Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * See accompanying LICENSE file. */ package; import; import static*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import scala.Either; import scala.Left; import scala.Right; import scala.Tuple2; /** * TODO: Use logger. Database driver interface for druid SQL. Does not conform * to DataSource. Druid response can be like * * For groupBy the response is as follows. [ { "version" : "v1", "timestamp" : * "2013-07-12T04:00:00.000Z", "event" : { ... } }, { "version" : "v1", * "timestamp" : "2013-07-12T04:00:00.000Z", "event" : { ... } },... ] For * timeseries the response is as follows [ { "timestamp": * "2012-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "result": { "sample_name1": <some_value>, * "sample_name2": <some_value>, "sample_divide": <some_value> } }, { * "timestamp": "2012-01-02T00:00:00.000Z", "result": { "sample_name1": * <some_value>, "sample_name2": <some_value>, "sample_divide": <some_value> } } ] For TopN query the response is as follows [ { "timestamp": "2013-08-31T00:00:00.000Z", "result": [ { "dim1": "dim1_val", "count": 111, "some_metrics": 10669, "average": 96.11711711711712 }, {.... } ] } ] * * @author srikalyan */ public class DDataSource { private String brokerHost; private int brokerPort = 4080; private String coordinatorHost; private int coordinatorPort = 8082; private String proxyHost; private int proxyPort = 3128; private final String brokerUrl = "http://%s:%d/druid/v2/?pretty"; private final String coordinatorUrl = "http://%s:%d/"; private NamedParameters namedParams; public DDataSource(String bHost, int bPort) { this.brokerHost = bHost; this.brokerPort = bPort; } public DDataSource(String bHost, int bPort, String cHost, int cPort) { this(bHost, bPort); this.coordinatorHost = cHost; this.coordinatorPort = cPort; } public DDataSource(String bHost, int bPort, String cHost, int cPort, String pHost, int pPort) { this(bHost, bPort, cHost, cPort); this.proxyHost = pHost; this.proxyPort = pPort; } public void setNamedParams(NamedParameters namedParams) { this.namedParams = namedParams; } private String preprocessSqlQuery(String sqlQuery) { if (namedParams != null) { return namedParams.deParameterize(sqlQuery); } return sqlQuery; } /** * If either is left then we have list of values of type T. * If either is right then we have Map<key, value of type T>. * The latter is a result if join while the former is a result of simple query. * @param <T> * @param sqlQuery * @param rowMapper * @param printToConsole * @return */ public <T extends DruidBaseBean> Either<String, Either<List<T>, Map<Object, T>>> query(String sqlQuery, Class<T> rowMapper, boolean printToConsole) { Program pgm = getCompiledAST(sqlQuery); if (pgm.listOfQueries.size() > 2) { println("Currently join for more than 2 Sqls not supported...."); return null; } if (printToConsole) { println(pgm.toString()); } if (pgm.listOfQueries.size() == 1) { QueryMeta query = pgm.listOfQueries.get(0); Either<String, Either<Mapper4All, JSONArray>> result = fireQuery(query.toString(), false); if (result.isLeft()) { return new Left<>(result.left().get()); } Either<Mapper4All, JSONArray> goodResult = result.right().get(); return new Right<String, Either<List<T>, Map<Object, T>>>(new Left<List<T>, Map<Object, T>>( new Mapper4Bean<>(goodResult.right().get(), rowMapper).baseAllRows)); } Joiner4Bean<T> joiner = null; int i = 0;// Index for join hooks. for (QueryMeta query : pgm.listOfQueries) {// List of queries = 2 Either<String, Either<Mapper4All, JSONArray>> result = fireQuery(query.toString(), false); if (result.isLeft()) { return new Left<>(result.left().get()); } Either<Mapper4All, JSONArray> goodResult = result.right().get(); if (joiner == null) { joiner = new Joiner4Bean(goodResult.right().get(), pgm.primaryJoinableHooks, rowMapper); } else { joiner.join(goodResult.right().get(), pgm.primaryJoinableHooks, Joiner4All.ActionType.valueOf(pgm.joinTypes.get(i++))); } } return new