Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Yahoo Inc. * Licensed under the terms of the Apache version 2.0 license. * See LICENSE file for terms. */ package; import*; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Plan the execution of steps as a graph of Tasks. * <p/> * Our goal is to split execution into as many parallel tracks as possible while coalescing linear series of steps into * linear execution in a single thread. * <p/> * We also want to identify steps which are async and assemble callbacks for them to run. * <p/> * A typical CQL program will likely have several largely or entirely disjoint graphs (imagine a yahoo page assembling data from several backends). * <p/> * Two kinds of nodes: * start(steps) - start these steps (no waiting) * join(steps, steps) - wait for these steps to finish, then run these steps */ public final class GraphPlanner { static class Node { Set<Value> available = Sets.newIdentityHashSet(); Set<Step> inputs = Sets.newIdentityHashSet(); List<Step> todo = Lists.newArrayList(); Set<Step> deps = Sets.newIdentityHashSet(); RunTask run; Task next; Node(Step step) { todo.add(step); } } private void discover(Step step, Map<Step, Node> nodes) { if (nodes.containsKey(step)) { return; } Node node = new Node(step); nodes.put(step, node); for (Value val : step.getInputs()) { Step source = val.getSource(); node.inputs.add(source); discover(source, nodes); } } private void populateAvailable(Node node, Set<Value> available, Map<Step, Node> nodes) { for (Step src : node.todo) { available.add(src.getOutput()); } node.available.addAll(available); for (Step dst : node.deps) { Set<Value> copy = Sets.newIdentityHashSet(); copy.addAll(available); populateAvailable(nodes.get(dst), copy, nodes); } } /** * Plan a graph of tasks using the terminal step as a starting point. Discover all of the used steps from those roots, and then return the starting task. */ public ForkTask plan(Step root) { Map<Step, Node> nodes = Maps.newIdentityHashMap(); discover(root, nodes); for (Map.Entry<Step, Node> e : nodes.entrySet()) { for (Step dep : e.getValue().inputs) { nodes.get(dep).deps.add(e.getKey()); } } for (Map.Entry<Step, Node> e : nodes.entrySet()) { if (e.getValue().inputs.isEmpty()) { populateAvailable(e.getValue(), Sets.<Value>newIdentityHashSet(), nodes); } } boolean modified = true; List<Step> keys = Lists.newArrayList(); while (modified) { modified = false; // we plan to modify the map, so copy the set of keys before iteration keys.clear(); keys.addAll(nodes.keySet()); for (Step key : keys) { Node node = nodes.get(key); if (node == null) { continue; } if (node.deps.size() == 1) { // if we are the only input to that dep... Step dep = Iterables.get(node.deps, 0); if (dep.getInputs().size() == 1) { // then merge into that Node target = nodes.get(dep); node.todo.addAll(target.todo); target.todo = node.todo; target.inputs.remove(key); for (Step p : node.inputs) { nodes.get(p).deps.remove(key); nodes.get(p).deps.add(dep); } target.inputs.addAll(node.inputs); target.available.addAll(node.available); nodes.remove(key); modified = true; } } } } // so now all remaining nodes have 0 or > 1 deps // the 0 deps nodes are "ending" nodes, and the > deps nodes are fork nodes // set up the run & end nodes ForkTask start = new ForkTask(); Map<Set<Step>, JoinTask> joinTasks = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Node n : nodes.values()) { = new RunTask(n.todo);; if (n.inputs.size() > 1) { Set<Step> key = ImmutableSet.copyOf(n.inputs); JoinTask join = joinTasks.get(key); if (join == null) { join = new JoinTask(); joinTasks.put(key, join); join.setAvailable(Sets.<Value>newIdentityHashSet()); } join.addNext(; join.getAvailable().addAll(n.available); = join; } else { =; } } for (Node n : nodes.values()) { if (n.inputs.isEmpty()) { start.addNext(; } for (Step dep : n.deps) { Node node = nodes.get(dep); if ( instanceof JoinTask) { ((JoinTask); }; } } return start; } }