Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc.
// Licensed under the terms of the Apache license. Please see file distributed with this work for terms.

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import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.Duration;
import org.joda.time.Interval;
import org.joda.time.Period;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;

 * Data API Request. Such an API Request binds, validates, and models the parts of a request to the data endpoint.
public class DataApiRequest extends ApiRequest {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataApiRequest.class);
    private static final String RATIO_METRIC_CATEGORY = "Ratios";
    public static final String REQUEST_MAPPER_NAMESPACE = "dataApiRequestMapper";

    private final LogicalTable table;

    private final Granularity granularity;

    private final Set<Dimension> dimensions;
    private final LinkedHashMap<Dimension, LinkedHashSet<DimensionField>> perDimensionFields;
    private final Set<LogicalMetric> logicalMetrics;
    private final Set<Interval> intervals;
    private final Map<Dimension, Set<ApiFilter>> filters;
    private final Filter filter;
    private final Map<LogicalMetric, Set<ApiHaving>> havings;
    private final Having having;
    private final LinkedHashSet<OrderByColumn> sorts;
    private final int count;
    private final int topN;

    private final DateTimeZone timeZone;

    private final DruidFilterBuilder filterBuilder;

     * Parses the API request URL and generates the Api Request object.
     * @param tableName  logical table corresponding to the table name specified in the URL
     * @param granularity  string time granularity in URL
     * @param dimensions  single dimension or multiple dimensions separated by '/' in URL
     * @param logicalMetrics  URL logical metric query string in the format:
     * <pre>{@code single metric or multiple logical metrics separated by ',' }</pre>
     * @param intervals  URL intervals query string in the format:
     * <pre>{@code single interval in ISO 8601 format, multiple values separated by ',' }</pre>
     * @param filters  URL filter query String in the format:
     * <pre>{@code
     * ((field name and operation):((multiple values bounded by [])or(single value))))(followed by , or end of string)
     * }</pre>
     * @param havings  URL having query String in the format:<pre>
     * {@code
     * ((metric name)-(operation)((values bounded by [])))(followed by , or end of string)
     * }</pre>
     * @param sorts  string of sort columns along with sort direction in the format:<pre>
     * {@code (metricName or dimensionName)|(sortDirection) eg: pageViews|asc }</pre>
     * @param count  count of number of records to be returned in the response
     * @param topN  number of first records per time bucket to be returned in the response
     * @param format  response data format JSON or CSV. Default is JSON.
     * @param timeZoneId  a joda time zone id
     * @param asyncAfter  How long the user is willing to wait for a synchronous request in milliseconds
     * @param perPage  number of rows to display per page of results. If present in the original request,
     * must be a positive integer. If not present, must be the empty string.
     * @param page  desired page of results. If present in the original request, must be a positive
     * integer. If not present, must be the empty string.
     * @param uriInfo  The URI of the request object.
     * @param bardConfigResources  The configuration resources used to build this api request
     * @throws BadApiRequestException in the following scenarios:
     * <ol>
     *     <li>Null or empty table name in the API request.</li>
     *     <li>Invalid time grain in the API request.</li>
     *     <li>Invalid dimension in the API request.</li>
     *     <li>Invalid logical metric in the API request.</li>
     *     <li>Invalid interval in the API request.</li>
     *     <li>Invalid filter syntax in the API request.</li>
     *     <li>Invalid filter dimensions in the API request.</li>
     *     <li>Invalid having syntax in the API request.</li>
     *     <li>Invalid having metrics in the API request.</li>
     *     <li>Pagination parameters in the API request that are not positive integers.</li>
     * </ol>
    public DataApiRequest(String tableName, String granularity, List<PathSegment> dimensions, String logicalMetrics,
            String intervals, String filters, String havings, String sorts, String count, String topN,
            String format, String timeZoneId, String asyncAfter, @NotNull String perPage, @NotNull String page,
            UriInfo uriInfo, BardConfigResources bardConfigResources) throws BadApiRequestException {
        super(format, asyncAfter, perPage, page, uriInfo);

        GranularityParser granularityParser = bardConfigResources.getGranularityParser();
        DimensionDictionary dimensionDictionary = bardConfigResources.getDimensionDictionary();
        MetricDictionary metricDictionary = bardConfigResources.getMetricDictionary();

        timeZone = generateTimeZone(timeZoneId, bardConfigResources.getSystemTimeZone());

        // Time grain must be from allowed interval keywords
        this.granularity = generateGranularity(granularity, timeZone, granularityParser);

        TableIdentifier tableId = new TableIdentifier(tableName, this.granularity);

        // Logical table must be in the logical table dictionary
        this.table = bardConfigResources.getLogicalTableDictionary().get(tableId);
        if (this.table == null) {
            throw new BadApiRequestException(TABLE_UNDEFINED.format(tableName));

        DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = generateDateTimeFormatter(timeZone);

        this.intervals = generateIntervals(intervals, this.granularity, dateTimeFormatter);

        metricDictionary = metricDictionary.getScope(Collections.singletonList(tableName));

        this.filterBuilder = bardConfigResources.getFilterBuilder();

