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 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.Mapping;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Column;
import org.hibernate.mapping.ForeignKey;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Index;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PrimaryKey;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Property;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Table;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.xwiki.component.annotation.Component;
import org.xwiki.logging.LoggerManager;
import org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReference;
import org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReferenceResolver;
import org.xwiki.model.reference.EntityReferenceSerializer;

import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiConfig;
import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext;
import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException;
import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.DeletedAttachment;
import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiAttachment;
import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument;
import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiLink;
import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.rcs.XWikiRCSNodeInfo;
import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.BaseObject;
import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.BaseObjectReference;
import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.BaseProperty;
import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.DBStringListProperty;
import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.DateProperty;
import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.DoubleProperty;
import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.FloatProperty;
import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.IntegerProperty;
import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.LargeStringProperty;
import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.LongProperty;
import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.StringListProperty;
import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.StringProperty;
import com.xpn.xwiki.stats.impl.DocumentStats;
import com.xpn.xwiki.stats.impl.RefererStats;
import com.xpn.xwiki.stats.impl.VisitStats;
import com.xpn.xwiki.stats.impl.XWikiStats;
import com.xpn.xwiki.util.Util;

 * Migration for XWIKI-6990 Reduce the likelihood of having same (hibernate) document id for different documents.
 * This data migration convert document ID to a new hash algorithm.
 * @version $Id: 0fb75263035323002ae1ac41bcd96c94b3cb488f $
 * @since 4.0M1
public class R40000XWIKI6990DataMigration extends AbstractHibernateDataMigration {
    /** Document classes to migrate, using the document id in the first column of their key. */
    private static final Class<?>[] DOC_CLASSES = new Class<?>[] { XWikiDocument.class, XWikiRCSNodeInfo.class,
            XWikiLink.class };

    /** Document related classes to migrate, using a property docId without FK information. */
    private static final Class<?>[] DOCLINK_CLASSES = new Class<?>[] { XWikiAttachment.class,
            DeletedAttachment.class };

    /** Property classes to migrate, using the object id in the first column of their key. */
    private static final Class<?>[] PROPERTY_CLASS = new Class<?>[] { DateProperty.class,
            DBStringListProperty.class, DoubleProperty.class, FloatProperty.class, IntegerProperty.class,
            LargeStringProperty.class, LongProperty.class, StringListProperty.class, StringProperty.class,
            BaseProperty.class };

    /** Statistics classes to migrate. (ID is the stats identifier) */
    private static final Class<?>[] STATS_CLASSES = new Class<?>[] { DocumentStats.class, RefererStats.class,
            VisitStats.class };

    /** Mark internal mapping. */
    private static final String INTERNAL = "internal";

    /** Stub statistic class used to compute new ids from existing objects. */
    private static class StatsIdComputer extends XWikiStats {
        /** Name of the statistic. */
        private String name;

        /** Number of the statistic. */
        private int number;

         * Return the new identifier for a statistic having given name and number.
         * @param name the name of the statistic
         * @param number the number of the statistic
         * @return the hash to use for the new id of the statistic
        public long getId(String name, int number) {
   = name;
            this.number = number;
            return super.getId();

        public String getName() {

        public int getNumber() {
            return this.number;

     * Specialized HibernateCallback for id conversion.
    private interface IdConversionHibernateCallback extends HibernateCallback<Object> {
         * Set the new identifier.
         * @param newId the new identifier
        void setNewId(long newId);

         * Set the old identifier.
         * @param oldId the old identifier
        void setOldId(long oldId);

     * Base class for hibernate callback to convert identifier.
    private abstract static class AbstractUpdateHibernateCallback implements HibernateCallback<Object> {
        /** Place holder for new id. */
        protected static final String NEWID = "newid";

        /** Place holder for old id. */
        protected static final String OLDID = "oldid";

        /** The new identifier. */
        protected Session session;

        /** The current timer. */
        public int timer;

        public Object doInHibernate(Session session) {
            timer = 0;
            this.session = session;
            this.session = null;
            return null;

         * Implement this method to execute an update.
        public abstract void doUpdate();

     * Base implementation of the hibernate callback to convert identifier using individual updates (safe-mode).
    private abstract static class AbstractIdConversionHibernateCallback extends AbstractUpdateHibernateCallback
            implements IdConversionHibernateCallback {
        /** Name for the id column. */
        public static final String ID = "id";

        /** Name for the subid column. */
        public static final String IDID = "";

        /** Name for the docid column. */
        public static final String DOCID = "docId";

        /** The old identifier. */
        private long oldId;

        /** The new identifier. */
        private long newId;

        public void setNewId(long newId) {
            this.newId = newId;

        public void setOldId(long oldId) {
            this.oldId = oldId;

        public void doUpdate() {

         * Implement this method to execute a single ID update using {@code executeIdUpdate()}.
        public abstract void doSingleUpdate();

         * Update object id in a given field for a given object class.
         * @param klass the class of the persisted object
         * @param field the field name of the persisted object
         * @return the time elapsed during the operation
        public long executeIdUpdate(Class<?> klass, String field) {
            return executeIdUpdate(klass.getName(), field);

         * Update object id in a given field of a given table.
         * @param name the entity name of the table
         * @param field the field name of the column
         * @return the time elapsed during the operation
        public long executeIdUpdate(String name, String field) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
            sb.append("update ").append(name).append(" klass set klass.").append(field).append('=').append(':')
                    .append(NEWID).append(" where klass.").append(field).append('=').append(':').append(OLDID);
            long now = System.nanoTime();
            this.session.createQuery(sb.toString()).setLong(NEWID, this.newId).setLong(OLDID, this.oldId)
            return System.nanoTime() - now;

         * Update object id in a given native field of a given native table.
         * @param name the native name of the table
         * @param field the native name of the column
         * @return the time elapsed during the operation
        public long executeSqlIdUpdate(String name, String field) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
            sb.append("UPDATE ").append(name).append(" SET ").append(field).append('=').append(':').append(NEWID)
                    .append(" WHERE ").append(field).append('=').append(':').append(OLDID);
            long now = System.nanoTime();
            this.session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString()).setLong(NEWID, this.newId).setLong(OLDID, this.oldId)
            return System.nanoTime() - now;

     * Base implementation of the hibernate callback to convert identifier using bulk updates.
    private abstract class AbstractBulkIdConversionHibernateCallback extends AbstractUpdateHibernateCallback {
        /** Name for the temporary entity name. */
        private static final String TEMPENTITY = "XWikiIdMigration";