Right<String, Either<List<T>, Map<Object, T>>>( new Right<List<T>, Map<Object, T>>(joiner.baseAllRows)); } /** * Get an in memory representation of broken SQL query. * @param sqlQuery * @return */ public Program getCompiledAST(String sqlQuery) { Program pgm = DCompiler.compileSql(preprocessSqlQuery(sqlQuery)); for (QueryMeta query : pgm.listOfQueries) { if (query.queryType == RequestType.SELECT) {//classifyColumnsToDimAndMetrics Either<String, Tuple2<List<String>, List<String>>> dataSourceDescRes = aboutDataSource( query.dataSource); if (dataSourceDescRes.isLeft()) { println(dataSourceDescRes.left().get()); } ((SelectQueryMeta) query).postProcess(dataSourceDescRes.right().get()); } } try { pgm.isValid(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); println(ex.toString()); } return pgm; } /** * Query and return the Json response. * * @param sqlQuery * @return */ public Either<String, Either<Joiner4All, Mapper4All>> query(String sqlQuery) { return DDataSource.this.query(sqlQuery, false, "sql"); } public Either<String, Either<Joiner4All, Mapper4All>> query(String sqlOrJsonQuery, boolean printToConsole, String queryMode) { if ("json".equals(queryMode)) { Either<String, Either<Mapper4All, JSONArray>> result = fireQuery(sqlOrJsonQuery, true); if (result.isLeft()) { return new Left<>(result.left().get()); } if (printToConsole) { println(result.right().get().left().get().toString()); } return new Right<String, Either<Joiner4All, Mapper4All>>( new Right<Joiner4All, Mapper4All>(result.right().get().left().get())); } Program pgm = getCompiledAST(sqlOrJsonQuery); if (pgm.listOfQueries.size() > 2) { return new Left<>("Currently join for more than 2 Sqls not supported...."); } if (printToConsole) { println(pgm.toString()); } Joiner4All joiner = null; if (pgm.listOfQueries.size() == 1) { QueryMeta query = pgm.listOfQueries.get(0); Either<String, Either<Mapper4All, JSONArray>> result = fireQuery(query.toString(), true); if (result.isLeft()) { return new Left<>(result.left().get()); } if (printToConsole) { println(result.right().get().left().get().toString()); } return new Right<String, Either<Joiner4All, Mapper4All>>( new Right<Joiner4All, Mapper4All>(result.right().get().left().get())); } int i = 0;// Index for join hooks. for (QueryMeta query : pgm.listOfQueries) {// List of queries = 2 Either<String, Either<Mapper4All, JSONArray>> resp = fireQuery(query.toString(), false); if (resp.isLeft()) {// Not expected return new Left<>(resp.left().get()); } JSONArray result = resp.right().get().right().get(); if (joiner == null) { joiner = new Joiner4All(result, pgm.primaryJoinableHooks); } else { joiner.join(result, pgm.primaryJoinableHooks, Joiner4All.ActionType.valueOf(pgm.joinTypes.get(i++))); } } return new Right<String, Either<Joiner4All, Mapper4All>>(new Left<Joiner4All, Mapper4All>(joiner)); } /** * For firing simple queries(i.e non join queries). * @param jsonQuery * @param print * @return */ private Either<String, Either<Mapper4All, JSONArray>> fireQuery(String jsonQuery, boolean requiresMapping) { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); try { URL url = null; try { url = new URL(String.format(brokerUrl, brokerHost, brokerPort)); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DDataSource.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return new Left<>("Bad Url : " + ex); } Proxy proxy = Proxy.NO_PROXY; if (proxyHost != null) { proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(proxyHost, proxyPort)); } HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(proxy); httpConnection.setRequestMethod("POST"); httpConnection.addRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json"); httpConnection.setDoOutput(true); httpConnection.getOutputStream().write(jsonQuery.getBytes()); if (httpConnection.getResponseCode() == 500 || httpConnection.getResponseCode() == 404) { return new Left<>(String.format("Http %d : %s \n", httpConnection.getResponseCode(), httpConnection.getResponseMessage())); } BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpConnection.getInputStream())); String line = null; while ((line = stdInput.readLine()) != null) { buff.append(line); } } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DDataSource.