        // At least one logical metric is required
        this.logicalMetrics = generateLogicalMetrics(logicalMetrics, metricDictionary, dimensionDictionary, table);
        validateMetrics(this.logicalMetrics, this.table);

        // Zero or more grouping dimensions may be specified
        this.dimensions = generateDimensions(dimensions, dimensionDictionary);
        validateRequestDimensions(this.dimensions, this.table);

        // Map of dimension to its fields specified using show clause (matrix params)
        this.perDimensionFields = generateDimensionFields(dimensions, dimensionDictionary);

        // Zero or more filtering dimensions may be referenced
        this.filters = generateFilters(filters, table, dimensionDictionary);
        validateRequestDimensions(this.filters.keySet(), this.table);

        try {
            this.filter = filterBuilder.buildFilters(this.filters);
        } catch (DimensionRowNotFoundException e) {
            throw new BadApiRequestException(e);

        // Zero or more having queries may be referenced
        this.havings = generateHavings(havings, this.logicalMetrics, metricDictionary);
        this.having = DruidHavingBuilder.buildHavings(this.havings);

        // Requested sort on metrics - optional, can be empty Set
        this.sorts = generateSortColumns(sorts, this.logicalMetrics, metricDictionary);

        // Overall requested number of rows in the response. Ignores grouping in time buckets.
        this.count = generateInteger(count, "count");

        // This is the validation part for count that is inlined here because currently it is very brief.
        if (this.count < 0) {
            LOG.debug(INTEGER_INVALID.logFormat(count, "count"));
            throw new BadApiRequestException(INTEGER_INVALID.logFormat(count, "count"));

        // Requested number of rows per time bucket in the response
        this.topN = generateInteger(topN, "topN");

        // This is the validation part for topN that is inlined here because currently it is very brief.
        if (this.topN < 0) {
            LOG.debug(INTEGER_INVALID.logFormat(topN, "topN"));
            throw new BadApiRequestException(INTEGER_INVALID.logFormat(topN, "topN"));
        } else if (this.topN > 0 && this.sorts.isEmpty()) {
            throw new BadApiRequestException(TOP_N_UNSORTED.format(topN));

                "Api request: TimeGrain: {}," + " Table: {}," + " Dimensions: {}," + " Dimension Fields: {},"
                        + " Filters: {},\n" + " Havings: {},\n" + " Logical metrics: {},\n\n" + " Sorts: {},"
                        + " Count: {}," + " TopN: {}," + " AsyncAfter: {}" + " Format: {}" + " Pagination: {}",
                this.granularity, this.table.getName(), this.dimensions, this.perDimensionFields, this.filters,
                this.havings, this.logicalMetrics, this.sorts, this.count, this.topN, this.asyncAfter, this.format,

        validateAggregatability(this.dimensions, this.filters);
        validateTimeAlignment(this.granularity, this.intervals);

     * Get the timezone for the request.
     * @param timeZoneId  String of the TimeZone ID
     * @param systemTimeZone  TimeZone of the system to use if there is no timeZoneId
     * @return the request's TimeZone
    private DateTimeZone generateTimeZone(String timeZoneId, DateTimeZone systemTimeZone) {
        if (timeZoneId == null) {
            return systemTimeZone;
        try {
            return DateTimeZone.forID(timeZoneId);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) {
            throw new BadApiRequestException(INVALID_TIME_ZONE.format(timeZoneId));

     * Get the DateTimeFormatter shifted to the given time zone.
     * @param timeZone  TimeZone to shift the default formatter to
     * @return the timezone-shifted formatter
    public DateTimeFormatter generateDateTimeFormatter(DateTimeZone timeZone) {
        return FULLY_OPTIONAL_DATETIME_FORMATTER.withZone(timeZone);

     * No argument constructor, meant to be used only for testing.
    protected DataApiRequest() {
        this.table = null;
        this.granularity = null;
        this.dimensions = null;
        this.perDimensionFields = null;
        this.logicalMetrics = null;
        this.intervals = null;
        this.filterBuilder = new DefaultDruidFilterBuilder();
        this.filters = null;
        this.filter = null;
        this.havings = null;
        this.having = null;
        this.sorts = null;
        this.count = 0;
        this.topN = 0;
        this.timeZone = null;