        /** Name for the temporary table. */
        private static final String TEMPTABLE = "xwikiidmigration";

        /** Name for the old id column. */
        private static final String OLDIDCOL = "XWM_OLDID";

        /** Name for the new id column. */
        private static final String NEWIDCOL = "XWM_NEWID";

        /** Insert statement. */
        private String insertStatement;

        public void doUpdate() {




         * @return a Configuration containing the entity for the temporary table.
        private Configuration getTempTableMapping() {
            Configuration hibconfig = new Configuration();
            return hibconfig;

         * @return an XML description of the temporary table for hibernate.
        private String makeTempTableMapping() {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(2000);

            sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" + "<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC\n")
                    .append("\t\"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN\"\n")
                    .append("<hibernate-mapping>").append("<class entity-name=\"").append(TEMPENTITY)
                    .append("\" table=\"").append(TEMPTABLE).append("\">\n").append(" <id name=\"").append(OLDID)
                    .append("\" type=\"long\" unsaved-value=\"any\">\n").append("   <column name=\"")
                    .append(OLDIDCOL).append("\" not-null=\"true\" ")
                    .append((isOracle) ? "sql-type=\"integer\" " : "")
                    .append("/>\n   <generator class=\"assigned\" />\n").append(" </id>\n")
                    .append("<property name=\"").append(NEWID).append("\" type=\"long\"");

            if (isOracle) {
                sb.append(">\n").append("<column name=\"").append(NEWIDCOL).append("\" sql-type=\"integer\" />\n")
            } else {
                sb.append(" column=\"").append(NEWIDCOL).append("\" not-null=\"true\" />\n");


            return sb.toString();

         * Create the temporary table using hibernate to obtain the creation string.
        private void createTemporaryTable() {
            Configuration tempConfig = getTempTableMapping();
            Mapping mapping = tempConfig.buildMapping();
            PersistentClass pClass = tempConfig.getClassMapping(TEMPENTITY);
            if (!logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            try {
                session.createSQLQuery(pClass.getTable().sqlTemporaryTableCreateString(dialect, mapping))
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                logger.debug("unable to create temporary id migration table [{}]", t.getMessage());
            } finally {
                if (!logger.isDebugEnabled()) {

         * Delete all rows in the temporary table, we never know, it may be reused, and drop it if required.
        private void dropTemporaryTable() {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
            sb = new StringBuilder(128);

            sb.append("DELETE FROM ").append(TEMPTABLE);

            if (dialect.dropTemporaryTableAfterUse()) {
                sb = new StringBuilder(128);
                sb.append("DROP TABLE ").append(TEMPTABLE);

                if (!logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    logger.debug("unable to drop temporary id migration table [{}]", t.getMessage());
                } finally {
                    if (!logger.isDebugEnabled()) {

         * Build the insert statement into the temporary table and store it for future use.
        private void prepareInsertStatement() {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
            sb.append("INSERT INTO ").append(TEMPTABLE).append(" (").append(OLDIDCOL).append(',').append(NEWIDCOL)
                    .append(')').append(" VALUES (:").append(OLDID).append(",:").append(NEWID).append(')');

            insertStatement = sb.toString();

         * Implement this method to execute a bulk ID update using {@code executeSqlIdUpdate()}.
        public abstract void doBulkIdUpdate();

         * Insert all ids from the provided map into the temporary table.
         * @param map map of two long with the oldid as key, and the new id as value
         * @return the time elapsed.
        public long insertIdUpdates(Map<Long, Long> map) {
            long elapsedTime = 0;
            for (Map.Entry<Long, Long> entry : map.entrySet()) {
                elapsedTime += executeSqlIdInsert(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            return elapsedTime;

         * Execute an insert in the temporary table.
         * @param oldId the old id to use as key
         * @param newId the new id to be used for replacement
         * @return the time elapsed
        private long executeSqlIdInsert(long oldId, long newId) {
            long now = System.nanoTime();
            session.createSQLQuery(insertStatement).setLong(OLDID, oldId).setLong(NEWID, newId).executeUpdate();
            return System.nanoTime() - now;

         * Execute an update of all ids in the temporary table in the provided table.
         * @param name name of the table to update.
         * @param field name of the column to convert.
         * @return the time elpased
        public long executeSqlIdUpdate(String name, String field) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
            if (isMySQL) {
                // MySQL does not support multiple references to a temporary table in a single statement but support
                // this non-standard SQL syntax with a single reference to the temporary table
                sb.append("UPDATE ").append(name).append(" t, ").append(TEMPTABLE).append(" m").append(" SET t.")
                        .append(field).append('=').append("m.").append(NEWIDCOL).append(" WHERE t.").append(field)
            } else if (isMSSQL) {
                // MS-SQL does not support aliases on updated table, but support inner joins during updates
                sb.append("UPDATE ").append(name).append(" SET ").append(field).append('=').append("m.")
                        .append(NEWIDCOL).append(" FROM ").append(name).append(" AS [t] INNER JOIN ")
                        .append(TEMPTABLE).append(" AS [m] ON (t.").append(field).append('=').append("m.")
            } else {
                sb.append("UPDATE ").append(name).append(" t SET ").append(field).append('=').append("(SELECT m.")
                        .append(NEWIDCOL).append(" FROM ").append(TEMPTABLE).append(" m WHERE t.").append(field)
                        .append('=').append("m.").append(OLDIDCOL).append(')').append(" WHERE t.").append(field)
                        .append(" IN (SELECT ").append(OLDIDCOL).append(" FROM ").append(TEMPTABLE).append(')');
            long now = System.nanoTime();
            return System.nanoTime() - now;

     * A callback interface for processing custom mapped classes.
    private interface CustomMappingCallback {
         * Callback to process a custom mapped class.
         * @param store the hibernate store
         * @param name the name of the Xclass
         * @param mapping the custom mapping of the Xclass
         * @param hasDynamicMapping true if dynamic mapping is activated
         * @throws com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException if an error occurs during processing.
        void processCustomMapping(XWikiHibernateStore store, String name, String mapping, boolean hasDynamicMapping)
                throws XWikiException;

    /** Statistics ids computer. */
    private StatsIdComputer statsIdComputer = new StatsIdComputer();

     * Logger.
    private Logger logger;

    /** LoggerManager to suspend logging during normal faulty SQL operation. */
    private LoggerManager loggerManager;

