callBack) { this.callBack = callBack; } }