     * All argument constructor, meant to be used for rewriting apiRequest.
     * @param format  Format for the response
     * @param paginationParameters  Pagination info
     * @param uriInfo  The URI info
     * @param builder  A response builder
     * @param table  Logical table requested
     * @param granularity  Granularity of the request
     * @param dimensions  Grouping dimensions of the request
     * @param perDimensionFields  Fields for each of the grouped dimensions
     * @param logicalMetrics  Metrics requested
     * @param intervals  Intervals requested
     * @param filters  Global filters
     * @param filter  Single global Druid filter
     * @param havings  Top-level Having caluses for the request
     * @param having  Single global Druid Having
     * @param sorts  Sorting info for the request
     * @param count  Global limit for the request
     * @param topN  Count of per-bucket limit (TopN) for the request
     * @param asyncAfter  How long in milliseconds the user is willing to wait for a synchronous response
     * @param timeZone  TimeZone for the request
     * @param filterBuilder  A builder to use when building filters for the request
    private DataApiRequest(ResponseFormatType format, Optional<PaginationParameters> paginationParameters,
            UriInfo uriInfo, Response.ResponseBuilder builder, LogicalTable table, Granularity granularity,
            Set<Dimension> dimensions, LinkedHashMap<Dimension, LinkedHashSet<DimensionField>> perDimensionFields,
            Set<LogicalMetric> logicalMetrics, Set<Interval> intervals, Map<Dimension, Set<ApiFilter>> filters,
            Filter filter, Map<LogicalMetric, Set<ApiHaving>> havings, Having having,
            LinkedHashSet<OrderByColumn> sorts, int count, int topN, long asyncAfter, DateTimeZone timeZone,
            DruidFilterBuilder filterBuilder) {
        super(format, asyncAfter, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder);
        this.table = table;
        this.granularity = granularity;
        this.dimensions = dimensions;
        this.perDimensionFields = perDimensionFields;
        this.logicalMetrics = logicalMetrics;
        this.intervals = intervals;
        this.filters = filters;
        this.filter = filter;
        this.havings = havings;
        this.having = having;
        this.sorts = sorts;
        this.count = count;
        this.topN = topN;
        this.timeZone = timeZone;
        this.filterBuilder = filterBuilder;

     * Get datetime from the given input text based on granularity.
     * @param now  current datetime to compute the floored date based on granularity
     * @param granularity  granularity to truncate the given date to.
     * @param dateText  start/end date text which could be actual date or macros
     * @param timeFormatter  a time zone adjusted date time formatter
     * @return joda datetime of the given start/end date text or macros
     * @throws BadApiRequestException if the granularity is "all" and a macro is used
    public static DateTime getAsDateTime(DateTime now, Granularity granularity, String dateText,
            DateTimeFormatter timeFormatter) throws BadApiRequestException {
        //If granularity is all and dateText is macro, then throw an exception
        TimeMacros macro = TimeMacros.forName(dateText);
        if (macro != null) {
            if (granularity instanceof AllGranularity) {
                LOG.debug(INVALID_INTERVAL_GRANULARITY.logFormat(macro, dateText));
                throw new BadApiRequestException(INVALID_INTERVAL_GRANULARITY.format(macro, dateText));
            return macro.getDateTime(now, (TimeGrain) granularity);
        return DateTime.parse(dateText, timeFormatter);

     * Throw an exception if any of the intervals are not accepted by this granularity.
     * @param granularity  The granularity whose alignment is being tested.
     * @param intervals  The intervals being tested.
     * @throws BadApiRequestException if the granularity does not align to the intervals
    private static void validateTimeAlignment(Granularity granularity, Set<Interval> intervals)
            throws BadApiRequestException {
        if (!granularity.accepts(intervals)) {
            String alignmentDescription = granularity.getAlignmentDescription();
            LOG.debug(TIME_ALIGNMENT.logFormat(intervals, granularity, alignmentDescription));
            throw new BadApiRequestException(TIME_ALIGNMENT.format(intervals, granularity, alignmentDescription));

     * Extracts the list of dimension names from the url dimension path segments and generates a set of dimension
     * objects based on it.
     * @param apiDimensions  Dimension path segments from the URL.
     * @param dimensionDictionary  Dimension dictionary contains the map of valid dimension names and dimension objects.
     * @return Set of dimension objects.
     * @throws BadApiRequestException if an invalid dimension is requested.
    protected LinkedHashSet<Dimension> generateDimensions(List<PathSegment> apiDimensions,
            DimensionDictionary dimensionDictionary) throws BadApiRequestException {
        // Dimensions are optional hence check if dimensions are requested.
        if (apiDimensions == null || apiDimensions.isEmpty()) {
            return new LinkedHashSet<>();

        // set of dimension names (strings)
        List<String> dimApiNames = -> !s.isEmpty())

        // set of dimension objects
        LinkedHashSet<Dimension> generated = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        List<String> invalidDimensions = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String dimApiName : dimApiNames) {
            Dimension dimension = dimensionDictionary.findByApiName(dimApiName);

            // If dimension dictionary returns a null, it means the requested dimension is not found.
            if (dimension == null) {
            } else {

        if (!invalidDimensions.isEmpty()) {
            throw new BadApiRequestException(DIMENSIONS_UNDEFINED.format(invalidDimensions.toString()));

        LOG.trace("Generated set of dimension: {}", generated);
        return generated;