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } JSONArray possibleResArray = null; try { possibleResArray = new JSONArray(buff.toString()); } catch (JSONException je) { return new Left<>(String.format("Recieved data %s not in json format. \n", buff.toString())); } if (requiresMapping) { return new Right<String, Either<Mapper4All, JSONArray>>( new Left<Mapper4All, JSONArray>(new Mapper4All(possibleResArray))); } return new Right<String, Either<Mapper4All, JSONArray>>(new Right<Mapper4All, JSONArray>(possibleResArray)); } /** * All commands. * @return */ private Either<String, Either<JSONArray, JSONObject>> fireCommand(String endPoint, String optData, String httpType) { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); try { URL url = null; try { url = new URL(String.format(coordinatorUrl + endPoint, coordinatorHost, coordinatorPort)); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DDataSource.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return new Left<>("Bad Url : " + ex); } Proxy proxy = Proxy.NO_PROXY; if (proxyHost != null) { proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(proxyHost, proxyPort)); } HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(proxy); httpConnection.setRequestMethod(httpType); httpConnection.addRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json"); httpConnection.setDoOutput(true); if ("POST".equals(httpType) && optData != null) { httpConnection.getOutputStream().write(optData.getBytes()); } if (httpConnection.getResponseCode() == 500 || httpConnection.getResponseCode() == 404) { return new Left<>(String.format("Http %d : %s \n", httpConnection.getResponseCode(), httpConnection.getResponseMessage())); } BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpConnection.getInputStream())); String line = null; while ((line = stdInput.readLine()) != null) { buff.append(line); } } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DDataSource.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } JSONArray possibleResArray = null; try { possibleResArray = new JSONArray(buff.toString()); return new Right<String, Either<JSONArray, JSONObject>>( new Left<JSONArray, JSONObject>(possibleResArray)); } catch (JSONException je) { try { JSONObject possibleResObj = new JSONObject(buff.toString()); return new Right<String, Either<JSONArray, JSONObject>>( new Right<JSONArray, JSONObject>(possibleResObj)); } catch (JSONException je2) { return new Left<>(String.format("Recieved data %s not in json format. \n", buff.toString())); } } } public Either<String, List<String>> dataSources() { Either<String, Either<JSONArray, JSONObject>> resp = fireCommand("info/datasources", null, "GET"); if (resp.isLeft()) { return new Left<>(resp.left().get()); } Either<JSONArray, JSONObject> goodResp = resp.right().get(); if (goodResp.isLeft()) { JSONArray dataSources = goodResp.left().get(); List<String> dataSourceList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < dataSources.length(); i++) { dataSourceList.add(dataSources.getString(i)); } return new Right<>(dataSourceList); } return new Left<>(resp.left().get()); } /** * Left is error * Right is Tuple <dimensions, metrics> * @param name * @return */ public Either<String, Tuple2<List<String>, List<String>>> aboutDataSource(String name) { Either<String, Either<JSONArray, JSONObject>> resp = fireCommand("info/datasources/" + name, null, "GET"); if (resp.isLeft()) { return new Left<>(resp.left().get()); } Either<JSONArray, JSONObject> goodResp = resp.right().get(); if (goodResp.isRight()) { JSONObject data = goodResp.right().get(); if (data.has("segments")) { JSONArray segmentsArray = data.getJSONArray("segments"); if (segmentsArray.length() == 0) { return