Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicSessionCredentials;

public class InstanceAWSProvider implements InstanceProvider {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InstanceAWSProvider.class);

    public static final String ATTR_ACCOUNT_ID = "accountId";
    public static final String ATTR_REGION = "region";
    public static final String ATTR_PENDING_TIME = "pendingTime";
    public static final String ATTR_INSTANCE_ID = "instanceId";

    public static final String ZTS_CERT_USAGE = "certUsage";
    public static final String ZTS_CERT_USAGE_CLIENT = "client";
    public static final String ZTS_CERT_INSTANCE_ID = ".instanceid.athenz.";

    public static final String ZTS_INSTANCE_SAN_DNS = "sanDNS";
    public static final String ZTS_INSTANCE_AWS_ACCOUNT = "cloudAccount";

    public static final String AWS_PROP_PUBLIC_CERT = "athenz.zts.aws_public_cert";
    public static final String AWS_PROP_BOOT_TIME_OFFSET = "athenz.zts.aws_boot_time_offset";
    public static final String AWS_PROP_DNS_SUFFIX = "athenz.zts.aws_dns_suffix";

    PublicKey awsPublicKey = null; // AWS public key for validating instance documents
    long bootTimeOffset; // boot time offset in milliseconds
    String dnsSuffix = null;
    boolean supportRefresh = false;

    public void initialize(String provider, String providerEndpoint, KeyStore keyStore) {

        String awsCertFileName = System.getProperty(AWS_PROP_PUBLIC_CERT);
        if (awsCertFileName != null && !awsCertFileName.isEmpty()) {
            File awsCertFile = new File(awsCertFileName);
            X509Certificate awsCert = Crypto.loadX509Certificate(awsCertFile);
            awsPublicKey = awsCert.getPublicKey();

        if (awsPublicKey == null) {
            LOGGER.error("AWS Public Key not specified - no instance requests will be authorized");

        // how long the instance must be booted in the past before we
        // stop validating the instance requests

        long timeout = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
        bootTimeOffset = 1000
                * Long.parseLong(System.getProperty(AWS_PROP_BOOT_TIME_OFFSET, Long.toString(timeout)));

        // determine the dns suffix. if this is not specified we'll
        // rejecting all entries

        dnsSuffix = System.getProperty(AWS_PROP_DNS_SUFFIX);
        if (dnsSuffix == null || dnsSuffix.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.error("AWS DNS Suffix not specified - no instance requests will be authorized");

    ResourceException error(String message) {
        return error(ResourceException.FORBIDDEN, message);

    ResourceException error(int errorCode, String message) {
        return new ResourceException(errorCode, message);

    String getInstanceProperty(final Map<String, String> attributes, final String propertyName) {

        if (attributes == null) {
            LOGGER.error("getInstanceProperty: no attributes available");
            return null;

        final String value = attributes.get(propertyName);
        if (value == null) {
            LOGGER.error("getInstanceProperty: " + propertyName + " attribute not available");
            return null;

        return value;

    boolean validateAWSAccount(final String awsAccount, final String docAccount, StringBuilder errMsg) {

        if (!awsAccount.equalsIgnoreCase(docAccount)) {
            LOGGER.error("ZTS AWS Domain Lookup account id: {}", awsAccount);
            errMsg.append("mismatch between account values - instance document: ").append(docAccount);
            return false;

        return true;

    boolean validateAWSProvider(final String provider, final String region, StringBuilder errMsg) {

        if (region == null) {
            errMsg.append("no region provided in instance document");
            return false;

        final String suffix = "." + region;
        if (!provider.endsWith(suffix)) {
            errMsg.append("provider ").append(provider).append(" does not end with expected suffix ")
            return false;

        return true;

    boolean validateAWSInstanceId(final String reqInstanceId, final String docInstanceId, StringBuilder errMsg) {

        if (!reqInstanceId.equalsIgnoreCase(docInstanceId)) {
            errMsg.append("mismatch between instance-id values: request: ").append(reqInstanceId)
                    .append(" vs. instance document: ").append(docInstanceId);
            return false;

        return true;

    boolean validateAWSSignature(final String document, final String signature, StringBuilder errMsg) {

        if (signature == null || signature.isEmpty()) {
            errMsg.append("AWS instance document signature is empty");
            return false;

        if (awsPublicKey == null) {
            errMsg.append("AWS Public key is not available");
            return false;

        boolean valid = false;
        try {
            valid = Crypto.validatePKCS7Signature(document, signature, awsPublicKey);
        } catch (CryptoException ex) {
            errMsg.append("verifyInstanceDocument: unable to verify AWS instance document: ");

        return valid;

    boolean validateAWSDocument(final String provider, AWSAttestationData info, final String awsAccount,
            final String instanceId, StringBuilder errMsg) {

        final String document = info.getDocument();
        if (!validateAWSSignature(document, info.getSignature(), errMsg)) {
            return false;