    /** Resolve document names. */
    private DocumentReferenceResolver<String> resolver;

    /** Serialize references to identifiers. */
    private EntityReferenceSerializer<String> serializer;

    /** Counter for change log rules. */
    private int logCount;

    /** True if migrating MySQL. */
    private boolean isMySQL;

    /** True if migrating MySQL tables using MyISAM engine. */
    private boolean isMySQLMyISAM;

    /** True if migrating Oracle database. */
    private boolean isOracle;

    /** True if migrating Microsoft SQL server database. */
    private boolean isMSSQL;

    /** Tables in which update of foreign keys will be cascade from primary keys by a constraints. */
    private Set<Table> fkTables = new HashSet<Table>();

    /** Hold the current store configuration. */
    private Configuration configuration;

    /** Hold the current database dialect. */
    private Dialect dialect;

    public String getDescription() {
        return "Convert document IDs to use the new improved hash algorithm.";

    public XWikiDBVersion getVersion() {
        return new XWikiDBVersion(40000);

     * Log progress of the migration procedure at info level.
     * @param message the message to log
     * @param params some params, that will be inserted using String.format
    private void logProgress(String message, Object... params) {
        if (params.length > 0) {
  "[{}] - {}", getName(), String.format(message, params));
        } else {
  "[{}] - {}", getName(), message);

     * Calls callback for each custom mapped XClass defined. If needed, the mapping is added and injected at the end of
     * the processing into the hibernate session factory.
     * @param store the hibernate store
     * @param callback the callback to be called
     * @param context th current XWikiContext
     * @throws XWikiException when an unexpected error occurs
    private void processCustomMappings(final XWikiHibernateStore store, final CustomMappingCallback callback,
            final XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException {
        if (store.executeRead(context, new HibernateCallback<Boolean>() {
            public Boolean doInHibernate(Session session) throws XWikiException {
                boolean hasProcessedMapping = false;
                try {
                    boolean hasDynamicMapping = context.getWiki().hasDynamicCustomMappings();
                    SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader();
                    List<Object[]> results = session
                            .createQuery("select doc.fullName, doc.xWikiClassXML from "
                                    + XWikiDocument.class.getName() + " as doc where (doc.xWikiClassXML like '<%')")

                    // Inspect all defined classes for custom mapped ones...
                    for (Object[] result : results) {
                        String docName = (String) result[0];
                        String classXML = (String) result[1];

                        Element el = StringReader(classXML)).getRootElement()

                        String mapping = (el != null) ? el.getText() : "";

                        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mapping) && "XWiki.XWikiPreferences".equals(docName)) {
                            mapping = INTERNAL;

                        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mapping)) {
                            hasProcessedMapping |= (!INTERNAL.equals(mapping) && hasDynamicMapping
                                    && store.injectCustomMapping(docName, mapping, context));
                            callback.processCustomMapping(store, docName, mapping, hasDynamicMapping);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new XWikiException(XWikiException.MODULE_XWIKI_STORE,
                            XWikiException.ERROR_XWIKI_STORE_MIGRATION, getName() + " migration failed", e);
                return hasProcessedMapping;
        })) {

     * Generic procedure to convert identifiers with some protection against conflicting ids.
     * @param map the conversion map
     * @param callback the callback implementing the hibernate actions
     * @throws XWikiException if an error occurs during convertion
    private void convertDbId(final Map<Long, Long> map, IdConversionHibernateCallback callback)
            throws XWikiException {
        int count = map.size() + 1;
        while (!map.isEmpty() && count > map.size()) {
            count = map.size();
            for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Long>> it = map.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                Map.Entry<Long, Long> entry =;

                if (!map.containsKey(entry.getValue())) {

                    try {
                        getStore().executeWrite(getXWikiContext(), callback);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new XWikiException(XWikiException.MODULE_XWIKI_STORE,
                                getName() + " migration failed while converting ID from [" + entry.getKey()
                                        + "] to [" + entry.getValue() + "]",

        if (!map.isEmpty()) {
            throw new XWikiException(XWikiException.MODULE_XWIKI_STORE, XWikiException.ERROR_XWIKI_STORE_MIGRATION,
                    getName() + " migration failed. Unresolved circular reference during id migration.");

     * Retrieve the list of table that store collections of the provided persisted class, and that need to be manually
     * updated, since no cascaded update has been added for them.
     * @param pClass the persisted class to analyse
     * @return a list of dual string, the first is the table name, and the second is the key in that table.
    private List<String[]> getCollectionProperties(PersistentClass pClass) {
        List<String[]> list = new ArrayList<String[]>();

        if (pClass != null) {
            for (org.hibernate.mapping.Collection coll : getCollection(pClass)) {
                Table collTable = coll.getCollectionTable();
                if (!this.fkTables.contains(collTable)) {
                    list.add(new String[] { collTable.getName(), getKeyColumnName(coll) });

        return list;

     * Retrieve the list of table that store collections of the provided persisted class.
     * @param pClass the persisted class to analyse
     * @param all if false, return only collection that need manual updates,
     *            see {@link #getCollectionProperties(PersistentClass pClass)}
     * @return a list of dual string, the first is the table name, and the second is the key in that table.
    private List<String[]> getCollectionProperties(PersistentClass pClass, boolean all) {
        List<String[]> list = new ArrayList<String[]>();

        if (pClass != null) {
            for (org.hibernate.mapping.Collection coll : getCollection(pClass)) {
                Table collTable = coll.getCollectionTable();
                if (all || !this.fkTables.contains(collTable)) {
                    list.add(new String[] { collTable.getName(), getKeyColumnName(coll) });

        return list;

     * Retrieve the list of collection properties of the provided persisted class.
     * @param pClass the persisted class to analyse
     * @return a list of hibernate collections
    private List<org.hibernate.mapping.Collection> getCollection(PersistentClass pClass) {
        List<org.hibernate.mapping.Collection> list = new ArrayList<org.hibernate.mapping.Collection>();

        if (pClass != null) {
            Iterator<Property> it = pClass.getPropertyIterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Property property =;
                if (property.getType().isCollectionType()) {
                    list.add((org.hibernate.mapping.Collection) property.getValue());

        return list;

     * get all table to process, including collections if needed.
     * @param className the persistent class
     * @return a list of pair of table name and key field name.
     * @throws DataMigrationException on failure
    private List<String[]> getAllTableToProcess(String className) throws DataMigrationException {
        return getAllTableToProcess(className, null);

