Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.naming.AuthenticationException; import; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import; import; import; import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslHandler; public class ServerCnx extends PulsarHandler { private final BrokerService service; private final ConcurrentLongHashMap<CompletableFuture<Producer>> producers; private final ConcurrentLongHashMap<CompletableFuture<Consumer>> consumers; private State state; private volatile boolean isActive = true; private String authRole = null; // Max number of pending requests per connections. If multiple producers are sharing the same connection the flow // control done by a single producer might not be enough to prevent write spikes on the broker. private static final int MaxPendingSendRequests = 1000; private static final int ResumeReadsThreshold = MaxPendingSendRequests / 2; private int pendingSendRequest = 0; private final String replicatorPrefix; private String clientVersion = null; enum State { Start, Connected } public ServerCnx(BrokerService service) { super(service.getKeepAliveIntervalSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); this.service = service; this.state = State.Start; // This maps are not heavily contended since most accesses are within the cnx thread this.producers = new ConcurrentLongHashMap<>(8, 1); this.consumers = new ConcurrentLongHashMap<>(8, 1); this.replicatorPrefix = service.pulsar().getConfiguration().getReplicatorPrefix(); } @Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { super.channelActive(ctx);"New connection from {}", remoteAddress); this.ctx = ctx; } @Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { super.channelInactive(ctx); isActive = false;"Closed connection from {}", remoteAddress); // Connection is gone, close the producers immediately producers.values().forEach((producerFuture) -> { if (producerFuture.isDone() && !producerFuture.isCompletedExceptionally()) { Producer producer = producerFuture.getNow(null); producer.closeNow(); } }); consumers.values().forEach((consumerFuture) -> { Consumer consumer; if (consumerFuture.isDone() && !consumerFuture.isCompletedExceptionally()) { consumer = consumerFuture.getNow(null); } else { return; } try { consumer.close(); } catch (BrokerServiceException e) { log.warn("Consumer {} was already closed: {}", consumer, e.getMessage(), e); } }); } @Override public void channelWritabilityChanged(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Channel writability has changed to: {}",; } } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception { log.warn("[{}] Got exception: {}", remoteAddress, cause.getMessage(), cause); ctx.close(); } // //// // // Incoming commands handling // //// @Override protected void handleLookup(CommandLookupTopic lookup) { final long requestId = lookup.getRequestId(); final String topic = lookup.getTopic(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}] Received Lookup from {} for {}", topic, remoteAddress, requestId); } final Semaphore lookupSemaphore = service.getLookupRequestSemaphore(); if (lookupSemaphore.tryAcquire()) { lookupDestinationAsync(getBrokerService().pulsar(), DestinationName.get(topic), lookup.getAuthoritative(), getRole(), lookup.getRequestId()).handle((lookupResponse, ex) -> { if (ex == null) { ctx.writeAndFlush(lookupResponse); } else { // it should never happen log.warn("[{}] lookup failed with error {}, {}", remoteAddress, topic, ex.getMessage(), ex); ctx.writeAndFlush( newLookupResponse(ServerError.ServiceNotReady, ex.getMessage(), requestId)); } lookupSemaphore.release(); return null; }); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}] Failed lookup due to too many lookup-requets {}", remoteAddress, topic); } ctx.writeAndFlush(newLookupResponse(ServerError.TooManyRequests, "Failed due to too many pending lookup requests", requestId)); } } @Override protected void handlePartitionMetadataRequest(CommandPartitionedTopicMetadata partitionMetadata) { final long requestId = partitionMetadata.getRequestId(); final String topic = partitionMetadata.getTopic(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}] Received PartitionMetadataLookup from {} for {}", topic, remoteAddress, requestId); } final Semaphore lookupSemaphore = service.getLookupRequestSemaphore(); if (lookupSemaphore.tryAcquire()) { getPartitionedTopicMetadata(getBrokerService().pulsar(), getRole(), DestinationName.get(topic)) .handle((metadata, ex) -> { if (ex == null) { int partitions = metadata.partitions; ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newPartitionMetadataResponse(partitions, requestId)); } else { if (ex instanceof PulsarClientException) { log.warn("Failed to authorize {} at [{}] on topic {} : {}", getRole(), remoteAddress, topic, ex.getMessage()); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newPartitionMetadataResponse( ServerError.AuthorizationError, ex.getMessage(), requestId)); } else { log.warn("Failed to get Partitioned Metadata [{}] {}: {}", remoteAddress, topic, ex.getMessage(), ex); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newPartitionMetadataResponse(ServerError.ServiceNotReady, ex.getMessage(), requestId)); } } lookupSemaphore.release(); return null; }); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}] Failed Partition-Metadata lookup due to too many lookup-requets {}", remoteAddress, topic); } ctx.writeAndFlush(newLookupResponse(ServerError.TooManyRequests, "Failed due to too many pending lookup requests", requestId)); } } @Override protected void handleConsumerStats(CommandConsumerStats commandConsumerStats) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Received CommandConsumerStats call from {}", remoteAddress); } final long requestId = commandConsumerStats.getRequestId(); final long consumerId = commandConsumerStats.getConsumerId(); CompletableFuture<Consumer> consumerFuture = consumers.get(consumerId); Consumer consumer = consumerFuture.getNow(null); ByteBuf msg = null; if (consumer == null) { log.error( "Failed to get consumer-stats response - Consumer not found for CommandConsumerStats[remoteAddress = {}, requestId = {}, consumerId = {}]", remoteAddress, requestId, consumerId); msg = Commands.newConsumerStatsResponse(ServerError.ConsumerNotFound, "Consumer " + consumerId + " not found", requestId); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("CommandConsumerStats[requestId = {}, consumer = {}]", requestId, consumer); } msg = Commands.newConsumerStatsResponse(createConsumerStatsResponse(consumer, requestId)); } ctx.writeAndFlush(msg); } CommandConsumerStatsResponse.Builder createConsumerStatsResponse(Consumer consumer, long requestId) { CommandConsumerStatsResponse.Builder commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder = CommandConsumerStatsResponse .newBuilder(); ConsumerStats consumerStats = consumer.getStats(); commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder.setRequestId(requestId); commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder.setMsgRateOut(consumerStats.msgRateOut); commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder.setMsgThroughputOut(consumerStats.msgThroughputOut); commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder.setMsgRateRedeliver(consumerStats.msgRateRedeliver); commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder.setConsumerName(consumerStats.consumerName); commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder.setAvailablePermits(consumerStats.availablePermits); commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder.setUnackedMessages(consumerStats.unackedMessages); commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder .setBlockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs(consumerStats.blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs); commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder.setAddress(consumerStats.address); commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder.setConnectedSince(consumerStats.connectedSince); Subscription subscription = consumer.getSubscription(); commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder.setMsgBacklog(subscription.getNumberOfEntriesInBacklog()); commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder.setMsgRateExpired(subscription.getExpiredMessageRate()); commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder.setType(subscription.getTypeString()); return commandConsumerStatsResponseBuilder; } @Override protected void handleConnect(CommandConnect connect) { checkArgument(state == State.Start); if (service.isAuthenticationEnabled()) { try { String authMethod = "none"; if (connect.hasAuthMethodName()) { authMethod = connect.getAuthMethodName(); } else if (connect.hasAuthMethod()) { // Legacy client is passing enum authMethod = connect.getAuthMethod().name().substring(10).toLowerCase(); } String authData = connect.getAuthData().toStringUtf8(); ChannelHandler sslHandler =; SSLSession sslSession = null; if (sslHandler != null) { sslSession = ((SslHandler) sslHandler).engine().getSession(); } authRole = getBrokerService().getAuthenticationService().authenticate( new AuthenticationDataCommand(authData, remoteAddress, sslSession), authMethod);"[{}] Client successfully authenticated with {} role {}", remoteAddress, authMethod, authRole); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { String msg = "Unable to authenticate"; log.warn("[{}] {}: {}", remoteAddress, msg, e.getMessage()); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newError(-1, ServerError.AuthenticationError, msg)); close(); return; } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Received CONNECT from {}", remoteAddress); } ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newConnected(connect)); state = State.Connected; remoteEndpointProtocolVersion = connect.getProtocolVersion(); String version = connect.hasClientVersion() ? connect.getClientVersion() : null; if (isNotBlank(version) && !version.contains(" ") /* ignore default version: pulsar client */) { this.clientVersion = version; } } @Override protected void