Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 YaLin Jin * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.yalin.fidoclient.op; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.yalin.fidoclient.api.UAFClientError; import com.yalin.fidoclient.asm.api.StatusCode; import com.yalin.fidoclient.asm.exceptions.ASMException; import com.yalin.fidoclient.asm.msg.ASMRequest; import com.yalin.fidoclient.asm.msg.ASMResponse; import com.yalin.fidoclient.asm.msg.Request; import com.yalin.fidoclient.asm.msg.obj.AuthenticatorInfo; import com.yalin.fidoclient.asm.msg.obj.GetInfoOut; import com.yalin.fidoclient.asm.msg.obj.RegisterIn; import com.yalin.fidoclient.constants.Constants; import com.yalin.fidoclient.msg.MatchCriteria; import com.yalin.fidoclient.msg.OperationHeader; import com.yalin.fidoclient.msg.Policy; import com.yalin.fidoclient.msg.Version; import com.yalin.fidoclient.msg.client.UAFIntentType; import; import; import; import; import com.yalin.fidoclient.op.traffic.Traffic; import com.yalin.fidoclient.ui.AuthenticatorAdapter; import com.yalin.fidoclient.ui.fragment.AuthenticatorListFragment; import com.yalin.fidoclient.utils.StatLog; import com.yalin.fidoclient.utils.Utils; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * Created by YaLin on 2016/1/11. */ public abstract class ASMMessageHandler { public interface StateChangeListener { void onStateChange(Traffic.OpStat newState, Traffic.OpStat oldState); } public interface UAFErrorCallback { void onError(short errorCode); } public static final String TAG = ASMMessageHandler.class.getSimpleName(); public static final int REQUEST_ASM_OPERATION = 1; public static final String REG_TAG = "\"Reg\""; public static final String AUTH_TAG = "\"Auth\""; public static final String DEREG_TAG = "\"Dereg\""; private static final String UPV_TAG = "\"upv\""; private static final String MAJOR_TAG = "major"; private static final String MINOR_TAG = "minor"; protected final Gson gson = new Gson(); protected Traffic.OpStat mCurrentState = Traffic.OpStat.PREPARE; protected final AuthenticatorListFragment fragment; protected final String facetId; protected StateChangeListener stateChangeListener; private UAFErrorCallback uafErrorCallback; protected String asmPackage; public static ASMMessageHandler parseMessage(AuthenticatorListFragment fragment, String intentType, String uafMessage, String channelBinding, int callerUid) { if ( { boolean versionLegal = false; try { String upvSub = uafMessage.substring(uafMessage.indexOf(UPV_TAG)); String upv = upvSub.substring(upvSub.indexOf("{"), upvSub.indexOf("}") + 1); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(upv); if (jsonObject.getInt(MAJOR_TAG) == 1 && jsonObject.getInt(MINOR_TAG) == 0) { versionLegal = true; } } catch (Exception ignored) { } if (versionLegal) { if (uafMessage.contains(REG_TAG)) { return new Reg(fragment, uafMessage, channelBinding, callerUid); } else if (uafMessage.contains(AUTH_TAG)) { return new Auth(fragment, uafMessage, channelBinding, callerUid); } else if (uafMessage.contains(DEREG_TAG)) { return new Dereg(fragment, uafMessage, callerUid); } } } else if ( { return new CheckPolicy(fragment, uafMessage, callerUid); } else if ( { return new Discover(fragment, callerUid); } else if ( { return new Completion(fragment, callerUid); } return new ASMMessageHandler(fragment, callerUid) { @Override public void start() { error(UAFClientError.PROTOCOL_ERROR); } @Override public void trafficStart() { error(UAFClientError.PROTOCOL_ERROR); } @Override public void traffic(String asmResponseMsg) { error(UAFClientError.PROTOCOL_ERROR); } }; } public void setStateChangeListener(StateChangeListener listener) { stateChangeListener = listener; } public void setUafErrorCallback(UAFErrorCallback callback) { uafErrorCallback = callback; } public ASMMessageHandler(AuthenticatorListFragment fragment, int callerUid) { this.fragment = fragment; this.facetId = Utils.getFacetId(fragment.getActivity().getApplication(), callerUid); } public abstract void start(); public abstract void trafficStart(); public abstract void traffic(String asmResponseMsg) throws ASMException; public String getCurrentOpDescription() { return null; } public void setAsmPackage(String asmPackage) { this.asmPackage = asmPackage; } public Policy getPolicy() { return null; } protected boolean checkHeader(OperationHeader header) { if (header == null) { return false; } if (header.appID == null || header.appID.length() > Constants.APP_ID_MAX_LEN) { return false; } if (header.appID.length() > 0 && !header.appID.contains(Constants.APP_ID_PREFIX) && !header.appID.equals(facetId)) { return