     * get hibernate mapping of the given class or entity name.
     * @param className the class or entity name
     * @return a list of pair of table name and the property field name.
     * @throws DataMigrationException if mapping cannot be found
    private PersistentClass getClassMapping(String className) throws DataMigrationException {
        PersistentClass pClass = configuration.getClassMapping(className);

        if (pClass == null) {
            throw new DataMigrationException(
                    String.format("Could not migrate IDs for class [%s] : no hibernate mapping found. "
                            + "For example, this error commonly happens if you have copied a document defining an internally "
                            + "mapped class (like XWiki.XWikiPreferences) and never used the newly created class OR if you "
                            + "have forgotten to customize the hibernate mapping while using your own internally custom mapped "
                            + "class. In the first and most common case, to fix this issue and migrate your wiki, you should "
                            + "delete the offending and useless class definition or the whole document defining that class "
                            + "from your original wiki before the migration.", className));

        return pClass;

     * get all table to process, including collections if needed.
     * @param className the class or entity name
     * @param propertyName the name of the property for which the column name is returned
     * @return a list of pair of table name and the property field name.
     * @throws DataMigrationException on failure
    private List<String[]> getAllTableToProcess(String className, String propertyName)
            throws DataMigrationException {
        return getAllTableToProcess(getClassMapping(className), propertyName);

     * get all table to process, including collections if needed.
     * @param pClass the persistent class
     * @param propertyName the name of the property for which the column name is returned
     * @return a list of pair of table name and the property field name.
    private List<String[]> getAllTableToProcess(PersistentClass pClass, String propertyName) {
        List<String[]> list = new ArrayList<String[]>();

        // Add collection table that will not be updated by cascaded updates

        // Skip classes that will be updated by cascaded updates
        if (!this.fkTables.contains(pClass.getTable())) {
            list.add(new String[] { pClass.getTable().getName(), getColumnName(pClass, propertyName) });
        return list;

     * get name of the first column of the key of a given collection property.
     * @param coll the collection property
     * @return the column name of the key
    private String getKeyColumnName(org.hibernate.mapping.Collection coll) {
        return ((Column) coll.getKey().getColumnIterator().next()).getName();

     * get name of the first column of the key of a given pClass.
     * @param pClass the persistent class
     * @return the column name of the key
    private String getKeyColumnName(PersistentClass pClass) {
        return getColumnName(pClass, null);

    * get column name (first one) of a property of the given pClass.
    * @param pClass the persistent class
    * @param propertyName the name of the property, or null to return the first column of the key
    * @return the column name of the property
    private String getColumnName(PersistentClass pClass, String propertyName) {
        if (propertyName != null) {
            return ((Column) pClass.getProperty(propertyName).getColumnIterator().next()).getName();
        return ((Column) pClass.getKey().getColumnIterator().next()).getName();

    public void hibernateMigrate() throws DataMigrationException, XWikiException {
        final Map<Long, Long> docs = new HashMap<Long, Long>();
        final List<String> customMappedClasses = new ArrayList<String>();
        final Map<Long, Long> objs = new HashMap<Long, Long>();
        final Queue<Map<Long, Long>> stats = new LinkedList<Map<Long, Long>>();

        // Get ids conversion list
        getStore().executeRead(getXWikiContext(), new HibernateCallback<Object>() {
            private void fillDocumentIdConversion(Session session, Map<Long, Long> map) {
                String database = getXWikiContext().getWikiId();
                List<Object[]> results = session
                        .createQuery("select,,, doc.defaultLanguage, doc.language from "
                                + XWikiDocument.class.getName() + " as doc")

                for (Object[] result : results) {
                    long oldId = (Long) result[0];
                    String space = (String) result[1];
                    String name = (String) result[2];
                    String defaultLanguage = (String) result[3];
                    String language = (String) result[4];

                    // Use a real document, since we need the language to be appended.
                    // TODO: Change this when the locale is integrated
                    XWikiDocument doc = new XWikiDocument(new DocumentReference(database, space, name));
                    long newId = doc.getId();

                    if (oldId != newId) {
                        map.put(oldId, newId);

                logProgress("Retrieved %d document IDs to be converted.", map.size());

            private void fillObjectIdConversion(Session session, Map<Long, Long> map) {
                List<Object[]> results = session
                        .createQuery("select,, obj.className, obj.number from "
                                + BaseObject.class.getName() + " as obj")
                for (Object[] result : results) {
                    long oldId = (Long) result[0];
                    String docName = (String) result[1];
                    String className = (String) result[2];
                    Integer number = (Integer) result[3];

                    BaseObjectReference objRef = new BaseObjectReference(
                            R40000XWIKI6990DataMigration.this.resolver.resolve(className), number,
                    long newId = Util.getHash(R40000XWIKI6990DataMigration.this.serializer.serialize(objRef));

                    if (oldId != newId) {
                        map.put(oldId, newId);

                logProgress("Retrieved %d object IDs to be converted.", map.size());

            private void fillCustomMappingMap(XWikiHibernateStore store, XWikiContext context)
                    throws XWikiException {
                processCustomMappings(store, new CustomMappingCallback() {
                    public void processCustomMapping(XWikiHibernateStore store, String name, String mapping,
                            boolean hasDynamicMapping) throws XWikiException {
                        if (INTERNAL.equals(mapping) || hasDynamicMapping) {
                }, context);

                logProgress("Retrieved %d custom mapped classes to be processed.", customMappedClasses.size());

            private void fillStatsConversionMap(Session session, Class<?> klass, Map<Long, Long> map) {
                List<Object[]> results = session
                                "select,, stats.number from " + klass.getName() + " as stats")
                for (Object[] result : results) {
                    long oldId = (Long) result[0];
                    String statsName = (String) result[1];
                    Integer number = (Integer) result[2];

                    // Do not try to convert broken records which would cause duplicated ids
                    if (statsName != null && !statsName.startsWith(".") && !statsName.endsWith(".")) {
                        long newId = R40000XWIKI6990DataMigration.this.statsIdComputer.getId(statsName, number);

                        if (oldId != newId) {
                            map.put(oldId, newId);
                    } else {
                        logger.debug("Skipping invalid statistical entry [{}] with name [{}]", oldId, statsName);

                String klassName = klass.getName().substring(klass.getName().lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                logProgress("Retrieved %d %s statistics IDs to be converted.", map.size(),
                        klassName.substring(0, klassName.length() - 5).toLowerCase());

            public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws XWikiException {
                try {
                    fillDocumentIdConversion(session, docs);

                    fillObjectIdConversion(session, objs);

