Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017, Oath Inc. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * See LICENSE file in project root for terms. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import; import javax.persistence.OneToOne; /** * Abstract class used to construct HQL queries. */ public abstract class AbstractHQLQueryBuilder { protected final Session session; protected final EntityDictionary dictionary; protected Optional<Sorting> sorting; protected Optional<Pagination> pagination; protected Optional<FilterExpression> filterExpression; protected static final String SPACE = " "; protected static final String UNDERSCORE = "_"; protected static final String PERIOD = "."; protected static final String COMMA = ","; protected static final String FROM = " FROM "; protected static final String JOIN = " JOIN "; protected static final String LEFT = " LEFT"; protected static final String FETCH = " FETCH "; protected static final String SELECT = "SELECT "; protected static final String AS = " AS "; protected static final boolean USE_ALIAS = true; protected static final boolean NO_ALIAS = false; /** * Represents a relationship between two entities. */ public interface Relationship { public Class<?> getParentType(); public Class<?> getChildType(); public String getRelationshipName(); public Object getParent(); public Collection getChildren(); } public AbstractHQLQueryBuilder(EntityDictionary dictionary, Session session) { this.session = session; this.dictionary = dictionary; sorting = Optional.empty(); pagination = Optional.empty(); filterExpression = Optional.empty(); } public abstract Query build(); public AbstractHQLQueryBuilder withPossibleFilterExpression(Optional<FilterExpression> filterExpression) { this.filterExpression = filterExpression; return this; } public AbstractHQLQueryBuilder withPossibleSorting(final Optional<Sorting> possibleSorting) { this.sorting = possibleSorting; return this; } public AbstractHQLQueryBuilder withPossiblePagination(final Optional<Pagination> possiblePagination) { this.pagination = possiblePagination; return this; } /** * Given a collection of filter predicates and a Hibernate query, populates the named parameters in the * Hibernate query. * * @param query The HQL query * @param predicates The predicates to extract named parameter values from */ protected void supplyFilterQueryParameters(Query query, Collection<FilterPredicate> predicates) { for (FilterPredicate filterPredicate : predicates) { if (filterPredicate.getOperator().isParameterized()) { boolean shouldEscape = filterPredicate.isMatchingOperator(); filterPredicate.getParameters().forEach(param -> { query.setParameter(param.getName(), shouldEscape ? param.escapeMatching() : param.getValue()); }); } } } /** * Extracts all the HQL JOIN clauses from given filter expression. * @param filterExpression the filter expression to extract a join clause from * @return an HQL join clause */ protected String getJoinClauseFromFilters(FilterExpression filterExpression) { PredicateExtractionVisitor visitor = new PredicateExtractionVisitor(new ArrayList<>()); Collection<FilterPredicate> predicates = filterExpression.accept(visitor); Set<String> alreadyJoined = new HashSet<>(); return -> extractJoinClause(predicate, alreadyJoined)) .collect(Collectors.joining(SPACE)); } /** * Modifies the HQL query to add OFFSET and LIMIT. * @param query The HQL query object */ protected void addPaginationToQuery(Query query) { if (pagination.isPresent()) { Pagination pagination = this.pagination.get(); query.setFirstResult(pagination.getOffset()); query.setMaxResults(pagination.getLimit()); } } /** * Extracts a join clause from a filter predicate (if it exists). * @param predicate The predicate to examine * @param alreadyJoined A set of joins that have already been computed. * @return A HQL string representing the join */ private String extractJoinClause(FilterPredicate predicate, Set<String> alreadyJoined) { StringBuilder joinClause = new StringBuilder(); String previousAlias = null; for (Path.PathElement pathElement : predicate.getPath().getPathElements()) { String fieldName = pathElement.getFieldName(); Class<?> typeClass = dictionary.lookupEntityClass(pathElement.getType()); String typeAlias = FilterPredicate.getTypeAlias(typeClass); //Nothing left to join. if (!dictionary.isRelation(pathElement.getType(), fieldName)) { return joinClause.toString(); } String alias = typeAlias + UNDERSCORE + fieldName; String joinFragment; //This is the first path element if (previousAlias == null) { joinFragment = LEFT + JOIN + typeAlias + PERIOD + fieldName + SPACE + alias + SPACE; } else { joinFragment = LEFT + JOIN + previousAlias + PERIOD + fieldName + SPACE + alias + SPACE; } if (!alreadyJoined.contains(joinFragment)) { joinClause.append(joinFragment); alreadyJoined.add(joinFragment); } previousAlias = alias; } return joinClause.toString(); } /** * Builds a JOIN clause that eagerly fetches to-one relationships that Hibernate needs to hydrate. * @param entityClass The entity class that is being queried in the HQL query. * @param alias The HQL alias for the entity class. * @return The JOIN clause that can be added to the FROM clause. */ protected String extractToOneMergeJoins(Class<?> entityClass, String alias) { List<String> relationshipNames = dictionary.getRelationships(entityClass); StringBuilder joinString = new StringBuilder(""); for (String relationshipName : relationshipNames) { RelationshipType type = dictionary.getRelationshipType(entityClass, relationshipName); if (type.isToOne() && !type.isComputed()) { // fetch only OneToOne with mappedBy OneToOne oneToOne = dictionary.getAttributeOrRelationAnnotation(entityClass, OneToOne.class, relationshipName); if (oneToOne == null || oneToOne.mappedBy().isEmpty()) { continue; } joinString.append(" LEFT JOIN FETCH "); joinString.append(alias); joinString.append(PERIOD); joinString.append(relationshipName); joinString.append(SPACE); } } return joinString.toString(); } /** * Returns a sorting object into a HQL ORDER BY string. * @param sorting The sorting object passed from the client * @param sortClass The class to sort. * @param prefixWithAlias Whether the sorting fields should be prefixed by an alias. * @return The sorting clause */ protected String getSortClause(final Optional<Sorting> sorting, Class<?> sortClass, boolean prefixWithAlias) { String sortingRules = ""; if (sorting.isPresent() && !sorting.get().isDefaultInstance()) { final Map<Path, Sorting.SortOrder> validSortingRules = sorting.get().getValidSortingRules(sortClass, dictionary); if (!validSortingRules.isEmpty()) { final List<String> ordering = new ArrayList<>(); // pass over the sorting rules validSortingRules.entrySet().stream().forEachOrdered(entry -> { Path path = entry.getKey(); String prefix = (prefixWithAlias) ? Path.getTypeAlias(sortClass) + PERIOD : ""; ordering.add(prefix + path.getFieldPath() + SPACE + (entry.getValue().equals(Sorting.SortOrder.desc) ? "desc" : "asc")); }); sortingRules = " order by " + StringUtils.join(ordering, COMMA); } } return sortingRules; } }