Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc. * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */ package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import; import; import; import org.apache.curator.utils.EnsurePath; import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.client.ZooKeeperSaslClient; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; /** * The implementation of RegistryClient using zookeeper & apache Curator. */ public class ZookeeperRegistryClient implements RegistryClient { public static final String GONDOLA_HOSTS = "/gondola/hosts"; private static final long RETRY_DELAY_MS = 300; CuratorFramework client; // memberId -> Registry Map<String, Entry> entries = new HashMap<>(); ObjectMapper objectMapper; List<Consumer<Entry>> listeners = new ArrayList<>(); Config config; Set<String> myHostIds = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ZooKeeperSaslClient.class); protected ZookeeperRegistryClient(CuratorFramework curatorFramework, ObjectMapper objectMapper, Config config) throws IOException { this.client = curatorFramework; this.objectMapper = objectMapper; this.config = config; try { ensureZookeeperPath(); watchRegistryChanges(); loadEntries(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } @Override public String register(String siteId, InetSocketAddress gondolaAddress, URI serviceUri) throws IOException { try { return registerHostIdOnZookeeper(siteId, gondolaAddress); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } @Override public void addListener(Consumer<Entry> listener) { listeners.add(listener); } @Override public Map<String, Entry> getEntries() { return entries; } @Override public boolean waitForClusterComplete(int timeoutMs) throws IOException { boolean isSleepOnce = false, isComplete = false; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long t = now; while (now - t < timeoutMs && !isComplete) { isComplete = true; for (String hostId : getRelatedHostIds()) { Stat stat = checkFileExists(GONDOLA_HOSTS + "/" + hostId); if (stat == null) { if (!isSleepOnce) { isSleepOnce = true; isComplete = false; sleep(RETRY_DELAY_MS); break; } else { return false; } } } t = System.currentTimeMillis(); } return isComplete; } private void sleep(long timeMs) { try { Thread.sleep(timeMs); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } private Stat checkFileExists(String file) throws IOException { try { return client.checkExists().forPath(file); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } private Set<String> getRelatedHostIds() { return -> config.getShardIds(hostId)).flatMap(Collection::stream).distinct() .map(shardId -> config.getMembersInShard(shardId)).flatMap(Collection::stream) .map(Config.ConfigMember::getHostId).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } private void loadEntries() throws Exception { for (String nodeName : client.getChildren().forPath(GONDOLA_HOSTS)) { Entry entry = objectMapper.readValue(client.getData().forPath(GONDOLA_HOSTS + "/" + nodeName), Entry.class); entries.put(entry.hostId, entry); } } private void watchRegistryChanges() throws Exception { PathChildrenCache pathChildrenCache = new PathChildrenCache(client, GONDOLA_HOSTS, true); pathChildrenCache.getListenable().addListener(registryChangeHandler); pathChildrenCache.start(); } PathChildrenCacheListener registryChangeHandler = (curatorFramework1, pathChildrenCacheEvent) -> { ChildData data = pathChildrenCacheEvent.getData(); Entry entry = objectMapper.readValue(data.getData(), Entry.class); switch (pathChildrenCacheEvent.getType()) { case CHILD_ADDED: case CHILD_UPDATED: putRegistry(entry); config.setAddressForHostId(entry.hostId, entry.gondolaAddress); break; case CHILD_REMOVED: deleteRegistry(entry); config.setAddressForHostId(entry.hostId, null); break; case CONNECTION_RECONNECTED: loadEntries(); break; case CONNECTION_LOST: case CONNECTION_SUSPENDED: // doing nothing break; default: throw new IllegalStateException( "All event type must be implemented - " + pathChildrenCacheEvent.getType().toString()); } -> r.accept(entry)); }; private void putRegistry(Entry entry) { entries.put(entry.hostId, entry); } private void deleteRegistry(Entry entry) { entries.remove(entry.hostId); } private void ensureZookeeperPath() throws Exception { new EnsurePath(GONDOLA_HOSTS).ensure(client.getZookeeperClient()); } private String registerHostIdOnZookeeper(String siteId, InetSocketAddress serverAddress) throws Exception { Set<String> eligibleHostIds = getAllHostsAtSite(siteId); for (String key : client.getChildren().forPath(GONDOLA_HOSTS)) { Entry entry = objectMapper.readValue(client.getData().forPath(GONDOLA_HOSTS + "/" + key), Entry.class); if (entry == null) { continue; } if (entry.gondolaAddress.equals(serverAddress)) { return entry.hostId; } if (config.getSiteIdForHost(entry.hostId).equals(siteId)) { eligibleHostIds.remove(entry.hostId); } } for (String hostId : eligibleHostIds) { Entry entry = new Entry(); entry.hostId = hostId; entry.gondolaAddress = serverAddress; try { client.create().withMode(CreateMode.EPHEMERAL).forPath(GONDOLA_HOSTS + "/" + entry.hostId, objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(entry)); entries.put(entry.hostId, entry); myHostIds.add(entry.hostId); return entry.hostId; } catch (KeeperException.NodeExistsException ignored) {"Failed to register for host ID {}", hostId); } } throw new IOException("Unable to register hostId, all hosts are full on site " + siteId); } private Set<String> getAllHostsAtSite(String siteId) throws IOException { Set<String> allHosts = config.getHostIds().stream() .filter(hostId -> siteId.equals(config.getAttributesForHost(hostId).get("siteId"))) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (allHosts.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("SiteID " + siteId + " does not exist"); } return allHosts; } }