                    // Retrieve custom mapped classes
                    if (getStore() instanceof XWikiHibernateStore) {
                        fillCustomMappingMap((XWikiHibernateStore) getStore(), getXWikiContext());

                    // Retrieve statistics ID conversion
                    for (Class<?> statsClass : STATS_CLASSES) {
                        Map<Long, Long> map = new HashMap<Long, Long>();
                        fillStatsConversionMap(session, statsClass, map);

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new XWikiException(XWikiException.MODULE_XWIKI_STORE,
                            XWikiException.ERROR_XWIKI_STORE_MIGRATION, getName() + " migration failed", e);
                return null;

        // Cache the configuration and the dialect
        configuration = getStore().getConfiguration();
        dialect = configuration.buildSettings().getDialect();

        // Check configuration for safe mode
        XWikiConfig config = getXWikiContext().getWiki().getConfig();
        /* True if migration should use safe but slower non-bulk native updates. */
        boolean useSafeUpdates = "1"
                .equals(config.getProperty("" + this.getName() + ".safemode", "0"));

        // Use safe mode if the database has no temporary table supported by hibernate
        useSafeUpdates = useSafeUpdates || !configuration.buildSettings().getDialect().supportsTemporaryTables();

        // Proceed to document id conversion
        if (!docs.isEmpty()) {
            if (!useSafeUpdates) {
                // Pair table,key for table that need manual updates
                final List<String[]> tableToProcess = new ArrayList<String[]>();

                for (Class<?> docClass : DOC_CLASSES) {
                for (Class<?> docClass : DOCLINK_CLASSES) {
                    tableToProcess.addAll(getAllTableToProcess(docClass.getName(), "docId"));

                logProgress("Converting %d document IDs in %d tables...", docs.size(), tableToProcess.size());

                final long[] times = new long[tableToProcess.size() + 1];
                try {
                    getStore().executeWrite(getXWikiContext(), new AbstractBulkIdConversionHibernateCallback() {
                        public void doBulkIdUpdate() {
                            times[timer++] += insertIdUpdates(docs);

                            for (String[] table : tableToProcess) {
                                times[timer++] += executeSqlIdUpdate(table[0], table[1]);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new XWikiException(XWikiException.MODULE_XWIKI_STORE,
                            XWikiException.ERROR_XWIKI_STORE_MIGRATION, getName() + " migration failed", e);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    int timer = 0;
                    logger.debug("Time elapsed for inserts: {} ms", times[timer++] / 1000000);

                    for (String[] table : tableToProcess) {
                        logger.debug("Time elapsed for {} table: {} ms", table[0], times[timer++] / 1000000);
            } else {
                final List<String[]> docsColl = new ArrayList<String[]>();
                for (Class<?> docClass : DOC_CLASSES) {
                for (Class<?> docClass : DOCLINK_CLASSES) {

                logProgress("Converting %d document IDs in %d tables and %d collection tables...", docs.size(),
                        DOC_CLASSES.length + DOCLINK_CLASSES.length, docsColl.size());

                final long[] times = new long[DOC_CLASSES.length + DOCLINK_CLASSES.length + docsColl.size()];
                convertDbId(docs, new AbstractIdConversionHibernateCallback() {
                    public void doSingleUpdate() {
                        for (String[] coll : docsColl) {
                            times[timer++] += executeSqlIdUpdate(coll[0], coll[1]);

                        for (Class<?> doclinkClass : DOCLINK_CLASSES) {
                            times[timer++] += executeIdUpdate(doclinkClass, DOCID);
                        times[timer++] += executeIdUpdate(XWikiLink.class, DOCID);
                        times[timer++] += executeIdUpdate(XWikiRCSNodeInfo.class, ID + '.' + DOCID);
                        times[timer++] += executeIdUpdate(XWikiDocument.class, ID);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    int timer = 0;
                    for (String[] coll : docsColl) {
                        logger.debug("Time elapsed for {} collection: {} ms", coll[0], times[timer++] / 1000000);
                    for (Class<?> doclinkClass : DOCLINK_CLASSES) {
                        logger.debug("Time elapsed for {} class: {} ms", doclinkClass.getName(),
                                times[timer++] / 1000000);
                    logger.debug("Time elapsed for {} class: {} ms", XWikiRCSNodeInfo.class.getName(),
                            times[timer++] / 1000000);
                    logger.debug("Time elapsed for {} class: {} ms", XWikiDocument.class.getName(),
                            times[timer++] / 1000000);
            logProgress("All document IDs has been converted successfully.");
        } else {
            logProgress("No document IDs to convert, skipping.");

        // Proceed to object id conversion
        if (!objs.isEmpty()) {
            if (!useSafeUpdates) {
                // Pair table,key for table that need manual updates
                final List<String[]> tableToProcess = new ArrayList<String[]>();

                PersistentClass objklass = getClassMapping(BaseObject.class.getName());

                for (Class<?> propertyClass : PROPERTY_CLASS) {
                for (String customClass : customMappedClasses) {
                tableToProcess.add(new String[] { objklass.getTable().getName(), getKeyColumnName(objklass) });

                logProgress("Converting %d object IDs in %d tables...", objs.size(), tableToProcess.size());

                final long[] times = new long[tableToProcess.size() + 1];
                try {
                    getStore().executeWrite(getXWikiContext(), new AbstractBulkIdConversionHibernateCallback() {
                        public void doBulkIdUpdate() {
                            times[timer++] += insertIdUpdates(objs);

                            for (String[] table : tableToProcess) {
                                times[timer++] += executeSqlIdUpdate(table[0], table[1]);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new XWikiException(XWikiException.MODULE_XWIKI_STORE,
                            XWikiException.ERROR_XWIKI_STORE_MIGRATION, getName() + " migration failed", e);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    int timer = 0;
                    logger.debug("Time elapsed for inserts: {} ms", times[timer++] / 1000000);

                    for (String[] table : tableToProcess) {
                        logger.debug("Time elapsed for {} table: {} ms", table[0], times[timer++] / 1000000);
            } else {
                // Name of classes that need manual updates
                final List<String> classToProcess = new ArrayList<String>();
                // Name of custom classes that need manual updates
                final List<String> customClassToProcess = new ArrayList<String>();
                // Pair table,key for collection table that need manual updates
                final List<String[]> objsColl = new ArrayList<String[]>();

                for (Class<?> propertyClass : PROPERTY_CLASS) {
                    String className = propertyClass.getName();
                    PersistentClass klass = getClassMapping(className);