handleSubscribe(final CommandSubscribe subscribe) { checkArgument(state == State.Connected); CompletableFuture<Boolean> authorizationFuture; if (service.isAuthorizationEnabled()) { authorizationFuture = service.getAuthorizationManager() .canConsumeAsync(DestinationName.get(subscribe.getTopic()), authRole); } else { authorizationFuture = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(true); } final String topicName = subscribe.getTopic(); final String subscriptionName = subscribe.getSubscription(); final long requestId = subscribe.getRequestId(); final long consumerId = subscribe.getConsumerId(); final SubType subType = subscribe.getSubType(); final String consumerName = subscribe.getConsumerName(); final boolean isDurable = subscribe.getDurable(); final MessageIdImpl startMessageId = subscribe.hasStartMessageId() ? new MessageIdImpl(subscribe.getStartMessageId().getLedgerId(), subscribe.getStartMessageId().getEntryId(), subscribe.getStartMessageId().getPartition()) : null; final int priorityLevel = subscribe.hasPriorityLevel() ? subscribe.getPriorityLevel() : 0; authorizationFuture.thenApply(isAuthorized -> { if (isAuthorized) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}] Client is authorized to subscribe with role {}", remoteAddress, authRole); }"[{}] Subscribing on topic {} / {}", remoteAddress, topicName, subscriptionName); CompletableFuture<Consumer> consumerFuture = new CompletableFuture<>(); CompletableFuture<Consumer> existingConsumerFuture = consumers.putIfAbsent(consumerId, consumerFuture); if (existingConsumerFuture != null) { if (existingConsumerFuture.isDone() && !existingConsumerFuture.isCompletedExceptionally()) { Consumer consumer = existingConsumerFuture.getNow(null);"[{}] Consumer with the same id is already created: {}", remoteAddress, consumer); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newSuccess(requestId)); return null; } else { // There was an early request to create a consumer with same consumerId. This can happen when // client timeout is lower the broker timeouts. We need to wait until the previous consumer // creation request either complete or fails. log.warn("[{}][{}][{}] Consumer is already present on the connection", remoteAddress, topicName, subscriptionName); ServerError error = !existingConsumerFuture.isDone() ? ServerError.ServiceNotReady : getErrorCode(existingConsumerFuture); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newError(requestId, error, "Consumer is already present on the connection")); return null; } } service.getTopic(topicName).thenCompose(topic -> topic.subscribe(ServerCnx.this, subscriptionName, consumerId, subType, priorityLevel, consumerName, isDurable, startMessageId)) .thenAccept(consumer -> { if (consumerFuture.complete(consumer)) {"[{}] Created subscription on topic {} / {}", remoteAddress, topicName, subscriptionName); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newSuccess(requestId), ctx.voidPromise()); } else { // The consumer future was completed before by a close command try { consumer.close();"[{}] Cleared consumer created after timeout on client side {}", remoteAddress, consumer); } catch (BrokerServiceException e) { log.warn( "[{}] Error closing consumer created after timeout on client side {}: {}", remoteAddress, consumer, e.getMessage()); } consumers.remove(consumerId, consumerFuture); } }) // .exceptionally(exception -> { log.warn("[{}][{}][{}] Failed to create consumer: {}", remoteAddress, topicName, subscriptionName, exception.getCause().getMessage(), exception); // If client timed out, the future would have been completed by subsequent close. Send error // back to client, only if not completed already. if (consumerFuture.completeExceptionally(exception)) { ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newError(requestId, BrokerServiceException.getClientErrorCode(exception.getCause()), exception.getCause().getMessage())); } consumers.remove(consumerId, consumerFuture); return null; }); } else { String msg = "Client is not authorized to subscribe"; log.warn("[{}] {} with role {}", remoteAddress, msg, authRole); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newError(requestId, ServerError.AuthorizationError, msg)); } return null; }); } @Override protected void handleProducer(final CommandProducer cmdProducer) { checkArgument(state == State.Connected); CompletableFuture<Boolean> authorizationFuture; if (service.isAuthorizationEnabled()) { authorizationFuture = service.getAuthorizationManager() .canProduceAsync(DestinationName.get(cmdProducer.getTopic().toString()), authRole); } else { authorizationFuture = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(true); } // Use producer name provided by client if present final String producerName = cmdProducer.hasProducerName() ? cmdProducer.getProducerName() : service.generateUniqueProducerName(); final String topicName = cmdProducer.getTopic(); final long producerId = cmdProducer.getProducerId(); final long requestId = cmdProducer.getRequestId(); authorizationFuture.thenApply(isAuthorized -> { if (isAuthorized) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}] Client is authorized to Produce with role {}", remoteAddress, authRole); } CompletableFuture<Producer> producerFuture = new CompletableFuture<>(); CompletableFuture<Producer> existingProducerFuture = producers.putIfAbsent(producerId, producerFuture); if (existingProducerFuture != null) { if (existingProducerFuture.isDone() && !existingProducerFuture.isCompletedExceptionally()) { Producer producer = existingProducerFuture.getNow(null);"[{}] Producer with the same id is already created: {}", remoteAddress, producer); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newProducerSuccess(requestId, producer.getProducerName())); return null; } else { // There was an early request to create a producer with // same producerId. This can happen when // client // timeout is lower the broker timeouts. We need to wait // until the previous producer creation // request // either complete or fails. ServerError error = !existingProducerFuture.isDone() ? ServerError.ServiceNotReady : getErrorCode(existingProducerFuture); log.warn("[{}][{}] Producer is already present on the connection", remoteAddress, topicName); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newError(requestId, error, "Producer is already present on the connection")); return null; } }"[{}][{}] Creating producer. producerId={}", remoteAddress, topicName, producerId); service.getTopic(topicName).thenAccept((Topic topic) -> { // Before creating producer, check if backlog quota exceeded // on topic if (topic.isBacklogQuotaExceeded(producerName)) { IllegalStateException illegalStateException = new IllegalStateException( "Cannot create producer on topic with backlog quota exceeded"); BacklogQuota.RetentionPolicy retentionPolicy = topic.getBacklogQuota().getPolicy(); if (retentionPolicy == BacklogQuota.RetentionPolicy.producer_request_hold) { ctx.writeAndFlush( Commands.newError(requestId, ServerError.ProducerBlockedQuotaExceededError, illegalStateException.getMessage())); } else if (retentionPolicy == BacklogQuota.RetentionPolicy.producer_exception) { ctx.writeAndFlush( Commands.newError(requestId, ServerError.ProducerBlockedQuotaExceededException, illegalStateException.getMessage())); } producerFuture.completeExceptionally(illegalStateException); producers.remove(producerId, producerFuture); return; } disableTcpNoDelayIfNeeded(topicName, producerName); Producer producer = new Producer(topic, ServerCnx.this, producerId, producerName, authRole); try { topic.addProducer(producer); if (isActive()) { if (producerFuture.complete(producer)) {"[{}] Created new producer: {}", remoteAddress, producer); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newProducerSuccess(requestId, producerName)); return; } else { // The producer's future was completed before by // a close command producer.closeNow();"[{}] Cleared producer created after timeout on client side {}", remoteAddress, producer); } } else { producer.closeNow();"[{}] Cleared producer created after connection was closed: {}", remoteAddress, producer); producerFuture.completeExceptionally( new IllegalStateException("Producer created after connection was closed")); } } catch (BrokerServiceException ise) { log.error("[{}] Failed to add producer to topic {}: {}", remoteAddress, topicName, ise.getMessage()); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newError(requestId, BrokerServiceException.getClientErrorCode(ise), ise.getMessage())); producerFuture.completeExceptionally(ise); } producers.remove(producerId, producerFuture); }).exceptionally(exception -> { Throwable cause = exception.getCause(); if (!(cause instanceof ServiceUnitNotReadyException)) { // Do not print stack traces for expected exceptions log.error("[{}] Failed to create topic {}", remoteAddress, topicName, exception); } // If client timed out, the future would have been completed // by subsequent close. Send error back to // client, only if not completed already. if (producerFuture.completeExceptionally(exception)) { ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newError(requestId, BrokerServiceException.getClientErrorCode(cause), cause.getMessage())); } producers.remove(producerId, producerFuture); return null; }); } else { String msg = "Client is not authorized to Produce"; log.warn("[{}] {} with role {}", remoteAddress, msg, authRole); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newError(requestId, ServerError.AuthorizationError, msg)); } return null; }); } @Override protected void handleSend(CommandSend send, ByteBuf headersAndPayload) { checkArgument(state == State.Connected); CompletableFuture<Producer> producerFuture = producers.get(send.getProducerId()); if (producerFuture == null || !producerFuture.isDone() || producerFuture.isCompletedExceptionally()) { log.warn("[{}] Producer had already been closed: {}", remoteAddress, send.getProducerId()); return; } Producer producer = producerFuture.getNow(null); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { printSendCommandDebug(send, headersAndPayload); } startSendOperation(); // Persist