Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011-2016 All right reserved. This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only * in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with */ package; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import; import; import; import; /** * @author zxc Jul 1, 2014 4:23:34 PM */ public class ZuobianWebUserBuilder { /** * webUser * * @param cookieManager * @return */ public static ZuobianWebUser create(CookieManager cookieManager) { ZuobianWebUser webUser = new ZuobianWebUser(); String userName = cookieManager.get(CookieKeyEnum.member_nickname); Long mId = NumberUtils.toLong(cookieManager.get(CookieKeyEnum.member_id)); Long cId = NumberUtils.toLong(cookieManager.get(CookieKeyEnum.member_company_id)); Integer type = NumberUtils.toInt(cookieManager.get(CookieKeyEnum.member_type)); Date lastLogin = new Date(NumberUtils.toLong(cookieManager.get(CookieKeyEnum.last_login_time))); webUser.setUserName(userName); webUser.setmId(mId); webUser.setcId(cId); webUser.setType(CompanyTypeEnum.getEnum(type)); webUser.setLastLogin(lastLogin); boolean hasLogin = StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName) && mId != null && mId != 0l && cId != null && cId != 0l && type != null && type != 0; webUser.setHasLogin(hasLogin); String cookieId = CookieIdBuilder.getCookieId(cookieManager); if (cookieId == null) { webUser.setFirstAccess(true); cookieId = CookieIdBuilder.createCookieId(cookieManager); } else { webUser.setFirstAccess(false); } webUser.setCookieId(cookieId); ZuobianWebUser.setCurrentUser(webUser); return ZuobianWebUser.getCurrentUser(); } /** * ?cookie.(??Cookie * * @param cookieManager * @param date * @param userName */ public static void loginSuccess(CookieManager cookieManager, String userName, Long mid, Long cid, Integer type) { loginOut(cookieManager); cookieManager.set(CookieKeyEnum.member_nickname, userName); cookieManager.set(CookieKeyEnum.member_id, StringUtils.EMPTY + mid); cookieManager.set(CookieKeyEnum.member_company_id, StringUtils.EMPTY + cid); cookieManager.set(CookieKeyEnum.member_type, StringUtils.EMPTY + type); cookieManager.set(CookieKeyEnum.last_login_time, StringUtils.EMPTY + System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * */ public static void loginOut(CookieManager cookieManager) { _loginOut(cookieManager, CookieKeyEnum.member_nickname, CookieKeyEnum.member_id, CookieKeyEnum.member_company_id, CookieKeyEnum.member_type, CookieKeyEnum.last_login_time); } private static void _loginOut(CookieManager cookieManager, CookieKeyEnum... keys) { for (CookieKeyEnum key : keys) { cookieManager.set(key, StringUtils.EMPTY); } } }