false; } return true; } protected boolean checkChallenge(String challenge) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(challenge)) { return false; } if (challenge.length() < Constants.CHALLENGE_MIN_LEN || challenge.length() > Constants.CHALLENGE_MAX_LEN) { return false; } if (!challenge.matches(Constants.BASE64_REGULAR)) { return false; } return true; } protected boolean checkPolicy(Policy policy) { if (policy == null || policy.accepted == null) { return false; } return true; } protected void getTrustFacetId(String appId, final String facetId) { if (appId.contains(Constants.APP_ID_PREFIX)) { fragment.loading(); RequestQueue requestQueue = RequestQueueHelper .getInstance(fragment.getActivity().getApplicationContext()); GetRequest<FacetIdListResponse> request = new GetRequest<>(appId, FacetIdListResponse.class, new Response.Listener() { @Override public void onResponse(Object response) { fragment.loadingComplete(); if (checkFacetId(facetId, ((FacetIdListResponse) response).trustedFacets)) { trafficStart(); } else { error(UAFClientError.UNTRUSTED_FACET_ID); } } }, new Response.ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { fragment.loadingComplete(); getTrustFacetIdError(); } }); request.setTag(TAG); requestQueue.add(request); } else { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(appId) || appId.equals(facetId)) { trafficStart(); } } } protected void getTrustFacetIdError() { error(UAFClientError.UNTRUSTED_FACET_ID); } protected void updateState(Traffic.OpStat newState) { StatLog.printLog(TAG, "update op state:" + + "->" +; if (stateChangeListener != null) { stateChangeListener.onStateChange(newState, mCurrentState); } mCurrentState = newState; } protected short handleGetInfo(String msg, AuthenticatorAdapter.OnAuthenticatorClickCallback callback) { StatLog.printLog(TAG, "get info :" + msg); ASMResponse asmResponse = ASMResponse.fromJson(msg, GetInfoOut.class); if (asmResponse.statusCode != StatusCode.UAF_ASM_STATUS_OK) { return UAFClientError.PROTOCOL_ERROR; } GetInfoOut getInfoOut = (GetInfoOut) asmResponse.responseData; AuthenticatorInfo[] authenticatorInfos = getInfoOut.Authenticators; StatLog.printLog(TAG, "client reg parse policy: " + gson.toJson(authenticatorInfos)); if (authenticatorInfos == null) { return UAFClientError.NO_SUITABLE_AUTHENTICATOR; } List<AuthenticatorInfo> parseResult = parsePolicy(getPolicy(), authenticatorInfos); if (parseResult == null || parseResult.size() == 0) { return UAFClientError.NO_SUITABLE_AUTHENTICATOR; } fragment.showAuthenticator(parseResult, callback); return UAFClientError.NO_ERROR; } protected void error(short errorCode) { if (uafErrorCallback != null) { uafErrorCallback.onError(errorCode); } } public static String getInfoRequest(Version version) { StatLog.printLog(TAG, "asm request get info"); ASMRequest<RegisterIn> asmRequest = new ASMRequest<>(); asmRequest.requestType = Request.GetInfo; asmRequest.asmVersion = version; Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setExclusionStrategies(getExclusionStrategy()).create(); String asmRequestMsg = gson.toJson(asmRequest); StatLog.printLog(TAG, "asm request: " + asmRequestMsg); return asmRequestMsg; } private static ExclusionStrategy getExclusionStrategy() { return new ExclusionStrategy() { @Override public boolean shouldSkipField(FieldAttributes f) { return f.getName().equals(ASMRequest.authenticatorIndexName); } @Override public boolean shouldSkipClass(Class<?> clazz) { return false; } }; } public static boolean checkFacetId(String facetId, ArrayList<FacetIdList> facetIdList) { if (facetIdList != null && facetIdList.size() > 0) { FacetIdList facetIdList1 = facetIdList.get(0); if (facetIdList1.ids != null) { for (String id : facetIdList1.ids) { if (id.equals(facetId)) { return true; } } } } return false; } protected static List<AuthenticatorInfo> parsePolicy(Policy policy, AuthenticatorInfo[] authenticatorInfos) { if (policy == null) { return Arrays.asList(authenticatorInfos); } List<AuthenticatorInfo> authenticatorInfoList = new ArrayList<>(); for (AuthenticatorInfo info : authenticatorInfos) { for (MatchCriteria[] criterias : policy.accepted) { boolean setMatch = true; for (MatchCriteria criteria : criterias) { if (!criteria.isMatch(info)) { setMatch = false; break; } } if (setMatch) { authenticatorInfoList.add(info); break; } } } if (policy.disallowed != null) { for (AuthenticatorInfo info : authenticatorInfoList) { for (MatchCriteria matchCriteria : policy.disallowed) { if (matchCriteria.isMatch(info)) { authenticatorInfoList.remove(info); break; } } } } return authenticatorInfoList; } }