the message producer.publishMessage(send.getProducerId(), send.getSequenceId(), headersAndPayload, send.getNumMessages()); } private void printSendCommandDebug(CommandSend send, ByteBuf headersAndPayload) { headersAndPayload.markReaderIndex(); MessageMetadata msgMetadata = Commands.parseMessageMetadata(headersAndPayload); headersAndPayload.resetReaderIndex(); log.debug("[{}] Received send message request. producer: {}:{} {}:{} size: {}", remoteAddress, send.getProducerId(), send.getSequenceId(), msgMetadata.getProducerName(), msgMetadata.getSequenceId(), headersAndPayload.readableBytes()); msgMetadata.recycle(); } @Override protected void handleAck(CommandAck ack) { checkArgument(state == State.Connected); CompletableFuture<Consumer> consumerFuture = consumers.get(ack.getConsumerId()); if (consumerFuture != null && consumerFuture.isDone() && !consumerFuture.isCompletedExceptionally()) { consumerFuture.getNow(null).messageAcked(ack); } } @Override protected void handleFlow(CommandFlow flow) { checkArgument(state == State.Connected); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}] Received flow from consumer {} permits: {}", remoteAddress, flow.getConsumerId(), flow.getMessagePermits()); } CompletableFuture<Consumer> consumerFuture = consumers.get(flow.getConsumerId()); if (consumerFuture != null && consumerFuture.isDone() && !consumerFuture.isCompletedExceptionally()) { consumerFuture.getNow(null).flowPermits(flow.getMessagePermits()); } } @Override protected void handleRedeliverUnacknowledged(CommandRedeliverUnacknowledgedMessages redeliver) { checkArgument(state == State.Connected); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}] Received Resend Command from consumer {} ", remoteAddress, redeliver.getConsumerId()); } CompletableFuture<Consumer> consumerFuture = consumers.get(redeliver.getConsumerId()); if (consumerFuture != null && consumerFuture.isDone() && !consumerFuture.isCompletedExceptionally()) { Consumer consumer = consumerFuture.getNow(null); if (redeliver.getMessageIdsCount() > 0 && consumer.subType() == SubType.Shared) { consumer.redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages(redeliver.getMessageIdsList()); } else { consumer.redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages(); } } } @Override protected void handleUnsubscribe(CommandUnsubscribe unsubscribe) { checkArgument(state == State.Connected); CompletableFuture<Consumer> consumerFuture = consumers.get(unsubscribe.getConsumerId()); if (consumerFuture != null && consumerFuture.isDone() && !consumerFuture.isCompletedExceptionally()) { consumerFuture.getNow(null).doUnsubscribe(unsubscribe.getRequestId()); } else { ctx.writeAndFlush( Commands.newError(unsubscribe.getRequestId(), ServerError.MetadataError, "Consumer not found")); } } @Override protected void handleCloseProducer(CommandCloseProducer closeProducer) { checkArgument(state == State.Connected); final long producerId = closeProducer.getProducerId(); final long requestId = closeProducer.getRequestId(); CompletableFuture<Producer> producerFuture = producers.get(producerId); if (producerFuture == null) { log.warn("[{}] Producer {} was not registered on the connection", remoteAddress, producerId); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newError(requestId, ServerError.UnknownError, "Producer was not registered on the connection")); return; } if (!producerFuture.isDone() && producerFuture .completeExceptionally(new IllegalStateException("Closed producer before creation was complete"))) { // We have received a request to close the producer before it was actually completed, we have marked the // producer future as failed and we can tell the client the close operation was successful. When the actual // create operation will complete, the new producer will be discarded."[{}] Closed producer {} before its creation was completed", remoteAddress, producerId); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newSuccess(requestId)); return; } else if (producerFuture.isCompletedExceptionally()) {"[{}] Closed producer {} that already failed to be created", remoteAddress, producerId); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newSuccess(requestId)); return; } // Proceed with normal close, the producer Producer producer = producerFuture.getNow(null);"[{}][{}] Closing producer on cnx {}", producer.getTopic(), producer.getProducerName(), remoteAddress); producer.close().thenAccept(v -> {"[{}][{}] Closed producer on cnx {}", producer.getTopic(), producer.getProducerName(), remoteAddress); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newSuccess(requestId)); producers.remove(producerId, producerFuture); }); } @Override protected void handleCloseConsumer(CommandCloseConsumer closeConsumer) { checkArgument(state == State.Connected);"[{}] Closing consumer: {}", remoteAddress, closeConsumer.getConsumerId()); long requestId = closeConsumer.getRequestId(); long consumerId = closeConsumer.getConsumerId(); CompletableFuture<Consumer> consumerFuture = consumers.get(consumerId); if (consumerFuture == null) { log.warn("[{}] Consumer was not registered on the connection: {}", consumerId, remoteAddress); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newError(requestId, ServerError.MetadataError, "Consumer not found")); return; } if (!consumerFuture.isDone() && consumerFuture .completeExceptionally(new IllegalStateException("Closed consumer before creation was complete"))) { // We have received a request to close the consumer before it was actually completed, we have marked the // consumer future as failed and we can tell the client the close operation was successful. When the actual // create operation will complete, the new consumer will be discarded."