     * Extracts the list of dimensions from the url dimension path segments and "show" matrix params and generates a map
     * of dimension to dimension fields which needs to be annotated on the response.
     * <p>
     * If no "show" matrix param has been set, it returns the default dimension fields configured for the dimension.
     * @param apiDimensionPathSegments  Path segments for the dimensions
     * @param dimensionDictionary  Dimension dictionary to look the dimensions up in
     * @return A map of dimension to requested dimension fields
    protected LinkedHashMap<Dimension, LinkedHashSet<DimensionField>> generateDimensionFields(
            @NotNull List<PathSegment> apiDimensionPathSegments, @NotNull DimensionDictionary dimensionDictionary) {
        return -> !pathSegment.getPath().isEmpty())
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(pathSegment -> dimensionDictionary.findByApiName(pathSegment.getPath()),
                        pathSegment -> bindShowClause(pathSegment, dimensionDictionary),
                        (LinkedHashSet<DimensionField> e, LinkedHashSet<DimensionField> i) -> {
                            return e;
                        }, LinkedHashMap::new));

     * Given a path segment, bind the fields specified in it's "show" matrix parameter for the dimension specified in
     * the path segment's path.
     * @param pathSegment  Path segment to bind from
     * @param dimensionDictionary  Dimension dictionary to look the dimension up in
     * @return the set of bound DimensionFields specified in the show clause
     * @throws BadApiRequestException if any of the specified fields are not valid for the dimension
    private LinkedHashSet<DimensionField> bindShowClause(PathSegment pathSegment,
            DimensionDictionary dimensionDictionary) throws BadApiRequestException {
        Dimension dimension = dimensionDictionary.findByApiName(pathSegment.getPath());
        List<String> showFields = pathSegment.getMatrixParameters().entrySet().stream()
                .filter(entry -> entry.getKey().equals("show")).flatMap(entry -> entry.getValue().stream())
                .flatMap(s ->","))).collect(Collectors.toList());

        if (showFields.size() == 1 && showFields.contains(DimensionFieldSpecifierKeywords.ALL.toString())) {
            // Show all fields
            return dimension.getDimensionFields();
        } else if (showFields.size() == 1 && showFields.contains(DimensionFieldSpecifierKeywords.NONE.toString())) {
            // Show no fields
            return new LinkedHashSet<>();
        } else if (!showFields.isEmpty()) {
            // Show the requested fields
            return bindDimensionFields(dimension, showFields);
        } else {
            // Show the default fields
            return dimension.getDefaultDimensionFields();

     * Given a Dimension and a set of DimensionField names, bind the names to the available dimension fields of the
     * dimension.
     * @param dimension  Dimension to bind the fields for
     * @param showFields  Names of the fields to bind
     * @return the set of DimensionFields for the names
     * @throws BadApiRequestException if any of the names are not dimension fields on the dimension
    private LinkedHashSet<DimensionField> bindDimensionFields(Dimension dimension, List<String> showFields)
            throws BadApiRequestException {
        Map<String, DimensionField> dimensionNameToFieldMap = dimension.getDimensionFields().stream()

        LinkedHashSet<DimensionField> dimensionFields = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        Set<String> invalidDimensionFields = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        for (String field : showFields) {
            if (dimensionNameToFieldMap.containsKey(field)) {
            } else {

        if (!invalidDimensionFields.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.debug(DIMENSION_FIELDS_UNDEFINED.logFormat(invalidDimensionFields, dimension.getApiName()));
            throw new BadApiRequestException(
                    DIMENSION_FIELDS_UNDEFINED.format(invalidDimensionFields, dimension.getApiName()));
        return dimensionFields;

     * Ensure all request dimensions are part of the logical table.
     * @param requestDimensions  The dimensions being requested
     * @param table  The logical table being checked
     * @throws BadApiRequestException if any of the dimensions do not match the logical table
    protected void validateRequestDimensions(Set<Dimension> requestDimensions, LogicalTable table)
            throws BadApiRequestException {
        // Requested dimensions must lie in the logical table
        requestDimensions = new HashSet<>(requestDimensions);

        if (!requestDimensions.isEmpty()) {
            List<String> dimensionNames =
            LOG.debug(DIMENSIONS_NOT_IN_TABLE.logFormat(dimensionNames, table.getName()));
            throw new BadApiRequestException(DIMENSIONS_NOT_IN_TABLE.format(dimensionNames, table.getName()));

     * Validate that the request references any non-aggregatable dimensions in a valid way.
     * @param apiDimensions  the set of group by dimensions.
     * @param apiFilters  the set of api filters.
     * @throws BadApiRequestException if a the request violates aggregatability constraints of dimensions.
    protected void validateAggregatability(Set<Dimension> apiDimensions, Map<Dimension, Set<ApiFilter>> apiFilters)
            throws BadApiRequestException {
        // The set of non-aggregatable dimensions requested as group by dimensions
        Set<Dimension> nonAggGroupByDimensions =