                    // Add collection table that will not be updated by cascaded updates

                    // Skip classes that will be updated by cascaded updates
                    if (!this.fkTables.contains(klass.getTable())) {
                for (String customClass : customMappedClasses) {
                    PersistentClass klass = getClassMapping(customClass);

                    // Add collection table that will not be updated by cascaded updates

                    // Skip classes that will be updated by cascaded updates
                    if (!this.fkTables.contains(klass.getTable())) {

                        "Converting %d object IDs in %d tables, %d custom mapped tables and %d collection tables...",
                        objs.size(), classToProcess.size() + 1, customClassToProcess.size(), objsColl.size());

                final long[] times = new long[classToProcess.size() + 1 + customClassToProcess.size()
                        + objsColl.size()];
                convertDbId(objs, new AbstractIdConversionHibernateCallback() {
                    public void doSingleUpdate() {
                        for (String[] coll : objsColl) {
                            times[timer++] += executeSqlIdUpdate(coll[0], coll[1]);

                        for (String customMappedClass : customClassToProcess) {
                            times[timer++] += executeIdUpdate(customMappedClass, ID);

                        for (String propertyClass : classToProcess) {
                            times[timer++] += executeIdUpdate(propertyClass, IDID);

                        times[timer++] += executeIdUpdate(BaseObject.class, ID);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    int timer = 0;
                    for (String[] coll : objsColl) {
                        logger.debug("Time elapsed for {} collection: {} ms", coll[0], times[timer++] / 1000000);
                    for (String customMappedClass : customClassToProcess) {
                        logger.debug("Time elapsed for {} custom table: {} ms", customMappedClass,
                                times[timer++] / 1000000);
                    for (String propertyClass : classToProcess) {
                        logger.debug("Time elapsed for {} property table: {} ms", propertyClass,
                                times[timer++] / 1000000);
                    logger.debug("Time elapsed for {} class: {} ms", BaseObject.class.getName(),
                            times[timer++] / 1000000);
            logProgress("All object IDs has been converted successfully.");
        } else {
            logProgress("No object IDs to convert, skipping.");

        // Proceed to statistics id conversions
        for (final Class<?> statsClass : STATS_CLASSES) {

            Map<Long, Long> map = stats.poll();
            String klassName = statsClass.getName().substring(statsClass.getName().lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
            klassName = klassName.substring(0, klassName.length() - 5).toLowerCase();

            if (!map.isEmpty()) {
                if (!useSafeUpdates) {
                    final List<String[]> tableToProcess = new ArrayList<String[]>();
                    final Map<Long, Long> statids = map;

                    PersistentClass statklass = getClassMapping(statsClass.getName());
                            .add(new String[] { statklass.getTable().getName(), getKeyColumnName(statklass) });

                    logProgress("Converting %d %s statistics IDs in %d tables...", map.size(), klassName,

                    final long[] times = new long[tableToProcess.size() + 1];
                    try {
                        getStore().executeWrite(getXWikiContext(), new AbstractBulkIdConversionHibernateCallback() {
                            public void doBulkIdUpdate() {
                                times[timer++] += insertIdUpdates(statids);

                                for (String[] table : tableToProcess) {
                                    times[timer++] += executeSqlIdUpdate(table[0], table[1]);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new XWikiException(XWikiException.MODULE_XWIKI_STORE,
                                XWikiException.ERROR_XWIKI_STORE_MIGRATION, getName() + " migration failed", e);
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        int timer = 0;
                        logger.debug("Time elapsed for inserts: {} ms", times[timer++] / 1000000);

                        for (String[] table : tableToProcess) {
                            logger.debug("Time elapsed for {} table: {} ms", table[0], times[timer++] / 1000000);
                } else {
                    final List<String[]> statsColl = new ArrayList<String[]>();

                    logProgress("Converting %d %s statistics IDs in 1 tables and %d collection tables...",
                            map.size(), klassName, statsColl.size());

                    final long[] times = new long[statsColl.size() + 1];
                    convertDbId(map, new AbstractIdConversionHibernateCallback() {
                        public void doSingleUpdate() {
                            for (String[] coll : statsColl) {
                                times[timer++] += executeSqlIdUpdate(coll[0], coll[1]);
                            times[timer++] += executeIdUpdate(statsClass, ID);
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        int timer = 0;
                        for (String[] coll : statsColl) {
                            logger.debug("Time elapsed for {} collection: {} ms", coll[0],
                                    times[timer++] / 1000000);
                        logger.debug("Time elapsed for {} class: {} ms", statsClass.getName(),
                                times[timer++] / 1000000);
                logProgress("All %s statistics IDs has been converted successfully.", klassName);
            } else {
                logProgress("No %s statistics IDs to convert, skipping.", klassName);

     * Append a drop primary key constraint command for the given table.
     * @param sb append the result into this string builder
     * @param table the table
    private void appendDropPrimaryKey(StringBuilder sb, Table table) {
        final String tableName = table.getName();
        String pkName = table.getPrimaryKey().getName();

        // MS-SQL require a constraints name, and the one provided from the mapping is necessarily appropriate
        // since during database creation, that name has not been used, and a name has been assigned by the
        // database itself. We need to retrieve that name from the schema.
        if (this.isMSSQL) {
            try {
                pkName = getStore().failSafeExecuteRead(getXWikiContext(), new HibernateCallback<String>() {
                    public String doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException {
                        // Retrieve the constraint name from the database
                        return (String) session
                                        + " WHERE TABLE_NAME = :tableName AND CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY'")
                                .setString("tableName", tableName).uniqueResult();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // ignored since it is really unlikely to happen
                logger.debug("Fail retrieving the primary key constraints name", e);

        sb.append("    <dropPrimaryKey tableName=\"").append(tableName);

        if (pkName != null) {
            sb.append("\"  constraintName=\"").append(pkName);


     * Append a add primary key constraint command for the given table.
     * @param sb append the result into this string builder
     * @param table the table name
    private void appendAddPrimaryKey(StringBuilder sb, Table table) {
        PrimaryKey pk = table.getPrimaryKey();
        String pkName = pk.getName();

        sb.append("    <addPrimaryKey tableName=\"").append(table.getName()).append("\"  columnNames=\"");

        Iterator<Column> columns = pk.getColumnIterator();
        while (columns.hasNext()) {
            Column column =;
            if (columns.hasNext()) {

        if (pkName != null) {
            sb.append("\"  constraintName=\"").append(pkName);


