Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Yahoo Inc. * Licensed under the terms of the Apache version 2.0 license. * See LICENSE file for terms. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Extract logic for planning a query against an indexed source. */ public class IndexedQueryPlanner { private static Iterable<IndexDescriptor> convertSet(Set<IndexKey> indexes) { List<IndexDescriptor> desc = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(indexes.size()); for (IndexKey key : indexes) { IndexDescriptor.Builder b = IndexDescriptor.builder(); for (String name : key.columnOrder) { b.addColumn(name, YQLCoreType.STRING, false, true); } desc.add(; } return desc; } final Set<String> indexColumns; final Map<IndexKey, IndexDescriptor> indexes; public IndexedQueryPlanner(Set<IndexKey> indexes) { this(convertSet(indexes)); } public IndexedQueryPlanner(Iterable<IndexDescriptor> indexes) { ImmutableMap.Builder<IndexKey, IndexDescriptor> idx = ImmutableMap.builder(); ImmutableSet.Builder<String> cols = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (IndexDescriptor index : indexes) { idx.put(IndexKey.of(index.getColumnNames()), index); cols.addAll(index.getColumnNames()); } this.indexes =; this.indexColumns =; } /** * Make a query execution plan where all filter elements MUST exactly match an index. * * @param filter * @return */ public QueryStrategy planExact(OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> filter) { return planInternal(ImmutableSet.<String>of(), filter, true); } public QueryStrategy plan(OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> filter) { return planInternal(ImmutableSet.<String>of(), filter, false); } public QueryStrategy planJoin(OperatorNode<PhysicalExprOperator> leftSide, OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> joinExpression, OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> filter) { List<JoinExpression> clauses = JoinExpression.parse(joinExpression); Set<String> joinColumns = Sets.newHashSet(); for (JoinExpression join : clauses) { if (join.right.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.READ_FIELD) { joinColumns.add((String) join.right.getArgument(1)); } } return planInternal(joinColumns, filter, false); } private QueryStrategy planInternal(Set<String> availableJoinColumns, OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> filter, boolean exact) { QueryStrategy iq = new QueryStrategy(); if (filter == null && availableJoinColumns.isEmpty()) { iq.scan = true; } else if (filter == null) { IndexKey index = matchIndex(availableJoinColumns, exact); if (index == null) { iq.scan = true; } else { List<String> indexColumns = index.columnOrder; // add the entry to our query strategy IndexStrategy indexStrategy = new IndexStrategy(index, indexes.get(index)); indexStrategy.filter = null; indexStrategy.indexFilter = null; indexStrategy.joinColumns = indexColumns; iq.add(indexStrategy); } } else { // now we need to interpret the filter // first, expand variable references // this is done in the engine now // filter = new ExpandVariablesTransform(runtime).visitExpr(filter); // push ANDs into leaves of ORs filter = new PushAndTransform().visitExpr(filter); // at this point all ORs should have been pulled to the top level, now let's build up batches of queries to indexes filter = new IndexMatchOperatorTransform().visitExpr(filter); // for now we'll plan to re-evaluate the filter expression completely per row (the unmodified one); that allows this code // to not worry about that and instead to focus on candidates for index query inputs // each OR clause will be a new stream // for each stream // extract the relevant index clauses // if none match then SCAN // if ANY OR clause SCANs then SCAN // a clause may be FULLY handled if it *exactly* matches an index // if all clauses are FULLY handled, then we need not filter // we can simplify the filter if SOME clauses match and no tricky ORs eliminate things // transform a filter clause into: // index (input exprs) // (index (input exprs), filter (if index fully handles filter, then there is none) // SCAN, filter // if any matches SCAN, just SCAN + initial filter // otherwise: dispatch each index operation in parallel // we SHOULD require or at least support that rows contain a row-id so they can union things even when multiple indexes match // since we'll be dispatching multiple requests to the same source // skip that for now if (filter.