        // Check that out of the non-aggregatable dimensions that are not referenced in the group by set already,
        // none of them is mentioned in a filter with more or less than one value
        boolean isValid = apiFilters.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> !entry.getKey().isAggregatable())
                .filter(entry -> !nonAggGroupByDimensions.contains(entry.getKey())).map(Map.Entry::getValue)
                .noneMatch(valueSet ->;

        if (!isValid) {
            List<String> invalidDimensionsInFilters = apiFilters.entrySet().stream()
                    .filter(entry -> !entry.getKey().isAggregatable())
                    .filter(entry -> !nonAggGroupByDimensions.contains(entry.getKey()))
                    .filter(entry -> entry.getValue().stream().anyMatch(isNonAggregatableInFilter()))

            throw new BadApiRequestException(NON_AGGREGATABLE_INVALID.format(invalidDimensionsInFilters));

     * Validity rules for non-aggregatable dimensions that are only referenced in filters.
     * A query that references a non-aggregatable dimension in a filter without grouping by this dimension, is valid
     * only if the requested dimension field is a key for this dimension and only a single value is requested
     * with an inclusive operator ('in' or 'eq').
     * @return A predicate that determines a given dimension is non aggregatable and also not constrained to one row
     * per result
    public static Predicate<ApiFilter> isNonAggregatableInFilter() {
        return apiFilter -> !apiFilter.getDimensionField().equals(apiFilter.getDimension().getKey())
                || apiFilter.getValues().size() != 1 || !(apiFilter.getOperation().equals(
                        || apiFilter.getOperation().equals(FilterOperation.eq));

     * Extracts the list of metrics from the url metric query string and generates a set of LogicalMetrics.
     * @param apiMetricQuery  URL query string containing the metrics separated by ','.
     * @param metricDictionary  Metric dictionary contains the map of valid metric names and logical metric objects.
     * @param dimensionDictionary  Dimension dictionary to look the dimension up in
     * @param table  The logical table for the data request
     * @return Set of metric objects.
     * @throws BadApiRequestException if the metric dictionary returns a null or if the apiMetricQuery is invalid.
    protected LinkedHashSet<LogicalMetric> generateLogicalMetrics(String apiMetricQuery,
            MetricDictionary metricDictionary, DimensionDictionary dimensionDictionary, LogicalTable table)
            throws BadApiRequestException {
        LOG.trace("Metric dictionary: {}", metricDictionary);

        if (apiMetricQuery == null || "".equals(apiMetricQuery)) {
            throw new BadApiRequestException(METRICS_MISSING.format());
        // set of logical metric objects
        LinkedHashSet<LogicalMetric> generated = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        List<String> invalidMetricNames = new ArrayList<>();

        //If  INTERSECTION_REPORTING_ENABLED flag is true, convert the aggregators into FilteredAggregators and
        //replace old PostAggs with  new postAggs in order to generate a new Filtered Logical Metric
        if (BardFeatureFlag.INTERSECTION_REPORTING.isOn()) {
            JSONArray metricsJsonArray;
            try {
                //For a given metricString, returns an array of json objects contains metric name and associated filters
                metricsJsonArray = MetricParser.generateMetricFilterJsonArray(apiMetricQuery);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new BadApiRequestException(INCORRECT_METRIC_FILTER_FORMAT.format(apiMetricQuery));
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                // This needs to stay here due to a bytecode issue where Java 8 flags JSONException as invalid
                throw new BadApiRequestException(INCORRECT_METRIC_FILTER_FORMAT.format(apiMetricQuery));
            //check for the duplicate occurrence of metrics in an API
            for (int i = 0; i < metricsJsonArray.length(); i++) {
                JSONObject jsonObject;
                try {
                    jsonObject = metricsJsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    throw new BadApiRequestException(INCORRECT_METRIC_FILTER_FORMAT.format(apiMetricQuery));
                String metricName = jsonObject.getString("name");
                LogicalMetric logicalMetric = metricDictionary.get(metricName);

                // If metric dictionary returns a null, it means the requested metric is not found.
                if (logicalMetric == null) {
                } else {
                    //metricFilterObject contains all the filters for a given metric
                    JSONObject metricFilterObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject("filter");

                    //Currently supporting AND operation for metric filters.
                    if (!metricFilterObject.isNull("AND")) {

                        //We currently do not support ratio metrics
                        if (logicalMetric.getCategory().equals(RATIO_METRIC_CATEGORY)) {
                            throw new BadApiRequestException(UNSUPPORTED_FILTERED_METRIC_CATEGORY
                                    .format(logicalMetric.getName(), logicalMetric.getCategory()));
                        try {
                            logicalMetric = FieldConverterSupplier.metricsFilterSetBuilder.getFilteredLogicalMetric(
                                    logicalMetric, metricFilterObject, dimensionDictionary, table, this);
                        } catch (DimensionRowNotFoundException dimRowException) {
                            throw new BadApiRequestException(dimRowException.getMessage(), dimRowException);