     * Append a drop index command for the given index.
     * @param sb append the result into this string builder
     * @param index the index
    private void appendDropIndex(StringBuilder sb, Index index) {
        sb.append("    <dropIndex indexName=\"").append(index.getName()).append("\"  tableName=\"")

     * Append a add index command for the given index.
     * @param sb append the result into this string builder
     * @param index the index
    private void appendAddIndex(StringBuilder sb, Index index) {
        sb.append("    <createIndex tableName=\"").append(index.getTable().getName()).append("\"  indexName=\"")

        Iterator<Column> columns = index.getColumnIterator();
        while (columns.hasNext()) {
            Column column =;
            sb.append("      <column name=\"").append(column.getName()).append("\"/>\n");


     * Append a modify data type to BIGINT command for the given column and table.
     * @param sb append the result into this string builder
     * @param table the table name
     * @param column the column name
    private void appendModifyColumn(StringBuilder sb, String table, String column) {
        sb.append("    <modifyDataType tableName=\"").append(table).append("\"  columnName=\"").append(column)
                .append("\" newDataType=\"BIGINT\"/>\n");

        // MS-SQL drop the NOT NULL constraints while modifying datatype, so we add it back
        if (this.isMSSQL) {
            sb.append("    <addNotNullConstraint tableName=\"").append(table).append("\"  columnName=\"")
                    .append(column).append("\" columnDataType=\"BIGINT\"/>\n");

     * Create liquibase change log to modify the column type to BIGINT.
     * If the database is MSSQL, drop PK constraints and indexes during operation.
     * @param sb append the result into this string builder
     * @param table the table name
     * @param column the column name
    private void appendDataTypeChangeLog(StringBuilder sb, Table table, String column) {
        String tableName = table.getName();

        sb.append("  <changeSet id=\"R").append(this.getVersion().getVersion()).append('-')
                .append(Util.getHash(String.format("modifyDataType-%s-%s", table, column)))
                .append("\" author=\"xwiki\">\n").append("    <comment>Upgrade identifier [").append(column)
                .append("] from table [").append(tableName).append("] to BIGINT type</comment >\n");

        // MS-SQL require that primary key constraints and all indexes related to the changed column be dropped before
        // changing the column type.
        if (this.isMSSQL) {
            if (table.hasPrimaryKey()) {
                appendDropPrimaryKey(sb, table);

            // We drop all index related to the table, this is overkill, but does not hurt
            for (@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
            Iterator<Index> it = table.getIndexIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                Index index =;
                appendDropIndex(sb, index);

        appendModifyColumn(sb, tableName, column);

        // Add back dropped PK constraints and indexes for MS-SQL
        if (this.isMSSQL) {
            if (table.hasPrimaryKey()) {
                appendAddPrimaryKey(sb, table);

            for (@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
            Iterator<Index> it = table.getIndexIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                Index index =;
                appendAddIndex(sb, index);

        sb.append("  </changeSet>\n");

     * Append change log to fix identifier type of a given persistent class. Collection table storing properties of this
     * persistent class will also be updated.
     * @param sb the string builder to append to
     * @param pClass the persistent class to process
    private void appendDataTypeChangeLogs(StringBuilder sb, PersistentClass pClass) {
        if (pClass != null) {
            appendDataTypeChangeLog(sb, pClass.getTable(), getKeyColumnName(pClass));

            // Update identifiers in ALL collection tables
            for (org.hibernate.mapping.Collection coll : getCollection(pClass)) {
                appendDataTypeChangeLog(sb, coll.getCollectionTable(), getKeyColumnName(coll));

     * Check that a table contains at least a foreign key that refer to a primary key in its reference table.
     * @param table the table to analyse
     * @return true if the table contains at least a FK that refer to a PK
    private boolean checkFKtoPKinTable(Table table) {
        Iterator<ForeignKey> fki = table.getForeignKeyIterator();
        while (fki.hasNext()) {
            ForeignKey fk =;
            if (fk.isReferenceToPrimaryKey()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Retrieve a list of tables used to store the given persistent class, that need to be processed for FK constraints.
     * The list include the main table use to persist the class, if this table has FK, as well as, all the collection
     * table used for storing this persisted class properties.
     * @param pClass the persistent class to analyze
     * @return a list of table
    private List<Table> getForeignKeyTables(PersistentClass pClass) {
        List<Table> list = new ArrayList<Table>();

        if (pClass != null) {
            Table table = pClass.getTable();
            if (checkFKtoPKinTable(table)) {

            Iterator<Property> it = pClass.getPropertyIterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Property property =;
                if (property.getType().isCollectionType()) {
                    org.hibernate.mapping.Collection coll = (org.hibernate.mapping.Collection) property.getValue();
                    Table collTable = coll.getCollectionTable();
                    if (checkFKtoPKinTable(collTable)) {

        return list;

     * Append commands to drop all foreign keys of a given table.
     * @param sb the string builder to append to
     * @param table the table to process
    private void appendDropForeignKeyChangeLog(StringBuilder sb, Table table) {
        Iterator<ForeignKey> fki = table.getForeignKeyIterator();

        // Preamble
        String tableName = table.getName();
        sb.append("  <changeSet id=\"R").append(this.getVersion().getVersion()).append('-')
                .append(Util.getHash(String.format("dropForeignKeyConstraint-%s", tableName)))
                .append("\" author=\"xwiki\" runOnChange=\"true\" runAlways=\"true\" failOnError=\"false\">\n")
                .append("    <comment>Drop foreign keys on table [").append(tableName).append("]</comment>\n");

        // Concrete Property types should each have a foreign key referencing the BaseProperty
        // Other classes don't have any foreign keys at all, in which case the fast exit path above was used
        while (fki.hasNext()) {
            ForeignKey fk =;
            // Drop the old constraint
            if (fk.isReferenceToPrimaryKey()) {
                sb.append("    <dropForeignKeyConstraint baseTableName=\"").append(tableName)
                        .append("\" constraintName=\"").append(fk.getName()).append("\" />\n");
        // All done!
        sb.append("  </changeSet>\n");

     * Append change log to add foreign keys with CASCADEd updates.
     * @param sb the string builder to append to the add tasks
     * @param table the table to process
    private void appendAddForeignKeyChangeLog(StringBuilder sb, Table table) {
        Iterator<ForeignKey> fki = table.getForeignKeyIterator();

