Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc. * Copyrights licensed under the GPL License. * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */ // Provides the auto-sensitivity solution for EGADS // using the bootstrapping framework. package; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; public class AutoSensitivity { static org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger logger = org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager .getLogger(AutoSensitivity.class.getName()); // Computes sensitivity based on the density distirbution. // Assumes that anomalies constitute at most 5% of the data. public static Float getLowDensitySensitivity(Float[] data, float sDAutoSensitivy, float amntAutoSensitivity) { Float toReturn = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; Arrays.sort(data, Collections.reverseOrder()); while (data.length > 0) { ArrayList<Float> fData = new ArrayList<Float>(); fData.add(data[0]); data = ((Float[]) ArrayUtils.remove(data, 0)); Float centroid = (float) fData.get(0); Float maxDelta = (float) sDAutoSensitivy * StatsUtils.getSD(data, StatsUtils.getMean(data)); logger.debug("AutoSensitivity: Adding: " + fData.get(0) + " SD: " + maxDelta); // Add points while it's in the same cluster or not part of the other cluster. String localDebug = null; while (data.length > 0 && (centroid - data[0]) <= ((float) (maxDelta))) { float maxDeltaInit = maxDelta; fData.add(data[0]); data = ((Float[]) ArrayUtils.remove(data, 0)); Float[] tmp = new Float[fData.size()]; tmp = fData.toArray(tmp); centroid = StatsUtils.getMean(tmp); if (data.length > 0) { Float sdOtherCluster = (float) StatsUtils.getSD(data, StatsUtils.getMean(data)); maxDelta = sDAutoSensitivy * sdOtherCluster; logger.debug( "AutoSensitivity: Adding: " + data[0] + " SD: " + maxDeltaInit + " SD': " + maxDelta); } } if (data.length > 0) { logger.debug("AutoSensitivity: Next Point I would have added is " + data[0]); } if (((double) fData.size() / (double) data.length) > amntAutoSensitivity) { // Cannot do anomaly detection. logger.debug("AutoSensitivity: Returning " + toReturn + " data size: " + data.length + " fData.size: " + fData.size()); return toReturn; } toReturn = fData.get(fData.size() - 1); logger.debug("AutoSensitivity: Updating toReturn: " + toReturn + " SD: " + maxDelta); return toReturn; } return toReturn; } // Uses the simple KSigma rule to get the anoamly sensitivity. // Assumes that we have a normal distribution. public static Float getKSigmaSensitivity(Float[] data, float sDAutoSensitivity) { Float mean = StatsUtils.getMean(data); Float sd = StatsUtils.getSD(data, mean); return (mean + (sd * sDAutoSensitivity)); } // Uses the mean as the base to find the static threshold. public static Float[] getAdaptiveKSigmaSensitivity(Float[] data, float amntAutoSens) { Float mean = StatsUtils.getMean(data); Float sd = StatsUtils.getSD(data, mean); if (sd == (float) 0.0) { sd = (float) 1.0; } Float[] ret = null; float k = (float) 1; float incr = (float) 1; Float max = null; Float min = null; float thresh = mean + Math.abs(sd * k); int howMany = howManyGreater(data, thresh); while (((float) howMany / (float) data.length) > amntAutoSens) { k += incr; thresh = mean + Math.abs(sd * k); howMany = howManyGreater(data, thresh); } if (((float) howMany / (float) data.length) <= amntAutoSens) { max = thresh; } k = 1; thresh = mean - Math.abs(sd * k); howMany = howManyLess(data, thresh); while (((float) howMany / (float) data.length) > amntAutoSens) { k += incr; thresh = mean - Math.abs(sd * k); howMany = howManyLess(data, thresh); } if (((float) howMany / (float) data.length) <= amntAutoSens) { min = thresh; } ret = new Float[] { max, min }; return ret; } // Uses the max/min as the base to find the static threshold. public static Float[] getAdaptiveMaxMinSigmaSensitivity(Float[] data, float amntAutoSens, float k) { Arrays.sort(data); Float mean = StatsUtils.getMean(data); Float sd = StatsUtils.getSD(data, mean); if (sd == (float) 0.0) { sd = (float) 1.0; } Float[] ret = null; Float max = null; Float min = null; int i = 0; float thresh = data[i] + Math.abs(sd * k); int howMany = howManyLess(data, thresh); while (((float) howMany / (float) data.length) <= amntAutoSens) { min = thresh; i++; thresh = data[i] + Math.abs(sd * k); howMany = howManyLess(data, thresh); } i = data.length - 1; thresh = data[i] - Math.abs(sd * k); howMany = howManyGreater(data, thresh); while (((float) howMany / (float) data.length) <= amntAutoSens) { max = thresh; i--; thresh = data[i] - Math.abs(sd * k); howMany = howManyGreater(data, thresh); } ret = new Float[] { max, min }; return ret; } private static int howManyGreater(Float[] data, Float value) { int numgreater = 0; for (Float f : data) { if (value <= f) { numgreater++; } } return numgreater; } private static int howManyLess(Float[] data, Float value) { int numless = 0; for (Float f : data) { if (value >= f) { numless++; } } return numless; } }