                        //If metric filter isn't empty or it has anything other then 'AND' then throw an exception
                    } else if (!(metricFilterObject.toString().equals("{}"))) {
                        throw new BadApiRequestException(
        } else {
            //Feature flag for intersection reporting is disabled
            // list of metrics extracted from the query string
            List<String> metricApiQuery = Arrays.asList(apiMetricQuery.split(","));
            for (String metricName : metricApiQuery) {
                LogicalMetric logicalMetric = metricDictionary.get(metricName);

                // If metric dictionary returns a null, it means the requested metric is not found.
                if (logicalMetric == null) {
                } else {

        if (!invalidMetricNames.isEmpty()) {
            throw new BadApiRequestException(METRICS_UNDEFINED.format(invalidMetricNames.toString()));
        LOG.trace("Generated set of logical metric: {}", generated);
        return generated;

     * Validate that all metrics are part of the logical table.
     * @param logicalMetrics  The set of metrics being validated
     * @param table  The logical table for the request
     * @throws BadApiRequestException if the requested metrics are not in the logical table
    protected void validateMetrics(Set<LogicalMetric> logicalMetrics, LogicalTable table)
            throws BadApiRequestException {
        //get metric names from the logical table
        Set<String> validMetricNames = table.getLogicalMetrics().stream().map(LogicalMetric::getName)

        //get metric names from logicalMetrics and remove all the valid metrics
        Set<String> invalidMetricNames =
                .filter(it -> !validMetricNames.contains(it)).collect(Collectors.toSet());

        //requested metrics names are not present in the logical table metric names set
        if (!invalidMetricNames.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.debug(METRICS_NOT_IN_TABLE.logFormat(invalidMetricNames, table.getName()));
            throw new BadApiRequestException(METRICS_NOT_IN_TABLE.format(invalidMetricNames, table.getName()));

     * Generate current date based on granularity.
     * @param dateTime  The current moment as a DateTime
     * @param timeGrain  The time grain used to round the date time
     * @return truncated current date based on granularity
    protected DateTime getCurrentDate(DateTime dateTime, TimeGrain timeGrain) {
        return timeGrain.roundFloor(dateTime);

     * Extracts the set of intervals from the api request.
     * @param apiIntervalQuery  API string containing the intervals in ISO 8601 format, values separated by ','.
     * @param granularity  The granularity to generate the date based on period or macros.
     * @param dateTimeFormatter  The formatter to parse date time interval segments
     * @return Set of jodatime interval objects.
     * @throws BadApiRequestException if the requested interval is not found.
    protected static Set<Interval> generateIntervals(String apiIntervalQuery, Granularity granularity,
            DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter) throws BadApiRequestException {
        Set<Interval> generated = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        if (apiIntervalQuery == null || apiIntervalQuery.equals("")) {
            throw new BadApiRequestException(INTERVAL_MISSING.format());
        List<String> apiIntervals = Arrays.asList(apiIntervalQuery.split(","));
        // Split each interval string into the start and stop instances, parse them, and add the interval to the list
        for (String apiInterval : apiIntervals) {
            String[] split = apiInterval.split("/");

            // Check for both a start and a stop
            if (split.length != 2) {
                String message = "Start and End dates are required.";
                LOG.debug(INTERVAL_INVALID.logFormat(apiIntervalQuery, message));
                throw new BadApiRequestException(INTERVAL_INVALID.format(apiIntervalQuery, message));

            try {
                String start = split[0].toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
                String end = split[1].toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
                //If start & end intervals are period then marking as invalid interval.
                //Becacuse either one should be macro or actual date to generate an interval
                if (start.startsWith("P") && end.startsWith("P")) {
                    throw new BadApiRequestException(INTERVAL_INVALID.format(apiInterval));

                Interval interval;
                DateTime now = new DateTime();
                //If start interval is period, then create new interval with computed end date
                //possible end interval could be next,current, date
                if (start.startsWith("P")) {
                    interval = new Interval(Period.parse(start),
                            getAsDateTime(now, granularity, split[1], dateTimeFormatter));
                    //If end string is period, then create an interval with the computed start date
                    //Possible start & end string could be a macro or an ISO 8601 DateTime
                } else if (end.startsWith("P")) {
                    interval = new Interval(getAsDateTime(now, granularity, split[0], dateTimeFormatter),
                } else {
                    //start and end interval could be either macros or actual datetime
                    interval = new Interval(getAsDateTime(now, granularity, split[0], dateTimeFormatter),
                            getAsDateTime(now, granularity, split[1], dateTimeFormatter));

                // Zero length intervals are invalid
                if (interval.toDuration().equals(Duration.ZERO)) {
                    throw new BadApiRequestException(INTERVAL_ZERO_LENGTH.format(apiInterval));
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                LOG.debug(INTERVAL_INVALID.logFormat(apiIntervalQuery, iae.getMessage()), iae);
                throw new BadApiRequestException(INTERVAL_INVALID.format(apiIntervalQuery, iae.getMessage()), iae);
        return generated;