new Left<>("No segments received.."); } JSONObject firstItem = segmentsArray.getJSONObject(0); String dims = firstItem.getString("dimensions"); String metrics = firstItem.getString("metrics"); return new Right<>(new Tuple2<>(Arrays.asList(dims.split(",")), Arrays.asList(metrics.split(",")))); } else { return new Left<>("No segments key in the response.."); } } return new Left<>("Unexpected response " + goodResp.left().get().toString()); } public static void main(String[] args) { // String s1 = "SELECT timestamp , LONG_SUM(content_views) AS content_views, LONG_SUM(shares) AS shares FROM content_agg_hourly_v5 WHERE interval BETWEEN 2014-05-20T00:00:00.000-04:00 AND 2014-05-31T23:00:00.000-04:00 AND provider_id='wall_street_journal_733' AND content_type='cavideo' BREAK BY PERIOD('P1D', 'EST5EDT') GROUP BY timestamp HINT('timeseries') "; // String s2 = "SELECT timestamp , LONG_SUM(all_content_seen) AS content_seen FROM unique_content_24_hour_v5 WHERE interval BETWEEN 2014-05-20T00:00:00.000-04:00 AND 2014-05-31T23:00:00.000-04:00 AND provider_id='wall_street_journal_733' AND content_type='cavideo' BREAK BY PERIOD('P1D', 'EST5EDT') GROUP BY timestamp HINT('timeseries')"; // String join = "SELECT timestamp , LONG_SUM(content_views) AS content_views, LONG_SUM(shares) AS shares FROM content_agg_hourly_v5 WHERE interval BETWEEN 2014-05-20T00:00:00.000-04:00 AND 2014-05-31T23:00:00.000-04:00 AND provider_id='wall_street_journal_733' AND content_type='cavideo' BREAK BY PERIOD('P1D', 'EST5EDT') GROUP BY timestamp HINT('timeseries') JOIN (SELECT timestamp , LONG_SUM(all_content_seen) AS content_seen FROM unique_content_24_hour_v5 WHERE interval BETWEEN 2014-05-20T00:00:00.000-04:00 AND 2014-05-31T23:00:00.000-04:00 AND provider_id='wall_street_journal_733' AND content_type='cavideo' BREAK BY PERIOD('P1D', 'EST5EDT') GROUP BY timestamp HINT('timeseries')) ON (timestamp);"; // DDataSource driver = new DDataSource("", 4080, "", 8082, "", 3128); // Either<String,Either<Joiner4All,Mapper4All>> result = driver.query(join, false, "sql"); // if (result.isRight()) { // Either<Joiner4All,Mapper4All> grandRes = result.right().get(); // if (grandRes.isLeft()) { // Joiner4All joiner4All = grandRes.left().get(); // PrettyPrint.print(joiner4All); // } else { // Mapper4All mapper4All = grandRes.right().get(); // PrettyPrint.print(mapper4All); // } // } String q = "SELECT timestamp, LONG_SUM(count) AS edit_count, DOUBLE_SUM(added) AS chars_added FROM wikipedia WHERE interval BETWEEN 2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z AND 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z BREAK BY 'minute' HINT('timeseries');"; String q1 = "SELECT timestamp, page, LONG_SUM(count) AS edit_count FROM wikipedia WHERE interval BETWEEN 2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z AND 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z AND country='United States' BREAK BY 'all' GROUP BY page ORDER BY edit_count DESC LIMIT 10;"; String q2 = "SELECT page, LONG_SUM(count) AS edit_count FROM wikipedia WHERE interval BETWEEN 2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z AND 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z AND country='United States' BREAK BY 'minute' GROUP BY page LIMIT 10;"; DDataSource driver = new DDataSource("localhost", 8083, "", 8082, null, 3128); Either<String, Either<Joiner4All, Mapper4All>> result = driver.query(q1, true, "sql"); System.out.println(result.right().get().right().get()); // Either<String,Either<List<TimeSeriesBean>,Map<Object,TimeSeriesBean>>> result2 = driver.query(join, TimeSeriesBean.class, true); // if (result2.isRight()) { // Either<List<TimeSeriesBean>,Map<Object,TimeSeriesBean>> grandRes = result2.right().get(); // if (grandRes.isLeft()) { // List<TimeSeriesBean> joiner4All = grandRes.left().get(); // PrettyPrint.print(joiner4All); // } else { // Map<Object,TimeSeriesBean> mapper4All = grandRes.right().get(); // println(mapper4All.toString()); // } // } } }