Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * See accompanying LICENSE file. */ package; import; import; import; import; import static*; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import scala.Either; import scala.Tuple2; /** * A simple client for firing SQL queries and commands on Druid cluster. * * @author srikalyan */ public class Main { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Main.class); private static String ttyConfig; private static CommandLineParser parser = null; private static final Options options = new Options(); private static final HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); private static final String PROMPT = ">"; private static DDataSource dDriver; private static String previousCommand = null; private static StringBuilder cmdBuffer = new StringBuilder(); private static String brokerHost = ""; private static int brokerPort = 4080; private static String coordinatorHost = ""; private static int coordinatorPort = 8082; private static String overlordHost = ""; private static int overlordPort = 8087; private static String mysqlHost = ""; private static int mysqlPort = 3306; private static String mysqlId = ""; private static String mysqlPasswd = ""; private static String mysqlDbName = ""; private static String proxyHost = null; private static int proxyPort = 3128; private static CircularBuffer<String> history; private static boolean trace = false; private static String queryMode = "sql"; private static final String quitRegex = "quit\\s*;"; private static final String genBeanRegex = "(?i)generateBean\\s*=\\s*(.{1,})\\s*;"; private static final String traceRegex = "(?i)trace\\s*=\\s*(true|false)\\s*;"; private static final String queryModeRegex = "(?i)queryMode\\s*=\\s*(sql|json)\\s*;"; private static final String allTablesRegex = "(?i)show\\s+tables\\s*;"; private static final String descTableRegex = "(?i)describe\\s+(.{1,})\\s*;"; private static final String helpRegex = "(?i)help\\s*;"; private static final Pattern genBeanPattern = Pattern.compile(genBeanRegex); private static final Pattern tracePattern = Pattern.compile(traceRegex); private static final Pattern queryModePattern = Pattern.compile(queryModeRegex); private static final Pattern allTablesPattern = Pattern.compile(allTablesRegex); private static final Pattern descTablePattern = Pattern.compile(descTableRegex); private static final Pattern helpPattern = Pattern.compile(helpRegex); private static final InputStream sysIn =; private static void defineOptions() { options.addOption("bh", "broker_host", true, "Druid broker node hostname/Ip"); options.addOption("bp", "broker_port", true, "Druid broker node port"); options.addOption("ch", "coordinator_host", true, "Druid coordinator node hostname/Ip"); options.addOption("cp", "coordinator_port", true, "Druid coordinator node port"); options.addOption("oh", "overlord_host", true, "Druid overlord node hostname/Ip"); options.addOption("op", "overlord_port", true, "Druid overlord node port"); options.addOption("mh", "mysql_host", true, "Druid MySql hostname/Ip"); options.addOption("mp", "mysql_port", true, "Druid MySql node port"); options.addOption("mid", "mysql_id", true, "Druid MySql user Id"); options.addOption("mpw", "mysql_passwd", true, "Druid MySql password"); options.addOption("mdb", "mysql_dbname", true, "Druid MySql db name"); options.addOption("pp", "proxy_port", true, "Druid proxy node port"); options.addOption("i", "history", true, "Number of commands in history"); parser = new BasicParser(); } private static void printUsage() { formatter.printHelp("dsql ", options); println("(OR)"); formatter.printHelp("java -jar Sql4DClient-1.0.0.jar", options); System.exit(1); } private static void printHelp() { println(" 1. select/crud statements (GroupBy, TimeSeries, TopN, Select, Search, Insert). See wiki for examples:"); println(" 2. generatebean=BeanName (This command must be preceding a SQL, it generates a java source file which extends DruidBaseBean."); println(" 3. trace=[true|false] (When enabled prints out compiled JSON query)"); println(" 4. querymode=[sql|json] (Default is