[{}] Closed consumer {} before its creation was completed", remoteAddress, consumerId); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newSuccess(requestId)); return; } if (consumerFuture.isCompletedExceptionally()) {"[{}] Closed consumer {} that already failed to be created", remoteAddress, consumerId); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newSuccess(requestId)); return; } // Proceed with normal consumer close Consumer consumer = consumerFuture.getNow(null); try { consumer.close(); consumers.remove(consumerId, consumerFuture); ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newSuccess(requestId));"[{}] Closed consumer {}", remoteAddress, consumer); } catch (BrokerServiceException e) { log.warn("[{]] Error closing consumer: ", remoteAddress, consumer, e); ctx.writeAndFlush( Commands.newError(requestId, BrokerServiceException.getClientErrorCode(e), e.getMessage())); } } @Override protected boolean isHandshakeCompleted() { return state == State.Connected; } ChannelHandlerContext ctx() { return ctx; } public void closeProducer(Producer producer) { // removes producer-connection from map and send close command to producer if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}] Removed producer: {}", remoteAddress, producer); } long producerId = producer.getProducerId(); producers.remove(producerId); if (remoteEndpointProtocolVersion >= v5.getNumber()) { ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newCloseProducer(producerId, -1L)); } else { close(); } } public void closeConsumer(Consumer consumer) { // removes consumer-connection from map and send close command to consumer if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}] Removed consumer: {}", remoteAddress, consumer); } long consumerId = consumer.consumerId(); consumers.remove(consumerId); if (remoteEndpointProtocolVersion >= v5.getNumber()) { ctx.writeAndFlush(Commands.newCloseConsumer(consumerId, -1L)); } else { close(); } } /** * It closes the connection with client which triggers {@code channelInactive()} which clears all producers and * consumers from connection-map */ protected void close() { ctx.close(); } public SocketAddress clientAddress() { return remoteAddress; } public void removedConsumer(Consumer consumer) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}] Removed consumer: {}", remoteAddress, consumer); } consumers.remove(consumer.consumerId()); } public void removedProducer(Producer producer) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}] Removed producer: {}", remoteAddress, producer); } producers.remove(producer.getProducerId()); } public boolean isActive() { return isActive; } public boolean isWritable() { return; } public void startSendOperation() { if (++pendingSendRequest == MaxPendingSendRequests) { // When the quota of pending send requests is reached, stop reading from socket to cause backpressure on // client connection, possibly shared between multiple producers; } } public void completedSendOperation() { if (--pendingSendRequest == ResumeReadsThreshold) { // Resume reading from socket; } } private <T> ServerError getErrorCode(CompletableFuture<T> future) { ServerError error = ServerError.UnknownError; try { future.getNow(null); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof BrokerServiceException) { error = BrokerServiceException.getClientErrorCode((BrokerServiceException) e.getCause()); } } return error; } private final void disableTcpNoDelayIfNeeded(String topic, String producerName) { if (producerName != null && producerName.startsWith(replicatorPrefix)) { // Re-enable nagle algorithm on connections used for replication purposes try { if ( == true) {, false); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("[{}] [{}] Failed to remove TCP no-delay property on client cnx {}", topic, producerName,; } } } private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerCnx.class); /** * Helper method for testability * * @return */ public State getState() { return state; } public BrokerService getBrokerService() { return service; } public String getRole() { return authRole; } boolean hasConsumer(long consumerId) { return consumers.containsKey(consumerId); } public boolean isBatchMessageCompatibleVersion() { return remoteEndpointProtocolVersion >= ProtocolVersion.v4.getNumber(); } public String getClientVersion() { return clientVersion; } }