     * Generates filter objects on the based on the filter query in the api request.
     * @param filterQuery  Expects a URL filter query String in the format:
     * (dimension name).(fieldname)-(operation):[?(value or comma separated values)]?
     * @param table  The logical table for the data request
     * @param dimensionDictionary  DimensionDictionary
     * @return Set of filter objects.
     * @throws BadApiRequestException if the filter query string does not match required syntax, or the filter
     * contains a 'startsWith' or 'contains' operation while the BardFeatureFlag.DATA_STARTS_WITH_CONTAINS_ENABLED is
     * off.
    protected Map<Dimension, Set<ApiFilter>> generateFilters(String filterQuery, LogicalTable table,
            DimensionDictionary dimensionDictionary) throws BadApiRequestException {
        LOG.trace("Dimension Dictionary: {}", dimensionDictionary);
        // Set of filter objects
        Map<Dimension, Set<ApiFilter>> generated = new LinkedHashMap<>();

        // Filters are optional hence check if filters are requested.
        if (filterQuery == null || "".equals(filterQuery)) {
            return generated;

        // split on '],' to get list of filters
        List<String> apiFilters = Arrays.asList(filterQuery.split(COMMA_AFTER_BRACKET_PATTERN));
        for (String apiFilter : apiFilters) {
            ApiFilter newFilter;
            try {
                newFilter = new ApiFilter(apiFilter, table, dimensionDictionary);
            } catch (BadFilterException filterException) {
                throw new BadApiRequestException(filterException.getMessage(), filterException);

            if (!BardFeatureFlag.DATA_FILTER_SUBSTRING_OPERATIONS.isOn()) {
                FilterOperation filterOperation = newFilter.getOperation();
                if (filterOperation.equals(FilterOperation.startswith)
                        || filterOperation.equals(FilterOperation.contains)) {
                    throw new BadApiRequestException(
            Dimension dim = newFilter.getDimension();
            if (!generated.containsKey(dim)) {
                generated.put(dim, new LinkedHashSet<>());
            Set<ApiFilter> filterSet = generated.get(dim);
        LOG.trace("Generated map of filters: {}", generated);

        return generated;

     * Generates having objects based on the having query in the api request.
     * @param havingQuery  Expects a URL having query String in the format:
     * (dimension name)-(operation)[(value or comma separated values)]?
     * @param logicalMetrics  The logical metrics used in this query
     * @param metricDictionary  The metric dictionary to bind parsed metrics from the query
     * @return Set of having objects.
     * @throws BadApiRequestException if the having query string does not match required syntax.
    protected Map<LogicalMetric, Set<ApiHaving>> generateHavings(String havingQuery,
            Set<LogicalMetric> logicalMetrics, MetricDictionary metricDictionary) throws BadApiRequestException {
        LOG.trace("Metric Dictionary: {}", metricDictionary);

        // Havings are optional hence check if havings are requested.
        if (havingQuery == null || "".equals(havingQuery)) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        List<String> unmatchedMetrics = new ArrayList<>();

        // split on '],' to get list of havings
        List<String> apiHavings = Arrays.asList(havingQuery.split(COMMA_AFTER_BRACKET_PATTERN));
        Map<LogicalMetric, Set<ApiHaving>> generated = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        for (String apiHaving : apiHavings) {
            try {
                ApiHaving newHaving = new ApiHaving(apiHaving, metricDictionary);
                LogicalMetric metric = newHaving.getMetric();
                if (!logicalMetrics.contains(metric)) {
                } else {
                    generated.putIfAbsent(metric, new LinkedHashSet<>());
            } catch (BadHavingException havingException) {
                throw new BadApiRequestException(havingException.getMessage(), havingException);

        if (!unmatchedMetrics.isEmpty()) {
            throw new BadApiRequestException(

        LOG.trace("Generated map of havings: {}", generated);

        return generated;

     * Generates a Set of OrderByColumn.
     * @param apiSortQuery  Expects sort query string in the format: (metricName or dimensionName)|(sortDirection)
     * eg:pageViews|asc
     * @param logicalMetrics  Set of LogicalMetrics in the query
     * @param metricDictionary  Metric dictionary contains the map of valid metric names and logical metric objects.
     * @return a Set of OrderByColumn
     * @throws BadApiRequestException if the sort clause is invalid.
    protected LinkedHashSet<OrderByColumn> generateSortColumns(String apiSortQuery,
            Set<LogicalMetric> logicalMetrics, MetricDictionary metricDictionary) throws BadApiRequestException {
        String sortMetricName;
        List<String> metricWithDirection;
        LinkedHashSet<OrderByColumn> metricSortColumns = new LinkedHashSet<>();

        if ("".equals(apiSortQuery) || apiSortQuery == null) {
            return metricSortColumns;

        // Split on "," to get multiple sorts (if any)
        List<String> requestedSorts = Arrays.asList(apiSortQuery.split(","));