        // Preamble
        String tableName = table.getName();
        sb.append("  <changeSet id=\"R").append(this.getVersion().getVersion()).append('-')
                .append(Util.getHash(String.format("addForeignKeyConstraint-%s", tableName)))
                .append("\" author=\"xwiki\" runOnChange=\"true\" runAlways=\"true\">\n")
                .append("    <comment>Add foreign keys on table [").append(tableName)
                .append("] to use ON UPDATE CASCADE</comment>\n");

        // Concrete Property types should each have a foreign key referencing the BaseProperty
        // Other classes don't have any foreign keys at all, in which case the fast exit path above was used
        while (fki.hasNext()) {
            ForeignKey fk =;

            if (fk.isReferenceToPrimaryKey()) {
                // Recreate the constraint
                sb.append("    <addForeignKeyConstraint constraintName=\"").append(fk.getName())
                        .append("\" baseTableName=\"").append(tableName).append("\"  baseColumnNames=\"");

                // Reuse the data from the old foreign key
                // Columns in the current table
                Iterator<Column> columns = fk.getColumnIterator();
                while (columns.hasNext()) {
                    Column column =;
                    if (columns.hasNext()) {
                sb.append("\" referencedTableName=\"").append(fk.getReferencedTable().getName())
                        .append("\" referencedColumnNames=\"");

                // Columns in the referenced table
                columns = fk.getReferencedTable().getPrimaryKey().getColumnIterator();
                while (columns.hasNext()) {
                    Column column =;
                    if (columns.hasNext()) {

                // The important part: cascaded updates
                if (this.isOracle) {
                    // Oracle doesn't support cascaded updates, but allow the constraint to be checked
                    // at the commit level (normal checking is done at the statement level).
                    sb.append("\" initiallyDeferred=\"true\"/>\n");
                } else {
                    sb.append("\" onUpdate=\"CASCADE\"/>\n");
        // All done!
        sb.append("  </changeSet>\n");

     * Detect database products and initialize isMySQLMyISAM and isOracle.
     * isMySQLMyISAM is true if the xwikidoc table use the MyISAM engine in MySQL, false otherwise or on any failure.
     * isOracle is true if the we access an Oracle database.
     * @param store the store to be checked
    private void detectDatabaseProducts(XWikiHibernateBaseStore store) {
        DatabaseProduct product = store.getDatabaseProductName();
        if (product != DatabaseProduct.MYSQL) {
            this.isOracle = (product == DatabaseProduct.ORACLE);
            this.isMSSQL = (product == DatabaseProduct.MSSQL);

        isMySQL = true;

        String createTable = store.failSafeExecuteRead(getXWikiContext(), new HibernateCallback<String>() {
            public String doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException {
                Query query = session.createSQLQuery("SHOW TABLE STATUS like 'xwikidoc'");
                return (String) ((Object[]) query.uniqueResult())[1];

        this.isMySQLMyISAM = (createTable != null && createTable.equals("MyISAM"));

    public String getLiquibaseChangeLog() throws DataMigrationException {
        final XWikiHibernateBaseStore store = getStore();
        configuration = store.getConfiguration();
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(12000);
        final List<PersistentClass> classes = new ArrayList<PersistentClass>();


        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            if (this.isOracle) {
                        "Oracle database detected, proceeding to all updates manually with deferred constraints.");
            if (this.isMySQL && !this.isMySQLMyISAM) {
                        "MySQL innoDB database detected, proceeding to simplified updates with cascaded updates.");
            if (this.isMySQLMyISAM) {
                        "MySQL MyISAM database detected, proceeding to all updates manually without constraints.");
            if (this.isMSSQL) {
                        "Microsoft SQL Server database detected, proceeding to simplified updates with cascaded u"
                                + "pdates. During data type changes, Primary Key constraints and indexes are temporarily dropped.");

        // Build the list of classes to check for updates
        for (Class<?> klass : PROPERTY_CLASS) {
        for (Class<?> klass : STATS_CLASSES) {

        // Initialize the counter of Change Logs
        this.logCount = 0;

        // Manual updates of PK and FK will fails if any FK constraints are active on these keys in most decent DBs.
        // Since Hibernate does not activate cascaded updates, we need to rewrite FK constrains. Moreover, some DBs
        // does not allow changing field types of fields involved in FK constraints, so we will drop FK constraints
        // during type updates.
        // Since FK constraints does not fail in MySQL on a MyISAM table, but MyISAM do not support FK constraints, and
        // do not prevent type changes, we skip all this processing for MySQL table stored using the MyISAM engine.
        if (!this.isMySQLMyISAM) {
            for (PersistentClass klass : classes) {

        // Drop all FK constraints
        for (Table table : this.fkTables) {
            appendDropForeignKeyChangeLog(sb, table);

        // Process internal classes
        for (PersistentClass klass : classes) {
            // The same table mapped for StringListProperty and LargeStringProperty
            if (klass.getMappedClass() != StringListProperty.class) {
                // Update key types
                appendDataTypeChangeLogs(sb, klass);

        // Process dynamic and custom mapping
        final XWikiContext context = getXWikiContext();

        try {
            processCustomMappings((XWikiHibernateStore) store, new CustomMappingCallback() {
                public void processCustomMapping(XWikiHibernateStore store, String name, String mapping,
                        boolean hasDynamicMapping) throws XWikiException {
                    if (INTERNAL.equals(mapping) || hasDynamicMapping) {
                        PersistentClass klass = configuration.getClassMapping(name);
                        if (!R40000XWIKI6990DataMigration.this.isMySQLMyISAM) {
                            List<Table> tables = getForeignKeyTables(klass);
                            for (Table table : tables) {
                                if (!R40000XWIKI6990DataMigration.this.fkTables.contains(table)) {
                                    // Drop FK constraints for custom mapped class
                                    appendDropForeignKeyChangeLog(sb, table);

                        // Update key types for custom mapped class
                        appendDataTypeChangeLogs(sb, klass);
            }, context);
        } catch (XWikiException e) {
            throw new DataMigrationException("Unable to process custom mapped classes during schema updated", e);

        // Add FK constraints back, activating cascaded updates
        for (Table table : this.fkTables) {
            appendAddForeignKeyChangeLog(sb, table);

        // Oracle doesn't support cascaded updates, so we still need to manually update each table
        if (this.isOracle) {

        logProgress("%d schema updates required.", this.logCount);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("About to execute this Liquibase XML: {}", sb.toString());
        return sb.toString();