        // convert our document into a struct that we can extract data

        Struct instanceDocument = JSON.fromString(document, Struct.class);
        if (instanceDocument == null) {
            errMsg.append("Unable to parse identity document");
            LOGGER.error("Identity Document: {}", document);
            return false;

        if (!validateAWSProvider(provider, instanceDocument.getString(ATTR_REGION), errMsg)) {
            return false;

        // verify that the account lookup and the account in the document match

        if (!validateAWSAccount(awsAccount, instanceDocument.getString(ATTR_ACCOUNT_ID), errMsg)) {
            return false;

        // verify the request has the expected account id

        final String infoInstanceId = getInstanceId(info, instanceDocument);
        if (!validateAWSInstanceId(instanceId, infoInstanceId, errMsg)) {
            return false;

        // verify that the boot up time for the instance is now

        if (!validateInstanceBootTime(instanceDocument, errMsg)) {
            return false;

        return true;

    String getInstanceId(AWSAttestationData info, Struct instanceDocument) {
        return instanceDocument.getString(ATTR_INSTANCE_ID);

    boolean validateInstanceBootTime(Struct instanceDocument, StringBuilder errMsg) {

        // first check to see if the boot time enforcement is enabled

        if (bootTimeOffset <= 0) {
            return true;

        Timestamp bootTime = Timestamp.fromString(instanceDocument.getString(ATTR_PENDING_TIME));
        if (bootTime.millis() < System.currentTimeMillis() - bootTimeOffset) {
            errMsg.append("Instance boot time is not recent enough: ");
            return false;

        return true;

    boolean validateCertRequestHostnames(final Map<String, String> attributes, final String domain,
            final String service, StringBuilder instanceId) {

        // make sure we have valid dns suffix specified

        if (dnsSuffix == null || dnsSuffix.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.error("No AWS DNS suffix specified for validation");
            return false;

        // first check to see if we're given any hostnames to validate
        // if the list is empty then something is not right thus we'll
        // reject the request

        final String hostnames = getInstanceProperty(attributes, ZTS_INSTANCE_SAN_DNS);
        if (hostnames == null || hostnames.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.error("Request contains no SAN DNS entries for validation");
            return false;

        // generate the expected hostname for check

        final String hostNameCheck = service + "." + domain.replace('.', '-') + "." + dnsSuffix;

        // validate the entries

        boolean hostCheck = false;
        boolean instanceIdCheck = false;

        String[] hosts = hostnames.split(",");

        // we only allow two hostnames in our AWS CSR:
        // service.<domain-with-dashes>.<dns-suffix>
        // <instance-id>.instanceid.athenz.<dns-suffix>

        if (hosts.length != 2) {
            LOGGER.error("Request does not contain expected number of SAN DNS entries: {}", hosts.length);
            return false;

        for (String host : hosts) {

            int idx = host.indexOf(ZTS_CERT_INSTANCE_ID);
            if (idx != -1) {
                instanceId.append(host.substring(0, idx));
                if (!dnsSuffix.equals(host.substring(idx + ZTS_CERT_INSTANCE_ID.length()))) {
                    LOGGER.error("Host: {} does not have expected instance id format", host);
                    return false;

                instanceIdCheck = true;
            } else {
                if (!hostNameCheck.equals(host)) {
                    LOGGER.error("Unable to verify SAN DNS entry: {}", host);
                    return false;
                hostCheck = true;

        // report error cases separately for easier debugging

        if (!instanceIdCheck) {
            LOGGER.error("Request does not contain expected instance id SAN DNS entry");
            return false;

        if (!hostCheck) {
            LOGGER.error("Request does not contain expected host SAN DNS entry");
            return false;

        return true;

    public InstanceConfirmation confirmInstance(InstanceConfirmation confirmation) {

        AWSAttestationData info = JSON.fromString(confirmation.getAttestationData(), AWSAttestationData.class);

        final Map<String, String> instanceAttributes = confirmation.getAttributes();
        final String instanceDomain = confirmation.getDomain();
        final String instanceService = confirmation.getService();