        List<String> unknownMetrics = new ArrayList<>();
        List<String> unmatchedMetrics = new ArrayList<>();
        List<String> unsortableMetrics = new ArrayList<>();

        for (String sort : requestedSorts) {
            metricWithDirection = Arrays.asList(sort.split("\\|"));
            sortMetricName = metricWithDirection.get(0);

            SortDirection sortDirection;
            try {
                sortDirection = metricWithDirection.size() == 2
                        ? SortDirection.valueOf(metricWithDirection.get(1).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH))
                        : SortDirection.DESC;
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) {
                String sortDirectionName = metricWithDirection.get(1);
                throw new BadApiRequestException(SORT_DIRECTION_INVALID.format(sortDirectionName));

            LogicalMetric logicalMetric = metricDictionary.get(sortMetricName);

            // If metric dictionary returns a null, it means the requested sort metric is not found.
            if (logicalMetric == null) {
            if (!logicalMetrics.contains(logicalMetric)) {
            if (logicalMetric.getTemplateDruidQuery() == null) {
            metricSortColumns.add(new OrderByColumn(logicalMetric, sortDirection));
        if (!unknownMetrics.isEmpty()) {
            throw new BadApiRequestException(SORT_METRICS_UNDEFINED.format(unknownMetrics.toString()));
        if (!unmatchedMetrics.isEmpty()) {
            throw new BadApiRequestException(SORT_METRICS_NOT_IN_QUERY_FORMAT.format(unmatchedMetrics.toString()));
        if (!unsortableMetrics.isEmpty()) {
            throw new BadApiRequestException(SORT_METRICS_NOT_SORTABLE_FORMAT.format(unsortableMetrics.toString()));

        return metricSortColumns;

     * Parses the requested input String by converting it to an integer, while treating null as zero.
     * @param value  The requested integer value as String.
     * @param parameterName  The parameter name that corresponds to the requested integer value.
     * @return The integer corresponding to {@code value} or zero if {@code value} is null.
     * @throws BadApiRequestException if the input String can not be parsed as an integer.
    protected int generateInteger(String value, String parameterName) throws BadApiRequestException {
        try {
            return value == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(value);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            LOG.debug(INTEGER_INVALID.logFormat(value, parameterName), nfe);
            throw new BadApiRequestException(INTEGER_INVALID.logFormat(value, parameterName), nfe);

    public DataApiRequest withFormat(ResponseFormatType format) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withPaginationParameters(Optional<PaginationParameters> paginationParameters) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withUriInfo(UriInfo uriInfo) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withBuilder(Response.ResponseBuilder builder) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withTable(LogicalTable table) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withGranularity(Granularity granularity) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withDimensions(Set<Dimension> dimensions) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withPerDimensionFields(
            LinkedHashMap<Dimension, LinkedHashSet<DimensionField>> perDimensionFields) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withLogicalMetrics(Set<LogicalMetric> logicalMetrics) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withIntervals(Set<Interval> intervals) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withFilters(Map<Dimension, Set<ApiFilter>> filters) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withFilter(Filter filter) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withHavings(Map<LogicalMetric, Set<ApiHaving>> havings) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withHaving(Having having) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withSorts(LinkedHashSet<OrderByColumn> sorts) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withCount(int count) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withTopN(int topN) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withAsyncAfter(long asyncAfter) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withTimeZone(DateTimeZone timeZone) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);

    public DataApiRequest withFilterBuilder(DruidFilterBuilder filterBuilder) {
        return new DataApiRequest(format, paginationParameters, uriInfo, builder, table, granularity, dimensions,
                perDimensionFields, logicalMetrics, intervals, filters, filter, havings, having, sorts, count, topN,
                asyncAfter, timeZone, filterBuilder);


     * Gets the filter dimensions form the given set of filter objects.
     * @return Set of filter dimensions.
    public Set<Dimension> getFilterDimensions() {
        return filters.keySet();

    public LogicalTable getTable() {
        return this.table;

    public Granularity getGranularity() {
        return this.granularity;

    public Set<Dimension> getDimensions() {
        return this.dimensions;

    public LinkedHashMap<Dimension, LinkedHashSet<DimensionField>> getDimensionFields() {
        return this.perDimensionFields;

    public Set<LogicalMetric> getLogicalMetrics() {
        return this.logicalMetrics;

    public Set<Interval> getIntervals() {
        return this.intervals;

    public Map<Dimension, Set<ApiFilter>> getFilters() {
        return this.filters;

    public Filter getFilter() {
        return this.filter;

    public Map<LogicalMetric, Set<ApiHaving>> getHavings() {
        return this.havings;

    public Having getHaving() {
        return this.having;

    public LinkedHashSet<OrderByColumn> getSorts() {
        return this.sorts;

    public OptionalInt getCount() {
        return count == 0 ? OptionalInt.empty() : OptionalInt.of(count);

    public OptionalInt getTopN() {
        return topN == 0 ? OptionalInt.empty() : OptionalInt.of(topN);

    public DateTimeZone getTimeZone() {
        return timeZone;

    public DruidFilterBuilder getFilterBuilder() {
        return filterBuilder;