sql, when mode is json it is fired directly)"); println(" 5. show tables (Displays all the datasources)"); println(" 6. describe TableName (Displays the given datasource's schema)"); println(" 7. quit (Exits client)"); println(" All commands are terminated by ;"); println(""); } private static void init(String[] args) { defineOptions(); try { CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); if (!cmd.hasOption("bh") || !cmd.hasOption("bp") || !cmd.hasOption("ch") || !cmd.hasOption("cp") || !cmd.hasOption("oh") || !cmd.hasOption("op") || !cmd.hasOption("i")) { printUsage(); } brokerHost = getOptionValue(cmd, "bh", "broker_host", null); brokerPort = Integer.parseInt(getOptionValue(cmd, "bp", "broker_port", null)); coordinatorHost = getOptionValue(cmd, "ch", "coordinator_host", null); coordinatorPort = Integer.parseInt(getOptionValue(cmd, "cp", "coordinator_port", null)); overlordHost = getOptionValue(cmd, "oh", "overlord_host", null); overlordPort = Integer.parseInt(getOptionValue(cmd, "op", "overlord_port", null)); mysqlHost = getOptionValue(cmd, "mh", "mysql_host", "localhost"); mysqlPort = Integer.parseInt(getOptionValue(cmd, "mp", "mysql_port", "3306")); mysqlId = getOptionValue(cmd, "mid", "mysql_id", "druid"); mysqlPasswd = getOptionValue(cmd, "mpw", "mysql_passwd", "diurd"); mysqlDbName = getOptionValue(cmd, "mdb", "mysql_dbname", "druid"); dDriver = new DDataSource(brokerHost, brokerPort, coordinatorHost, coordinatorPort, overlordHost, overlordPort, mysqlHost, mysqlPort, mysqlId, mysqlPasswd, mysqlDbName); proxyHost = getOptionValue(cmd, "ph", "proxy_host", null); if (proxyHost != null) { proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(getOptionValue(cmd, "pp", "proxy_port", "1234")); dDriver.setProxy(proxyHost, proxyPort); } history = new CircularBuffer<>(Integer.parseInt(getOptionValue(cmd, "i", "history", "50"))); } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.error("init error", ex); } } private static String getOptionValue(CommandLine cmd, String opt1, String opt2, String defaultVal) { if (opt1 != null && cmd.hasOption(opt1)) { return cmd.getOptionValue(opt1); } else if (opt2 != null && cmd.hasOption(opt2)) { return cmd.getOptionValue(opt2); } return defaultVal; } private static void readCommands() { try { int ip = -1; char ipChar = ' '; boolean readyCommand = false; String frozenCommand = ""; setNonCanonicalTTY(); print(PROMPT); while ((ip = != -1) { if (ip == 127) {// Simulate backspace if (cmdBuffer.length() > 0) { backSpace(1); cmdBuffer.deleteCharAt(cmdBuffer.length() - 1); } continue; } ipChar = (char) ip; if (ip == 21 || ip == 4) { if (history.isEmpty()) { continue; } backSpace(cmdBuffer.length()); if (ip == 21) {// Cntrl-Up cmdBuffer = new StringBuilder(history.getUp()); } else {// Cntrl-Down cmdBuffer = new StringBuilder(history.getDown()); } print(cmdBuffer.toString()); readyCommand = true; continue; } if (ipChar == ';') {// Make the command ready. readyCommand = true; cmdBuffer.append(ipChar); } else if (ipChar == '\n') { frozenCommand = cmdBuffer.toString(); if (readyCommand) { readyCommand = false; runCommand(frozenCommand);// Execute command. } print(PROMPT); } else { cmdBuffer.append(ipChar); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { println("Exception while reading input " + ioe); } finally { try { stty(ttyConfig.trim()); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { println("Exception restoring tty config"); } } } private static void backSpace(int times) { repeatStrToConsole("\b \b", times); } private static boolean runCommand(String frozenCommand) { if (frozenCommand.matches(quitRegex)) { println("Good Bye !!"); System.exit(0); } else if (frozenCommand.matches(helpRegex)) { Matcher matcher = helpPattern.matcher(frozenCommand); if (matcher.matches()) {// Help command. printHelp(); } } else if (frozenCommand.matches(genBeanRegex)) { Matcher matcher = genBeanPattern.matcher(frozenCommand); if (matcher.matches()) {// Generate bean command. BeanGenUtil.generateBean(previousCommand,; } } else if (frozenCommand.matches(traceRegex)) { Matcher matcher = tracePattern.matcher(frozenCommand); if (matcher.matches()) {// Trace command. trace = Boolean.valueOf(; } } else if (frozenCommand.matches(queryModeRegex)) { Matcher matcher = queryModePattern.matcher(frozenCommand); if (matcher.matches()) {// QueryMode command. queryMode =; } } else if (frozenCommand.matches(allTablesRegex)) { Matcher matcher = allTablesPattern.matcher(frozenCommand); if (matcher.matches()) {// Show tables command. Either<String, List<String>> dataSourcesRes = dDriver.dataSources(); if (dataSourcesRes.isLeft()) { println(dataSourcesRes.left().get()); } List<String> dataSources = dataSourcesRes.right().get(); Collections.sort(dataSources); String[][] dataSourcesTable = new String[dataSources.size() + 1][]; dataSourcesTable[0] = new String[] { "Tables" }; for (int i = 0; i < dataSources.size(); i++) { dataSourcesTable[i + 1] = new String[] { dataSources.get(i) }; } PrettyPrint.print(dataSourcesTable); } } else if (frozenCommand.matches(descTableRegex)) { Matcher matcher = descTablePattern.matcher(frozenCommand); if (matcher.matches()) {// Show tables command. String tableName =; Either<String, Tuple2<List<String>, List<String>>> dataSourceDescRes = dDriver .aboutDataSource(tableName); if (dataSourceDescRes.isLeft()) { println(dataSourceDescRes.left().get()); } else { List<String> dims = dataSourceDescRes.right().get()._1(); Collections.sort(dims); List<String> metrics = dataSourceDescRes.right().get()._2(); Collections.sort(metrics); String[][] table = new String[dims.size() + metrics.size() + 2][];// 1 for header + 1 for timestamp table[0] = new String[] { "Field", "Type" }; table[1] = new String[] { "timestamp", "Implicit_Dimension" }; int i = 2; for (; i < dims.size() + 2; i++) { table[i] = new String[] { dims.get(i - 2), "Dimension" }; } for (; i < dims.size() + metrics.size() + 2; i++) { table[i] = new String[] { metrics.get(i - dims.size() - 2), "Metric" }; } PrettyPrint.print(table); } } } else {// Sql/json command. long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Either<String, Either<Joiner4All, Mapper4All>> result = dDriver.query(frozenCommand, trace, queryMode); long queryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; if (result.isLeft()) { println(result.left().get()); printf("(%f sec)\n", queryTime / 1000.0); } else { Either<Joiner4All, Mapper4All> goodResult = result.right().get(); if (goodResult.isLeft()) { PrettyPrint.print(goodResult.left().get()); printf("%d rows in set (%f sec)\n", goodResult.left().get().baseAllRows.size(), queryTime / 1000.0); } else { PrettyPrint.print(goodResult.right().get()); printf("%d rows in set (%f sec)\n", goodResult.right().get().baseAllRows.size(), queryTime / 1000.0); } } } history.add(frozenCommand); previousCommand = frozenCommand; cmdBuffer = new StringBuilder(); return true; } private static void repeatCharToConsole(char c, int numTimes) { for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; i++) { print(c); } } private static void repeatStrToConsole(String s, int numTimes) { for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; i++) { print(s); } } private static void setNonCanonicalTTY() { try { ttyConfig = stty("-g"); stty("-icanon min 1"); stty("-echoe"); stty("-echoctl"); stty("-echoprt"); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("set setNonCanonicalTTY error", ex); } } /** * Run the stty command with arguments in the active terminal. */ private static String stty(final String args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return runCommand(new String[] { "sh", "-c", String.format("stty %s < /dev/tty", args) }); } /** * Run the command synchronously and return clubbed standard error and * output stream's data. */ private static String runCommand(final String[] cmd) throws IOException, InterruptedException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); int c; InputStream in = process.getInputStream(); while ((c = != -1) { baos.write(c); } in = process.getErrorStream(); while ((c = != -1) { baos.write(c); } process.waitFor(); return new String(baos.toByteArray()); } public static void main(String[] args) { init(args); readCommands(); } }