        // before doing anything else we want to make sure our
        // object has an associated aws account id

        final String awsAccount = getInstanceProperty(instanceAttributes, ZTS_INSTANCE_AWS_ACCOUNT);
        if (awsAccount == null) {
            throw error("Unable to extract AWS Account id");

        // validate that the domain/service given in the confirmation
        // request match the attestation data

        final String serviceName = instanceDomain + "." + instanceService;
        if (!serviceName.equals(info.getRole())) {
            throw error("Service name mismatch: " + info.getRole() + " vs. " + serviceName);

        // validate the certificate host names

        StringBuilder instanceId = new StringBuilder(256);
        if (!validateCertRequestHostnames(instanceAttributes, instanceDomain, instanceService, instanceId)) {
            throw error("Unable to validate certificate request hostnames");

        // validate our document against given signature

        StringBuilder errMsg = new StringBuilder(256);
        if (!validateAWSDocument(confirmation.getProvider(), info, awsAccount, instanceId.toString(), errMsg)) {
            LOGGER.error("validateAWSDocument: {}", errMsg.toString());
            throw error("Unable to validate AWS document: " + errMsg.toString());

        // set the attributes received from the server


        // verify that the temporary credentials specified in the request
        // can be used to assume the given role thus verifying the
        // instance identity

        if (!verifyInstanceIdentity(info, awsAccount)) {
            throw error("Unable to verify instance identity credentials");

        return confirmation;

    public InstanceConfirmation refreshInstance(InstanceConfirmation confirmation) {

        // if we don't have an attestation data then we're going to
        // return not found exception unless the provider is required
        // to support refresh and in that case we'll return forbidden

        final String attestationData = confirmation.getAttestationData();
        if (attestationData == null || attestationData.isEmpty()) {
            int errorCode = supportRefresh ? ResourceException.FORBIDDEN : ResourceException.NOT_FOUND;
            throw error(errorCode, "No attestation data provided");

        AWSAttestationData info = JSON.fromString(attestationData, AWSAttestationData.class);

        final Map<String, String> instanceAttributes = confirmation.getAttributes();
        final String instanceDomain = confirmation.getDomain();
        final String instanceService = confirmation.getService();

        // before doing anything else we want to make sure our
        // object has an associated aws account id

        final String awsAccount = getInstanceProperty(instanceAttributes, ZTS_INSTANCE_AWS_ACCOUNT);
        if (awsAccount == null) {
            throw error("Unable to extract AWS Account id");

        // validate that the domain/service given in the confirmation
        // request match the attestation data

        final String serviceName = instanceDomain + "." + instanceService;
        if (!serviceName.equals(info.getRole())) {
            throw error("Service name mismatch: " + info.getRole() + " vs. " + serviceName);

        // reset the attributes received from the server


        // verify that the temporary credentials specified in the request
        // can be used to assume the given role thus verifying the
        // instance identity

        if (!verifyInstanceIdentity(info, awsAccount)) {
            throw error("Unable to verify instance identity credentials");

        return confirmation;

    void setConfirmationAttributes(InstanceConfirmation confirmation) {

        // reset the attributes received from the server


    AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient getInstanceClient(AWSAttestationData info) {

        String access = info.getAccess();
        if (access == null || access.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.error("getInstanceClient: No access key id available in instance document");
            return null;

        String secret = info.getSecret();
        if (secret == null || secret.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.error("getInstanceClient: No secret access key available in instance document");
            return null;

        String token = info.getToken();
        if (token == null || token.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.error("getInstanceClient: No token available in instance document");
            return null;

        BasicSessionCredentials creds = new BasicSessionCredentials(access, secret, token);
        return new AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient(creds);

    public boolean verifyInstanceIdentity(AWSAttestationData info, final String awsAccount) {

        GetCallerIdentityRequest req = new GetCallerIdentityRequest();

        try {
            AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient client = getInstanceClient(info);
            if (client == null) {
                LOGGER.error("verifyInstanceIdentity - unable to get AWS STS client object");
                return false;

            GetCallerIdentityResult res = client.getCallerIdentity(req);
            if (res == null) {
                LOGGER.error("verifyInstanceIdentity - unable to get caller identity");
                return false;

            String arn = "arn:aws:sts::" + awsAccount + ":assumed-role/" + info.getRole() + "/";
            if (!res.getArn().startsWith(arn)) {
                LOGGER.error("verifyInstanceIdentity - ARN mismatch - request: {} caller-idenity: {}", arn,
                return false;

            return true;

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOGGER.error("CloudStore: verifyInstanceIdentity - unable get caller identity: {}", ex.getMessage());
            return false;