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.OR) { List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> clauses = filter.getArgument(0); for (OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> clause : clauses) { prepareQuery(availableJoinColumns, iq, clause, exact); } } else { prepareQuery(availableJoinColumns, iq, filter, exact); } } return iq; } private void prepareQuery(Set<String> availableJoinColumns, QueryStrategy iq, OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> filter, boolean exact) { // if we've issued a SCAN, skip this logic and just scan if (iq.scan) { return; } // we can handle the following scenarios: // EQ READ_FIELD * // EQ * READ_FIELD // IN READ_FIELD * // ZIP_MATCH // (appropriate combinations of AND, EQ, and IN are transformed in the ZipMatchOperatorTransform) // we'll transform the input filter into // candidate column ZipMatchOperators // everything-else // logically these are ANDed together, but only the candidate column filters can be used for indexes // we'll match the most precise combination of columns for available indexes, and move any remaining columns to everything-else Map<String, OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> columns = Maps.newHashMap(); List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> others = Lists.newArrayList(); if (filter.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.AND) { List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> clauses = filter.getArgument(0); for (OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> clause : clauses) { processFilterClause(columns, others, clause); } } else { processFilterClause(columns, others, filter); } IndexKey index = matchIndex(Sets.union(availableJoinColumns, columns.keySet()), exact); if (index == null) { iq.scan = true; return; } // splendid, we matched an index -- rearrange the columns / others according to the matched index List<String> indexColumns = Lists.newArrayList(index.columnOrder); List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> unmatched = Lists.newArrayList(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>>> cols = columns.entrySet().iterator(); while (cols.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> clause =; if (!indexColumns.contains(clause.getKey())) { unmatched.add(clause.getValue()); cols.remove(); } else { indexColumns.remove(clause.getKey()); } } if (!unmatched.isEmpty()) { others.add(OperatorNode.create(ExpressionOperator.AND, unmatched)); } // add the entry to our query strategy IndexStrategy indexStrategy = new IndexStrategy(index, indexes.get(index)); if (others.isEmpty()) { indexStrategy.filter = null; } else if (others.size() == 1) { indexStrategy.filter = others.get(0); } else { indexStrategy.filter = OperatorNode.create(ExpressionOperator.AND, others); } indexStrategy.indexFilter = columns; if (!indexColumns.isEmpty()) { indexStrategy.joinColumns = indexColumns; } iq.add(indexStrategy); } private IndexKey matchIndex(Set<String> columns, boolean exact) { if (exact) { IndexKey terms = IndexKey.of(columns); if (indexes.containsKey(terms)) { return terms; } } else { Chooser<String> chooser = Chooser.create(); List<String> terms = Lists.newArrayList(columns); for (int choose = terms.size(); choose > 0; --choose) { for (List<String> candidate : chooser.chooseN(choose, terms)) { IndexKey key = IndexKey.of(candidate); if (indexes.containsKey(key)) { return key; } } } } return null; } private void processFilterClause(Map<String, OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> columns, List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> others, OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> filter) { if (filter.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.EQ) { OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> left = filter.getArgument(0); OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> right = filter.getArgument(1); String leftName = extractFieldMatch(left); String rightName = extractFieldMatch(right); if (leftName != null && rightName == null && indexColumns.contains(leftName)) { columns.put(leftName, OperatorNode.create(filter.getLocation(), ExpressionOperator.EQ, left, right)); } else if (rightName != null && leftName != null && indexColumns.contains(rightName)) { columns.put(rightName, OperatorNode.create(filter.getLocation(), ExpressionOperator.EQ, right, left)); } else { others.add(filter); } } else if (filter.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.IN) { OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> left = filter.getArgument(0); OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> right = filter.getArgument(1); String leftField = extractFieldMatch(left); if (left.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.READ_FIELD && indexColumns.contains(leftField)) { columns.put(leftField, OperatorNode.create(filter.getLocation(), filter.getAnnotations(), ExpressionOperator.IN, left, right)); } else { others.add(filter); } } else { others.add(filter); } } private String extractFieldMatch(OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> expr) { if (expr.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.READ_FIELD) { String alias = expr.getArgument(0); String fieldName = expr.getArgument(1); // TODO: we should pay attention to the alias of READ_FIELD to verify that we're picking up a field for "this" source // (for now we ignore this because the engine won't push filters down unless they apply only to a given source when multiple sources // are present) return fieldName.toLowerCase(); } return null; } }